How LOUD DESTROYED the Ascent Meta! - Pro VALORANT Breakdown | SEN vs. LOUD

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jet Omen KO killjoy and SOA these are the guardians of ascent this exact comp is picked 70% of the time in Tier 1 valerant with her combined Firepower playmaking and flexibility these five have always dominated this map making this fan favorite the most boring one in the game that's all anyone plays but loud are inevitable these Brazilian are altering everything you know about competitive valerant in their debut match of the 2024 VCT season they whipped out a brand new comp that nobody has even imagined before but why what makes this group of meddling kids better than what's been proven to win championships we have to decode their recipe to success because this looks fun right legally brace yourself folks because what you're about to see is pretty cringe H I hate getting these stupid deadlocks in my games Jimmy what did I tell you she's a good Agent I I know TS I know but in ranked I never know what I'm going to get throwers Noom install loock Duelists or afkers how am I supposed to rank up when I have these idiots on my team you know there is a way to Snuff these guys out even if they're hiding their name with the free Blitz app you'll get a good idea if you're getting trolls as soon as you hop into agent select these red flags can save your ELO and you get free Intel on your enemies too there's an in-game Dynamic stats overlay that gives you real-time statistics telling you where you need to improve and once the game's over there's a postgame review showcasing every area of your performance this includes combat score damage and headshot percentage in comparison to other players in your match I mean they also support League TFT Apex fortnite CS2 and even power world so what are you waiting for Blitz is free they literally save your ELO and they support this channel Link in the description download it now where I'm stealing your shoes it's alive it's alive lot have done it they've finally broken this stale crusty Ascent meta and have bust out not one but three different agents that you never see on this map including Phoenix I forgot this guy existed now every team comp has its strengths and weaknesses more in that next round but if there's anything that these five aren't lacking it's utility and Sentinels are about to feel every inch as loud are slamming a this round but little did the offense know this is the perfect Play Because Sentinel are playing retake with a kill Dre microwave setup that'll catch anyone closing the door but Zin is tucked in attic ready to get one and dash out and play set of retake can he get his loud Barrel through the base behind a beefy fault line that's already a free real orb for Phoenix oh why they have koot take the orb when the best part of Phoenix's kit is his ult being only six points and it gives him an extra life huh someone must be hungry regardless loud scale close but before they execute Viper flips up her toxic screen covering both arches and tree while Tui smokes cat this smoke combo denies information from the defense keeping them anchored and not stacked up towards a what a space given knife towards it Molly into the back with the After Shock as well that's going to be supposedly a guaranteed kill but here we go Z was just tuck to the side that to disengage just like the stupid raccoons I have in my attic loud couldn't flush out Zin in his strong off angle when combined with these Nanos there's really only one way the offense can scale making this first Blood a layup and this knife from the offense ended up being the perfect bait as a lot of teams will retake asight with killjoy trying to play for damage or kills off site it tagged her so loud thought that yeah sight's clear I mean cic did have his knife out so either he thought was clear or he was just that excited to get his second orb from planning but Fenix has gotten his old point and cow in locks himself in a tree trying to bait the door and catch the defense off guard to find The Equalizer him and JN QT exchange shots but Sentinels now know they have a raccoon of their own inry its current objective survive Cowen exits towards cat the longer he and his team stay alive the higher percentage their artillery can win this round now that cine stays alive really as well second knows that he repositioned there as soon as this door opens qk might just go for the flag oh looks like they want to try and fight this one forward into the smoke that's a right click from zelis deals with him handedly now two years locked down into hell how they going to clear him out here anchoring player towards the back that's how C's miles away and that's a line up being play by Les kaaz might be Mars away here but with the or as well on top of that the lineup they want to try and push forwards into them zel he can stick to the fuse when this is going on time is really running short time is really running out unless he's still alive weav it all over the knife in action the J you he's sticking all the way through no time they couldn't do it Viper didn't see a single enemy this round but she's the reason why they won in this initial execute she lined up her poison door from aain to land on the spike throwing it from here means the percentage chance of her dying is literally zero and she can play for lineups with both of her mollies her teammate utility cleared out 95% of site so they didn't