How Long Will You Be Single For? Love Personality Test | Mister Test

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Hello! Welcome to Mister Test Are you curious about this topic? I am! How are you? Would you like to have a boyfriend/girlfriend? How long will you be single for? Hmmm... Your attitude defines everything. Do you think so? Everything depends on your choices! Easy and quick questions! You have to be fast! I'm ready! Come on, Mister! Let's play! Upside down! 5 points. A 6 points. Coffee... but with milk! 11 points. Waffles!! 16 points. Gold! 21 points. True. 22 points. Train. 23 points. Stripes! 24 points. None! But if I have to choose B 29 points. Hmmm, before rain... Now I think that sun. 34 points. Both! English. 39 points. Blue. 40! Europe! 41 Lion 46 points. T-shirt. 51 points. B 56 points. Rational. 57. Orange! 62 Day. 67 points. Sea! 72 points! I have my points, do you have your final score? Finally... The resultssss! Well, I won't have to wait a year... I love enjoying my single life. Don't worry about tomorrow! Well, less than 6 month? This is my result! I don't have anyone in mind! This is promising! I'm happy with my result It seems my attitude is not the best one to find love, but it's okay! I liked this test, thank you Mister Test! Are you happy with your result? Please let me know below! Good quote... I 100% agree with that! Don't let that defines you... Having a partner doesn't define you! You follow other's rules, follow your needs, your inner desires... And don't worry, be happy! Every little thing will be alright... ;) Thank you so much for watching! Mister Test is happy you're there! Bye, bye... See you soon! Are you still there? If so, comment using this: 🐧 Once again, THANK YOU!
Channel: Mister Test
Views: 4,916,292
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how long will you be single, personality test, mister test, how long will i be single, mr test, love test, quizzes, quizzes for her, personality test questions, how long will you be single for quiz, will i be single forever, will you be single forever, why am i single, mr. test, Pick one, Pick one quiz, Personality quizzes, Mr test crush, how to get a girlfriend, how to get a boyfriend, crush, how to get your crush to like you, how to know if a boy likes you
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 17sec (377 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 10 2018
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