How Many Citizenships Can You Have? (& Ones You CAN'T Have)

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A good video on the different ways citizenship is acquired as well as other fun facts.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Thurii1 📅︎︎ Apr 21 2022 🗫︎ replies
hello i'm toy cat and welcome back to my second channel video there are over 190 nations on earth that will allow you to become a citizen if you meet certain criteria in fact you can become a citizen of more than one nation on earth and this raises the question of what even is a citizenship then it's even more weird when you dive into countries like the us where some people are willing to go through great lengths risking their life to become a citizen of that country while some people will spend thousands of dollars just to relinquish that very same citizenship a citizenship probably isn't something that's come up a great deal in your life probably hasn't affected yours all too much so why do people care about it so much what even is that very citizenship and most importantly of all how do you actually get it because that third question is also interesting because almost every country has slightly different rules about what does and doesn't make you a citizen and so that's something i wanted to dive into with today's video which i hope you all enjoy but we're going to start with the back to basics explanation of where does citizenship even come from because just like democracy it basically traces all the way back to the ancient greek city-states that's always the first point you dive into and it does come from a similar you know like a vein from the right to vote so uh you've probably heard the fun fact that like oh yeah in the olden days only uh rich uh you know men could vote and that was about it and the truth is yeah that is correct if you look at the ancient greek city-states you had to be not only a man but also usually a wealthy man to be able to become a citizen and so to be able to vote however that's only half the equation being a citizen wasn't seen as this great good thing uh back in the day it was actually a balance of rights and responsibilities in exchange for the right to vote and to decide on your country you know that was a very no idea at the time you had to also fund that country by paying taxes you only have to pay taxes as being a citizen and also you had to you know potentially protect that country by enrolling in the military service so if you weren't willing to protect and you weren't willing to pay for your country you didn't get to have a say in it so the logic makes sense when you're inventing the concept from scratch however although uh you know the democracy and to the more important point of citizenship was only available to a small percentage of the ancient greek state nowadays if you look at the earth more than 99 of humans are a citizen of some country it doesn't matter what age you are it doesn't matter what background you are and it doesn't matter how much money you have uh if you are a human you're probably a citizen of some nation the reason i say 99 is because there are some stateless people which is a fun topic for another time we're going to push off the side but just trust me when i say that you are a citizen of the country almost certainly and take me for example i am a citizen of the united kingdom of great britain and northern ireland why am i a citizen why am i uh british you could say well you know i have about 50 of my ancestry coming from this country and i was born in this country and i spent my childhood uh you know around it so it makes sense that you would call me british maybe i don't know i assume you do and uh that therefore you might say like oh yeah it's obvious you're british so you're a british citizen however governments don't have this oh it's obvious for all it's always very strict written down things so um the way a government sees you as being british is if you are born to british parents and although this is uh that this is uh called just sanguine rule of blood it's the most common way that countries around the world decide if you're a citizen if you're you know like based on something so if you're born uh to german parents you are german even if you're born to german parents in the united kingdom that is how they will determine citizenship however this is where things get a little bit fun because the second rule because that applies to basically every country in the earth if you're born to two american parents you'll become an american even if you're born in the united kingdom born to two uk parents but in the united states of america you'll become an american fun fact this is why the current prime minister of the uk boris johnson is or used to be an american until he spent the thousands to relinquish his citizenship so fun fact for you but even more fun fact for you is the fact that you to become a united states citizen you don't have to have american parents instead what you can do is use the just solely so uh just sanguini was rule of blood just solely uh or right of blood i think it is uh just sully is right of soil all you have to do to become an american citizen or a canadian citizen or a mexican or a peruvian or a brazilian you get the point even a pakistani citizen is you have to be born on that nation's soil um sometimes there's the weird caveat of legally being there but basically being born in the united states of america let's say at the united states hospital will make you an american citizen and so this means there's the very interesting uh fact uh here in my opinion that if you have a j if you have german parents who happen to have you while you're in the united states you will be german by your parents via just sanguine and you'll be uh american via the soil which is the united states soil and so because uh you know that it doesn't have to be an accident it can happen on purpose too if your parents are german immigrants let's say then you would become german and american because obviously german via your parents american via the country you live in and the reason that this is true you'll notice it lines up the the solid blue countries line up very closely with the new world these countries basically had to be made on immigrants uh you know again if you don't have americans to make americans you have to bring people in to make those very same americans and so the rules are slightly laxa in those sorts of countries so yeah uh