need hers zekin just played in an unexpected jet angle anyone else in there is getting traded but by Bree shaking some booty and Cad and taking this earlier engagement just look at how long he kept the defense distracted for every millisecond in this postp mattered as long as no one did anything too bold and forced the defense to waste time clearing all them out or wait for a peak that never came in breach's case their double lineup post F plan won the round this comp loves getting their hands dirty with an entire arsenal of tools at their disposal including seven flashes fighting for map control is their bread and butter tell me how are you holding on to aain here allowed for the first time here getting snarled up the last few rounds not gone their way Blow by they want to fight this oh my and there we go to punish here's a hint you're not fault line Hot Hands zero point whatever loud wants they're going to get yeah me and my crew are way hotter than that boring comp that everyone in their mom likes playing those guys suck eggs who slow down there Phoenix just because you guys can take map control by barely moving a muscle that doesn't mean you guys are invincible editor rewind the footage please the main issue with these five is that they don't have drones or scans to clear out smokes or close range angles isolated onto the side he's got so much more to do tucked toward stairs he dodged it dodged the Y straight towards him down and Sassy the one who comes up with the goods and gets out regr bit more awkward but with the door shut they maybe don't have to worry about it flash play Les he plays off a bit picks it apart and already gains the one but still the plays now need to get into the sight it's traded Sak he's alone towards the back and two needs to really speed this one up because with Sak dead it's all on him zelus can stick it and it's all being covered now we didn't see it in this game but judges are these guys as Kryptonite as without a Spacemaker they can't really get out of chokes to pinch these cringe players without getting eviscerated I mean even if you blind them you can just hold left click and farm kills so why not just give tens of judge and have him Ratt around his own smokes but the same goes for the Odin I'd actually tell my team to buy two of them with how paper thin a sense walls are and no one to move forward quickly how are any of these five supposed to get past a straight laser beam of bullets or even a single Molly one good lob and the defense is going to rotate and you're going to run into a stack meaning this comp has to default and split through mid going through one choke point will not work look the score is 6 to5 but Ascent is a Defender sided map tying the game here would be perfect for this utility heavy Squad going into the next half allow have everyone ready to pout it into a but they're applying map wide pressure to prevent a stack from forming despite all being outside of a the by barrier Falls the offense immediately put up their toxic screen Tui smokes off cat and sok flings his knife High into space with these combined smokes the defense are petrified that loud could walk up cat towards arches to chain their flashes or scrolling down to hit like And subscribe but these smokes are useless armed with killroy lockdown Seno's plan is to play retake on both sides and want to fight for Mid knowing that loud have to take the space in order to hit if the offense do go mid T is armed to paranoia either Lane and if they go to either site junq will flush them out the knife lands clearing out wine while the attackers have contacted into Main and sadok activates his no command oh wait a second are they not sending anybody through mid oh Mr Odin time to eat those kill mol off there's a stun toward the side here with a smoke prop up he spraying away way Dage the ordin managed to do so much damage in stall for so long that all of the defense are here but soduk knew he had to hurry and close the door before his teammates got shredded too but he whips out a healing potion okay he just moled himself by going down while he was Ting his teammates could res him and H back to full negating all this spam damage but now that he's been restored loud have to deal with this lockdown back up be on full HP that's awesome that is a crazy Play Still all this U being combined there a Viper pin as well this is a foul concoction isn't it all the way forwards here just trying to fight over the kill joint set up this lock down close to the corner really defending this one and Jor detained there was a chance that's what he will get left jaen ripping off the heads sadak towards the side it's a double face for send to claim it s to five in this first half this has just been electric loud had the right idea by using the Rolling Thunder and Viper spit to contest the lockdown but I think this big fart cloud benefited the defense more than anyone else oh editor yeah yeah I know KO used his null command so that his team could stroll into sight without anything clogging up the choke well besides some Odin spam but they saved a lot of their utility because of this ultimate and remember how I said this com could take space without even trying well this Rolling Thunder was a good start as it covers a lot of potential crossfires but could you imagine how fried sentinel's reetas would have been if floud scaled in a tree behind 1 2 3 and four flashes but this Viper pit allowed the defense to just