How Many Clothes I Own As A Minimalist I Counting All Of My Wardrobe Items I Minimalism

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hi guys welcome back to my channel and if you're new here welcome my name is Isabelle and my channel is all about minimalism finances and saving money and today I'm so excited and so curious because finally I'm going to count all of my wardrobe items which I wanted to do for so many months because I'm so curious I did count my belongings I think one or two years ago and I think the figure was above 100 items so as you know if you know my channel I did some major decluttering in the the past few months or in the past year so I'm quite curious if I was able to decrease this amount of clothing items that's why I'm very curious and yeah we'll see what the final result is so what I'm going to count today is what I did also the last time is just I'm counting all of my wum items but I won't count shoes underwears accessories and jackets so I know that this might be not so usual if people count their belongings but for me I don't I'm a minimalist but I don't have just five pandies so I think my underwear collection is a bit more um when it comes to shoes I did show you my shoes and when it comes to jackets I think it's probably six jackets that I own and accessory I'm not so sure um I think I will show you my my bags and and my scars one day in a collection or just in a video when I'm declutching maybe my bag collection it's also not that much actually I think the biggest part here is probably my underwear or my shoe collection but just for you to know I will count just all of the Wardrobe items exclusive shoes accessories underwear and jackets and I also if you know my decluttering videos I also have a bigger pile of quarantine or maybe items which I also have in the apartment but I won't count them when I'm counting my clothing items just because I think I didn't collect anything out of my quarantine box so I will probably almost declat all of it not so sure but I'm just in my mind it's like already done and decluttered maybe not all of it but most of it or at least maybe all of it will be declat as well so I won't count this box because it's not really a part of my wardrobe now I don't use the stuff that's in there so I don't count the Wardrobe the quarantine items today so that's when it comes to counting and I think now we can start okay guys so um I never showed you like our full apartment but I'm planning to do so one day if we reach um a few thousand people but still we are kind of in the dressing room I hope the sound is okay because it's quite an echo I feel like but this is kind of a dressing room that we have it's um between the sleeping room and the bathroom and we just you know dress here and here are most of my clothes I'll have some in the bedroom as well but I will show you later on but for now I'm ready to go [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] okay so I have the feeling it's already most of it is already dresses and I would be curious how many cloths my boyfriend has because as you can see like half of the this is just stuff from my boyfriend so this used to be my clothing rack hanging rack for just my stuff but as you can see I almost ow nothing and no space of it um for now so almost everything is just stuff of my boyfriend but that's another story but I have the feeling that still it's already a lot of dresses but it's nothing new if you know my channel so this is kind of the Wardrobe with we have together um I have I know I don't have like a real shoe um how do you say shoe dresser or something like that so I have some some of my shoes in here which do not um fit um in the in the other part of the apartment when you come in there's um a drawer but not not all of my shoes um fit in there so I have some shoes and some accessories I have my bikinis and my scarves and accessories down here and some of my bags and then here we have our clothes together and I need to show you this as you can see there are a lot of um clothes from my boyfriend so also here he just owns the place I don't know if you can look at if you look at our um wardrobe it's like do I really live here or is is it just my boyfriend I don't know but as you can see it's all his and this small part is for from me so yeah let's continue counting my [Music] stuff okay so guys this is um everything that I have in here like in the um dresser and in the drawers and here hanging um in the the Wardrobe and the closet so um I have some stuff left that's in my um in the sleeping room so we are going to count that as well and then I have to check all of the laundry and everything that's kind of in between here and so and then I have also and then I also have to check the laundry or everything that's just um in the cleaner for cleaning so that's what I'm also going to count okay guys so I think this is it for here this dressing room so I counted everything that's in the drawers everything that's here hanging and the dress is behind my back so I counted everything in here and then I have some stuff in the sleeping room which I'm counting now so there's all of my fitness um home office home wear stuff so this is also quite a lot so I'm going to count that in the sleeping room and then I have to check everything that's in the laundry for cleaning so I won't forget anything and I also need to count what I'm wearing right now so this is what I'm going to do too one pants and one shirt okay okay you guys so I want to be real with you and honest so I just want to show you my drawer here in the bedroom where I collect like my home wear and my home office and my walking for outside stuff so everything that I'm not wearing for going out is here in this drawer in the bedroom and I just wanted to show you this chaos so as you can see I just throw the stuff in there after it's um it was washed so I just wanted to show you that yes I'm also not always tidy and clean and everything so my drawers in um in our dressing room are usually um organized but in here this is my chaos drawer where I just throw stuff in there because I'm just wearing it for walking outside or for wearing at home anyway and it's often times just Leisure wear for wearing at home so it doesn't get um so it doesn't matter if it's like organized to to me at least I want to be better with this but this is just this this is just the reality and the truth so I just wanted to show you that