How Long Oh Lord Amos 9

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[Music] I'm so pleased to be here with you I just arrived 30 minutes ago I was detained in Santa Barbara and the drive out here was a little bit longer than I expected and I really regret that I couldn't come here earlier because when I came in here 30 minutes ago I was so touched just by the spirit of prayer in this room that it it was wonderful just to just to be in the midst of it to to genuinely enjoy it to join with you even if it was just for a few brief moments with what the Lord was doing in and through that concert of Prayer so what a blessed blessed start to the time together I do have something to share with you from God's Word I'll be speaking from The Book of Amos in just a few minutes but I did want to say some things just to begin with first of all I wanted to thank our brother Greg Gordon for putting this on and especially I want to thank him for his gracious invitation to allow me to come and speak because I think he was very accommodating to me I'm actually flying out of LAX this evening and so I won't be able to stay around very long and I said Greg this is such a wonderful conference you could do I'd be happy to come and be a part of it but I only have this brief window and Greg was so gracious to to allow me to be a part of it because I I genuinely long even as you do to see another mighty outpouring of God's Spirit in revival and spiritual awakening my own great interest in the subject was prompted not only from my biblical studies of course but also through my exposure to the ministry of a man that many of you know by name the late dr. J Edwin or I heard him speak a few times before he passed to glory that was in the mid 1980s I was a young man then I never had the courage to go up and introduce myself to him I wish I would have because I found out that he lived in Camarillo and I lived in Ventura and I would have loved to do the but I I really was drawn and attracted to his ministry and so touched by his ministry after he passed away in the mid to late 1990s and his explanation of biblical revival and his amazing historical record of God's reviving work through the generations touched me so greatly I'm very happy to say that I was able to develop a relationship with mrs. J Edwin or who by the way is 99 years old about three or four weeks ago I was there with her children and grandchildren my wife Inga lil and myself were there celebrating her 99th birthday and to be honest she doesn't have her mental faculties as strong as they once were I we remember so many wonderful times of conversation with her in years past but the or family has been very gracious to me and has allowed me to republish a few of dr. oars books so I brought some of these for the conference I'll let Gregg figure out how to distribute them but I just want you to see the books that I brought were number one what I think is one of the best books that dr. or wrote called full surrender it's been out of print for 50 years or more and this is a remarkable book I won't go on and on it but it just it's it's a remarkable book for personal revival and then the second one was his really brilliant history of the mid-century revival in the 1800s that work that I'll be referencing a few times in my message here this afternoon it's called the second evangelical awakening and it's just a marvelous marvelous history and done done from a scholarly viewpoint yet it's very accessible dr. Orr had three earned PhDs and he was a very very smart man and he he yet knew how to make it very accessible so that really started my own interest in revival spiritual awakening so when Greg invited me to be a part of this and when I saw the theme of the conference I was really moved when you think of the two-word theme how long it's it's really the the cry on all of our hearts isn't it I mean those of us who know our Bibles those of us who know what God has done in generations past we're astounded to see the depth and the breadth of some of these works absolutely remarkable and we live with the awareness as our brothers shared before that now we have a generation coming up who really knows nothing of even what we might call lesser revival works not even to mention some of the greater works that have been seen through history and for me before the Lord I tried to let it continue to build in me a sense of faith and anticipation for what God will do rather than a sense of despair because we want to see the great things God will do and I believe that conferences like this play a role in that they play a role first of all just in the phenomenon of prayer secondly it's undeniable that where there is an interest in revival it's often an evidence that God is stirring up his people but it's also important that we receive biblical understanding as to the nature of true revival because sometimes when I look about in the world today and the Christian world today it seems like the understanding of revival is so shallow and so self-centered and so misguided that it seems like but the place to begin is just with a biblical understanding of what it is it's sort of my opinion that when you understand what revival truly is and if I could recommend a message to you that you could look up we started a website J Edwin it's just simple to understand J Edwin door calm and if you go to that or grab for all I know you have this message on sermon index it's the message revival is like Judgment Day look it up on sermon index it's the last message that dr. Orr ever preached he preached that message the night before he went to heaven from a heart attack it's a remarkable message and in that message one of the wonderful things he does is help define what true revival is and and my understanding might take away from that message is that even though in many corners of the Christian world today people are crying out lord send revival lord revive us again their cry is focused upon a very shallow understanding a superficial or erroneous understanding of what revival