to become an american be born in america to become canadian be born in canada and so this means the fun fact is that if you're born uh your your place of birth really matters in a huge way when it comes to some of these countries and in fact it matters in such a huge way that there are whole places you know a lot of people try to have american children is what you might expect but uh the one that uh nomad capitalists recommend the one that is recommended if you just want to give your child a head start is give your child citizenship brazilian citizenship by having them be born there all you got to do is go to brazil for a few months uh there's a whole guide about this by the way there's multiple ones of these brazil doesn't even really care it's like sure yeah if you if you want to have your child be born here feel free to and then they'll get themself what i believe is called an a minus passport like a passport that gives you a fair few um you know benefits in my opinion and so yeah if you want also by the way if you give birth to a child you then have residency in brazil via link to that child so it's even more interesting but yeah basically um being born in a blue country is a cool benefit um america is a weird exception that people choose not to sometimes but again uh we can dive into that another time so yeah the dark blue countries are that and then the light blue countries is there are some restrictions and then the even lighter blue countries like india is where they had it at some point and then decided ooh that's a bad idea overall and decided to get rid of it so what exactly are those restrictions i'm glad you didn't ask internet so according to this um the united kingdom where i live at least one parent must be a british citizen or legally settled in the country on or upon the 10th birthday of the child regardless of the parent citizenship status so even let's say my parents were two were an american and a canadian and they had me in the united kingdom while they were here in a tourist visa and then they just like overstayed it for ten years that would not be valid they had one of them has to be legally settled here you know they can the the american parent can leave the canadian parent and they they can go through the the process and then i would become british regardless i don't know why i used my parents so i just use a child as this example i i you know that is how it works in the uk but the one that's most interesting okay you know this this is like nerdy citizenship stuff but look at ireland ireland uh had to uh amended their law in 2005 to require at least one parents being irish citizenship so one parent being irish citizen a british citizen or a resident with permanent right to reside in ireland or northern ireland and um the reason they had to do this is because of chen versus the home secretary was an eu case um because uh you know catherine zoo was uh born in belfast to chinese parents they were both chinese citizens who were just living in wales part of the uk and they decided so that their child could reside in the uk because the uk if you go back to uh the rules on our citizenship you have to be legally settled there on the 10th birthday and again it's a whole thing or again that's not what they would have been so what they decided to do is go to belfast which is part of the uk but infers you irish citizenship and so they went to belfast where they the child wouldn't get a british citizenship because obviously the united kingdom abandoned uh just sully however ireland had not yet abandoned it which means that by being born in belfast despite that being by the way i'd like to point out a part of the uk the united kingdom of great britain and northern ireland because ireland still has some claim to it not officially but like they'll give you a citizenship you're born there just to make sure the bombing stopped long story short um but because ireland will give you citizenship despite not being born in their borders but also in their borders i'm not trying to start a fight i'm just saying what it is um then that means that they could give their child irish citizenship just by being born there and being an irish citizen allows you to live in the uk meaning to give their child the right to reside in the uk all they had to do was send the child to another part of the uk where another country had would give them a citizenship and it's the most insane case in my opinion but i love it because it combines so many facts together that seem kind of illogical by themselves you know like the uk and irish citizens allowed to live freely in each other's countries um that's that's a fact northern ireland is a part of the united kingdom but ireland will give you citizenship for being born there just to help ease tensions and you combine those two things and all of a sudden being irish allows you to live um in cardiff um and it's it's fascinating to me uh when you wouldn't be able to if you were born in cardiff itself if you were born to those exact same parents and so yeah they're to close the loophole i love obscure legal cases i just have to say that one and so yeah that is uh that is a weird way you can become it and that's why so many countries have so many weird rules about it like australia you have to have at least one parent who's an australian citizen or permanent resident or else after living the first 10 years of their life in australia so you can't just have a child in australia on a holiday take them back and then later claim they're australian like you could do with brazil that is genuinely a thing give your give your give birth to your child in brazil 30 years later they can come back there and hey now they're a brazilian i think i used to know a guy who did that like he was always saying he was brazilian despite not being from brazil not speaking any portuguese and i have to assume this is what happened this is now getting into anecdotes and here so so let's talk about the next category of citizenship because it's exclusive to one country um it's called uh it's like uh citizenship by marriage only cabo verde has it and if you marry a citizen someone who is in uh from cabo verde then you will immediately become a cabo verdean citizen i i wonder what the laws on this as regards to like if you divorce them do you keep your citizenship because stripping some of their citizenship is a very hard thing to do i don't know for sure but i'm just saying if you you know if you