How Long Will This Trail Take

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stop there L stop [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] there well that's going to be a long day wait what's going on here for good luck we got good luck going on Mike wants to Sage the the buggy he we got a we got to win Sean's doing right now all right so here's our first annual 2.4 hours to hacking gone the goal is to complete the trail in 2.4 hours so whoever can get the closest to 2.4 hours and that's higher lower doesn't matter no monster trucking other vehicles that's the biggest thing this is an ultra 4 looking at you m enough there will be no iing it we are going on the trail through the trail bonus lines are worth 10 minutes we're going to set three bonus gates up if you go through the spot you get 10 minutes to use however you want winching will go one minute against your time everybody got a trash bag will be awarded one minute towards your time for each piece of trash you pick up on the trail the exit is the the only one that we're kind of worried about it is gnarly we're going to do an 8 minute time limit before we just say all right pull the winch this one that one so Wy will go first then Paul yep then Rudy then me then Garrett and then Mike the guy that's not allowed to drive over cars gets to go live this I feel like this is rigged we're going to go down to the trail head and we're going to do some interviews I'm just going to interview each driver with some ridiculous questions all right first question what's your sign um I don't know I think a scorpion I don't know what I am there a turkey one a ram ram yeah I Ram into things all right all right my sign yeah Virgo Virgo also wrong Paul yeah I got this piece of trash you have any interest in having trash in your trash yeah you want it yeah I'll take that trash all right all right my plan for waiting today is to not get stuck go faster than everyone else and park at the Finish Line until 2.4 hours is up and I'll drive across whenever you're ready you let me know start there you go all right I'm we're good all right where do we go seconds close [Laughter] enough all right first up we got Paul coming up to the first obstacle up ahead you'll see some cones on the right that's the bonus line possible what your thought Sean I heard possible so I heard put tires on it if we don't roll you said oh I like it [Applause] [Music] all um what is my personal favorite Trail snack I should know this it's got to be like is it Takis no corn nuts no how many guesses do I get that's a tough one Cheetos no I'm going to go Jerky jerky no no burritos you're close you're close it's not Skittles I've never seen you eat Skittles you already exceeded moment okay Maverick burritos no also no all right we got our first first winch of the [Music] day there it is all right how many lug nuts are on the four lug Thug Sean's buggy like total yeah not enough backward that is a correct statement all right on trail meter what does the center switch on the center console control the ejector seat Dam eor seat good answer but not right Dam it the flux capacitor close but not quite rear winch I'll give you a half on that does it turn on the underglow no okay all right what's your plan for winning today uh we're going to drive fast and not [Music] break all right here's Rudy with the rudon I guess he's opting not for the bonus line we're going to play it safe for now that's a good call three 2 one start go all you Pedro and Rory is coming along right behind [Music] w [Music] [Music] right this side who's going to break today probably the guy with the biggest stickiest tires I'm not naming names I'm just saying thing yeah I think the buggies are going to show off and do hard stuff and break all right all right that's that's a worthy answer yep well that's going to be a long day oh no snap we got to go can you instead of the base of that tree go up higher or let the shank that tree out too yeah I'll just TI that one over yeah what do we got going on here Paul just went under an undercut and broke an axle yikes that's a bummer I slid off that rock wedged in here and bang snap I don't have an axle so I'm done for the day look at that undercut man that just grabbed that tire I I slid off of that stuffed me right into it yeah going straight to the axle here ain't going to work cheating what is the top recorded speed of Trail meter I feel like like I wouldn't want to go any faster than like 75 we'll say 79 and a half no I keep hearing around the 79 area so I'm going to go at 83 87 miles an hour wow does that count dang all right what is your plan for winning today um drive over rocks until there's no no more rocks to drive over okay been here once [Music] oh man [Music] right here all right easy question all right who's going to win today well me all right we'll give you we'll give you one now me all right that's worth a point I like that answer probably Mike Mr mcna yeah all right all right what is your plan for winning today it would be cool if I can catch up to you guys and not Wheel by myself all day 3 2 one go all right he's the last one to go so I'm going to turn around here and go back out and go to the top try to pull him over yeah there you go keep going Ry keep [Music] going there we go there we go here you are Paul all right we should good now hold up right there I can have Sean run to the shop and grab a sha we just park right here and wait hey Sean you got a copy so apparently somebody broke down in the trail and now I got to go run back to the shop and grab a some axle shops for 14 BT I don't know who broke yet but I am going to run to the shop and grab some [Music] [Music] pars stop there Rudy stop there don't go anymore you'll be in the same spot go you're pinching that tire pretty good you want to just pull you the 6 in you [Music] need go ahead [Music] [Applause] all right here's the mayor [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] I got Sean going to get a shaft awesome made it back to the shop Scrambler has wheels and tires and center caps all fancy stuff so steing the shafts out of here Mike said it was okay so Paul broke the driver's side but I'm going to take both just in case [Music] [Music] so I'm going to pull this one out I got the other side out already but what you do is put this in here and this in here and squo them together and then look at that I got both shafts just in case these 