is and if God were to see what their heart really says what what they really desire that they don't want any come anywhere close to revival because of the true cleansing and purifying work that is so characteristic of revivals early stages well if we are going to understand something of what biblical revival is I want to take you to a passage The Book of Amos chapter 9 verse 13 is what I'm going to focus on here this afternoon and I do want to say that I don't believe there's probably any one biblical passage that says everything that there is to be said about revival so my tendency here is to look at a passage like this and think about maybe all the things that it doesn't say that I need to add it but I'm gonna do my very best to resist that temptation I'm the first of 12 speakers here many more will add and and contributing and improve upon what I have to say here is opening a message for the the what are we doing here this is a conference I'm gonna set a convention but it's not a convention it's a conference we're conferring with the Lord and with one another but this passage in Amos chapter 9 verse 13 I think is a marvelous marvelous description of some of the work that God does in revival father we pray that you'd bless your word to us now here this afternoon you have heard our prayers and Lord even now as we listen to your word and the understanding of it we receive it in a spirit of Prayer and we ask that you would speak to us by the power of your word by the presence of your Holy Spirit do it among us Lord in Jesus name Amen Amos chapter 9 verse 13 behold the days are coming says the Lord when the ploughman shall overtake the Reaper and the Treader of grapes him whoso seed the mountains shall drip with sweet wine and all the hills shall flow with it the Book of Amos taken as a whole is not a very encouraging book it's a book of judgment Amos was a prophet of God a very simple man a farmer who was called of God to confront a corrupt nation and in the process of that confrontation he had to speak about the judgment of God a lot as a whole the Book of Amos is not cheering it's not encouraging it's not happy let me read to you a few selections speaking about God's judgment from the Book of Amos this is just to give you a flavor of what most the book is about here's from Amos chapter 2 verses 4 & 5 thus says the Lord for three transgressions of Judah and for 4 I will not turn away it's punishment because they have despised the law of the Lord and have not kept his Commandments there lies lead them astray lies which their fathers followed but I will send a fire upon Judah and it shall devour the palaces of Jerusalem not exactly a cheery word is it and then chapter 2 verses 13 through 16 behold I am weighed down by you as a cart full of sheaves is weighed down there for flight shall perish from the Swift the strong shall not strengthen his power nor shall the mighty deliver himself he shall not stand who handles the bow the Swift of foot shall not escape nor shall he who rides a horse deliver himself the most courageous man of might shall flee naked in that day says the Lord again a very strong word of judgment and then just one more just to give you a flavor of what most The Book of Amos is about this is from chapter 5 beginning at verse 21 I hate I despise your feast days and I do not savor your sacred assemblies though you offer me burnt offerings and your grain offerings I will not accept them nor will I regard your fattened peace offerings take away from me the noise of your songs for I will not hear the melody of your stringed instruments I don't want your sacrifices I don't want your music it's not done unto me it's done unto the pagan gods or the God of self we read we read these judgments of the Book of Amos and we think how many of them apply to the current spiritual condition of the Western world well God would not abandon his failing people and he promised even within the Book of Amos a restoration to the people of God and here in verse 13 of Amos chapter 9 in the images that come very easy to a farmer like Amos God spoke to Amos about an ultimate restoration a Reve iteration of the nation you could call it a revival of the nation he was giving Amos and all the people of God first of all that God can make things different look around and they saw the desperate spiritual condition of their time and it was easy to lapse into despair Amos gave the people of God hope maybe this word for the Lord gave Amos himself hope that God could bring restoration but then the secondly just the fact that it showed that God is interested in restoration when we have a sense of the judgment that we may deserve as a church as a whole in the Western world we sometimes think well how long Lord if you're delaying this this long maybe you never desire to bring it maybe you're not interested in this kind of reinvigoration of your people this kind of transformation of society in a spiritual awakening but then I read passages like Amos 9 13 and it really gives me hope once again see God announced in Amos chapter 9 verse 13 look at the first few words the days are coming and under the prophet amos 'as words by the inspiration of the Holy Spirit he leaves the Book of Amos on a high note of hope looking forward to a great day of restoration now what's interesting is in the reign of Amos not the reign the ministry of Amos it was held during the reign of Jeroboam ii and if we understand the history of the times correctly the reign of Jeroboam ii was a time of great material abundance but it was not abundance in the lord here we see in chapter nine verse 13 that god promises something even greater than material abundance and we have the material abundance we really do it is unparalleled the lives of luxury that we live there's something greater than spiritual abundance it's the spiritual abundance that comes from an outpouring of God's Spirit Israel had no idea how good it could be under the Lord and so here he gives the word look at the words coming here right now verse 13 when the