I also um don't have like an always organized home and all of my drawers are also not organized so as you can see um I'm a bit chaotic sometimes and now I just um will count this stuff as well and then we're ready okay you guys I'm done counting everything together and I actually can't believe the figure the finer figure um I didn't expect this kind of number so I'm just I can't believe it I'm I'm a bit shocked right now honestly I'm thinking about like did I forgot some clothes in the basement and the laundry that I didn't count but I'm quite sure that I didn't forget anything in the laundry because I just went yesterday or so to just pick it up and hang it in the wardrobe so there's nothing in the basement but it's just like the figure is lower than I thought it would be and that's why I'm thinking like did I forg a pile of clothes somewhere and the final figure is actually you guys 75 things and I know if I would count jackets accessories um underwear within this of course we will we will be at more than 100 items but I think the last thing the last time I counted was around 125 items so um and I also didn't count like underwear jackets back then so yeah when you count all of it it still is a lot of course but I can't believe it like we have four seasons here in South Germany so I need to have like as I told before in my videos you need everything here yeah like you need to have really summer clothes you need to have clothes when it when it's rainy and when it's really cold so you need everything because of the Four Seasons and 75 items seems to seems not to be that much seems not that much to me for um using it for Four Seasons and I can't believe that I was able to trim my wardrobe down to 75 items this is amazing because I don't know I don't have footage back then several years ago but I just had such a huge closet full of stuff I had Pils and PS of clothes so this is really um I don't know I'm a bit Pride proud proud of myself because this is amazing to me honestly 75 is so great so I want to say a little bit to the figures um or to the CATE categories itself so um when I don't separate I mean I have a bit of a separation between clothes for working and for going outside and then clothes that I wear in the home office when I walk outside in nature Etc so for chilling Etc so when I don't separate this clothes in two parts the biggest categories actually shirts with 21 with these are shirts with um smaller or longer sleeves and the second category biggest category is sweaters with 18 and then the third category category is dresses with 17 so these are the biggest categories actually in my wardrobe um but yeah in the sum I have around 22 items when it comes for wearing at home and going for a walk like leggings tis Etc AO clothes and around 53 is clothing that's for going out for being in the office Etc so actually almost um half of it of my clothes is for wearing at home which kind of makes sense because I have two home office days each week and um I'm walking a lot outside in nature like every day so it makes sense that this category is probably bigger than it was several years ago but yeah this is it 75 in the sum that is amazing and I still have a lot of dresses um but this figure also was higher when I counted last time so yeah um I have two tops that are sleeveless I have three jeans I think this is not correct I think it's 405 but maybe I changed that with leggings and tight so let's say um four or five jeans and three or four leggings and tights and then I have two skirts left one shorts two um vests V vests I think you call it and one blouse because I decluttered some blouses as you might know oh and I forgot my two Blazers um I didn't forget when I was counting so the Blazers are in the 75 wardrobe items but I forgot to tell you like this as a category because when you saw my last decluttering video I just don't wear my blazers that much anymore so they're just hanging in the basement so I have just more space up here in my wardrobe but um still I'm I'm wearing things sometimes for work of course when I have um important meetings or interviews but I forgot just to mention this category so it's two Blazers actually and then for home wear I have seven sweaters 11 shirts and two dresses so these dresses are just very comfortable just for wearing at home in the summer and for doing a grocery haul Etc so in the some 75 which is amazing to me when I think about the huge Pilots I used to own when it comes to clothes yeah this is amazing but I'm really curious what you will say about this figure in the comments if you think that it's way that is a lot of stuff still or if you think okay wow this is this is really not so much when it comes to um South Germany living in forest Seasons um maybe you have more maybe you have less I would be very curious what you will say if or if you never counted your clothes maybe because you're scared how much it will be or is or maybe it's just not important to you but I just wanted to know like kind of where I'm at at my minimalism journey and yeah just how much clothes I own and when you saw the footage like you see that it's not so much clothes hanging in my wardrobe so I was just curious about the figure and to be honest still clothing items and kitchen wear or stuff I need in the kitchen or for baking still is I think the biggest categories overall in my apartment or in my life so that's also shows like my interest and my hobbies so I still enjoy clothes very very much um I still enjoy you know making myself a bit pretty when we going out for a dinner or something or eating out I just enjoyed it and I also really love cooking and baking so this kind of shows where my interest is so that's perfectly fine for me but I'm curious what you will say in the comments if you think it's a lot if you think it's not that much let me know and then I hope to see you in my next video Until then take care of yourself thank you so much for watching as always and I hope to see you then take care bye-bye
Channel: Isabel turns the page
Views: 1,474
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Tiny wardrobe, Minimalism, closet tour, Decluttering, 10 item wardrobe, capsule wardrobe, ultra minimalist, minimal closet, how many things as minimalist, Minimalist Closet
Id: luePiZkw6so
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 29sec (989 seconds)
Published: Sat May 18 2024
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