14 bolts are weird so now I'm going to get back on the highway and Jet back up there [Applause] [Applause] oh man well another one down Rudy's transmission is acting up he's going to have to come back down the trail later that's two broken Rigs and we're just getting started [Music] [Music] all right reverse going for the bonus [Applause] [Applause] line think you got it [Music] [Applause] dude this is our yeah this is our bonus line here this way what bonus lines for 10 minutes oh [Applause] [Applause] yeah nice [Applause] yeah just like that that was awesome all right this is the third and final bonus line I'm sure R already going to go for it [Music] Garrett is going for the bypass [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right all right [Music] go I [Music] know oh no yeah keep your hands in the [Music] car Rudy what are you doing here shouldn't you be driving a car it's uh tranny's a little not happy so I figured I had some time to let let the let how do I see the Fab brats guys here what happened I'm just letting you guys get out of my way okay okay no [Applause] [Music] worries now last [Applause] [Music] I am oh we do have Justin's Jeep up right here yeah you can drag it down here with all these all right how's uh Mr mcna doing [Applause] [Music] all right so these guys have a low tire we're going to walk up and see if one of those guys has a portable compressor but yeah this is oh valve core okay jar you care to give us a report um well I fell on my side then it started smoking and then it hydrolocked probably should have just kept it running all right you ready to roll I already rolled ready to unroll yeah [Applause] nice Mountain Mike wooo how much time do I got uh I'm not sure [Applause] [Music] [Music] dang right there [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] go H yeah yeah how we doing on time well I'm in 87 minutes okay but I have two bonus lines right I have one bonus line at the same time you got a bunch of trash Sean's back so there's one awesome and here's another I don't remember which one is which so there's both and these are your Blazer mik okay all right what got it that's right throw it in here turn around and go back um your buggies just right down here thanks so I missed everything and the other two are broke I missed all of [Music] it how is it on the way to save the day wheel along it was going great he said the tires real low Mike said it was round well from the where I was looking it looked round dude that's one of the toughest shafts ever made that's out of a Blazer right yeah yes I did needs the other ex sh here it comes I see it hey look what I found we have a half hour to get up through here shoot I'm out of here see you guys later I still have a chance of crossing the line oh yeah you could go out the other way back down through it yeah look at that just like that easy peasy yeah how'd it go getting the broken chunk out or did it break right at the flange right at the flange oh perfect it's a nice uh little coaster you got there little coaster momento let's see if I can do this right this time you got it I [Music] believe are you kidding throw are you serious that was nothing yeah she ain't turning son of a gun we're not we're going we're out of here boys yeah it's like we're going the other way that sucks I'm sorry that shaft didn't work out it it was working until you touched [Music] it I literally didn't even put anything to that and it broke like nothing like literally nothing maybe the shaft didn't maybe the maybe it's not long enough like I know there's different 14 Volt sizes man all right what what's over there can I turn [Music] around you know if you could move that rock it' make the trail better I know right we're good all right I'm going to leave you guys do it you guys have fun that's two front oh no yeah she said pop BL tire out I guess dang it man off the be almost keep going there you go that's good okay oh no what what happened came off the completely son of a gun so update on Fab brats they uh have a broken locker and they're heading out the bottom same with Rudy okayy yeah Rudy just drove by I think the Cherokee and them just drove by yeah okay here Mike go out with the winch okay [Music] good all right so we got buggy with air in the tires we got two pro drivers lurry is on the Move yes sir that was the move [Music] yeah rock yeah all right now driver correct I'm trying to get that yeah come driver and you're going to want to put your driver right up that [Music] right there right there right there just like that what happened to your your rig uh I think when the axle broke it shocked the spool or the locker and what you doing dang it yep did you back up the gate get two tires through it no no if I can't finish I can't finish super Loop [Music] in he good forward WIS WIS right there hold up [Music] [Music] Sean you're buggy I made it [Music] so who won how did uh how did this all work out I got a lot of trash to count we got a lot of trash picked up okay yep so you're a winner I am I oh actually technically I think I got third take the dedu deductions you want I only winched twice and I picked up 7,000 pieces of glass so that's plus or minus 10 so we got to dump the trash and figure out how pieces right now how much trash we got see this is this is math class 101 right here is the trash a negative or a positive by seconds a now we're getting closer to seconds yeah you want to hug it out yeah dude I've heard about this it doesn't work very well when you're when it hits the cage first oh all righty so whoa what there you are he thanks this is awesome we have a winner that buite you big no it's perfect woo D Tiffany came through for you came through that was a good time thanks forting me anytime man all right how many lug nuts are on the four lug Thug Sean's buggy like total yeah 16 + 8 is what that's 20 24 M no oh what there's wheel space there's oh oh ow wower new line anyway good luck you got to get it in the corners in the corners yeah the the evil spirits hide in the corners is that where they hide yeah you got to like get the sage in the corner be on evil man be onone evil man h
Channel: Trail Mater
Views: 108,232
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: cBnPwFpcUqg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 59sec (2039 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 25 2024
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