ploughman shall overtake the Reaper with that phrase Amos described the miraculous and amazing blessing of God and the restoration that he promised to bring that picture that scene just think of that phrase when the ploughman overtakes the Reaper do you see two men working in a field and there's the Reaper he's working all that he can but the harvest is so mighty that he can't bring in the harvest before the ploughman has to do his work God has brought in such an amazing harvest in this picture with the ploughman overtaking the Reaper it's so rich it's so abundant it's so full but that the Reaper has to look back at the but hey whoa slow down slow down there's so much here it's gonna take a long time to gather it in but that's how great the abundance would be that the ploughman would overtake the Reaper now I just want to draw forth a few simple principles from this verse that I think really speak to the matter of the nature of revival and spiritual awakening number one when God sends blessing and restoration when God sends revival fruit comes quickly you know I'm no farmer my knowledge of farming is pretty much reduced to what I've seen on television and a few vegetables in the garden but from what I understand um you don't plant a seed and then the next couple days you're harvesting it the farmer understands that in normal times the fruit doesn't come quickly normally the ploughman and the Reaper are in no danger of running over each other because their work is far separated by months and months but under these unique seasons of blessing and restoration they bump into each other the crops were so big as I said before that the ploughman and Reaper didn't have time to let the other finish their work now we should pray for such seasons of God bringing in a mighty harvest and look it's inexplicable but we know this both from our study of the scriptures and we know it from history that there are seasons when God brings in converts quickly into the community of God's people when so to speak the catch of fish is just plain remarkable it's miraculous now there's a lot of examples of this throughout history let me give to you a few just from this book here Jade WA nor is quoting from that great work of God that happened 1857 1858 starting in Canada and then spreading to the United States some people call it the second evangelical awakening I mean from my research on the matter I find that there's no universally accepted terminology for these different works of God a genuine or called it the second evangelical awakening whatever that counts in your mind that seems this revival began in Canada and then soon spread to the United States and starting in 1857 over about a 12 month period and dr. or does a wonderful job documenting this from hard figures in historical research then in about 12 months in 1857 to 1858 a million people were added to churches in the United States a million converts and that was when the United States had a population of about 30 million now think of what it would be like on our scale today that would be like a 10 million conversions in the United States genuine conversions deep conversions in one year that would be a remarkable thing would it not and again these were not Christians getting right with God of which there was a whole nother number of those probably uncountable but these were unbelievers definitely and radically changed and committed to Jesus Christ as I said before in today's terminals would be something like 10 million in the United States coming to the Lord in a year now that is rapid fruit and there are such seasons when the ploughman overtakes the Reaper here's another example of quick fruit from that revival a Presbyterian Church in Charleston South Carolina there were 48 black Christians and 12 white attending this Presbyterian Church the minister was a man named dr. John Gerardo and he was an outstanding theologian he started a series of prayer meetings to ask God to send revival the prayer meeting grew and grew until the sanctuary was filled the leaders in the church told him that now it was time for him to start preaching he began to preach whoa excuse me he waited to preach until he sensed the outpouring of the Holy Spirit to do so and then one evening while leading the people in prayer he received and again I'm I'm just giving you the history from the book I'm not saying that it should be like this for everybody I'm just telling you what happened in this situation but dr. Gerard Oh a Presbyterian Doctor of Ministry said that he sensed in his body something like a surge of electric power first in his head and then in his whole body he said that for a little while he sat under the strange feeling and then he stood up and then he sat down again he was confused as he later related he said there was nothing in the Presbyterian order of service to account for this then he spoke out to the prayer meeting and he said this the Holy Spirit has come we will begin preaching tomorrow evening and then he closed the meeting with a hymn he dismissed the congregation and then came down from the pulpit but you know what happened no one left the church then he realized that the Holy Spirit had not only come upon him in a remarkable way but maybe not in the same sensation but in the same reality the Holy Spirit had come upon the whole congregation and immediately he began exhorting them to accept the gospel and many people began weeping softly that weeping continued until it became either a loud sobbing over brokenness and sin or there was a rejoicing that one had who had been once convicted had now been set right with God it was midnight before he could dismiss the meeting for eight weeks after that he preached to crowds from anywhere from 1,500 people to 2,000 people night and day and there were so many converts both white and black that joined the churches of Charleston now that work of God spread over to Great Britain in the years 1859 and 1865 at 27 million do you know how many people came to the Lord new converts in a calendar year in a