sit back and unload their mags into this narrow choke Viper nerfed the punches that her team could throw allowing Sentinels to gain the upper hand another thing about loud's comp is that they Strongarm you into playing their game everyone on the roster is armed with at least one ability that's going to stop an execute yeah jet can updraft and get past all this nonsense but her teammates are going to get left in the dust they too are going to have to default and take mid control meaning that it is very crucial that the defense fight for this space hard and early to condition Sentinels not to come this way but rather through these narrow chokes so if loud can contain them just on sight the retake should be potent enough to overwhelm their opposition with that game plan in mind the defense start the second half in a 131 formation stalling the wings and the Brawlers in mid alongside a nasty Viper ball that we'll come back to later but Sentinel unlike their fans weren't born yesterday they know that L are going to contest mid and force them into the wings so they're figing mid pressure and then are slamming a both teams open the round by trading smokes one for cat to emulate a midt take and one for a main to make it look like it's being contested but both teams are putting on fronts zelus looks up into the sky flings his knife to clear out aain and Sassi moves forward into the tiles to activate his ald drone this combination of utility makes it seem like Sentinels are defaulting across the map and you even see loud move into position to combat mid but tu's brain is too big he's purposely gotten tagged by the knife to make sen think he could be in wine or near bricks which would force out an extra Molly but he has to reveal himself because knowing whether or not attackers are in a main is crucial to loud's protocols jump spot to sees it they want to punish this actually there's a dash active Z he's waiting for the flash as well into his own smoke be the counter play damage through the smoke s Lucky Tu barely escaped with his life instead I got slapped upside the head for trying to help him but loud have Sentinel trapped right where they want him now that the door is closed and the offense are locked in they're about to feel the full force of this utility dump smoke I think that's extremely likely they still paranoia nades it's all being combined and Loud got everything to deal with this one smoke in their face as well celus is completely isolated away damage being done onq team knock down absolutely almost anything they're just spamming away into the smoke maybe celsus can get lucky bit of RNG maybe CL he's dodging all these bullets well but still only good for the one it's traded out wide turret dealing with it sticking it to years only two bullets left and it's not going to be enough all right let's go through our checklist generator check close door and anyone being flushed out of generator check all of Hell check ooh a near side of Molly combo to damage anyone trying to escape nice touch check and finally a smoke for Maine yep low filled all the boxes and have literally hit every single possible spot to play on site for this this retake without any extra space in tree the offense never stood a chance behind this tsunami of utility this comp hits and they hit [Music] hard after converting the antio loud tried their own version of a ties crunch into this boring team comp K would toss a flash over this wall and Jet would Dash to follow up off it ASAP but Phoenix doesn't have a dash he has his legs and with Viper's ball shielding him from Top mid this is what it looked like maybe going to be waiting potentially sass is here he's holding for all of this a flash on top of it just combining all of it and they're out of there yeah they don't want anything to do with it and a different Viper ball from Les that actually covered top mid so they weren't worried about that position loud's plan was to fight anyone in these two areas and when the offense saw all this commotion they would book it into a but have to deal with this triple layered Viper wall that looks pretty scary and is annoying to clear there surely a knife to make initial space three flashes one being from KO while him and Omen ran D be man and two from Phoenix and breach would be enough to H the attackers into a right I mean these two are not something you want to mess with similar to this rain as Sky flash combo I covered in a previous video breach flashes first so you would naturally try to turn away but then Phoenix flashes right after to catch you as you look back yeah don't mess with me and my buddy we'll you up okay breach relax this combo is strong at all but it's kind of predictable I mean you're not quiet the defense hear you running at them it isn't surprising in that Sentinels Got Away instead I think KO would have been a better partner here hold on let me fix this put breech outside here KO where you went and Viper you stay there perfect now with breach playing on B he can use his kit to catch anyone hiding behind Hut or hiding in this cubby or escaping this firework show while being able to flash out for himself and nen now keep in mind the reason why tile crunches work so well is because they're quick and hit you when you least expect it but no one on loud is fast anyone with half a brain is going to run away like Sentinels did here now with this fault line you can cover all the bases and the trap would look like this KO