wanna if you wanna date and you wanna marry based on citizenship alone cabo verde is the place to do so in fact i'm going to start looking for some hot cabbage and singles right now let's go to the beach shall we do you want to marry me anyone i don't know if we're i don't know if this this venture is being very successful right now but yo there we go that's that's a car there's probably people oh wait look at that there are a couple already there you know is this weird this is this is weird i'm gonna stop doing this but you know what's important if you decide to be weird in cabo verde you can become a citizen of another country and that's pretty darn cool the other way the fourth way that is usually not uh countries don't like to talk about it too openly because uh people get mad that something that they feel like they earned by being born in a place or my parents fought for this country whatever it is um can just be given away in exchange for money citizenship by investment so there are services that will help you with this here are a few of the most famous um antiqua and barbuda give them a hundred thousand dollars you become a citizen um if you may if you make a contribution contribution to dominica hundred thousand dollars become a citizen nice and easy um granada 150 000 um there's malta montenegro north macedonia uh turkey honestly this this is the one i consider because it's an investment so it's not like you're losing the money you just you throw a couple hundred thousand you know euros in there wait two to five months and you get free movement to the schengen area wait really that seems interesting um but yeah i uh you know might become a north macedonian add to my fun pile of citizenships i don't have a pile i have one i'm i'm still working on the second but ireland won't let you apply for a citizenship because i've covered i don't know what that means i don't understand how anything makes sense in the modern world but you know it doesn't make sense um the next thing uh here so being a citizen is great because you get to live in a country and also other countries treat you differently depending on which country your citizen off a lot of people find that take this with great umbrage and i can kind of understand why that like even if i'm a dirt you know i i break traffic laws all the time here in the uk but if you're an upstanding citizen of chad you know you're a chad uh and we both go to japan you know what happens they let me in and you know what they say to you they say sir you don't have the visa required in advance there's not even a direct flight from here to japan how did you get here you're the airliner employee should have sent you back a long time ago i'm so sorry mr chad but because of the the color of your passport you can't come in here and that seems messed up it should be based entirely on what's inside your heart not on the color of your passport but in reality it's like yeah the risk of committing an immigration violation does go up and down based on that and it's also based on the friendliness of your nations the uk and japan have close ties and so you know that's important whereas japan and chad i don't know if they've ever been in the same room together i'm gonna level with you so uh with that said um that's why that varies from country country and so um that's why it's kind of a loophole but like you know if i'm really good friends of north macedonia and we let them into our country and then they give their citizenship to people just in exchange for 200 000 euros which i have to do in a private investment fund you know that's actually really really easy right like not that i have 200 000 euros but like you know hopefully things go well enough enough people go to toycat maybe you know should that be a patreon goal so cat becomes a north macedonian citizen i think it should be i think it should be so um yeah with that said um the interesting thing is why one becomes citizen is not just how that country treats you and how countries treat you in terms of immigration it's also for things like buying a property if you want to buy a property in new zealand be a resident or a citizen or or don't if you want to buy property in um what i think is even more interesting because there's a few countries with rules like this where you pay a higher tax or you can't buy a property if you're not a citizen or resident but the weird thing is when we get to fractional citizenships because american samoa cannot buy property unless they're one half samoan or more so um yeah i mentioned at the start of the video like oh yeah i'm like about half british right i'm the other guy i'm about a quarter irish and or maybe northern irish and about a quarter uh sri lankan and uh again there's way more to it i don't like being that person who's like i'm an eighth uh chinese and i'm an portuguese it's so interesting ah isn't my heritage the thing you care about most no i don't care i don't care but in case you're curious that makes me about a half british right um and uh you know in reality just being a citizen is enough however uh some countries are like no we need to we need to make sure that you have a samoan parent um on one side directly or no way no and that's fascinating to me that like you know can you buy a property there isn't how much does a house cost though sixty thousand dollars for a three bedroom home see that's what you can do if you just limit property purchases it's probably just that it's an island chain in the middle of nowhere but no it's down to that so uh that's really interesting you know what's even more interesting uh british nationality i said that i'm a british citizen and i am i'm lucky that i was born in the mainland united kingdom of great britain and northern ireland however you can also be a british overseas territory citizen you can be a british overseas citizen a british subject a british national overseas and a british protected person which is fascinating to me basically the last few of these ones exist to give consular assistance to a person without giving them full rights to abode so you cannot uh you still have to go through uk immigration control and potentially be denied even if you have a british passport because the idea is much more about again you need to get consular assistance you know in some cases uh which which is an important thing like when you're in another country because i'm a british citizen or if i was a british protected person um i would