year not a county over 12 months again it was a million documented converts in Great Britain in that year period here's an example of God's work in that period at a town named Hale in southern England William and Catherine Booth the founders of the Salvation Army they had a meeting at a church in August of 1861 they were somewhat discouraged because they had no actual conversions on the first Sunday so at the meeting that they had on Monday booths spoke to believers on the subject of hindrances to Christian labor and Christian joy afterwards they had a prayer meeting and nearly everybody stayed at the prayer meeting and after a second message from booth a woman made her way to the place up front were those who were concerned about the state of their soul received prayer and then William Booth said that he hoped that she would be the first fruits of a glorious harvest over the next 18 months 7,000 people were converted in that ministry and in that town 500 people were converted in the first six weeks now again isn't that the ploughman overtaking the Reaper that's not normal but these times have great outpouring of God's Spirit they're not normal there are times when God just in a remarkable way says I'm gonna advance my kingdom by big leaps not by small steps now Brett and sisters I want you to know I do not despise the small steps I do not despise the ordinary things of ministry I do not despise how we just week in and week out remain faithful to our call and do the work of evangelism but I hope that that as someone who who has a ministry someone who serves the Lord someone who has epitone to speak to people from time to time I hope that I can so to speak walk and chew gum at the same time that I can thank God for the daily plotting of faithful people doing the work day in and day out knowing that God works through that while also praying for in anticipating these remarkable seasons where the kingdom of God seems to take big steps forward it's not an either/or proposition we don't despise the small things and the daily work but neither neither do we approach these seasons of true a rock revival and spiritual awakening with skepticism and criticism now doctor or spoke about the quality of that revival by saying that Perry Miller a Harvard professor he was not a believer but he was a very prominent American historian in a book that was published after his death Perry Miller called that 1857 fifty-eight revival in America he called it the event of the century now you know what's remarkable about that to call that revival the event of the century in American history in the same century in which you have the Civil War that's truly truly crediting the amazing work that God did in the United States during that year another way to illustrate this is by the life of dl moody deal moody died in 1899 and he said toward the end of his lifetime a lifetime of fruitful christian service he said i would like before i go hence to see the whole current Church of God quickened as it was in 1857 and a wave going from Maine to California that would sweep thousands into the kingdom of God you know Moody was saying that in 40 years of remarkable service he never saw anything that compared to the work that God did in 1857 58 now look does it sound impossible well with man it is impossible but not with God not with God when he says I tell you there's gonna come a day when the ploughman will overtake the Reaper now we see next year that when God sends blessing and restoration when God sends revival the fruit comes from unexpected places and again I'm confess I'm not a farmer I don't know about you know growing vines and grapes and all the rest of it even though Santa Barbara has a beautiful vineyard area you know not far from okay thought of that but from what I understand grapes don't grow at high elevations it's more the lower elevations but look at the promise here in verse 13 it says notice it says the ploughman shall overtake the Reaper the Treader of grapes who sews the mountains shall drip with sweet wine and the hills shall flow with it we should pray for seasons of unexpected fruit nobody expected the tall mountains of Israel to bear vineyards but God's promises when I send revival the fruit will come from unexpected places so I don't know what the unexpected places are for you and your life maybe it is truly an unexpected place geography they say no if God were to send revival he'd never do it from here he'd never do it from a small little community on the outskirts of Los Angeles he'd picked something much more prominent to do it but listen when God sends revival it is often from unexpected places but it's not just places in geography you also know that when God sends revival he often uses very unexpected people isn't that the truth you know we have a way and I was so appreciative for our brothers word here leading us in prayer we're so aware of the phenomenon today of the celebrity preacher the celebrity pastor and and listen I can't say that I know this don't don't regard this as a word from the Lord all I can say is that it's just sort of this hanging suspicion in my heart that that should God send revival it's not going to be through some celebrity preacher again I can't say that's from the Lord but it just feels that way doesn't it then he'll probably use obscure men obscure women who just don't care enough he'll send it from an unexpected person unexpected places unexpected ministries here's the other thing this is a third point when God sends blessing and restoration the fruit comes with great quality Amos look forward to the day when the wine came quickly from unexpected places and it would be sweet wine now brothers and sisters I don't know anything about wine I know that's a whole world that people are very much interested and they know this that but I do know that in the Hebraic culture sweet wine was regarded as good this was a compliment it's not the kind of thing where you know Amos would roll it around in his mouth and say an only way to take this away this is too