KN for early info Omen paranoid to push the enemy back and when Phoenix and Omen both get close you flash point combo a KO Phoenix flash fa line and maybe even an Aftershock for Hut this pinch would work even better than a tiles crunch because every option's covered if you're in tiles you're blind if you're behind this Hut or in this cubby you're stunned or blasted and running away isn't an option as you can't cover this distance quickly enough and with Phoenix's run a back online I still think this gives you enough utility for a decent retake on a but Sentinels got away and Loud tried to predict that they'd rotate over here but they didn't because the offense took too long to rotate Sentinels predicted that loud would be here by now so they slowed down took their time reced The Hot Zone including this pressure smoke tuis tried to throw and contacted all the way through b main before taking the site and winning the round which by the way is another weakness of this comp without a lot of info Gathering tools or even a sentinel it's hard to truly keep track of where the attackers are but at least they can fight okay so what was the title card again oh yeah right after last round's pinch in at work lder positioned in a new 212 setup ran Viper have a nasty Odin trap in main where if breach spots someone Viper is going to melt them with her Odin as anyone who just walked through this orb is going to be low Phenix is spotting mid while these two fight for space on a and Sentinels know how vital mid is to their attack side as sassy rips it art for arches as soon as round starts but qck Dodges it but he moves back a second too early almost costing him his life qck falls back pulls out his self healing potion that actually heals him and Sentinels progress up mid with this new found map control the offense wait for reaction from the defense but nothing happens so John QT makes a mid- round call Omen Go Smoke Tree KO uh throw your knife in there too since loud don't have any info gatherers they'll freak out and they should be pushed out of position for our B split or at least waste some of their util s smoke knife but loud counter with a crossmap fault line and paranoia this fake pressure has immediately been canceled out but with John qt's lockdown Sentinel should have enough room to take the sight he slams it and the split starts to fuddle in let's can't get out he's stuck all he has is this little pocket of air main seconds through as well for the B split extra element into the mix Le running back is there going to be the Gap to play in there's a Molly really good timing from that one and is fully blinded up that's t with the util excellent St 30 seconds left even though the lockdown cleared sight Sentinels did a great job at clearing any squatters Molly for stairs arrow and spawn to prevent spam and this paranoia filled the only breathing room Les had left and now without their Viper wall can loud still retake great positioning from zelis he's got second to swing off as well yeah down now after flash looks like a fast play into this one but they weren't accounting for that closed Corner as well that's being played cuz the door hasn't been open look then break the rocket door Phoenix what was your plan here you st had a couple flashes breach had util and KO wasn't even ready to go out this is why no one picks you in Pro play you're an idiot whatever so Viper going down here is a lot more problematic than you think her wall serves three main purposes one of which we'll cover now you can anchor down sight with it or even better when it goes up Main in Lane both get blocked off making it really difficult for attackers to fight up in the post plant so loud could just scale up clear front sight drop the wall clear lane and then utility dump back site but because Sentinels were coming in from both market and Main Viper didn't have an Escape Plan breach didn't have his stun to get her out om deployed his smokes to prevent a potential a hit and they can only realistically clog one lane with their mes but this still doesn't excuse what Phoenix did he tried coming out with this breach flash but KO wasn't ready with pressure coming from Market jet wouldn't have felt comfortable swinging Lane and this retake still could have worked with main smoked off but in this round Sentinels abused each of loud's weaknesses their lack of info which baited out their util in tree they took their life Source in mid so loud couldn't stall the split and it destroyed the retake in the end Sentinels Take the Lead remember when they said that a judge would wreck L's team comp because they don't have drones well in the following round sedic managed to cancel out sasi's drone with his zero point and when you don't have anything to clear smokes or close angles this is what can happen oh boy no sadak sadak sadak is there the spikes being dropped down on top of it you see with the Molly denying any chance of that trying to be a split into the sight here that's an no command and the shotgun repositioned that's dirty man it's disgusting devastating T tb's fors though into his own smoke that's matters into his own hands and he wants to have another go of it Sak shutting it down with a rightful upgrade and pulled out of nowhere now that's what I wanted T to do in the first half grab a judge and start bonking idiots but speaking of punishes loud have started to realize that senos have been prioritizing mid so now would be the perfect