be able to go to the british consulate and say you know where do we say uh chad i if we go to the british embassy maybe even which is around here somewhere british embassy chad uh do we have one we totally have one there we go no that's the emcee of nigeria well i'd go there wouldn't i actually interestingly enough um oh this isn't true anymore but if you're an eu citizen you go to another eu embassy does the brit does the uk really not have a british champ okay not do we have one in cabo verde we better have one in cape verde i are we are we are we screw oh it's it's over you know i go to cabo verde i'm going to marry someone if i want consular assistance so anyway with that said um jokes aside obviously being able to just go to say uh malaysia kuala lumpur i lose my passport now i can't get home you know what i do british embassy uh there we go british high commission because it's a former commonwealth country and you know what they do is they probably help me out again during covert i think they don't anymore which is very confusing i don't understand rules and and diseases and how they interact um but what i do understand is this the building here that's a fancy building if that's really it that can't be it right is it oh yeah it's just there's a regis in there they just share it they share us office building is that that's really how it works here huh that's very wacky not what i would expect speaking of things i don't expect um speaking of things that you don't expect um yeah so there's lots of different types of uh british you know nationality and the most interesting one is uh the british national the the the bnos is what they call them and uh this is because again they by default just by being a british citizen of a british passport like this hong kong woman is right here she can't enter the uk uh you know like to live except uh because of the hong kong china tensions actually uh the uk granted that recently it was a big uh political thing uh that like ooh is china a big fan china's not a fan but guess what they're our citizens so we can allow them access to our country and it's it's it's very interesting you know what else is interesting though um the fact that you don't that there's not just the uk that does this the uk i think is the country of the most categories of citizenship but other countries have of course diplomatic passports and blah blah blah but the most fascinating one is the non-citizen passport you can be a non-citizen of latvia um the simple reason is that to become a latvian citizen after the collapse of the ussr you had to be a latvian who could speak latvia there were weird requirements but like you can't make someone stateless legally so they made them non-citizens i that feels like it's worse somehow and so um usually being a non-citizen you'd assume would be worse here's a lovely non-citizen an alien identity card which you're not fascinating but um you figured that would be pretty bad however here are the visa requirements for latvian citizens and here are the visa requirements for latvian non-citizens which again just a reminder here is what the real passport looks like it just says pass you know passport whereas this is like non-person passport which weird stuff anyway as you can see uh looking around the world it's pretty much just the worst passport to be a non-citizen except if you go into russia which gives you a visa not required visa-free status if you're a non-citizen whereas it makes you get a e-visa um and esther they call it now oh that's for america they make you again uh idiza to arrive in russia which is fascinating to me um that like being a non-citizen makes it easier to go to a country and it's only russia because again these are mostly russian ties to russia but still it's fascinating and what even does non-citizens mean also you can access most european countries but not the uk or ireland without a specific visa prior to arrival if you're a non-citizen but you you know whatever and more things more things so finally the last category i wanted to talk about here is the fact that there are four ways to become a citizen and then there's lots of ways to not become a citizen while becoming a citizen um but did you know that becoming a citizen isn't as easy as to make it sound even though every country will give you access to being a citizen if your parents are from there and every country um will give you access to citizenship if you are born there just solely or maybe modified just solely um the reality is most countries are great you being born there isn't enough having um you know like some link there you know living there isn't enough and you have to apply for something called naturalization naturalization is where despite not being from somewhere you love the place so darn much that you get to be there so um the american version of this is like you have to uh you know like fill out a test about how much you love america i've done that one on that before on this channel i think i passed with flying colors the same is true for the uk lots of countries you pass a test about the country you pass a test proving your language ability of the country for austria for example you need to prove that you are a german uh speaking person and pass i think it's like language level b1 how do they measure b1 they do whatever so you have to speak the language you have to know the place and live there for a certain number of years in austria it is ten years in the netherlands it is five years in every country it's slightly different but some countries uh really really push this to the extreme so um let's take just an example uh did you know the middle east has a lot of guest workers they're not people who are going to become residents there they are people who are working there and then will get out when they are done working and that sounds a bit extreme but how long do you have to live in the uh to become a citizen oh it's 30 years that's 30 you have to have legally resided in the emirates for 30 of them that is that is a lifetime of work that is you move their age 25 and at age 55 if you go through all of that effort you become a citizen and you might think that's bad you might think oh they're kind of pushing it but saudi arabia oh man basically the qatar the whole area has the same basic policy no you do not become a citizen you come here we give you money and then you leave um which is fascinating and you might think like oh regressive middle eastern