sweet now this was a way of demonstrating the quality of what God would bring forth and this is another thing that's true we should pray for such seasons of good fruit because brother and sisters we're not content to see God do something where where thousands of converts are brought in but they're very shallow kind enough of that already now we need God to bring in the sweet wine a deep work now it may very well be that whatever work God has you focused upon right now is more focused on developing quality in the people that you share in discipleship discipleship with rather than it is the quantity but you could have a massive impact upon the world with truly what you might call boy isn't this a phrase that could be misunderstood easily sweet wine believers matter of fact let's just scratch that one from the record what I mean though is believers of great quality and depth in their life in their walk with the Lord fourthly yes yes holy believers fourthly when God sends blessing and restoration the workers may be anonymous look at the people described in verse 13 just take a look here what do you have who are the people described here you have a Plowman you have a Reaper you have a Treader of grapes and you has him who sow seeds do you see a single name mentioned in verse 13 no they're all workers but they are all anonymous and this shows that even in times of great harvest it may be that God will not raise up a high profile prophet or preacher God may do much of the work or mostly all the work through people who are relatively anonymous and we should be content to be such servants and we should be very on guard against the idea of desiring revival so that we can be known as mighty men and women of revival instead our our our heart cry before God needs to be floored I would be a thousand times more pleased a million times more please for no one to know of any impact or worth that are done with us if your work could multiply now this is very interesting because when you see so often these marvelous works revival you see that God oftentimes leaves the great workers in them unknown or or relatively unknown if I were to tell you who were the great workers of the 1857 fifty-eight revival in America well I mean one name that might come to mind Jeremiah Lamphere he's the guy that started the prayer meetings in New York City a lot of people are familiar with him and then some people will say well wasn't fini really part of that no that was past Phinney's day and some people wasn't Moody part of that well no but moody didn't make the revival the revival made Moody who were the other I mean that there must have been thousands of people actively involved in the work who were they bless the Lord we mostly don't know now there are a few names but isn't that a wonderful thing Oh their names are known in heaven no doubt about that but who cares on this earth man that we think about the great Welsh revival which I like how dr. Orr described it he would often call it the Welsh and worldwide revival because he really again with historical documentation would point out that yes there's no doubt that it began with a mighty work in Wales and it was a stunning work in there and if you were to associate the work in Wales with one name what would it be of course the name Evan Roberts but but that revival work extended far beyond Wales far beyond matter of fact many people don't even know how much that revival work affected the United States in 1904 and a few years afterwards let me tell you it began among as you might suspect the Welsh speaking or bilingual coal miners of Pennsylvania of which there were a lot if the Welsh know anything or knew anything back then it was how to dig coal so when they came to the United States a lot of them settled in the coal regions of Pennsylvania that revival first was sparked in the United States again we're talking about 1904 1905 it was for spark the United States among that Welsh community there in Pennsylvania and you could just go through a geographical recounting of what God did in wilkes-barre Pennsylvania pastor JD roberts instructed a hundred and twenty three converts in one month in 1904 in Scranton large congregations gathered all over the area with the spirit of revival evident in all the churches in Philadelphia by early spring of 1905 the Methodists reported 10,000 converts they said that it was the largest and greatest work they had seen since the Moody and Sankey meetings of the previous century in Atlantic City there was such a revival happening that it was claimed that there was not more than 50 unconverted persons in a city of 60,000 in Atlanta in November stores factories and offices closed for a Day of Prayer and thousands of people gathered for prayer in Louisville more than 4,000 conversions and fifty-eight leading business firms of the city closed at noon for an hour of Prayer in Michigan Baptists reported more baptisms in 1905 than in any year in a decade in Denver in January 4th 1905 was declared a day of prayer at 10 a.m. all the churches were filled and at 11:30 almost all stores and businesses were closed and at 12 noon 12,000 people crowded into the largest theaters of the city for combined prayer meetings every school was closed for prayer this is 1905 in Denver in Los Angeles a hundred churches cooperated and combined for meetings that saw more than a hundred and eighty thousand people in combined attendance with more than 4200 conversions and then in Portland more than 200 stores signed an agreement to close between eleven and twelve to allow their customers and their employees to attend prayer meetings that was quite a work going on the United States 1904-1905 the the Welsh revival was not confined to Wales but you know what I love about that who were these people in America leading these works we don't know because again just as Amos 9 13 tells us you have a Plowman you have a Reaper you have a Treader of grapes you have a sower of seeds these were pretty much nameless Plowman and Reapers and we need to come back to a