Sandstorm & Boomie vs Cody Travis & Phazon - Grand Final - BCX Doubles 2020 - 2v2 NA
Video Statistics and Information
Channel: Brawlhalla
Views: 409,013
Rating: 4.9419341 out of 5
Keywords: Brawlhalla, Brawlhalla Official, Blue Mammoth Games, bh, bmg, games, twitch, brawl, fgc, videogame, video game, fighting, playstation, ps4, xbox, xbox one, xb1, xbone, nintendo switch, switch, nintendo, pc, bh official, brawlhalla gameplay, brawallah, braehalla, brawlhala, brawhalla, brawl halla, sandstorm, boomie, cody travis, phazon, rick, the walking dead, barraza, hattori, lara croft, diana, jaeyun, north america, world championship, brawlhalla esports, brawlhalla competitive, brawlhalla tournament, bcx
Id: Vmdrpr5mWDQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 45sec (2325 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 18 2020
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