time to utilize the other two parts of this toxic screen they're formed in a 3-2 ready to stop this mid abuse and armed with their Bladestorm SEL are going to split be faster then you could say ring that Bell and they're not playing very passively to start the route there oh they're all the way in Zin got stopped right in his tracks not by this wall not by Phoenix but both Viper curtain covers Lane and Main like we covered already but also arches and cat so that the defense can put it up scale out a recar mid in the late round flash out deeper to brawl but better yet counter these sad darts when up Fenix can tuck himself into this narrow cubby allowing him to dodge any scans and fight mid shortly after so even if Sentinels Dart mid if this wall is up it doesn't mean it's clear and by fighting mid like this you'll scare the offense away right into those narrow choke points that your mollies are great at clogging anywh who because Zen ran into this brick wall in mid his teammates have used this time to gun it up B and take the sight before alloud rotate and it's too late all of Sentinels quickly funnel through Lane but ten has taking this brief window to teleport to the spawn and find The Equalizer ten is cooking T is more to cook in maybe overheating planted tens couldn't even the advantage and now it's up to the guys on site to hop up and step up to the plate forced to run to the side paranoia sweeping through and he's worried about the market players pushing forward two more players to meet him they're more than aware of it that is nice at least to just grab the one but it leaves it just out of sassy now and it's a 1 V4 the guy has been a minut but what can you really do running and cutting seems to be the aim of the game Sentinels need to be careful if they keep poking around in mid they're going to get burned loud aren't convinced they've stopped Sentinels from taking mid so they're in a similar formation as last round ready to teach these guys a lesson and there re is Right senos are hungry for more ready to try and take this space again more cautious approach is generally going to be better for Sen here the Recon darts got broken so sen should expect someone to be playing close M no way no way it's a refight out there just trying to play it through into cats not getting punished still they hold their ground instead of letting Sentinels come into their territory this time loud brought the attack to the attackers allow to recognize that Sentinels might be so focused on this new cubby or just the wallet self that they wouldn't expect a barrage of flashes and remember if flow to lose mid their mollies won't be enough to stop an execute coming from multiple chokes so while this fight might seem bold it was the right play so they waited for SEL to get a bit closer and Wham the defense hit him with the onew Phoenix KO flash combo and after that mid brawl Sentinels tried to group up an NB but with so little HP that was never going to work well they just anchoring but Les tuck to the side flash play just wasn't accounted for T he's over Place loud have turned their cheats on and have every tool in their belt at their disposal this round and their conditioning has worked SEL have gotten their lunch money stolen mid in back-to-back rounds so the offense have decided to cut their losses and just slam a but if you remember pistol round this is exactly what loud want the defense are playing far back in spawn banking on another hard-hitting retake and some spam through some smokes but they can still contest some space Zin slingshots pass the by facee behind a paranoia Dar on crane to catch anyone running away but allow have countered with a fault line and knife of their own jet was ready to swing and fry some noobs but her team has yanked on her leash no one was ready to go out with her the play was just too risky with three Defenders here plus there's a pretty big gap in the door smoke low through Amal just to be safe and layer on a smoke to shut the offense out but wait a second if three players are near tree that means mid and B have to be weak otherwise Lou are leaving a big gap in their defense somewhere so Sentinel start to backtrack while s and Jet stick around to keep the defense committed to the site zelus knifes before leaving Sassi activates his Al drone and then rips a shock in a tree now lot have already used their KO knife they don't have anything else to gather them until so in their heads it feels like most of Sentinels are here Phoenix shifts from mid to a and Viper slots in the mid where she can get out with her toxic scre TS TS dude dude what isn't it kind of weird that Lou are leaving be butt naked yeah but Jimmy look at their abilities The Sentinel should be the one shaking in their boots if they don't want to get rocked they're going to have to recognize that site has been left at ghost town and then fight in the spawn so that the defense can't coordinate all their Firepower on a sight normally taking fights like this is risky but I think it's riskier just hoping that you're going to win a fight while stunned suppressed and in a six versus five Sentinels are going to get boned so ten teleports with his alt clears out back site and now that this crossmap knife lineup from sadak hits their suspicions get confirmed it's B but it's too late zelus is already up lane and oh no Sentinel are grouped up in B main this is the adjustment well they have to play away from the breach don't