satisfaction with that anonymity rather than sisters if I if I have any ache in my heart regarding an anticipation of a new awakening that God might do them on us I can't quite get my head around how God may do it in a social media age I'm not saying it's impossible and maybe I shouldn't even bother trying to figure it out but there is such a an aspect of self-promotion and self glorying in our modern age that I wonder if it isn't just diametrically opposed to true revival work I shouldn't be afraid of such things but but I do fear sometimes in a more doubtful moment I think of God pouring out his spirit at a time and place and a marvelous revival work beginning and then it being quenched very early because people rushing to social media to promote themselves as part of the revival to sell whatever it is they can make money off of as part of it we just say Lord what you do is far more important but may you let me use the biblical phrasing he must increase and I must decrease I think that spirit will will see us into the work that God wants to do all right just just a few more here number five when God sends blessing and restoration there is still a division of labor I find that interesting in Amos chapter 9 verse 13 the ploughman still plowed the Reaper still reaped the Treader of graves still stomped the grapes and he who sow seed still sowed seeds you see the important thing is the work of the harvest in general it's far more important than the individual work of any particular man or woman we're never in the place of saying well lord send revival and let me do this in it Oh Lord you will divide the labor as you please and whatever role you would want me to play or not play in a mighty work that you would do I will be at rest with that and by the way the ploughman is never in competition with the reaper we refuse to compete with one another and measure ourselves against one another then finally and this is number six when God sends blessing and restoration the work is blessed but it is still work plowing reaping treading grapes sowing seeds again I didn't grow up on the farm but I'm smart enough to know that's all work the outpouring of God's Spirit the awakening the quickening that he would send two congregations into communities it's a lot of work it's a lot of effort not to produce it no no no never never it don't work for us to manufacture it god forbid the work is in trying to keep up with what God is doing that's the work but there's a lot to do God doesn't do it God did not promise Amos the days are coming when I'll do all the plowing I'll do all the reaping I'll do all the sowing I'll do all the treading of grapes no God would still use his workmen and work women no doubt about it the work would be blessed as never before but it would still be work so the ploughman doesn't just wait around he gets busy even if he might bump into the reaper the seasons of unexpected blessing never mean that God's people sit on their hands and do nothing there's still work to do it's genuine glorious blessed work I guess what I'm saying this brother and sisters please don't wait for the day when ministry becomes easy there's always an element of sacrifice there's always an aspect of being poured out but there's a way of work that has remarkable blessing from God and that's what we long for him to do let me read to you a quote from Charles Spurgeon where he described this kind of blessed work are you ready for this I love this quote from Spurgeon he says quote I meet with my brethren in the ministry who are able to preach day after day day after day and are not half so fatigued as they were and I saw a brother minister this week who has been having meetings in his church every day and the people have been so earnest that they will keep him very often from 6 o'clock in the morning to - excuse me from 6 o'clock in the evening to 2:00 in the morning oh said one of the members our minister will kill himself not he said I that is the kind of work that will kill no man it is preaching to a sleepy congregation that kills good ministers but not preaching - earnest people so when I saw him his eyes were sparkling and I said to him brother you do not look like a man who's being killed killed my brother said he what I am living twice as much as I did before I was never so happy never so hard he never so well that's true isn't it and so we're not afraid of the work we say Lord we understand that it will be work but it will be bless at work now we will continue faithful in serving God day in day out as Paul said to Timothy preach the word in season and out of season this is our commitment I'm the first one to tell you though in seasons a lot more fun and I pray that God sends a mighty blessed season as our brother said before I was so touched by his words we see the mercy drops around us and we are grateful for them when we see God stirring and moving in any way we never look our nose down on anything God is doing no way we are excited by even the smallest mercy drop thank you Lord for it but at the same time we have it in the back of our mind Lord send the days send the days among us when the ploughman will overtake the Reaper father I pray for a rich blessing upon this conference I pray that not only as it has been today that it would continue to be a time when your people genuinely confer yes Lord with one another yes Lord with whoever comes to minister but most importantly that we collectively would confer with you that you would lead us and guide us and Lord whatever preparation you must do in US and many others for the work that you long to do we open up our lives wide before and you say do that work Lord do it in us we pray this Lord and Jesus wonderful name amen [Music]
Channel: David Guzik
Views: 2,084
Rating: 4.8400002 out of 5
Keywords: david guzik, guzik, enduring word, amos 9, revival
Id: ZCar7rGPmp8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 13sec (2893 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 09 2019
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