countries but good news there are other countries that do the same north korea becoming a citizen is is hard there but that's not shocking the one that is shocking is china a place where about what is it sixth of the world population lives population of more than 1.4 billion this country if you i love how you can't highlight china because of the questionable borders but um if you would like to move to china and wouldn't we all and become a chinese citizen and because you know there's a lot of people who live in the west were like yeah china is number one they have the greatest economic and political system i've always thought that it'd be better if i couldn't vote um it's really like that you couldn't vote but i can still vote but different point um like so therefore i'd like because citizen how does it work it doesn't like you it takes a long no no no you don't become a you don't become a citizen of china unless you have a chinese parent you don't you don't naturalize the china and um that that's probably part of the reason why if you look at this map from a video i ever planned or i made i don't know which one it is have you seen this map before in a video if so then i i if not then i haven't ever made this video but as you can see uh china has a net negative immigration rate because it's always going to be that way you can work in china and you can get your visa temporarily um but china is very much a a nation that is hung up on the idea of like uh ethnicity in a very big way um that like we obviously every country has this to some extent even the the most tolerant like the germanies of the world wow they let in a million refugees they must really not think no no peop countries do believe that like yeah there are germans and polish and kha'zix and egyptians etc etc but china is the only one that's like yeah and if you're not this then you don't you don't become a citizen here um which is funny because being a chinese citizen doesn't give you the right to vote like it does in other countries for what's what's the reason behind that why can't you vote in china if you're a chinese citizen ah it's probably nothing but yeah um before i end this video i wanted to dive into uh the fun scenario because i've totally considered this as someone who has had um a multiple not spouse a multiple uh partners of different um citizenships to me uh i wondered like how could you if i was gonna have a child um if i was if i could give myself a ton of citizenships i'd want to you know that's why the patreon tier for north macedonian citizenship is coming soon we just need to take this 114 a month to about 20 000 euros a month for 10 months is it 10 10 to 20 months and then i can become a north macedonian citizen but um which is my dream we can all make that come true but more seriously i would love people on as many citizenships as possible how do you do it so the trick is if a child um as as a british irish citizen i'm not a citizen yet because i need to fill out the birth register they make it hard to be anyway so i'm an irish citizen because my i've got a grandparent who was born in northern ireland which is a part of the uk but ireland will let you be a citizen if someone was born there whatever so um if i'm a british irish dual citizen eventually we'll just say i am and then i i need to find someone who's say a um an american canadian dual citizen there we go you can easily do that and so then we take these four citizenships if we have a child anywhere in the world they'll become four citizens because their parents are british and irish their parents are american canadian then you go to a fifth country brazil let's say and then they can have a fifth uh citizenship uh by just being born in brazil but brazil doesn't care if you live in brazil for a long time it just cares that you're there then you move to another country that has the ten-year-old rule um i think australia had it so i get a visa to australia to work as a uh you know a dock worker there's definitely people who work in the docks these days and uh we live in melbourne australia until the child is 10 then the child would have brazilian citizenship from birth american canadian from its mother british irish from its father and australian by having lived there until it's 10. then we move again to a country that has a five-year rule uh the netherlands doesn't allow dual nationality i don't think um so a similar country that has a five-year rule so that by the time the child is 15 he has citizenship of that country and then because i'm wildly wealthy because apparently i'm moving all around the world so there must be some money involved then we give the child a quarter million dollar quarter million euros to buy north macedonian citizenship then the child buys all the caribbean ones a little dominica a little a little saint lucian let me go back to this list actually you could but could buy an antiqua and barbudan a dominican a grenadan maltese montenegro long story short you can get to 20 citizenships if you really really try and i'm just saying someone out there who has dual nationality uh from two countries that can pass that down to their child hit me up you know or way away even better if you're from cabo verde and would like to arrange a sham marriage you know in exchange for my current patreon level of 114 hit me up also yeah this was all a ploy just uh just to boost the cat's international dating life thank you very much for watching this video hope you all enjoyed it uh if you did um then this was actually uh that some notes about this were provided uh like i i someone just hit me up and was like hey i would love to help you with some stuff so this was edited and pre-helped um by uh you know olympus name on screen and uh yeah if you like it let me know and let him know in the comments down below and if you really like to give me 200 000 euros or just two euros anywhere in between uh over at toycat the money is not used to improve these videos the fact that i hired an editor unrelated to how much money you give me this is a low quality series and it's gonna stay that way damn it thank you for watching third channel second channel i know the channel okay goodbye
Channel: ibx2cat
Views: 414,486
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: ztgAy_VrSP4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 19sec (1699 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 24 2021
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