they exactly yeah I know the util just far too much Hun's Fury from Far Far Away here Rolling Thunder on top of it tries to set it up colliding and collapsing but those aren't really kills just dropping a player as well and the Al from on top of it cine he just running all the way forward another bit of util in his hands with his teammates are just watching the right angles collecting up the kill of the fuse coming out they need to try and stop this one just can't get past less next line of defense just watching for the right angles I told you Sentinels got screwed because they didn't fight up in a spawn or Market loud had space to activate both their run it back and N command automatically making this retake a pseudo 7even on five senos tried to counter by piercing the defense with their harness F but because KO path through market and then Lane his suppress hits sasi canceling his Al then as breach got closer his big box of hurt covered every inch of sight and when loud realized that sight was clear Les held his ground in logs knowing that the rest of Sentinels had to be held up in be main he cleaned house and once again we see what happens when you don't make adequate space against this comp they didn't even need these ults there was a lot of leftovers SEL just got spanked for not taking enough map control so how do they adjust it looks like they're getting ready to fight mid and an initial 131 default and I love this idea we didn't get to see it because the round started too late but Sila AR arches KO knife market and 10 smoked catwalk to the defense who have no reconnaissance this looks like senent are taking mid the offense are trying to lure the defense in with their bells and whistles hoping they'll pivot over and come fight mid but there's one way that loud can gather info that we haven't talked about yet peing and Phoenix has posted up top mid with an OP oh what did you say Phoenix can't use the op oh sure he can look anyone can use the op this weapon is used to punish poor scaling and spacing that's why it works so well in ranked it's just that jet Raina chamber or yoru raise the sniper skill potential plus loud haven't used at all game so this would be a good time to whip it out but by Phoenix peeking down this line he's snuffing out all of sentinel's fake pressure utility that's also why their wall isn't up and because it's been quiet for so long hey mids quiet these clowns are headed for the wings stay strapped you guys so tuis refreshes his one way and breach fall lines B and Les goes for a quick swing crickets maybe they're headed back to Mid I wish I had a drone to find out but Viper spot Sentinels koal Vapor Al who wins the race spot offloading the pit here Al was not online here up draft Dash now active two how do they want to clear this one with paranoia drone potentially available to them but does it really cut into it zus has been Dro less he's got a shorty in his hand adjustments but only two bullets to really do the damage and they're dropping all sorts of players Jun QT Sentinels cannot funnel through one choke against this comp to be fair they tried faking pressure mid to make sure they wouldn't get stuffed like this and KO tried to ult before Viper could but this demonstrates another reason why loud's comp isn't a troll you need to understand that each comp has its strengths and weaknesses loud can't make space so they get creamed by judges and Odin no scans to clear smokes either but they have a lot of stall and Firepower for retakes being able to recognize how to abuse a comp is what separates the good teams from the best but this round is is over because of this Bloodshed on B tuis has realized that all of the space is free real estate his new objective is to not swing men and take a 1 V1 gun fight that's going to get traded out but instead to contain the offense if he dies Sentinels can go anywhere and Loud won't know remember they don't have a sentinel so he heard them run out of be main has teleported towards Sosa hears him sprinting up tiles and teleports to top mid the longer he stays alive the more information he can feed his teammates he starts silently jump spotting the cross in mid Peaks into spawn still nothing but then barely spots killjoy tuis quickly deploys a oneway for tree to try and stall the offense but this is their last chance the last opportunity for Sentinels to stop loud from getting to match point KO gets in heaven Omen retakes a main Sentinels are pinched but after Tu reveals himself he ought AWA to rejoin his teammates but to Sentinels he could be anywhere to account for three players at the Doo and it's only Z just holding close to the corner he's just immediately cleaned up Shu didn't clean up the kill but it's only just sassy collecting it not pled for them sadak diffusing sticking knows his teammates they got it all the way through he's got half running backwards and forwards half on it already oh it's all over this comp rocks socks kind of like paper X's old Ascent comp this one was even crazier
Channel: Teets
Views: 162,537
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Teets, Pro Analysis, Valorant, Valorant Guide, Valorant Tips, Valorant Tips and Tricks, Valorant Pro Gameplay, Valorant Pro Breakdowns, Agent Guide, Agent Guides
Id: 4DxiOqBc6w4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 16sec (1816 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 15 2024
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