How Long is Left Before Wrath of the Lich King Classic?

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hello ladies and gentlemen here with phase 3 for tbc confirmed for 27th of january we are somehow if not already past the halfway mark for the burning crusade and i just can't help but notice that wrath of the lich king is very much already starting to gain a lot of interest i see posts on the subreddit the wow forums of our videos are starting to pop up youtube comments the hype train is very much already boarding and seemingly about to get in motion midway through classic people were already calling it the tbc waiting room though interest for this version of wow seems to have missed the mark more so than hitting it for a lot of players as you know the deal with rafa the lich king the most subscribed to version of wow ever an expansion many players look back too fondly and where a significant number of changes were made to both gameplay design philosophies ease of access for raiding and many more things but we have plenty of time to talk about those and no it's not announced yet and it won't be for some time but let's not pretend blizzard are not going to be releasing wrath of the lich king you could bet your entire existence on them doing it so then how long do we reckon tbc has left to go before we are on the boat and sailing towards the howling fjord yes only the howling fjord not marie and tundra nobody wants to go to korean tundra i did a video similar to this for the burning crusade back midway through classic and i wasn't actually too far off i thought tbc would have dropped in april though i did mention june latest and that turned out to be the case the difference is with classic is that it felt as though we were powering through the content at a really rapid rate when in reality we went too far off how long the game took to run its course back in 2004 with our classic spanning a total of about 20 months or so and through the dark portal into tbc the way in which content has been spaced out is way different from what players experienced back in 2007. they technically had content which we don't even have access to yet over six months later from launch that being mount hyjal and that was the extent to which tbc content was front loaded back then prior to the launch of the expansion i thought it would be a good idea to split the content up a bit for the benefit of not having players demolish everything there is to do in about the space of one month which blizzard did do in the end and i think it has been for the best although certain phases just feel like they have dragged a little bit i will admit that and tbc back in 2007 and 8 which was about 22 months total only really had three major content patches in all that time their phase one started on the 16th of january 2007 and lasted till black temple dropped in 2.1 on may 22nd 2007 and honestly by this point the majority of the content in tbc was already out in some ways i'm surprised the expansion continued to grow at such a rapid rate for blizzard i think that's the difference between having a game that's rising in popularity and constantly growing and gaining new players who then have a massive amount of content to explore as opposed to today and this is also true for retail as well since cataclysm to be honest where there is a boom on a new release and then things gradually tail off with some bumps for each major patch i say there was only three major content patches because 2.2 was voice chat balancing changes and holiday content such as brewfest and hallows and 2.3 the next major patch had zul'aman gilbank season 3 arena and the old azeroth leveling rework which was november 2007 six months after 2.1 the launch to zola man in ogtbc is about 11 months total because after zola man there was only one more major content patch in tbc 2.4 and the fury of the sunwell which means 2.4 lasted about eight months total now i don't think you need to be some kind of oracle to work out that we won't be doing the sunwell for eight months well i really hope not anyway i mean we did have six months of max rammus to be fair but there's no way this happens final world of warcraft patches have typically been very very long some of them such as in mr pandaria took over one entire year to get through i think this is an area that's going to be shortened for certain in classic because we can so that's how the old 2007-2008 burning crusade timeline looked like at the moment we are approaching what would be 2.1 which happened five months into tbc and will happen seven months into our timeline moreover we don't have a patch 2.2 like cbc did because it's already in the game and a patch for voice chat yeah we have discord now also we have five phases for tbc in total phase two for tbc was about five months long and i expect phase three to be at least equally as long as it contains two huge new raids an entire new arena season and much more bouncing forwards i think we can expect phase four and zuluman to drop in summer around june this means i'm giving phase three for tbc a round of five months which hurts about as much to read as it does to write phase four should be a shorter phase just like phase one was it has zola man which is nice some new best items more vendors bear farming for your guild a lot of catch-up stuff really but phase four will be a smaller for pv ears and with no new arena season which is why i'm giving it three months total which means phase five the sunwell last phase and arena season four drop around late august or september now if we took the true to tbc timeline here that would mean rather the lich king would drop eight months later in march again there's no way it's that long but if we call it five to six months of sunwell we are looking at a pre-patch which is hopefully longer than two weeks this time around and a launch of wrath of the lich king classic in late january or early february which means about 20-month duration total for tbc a little bit shorter than classic though if you want one takeaway i'm betting on a 2023 launch not late 2022 for us this will steer clear of a retail release i'm confident in saying they are very typically at the end of the year and there has even been recent leaks that have been circulating around showing dragon isles and azeroth getting a soft reboot retail certainly needs something big after shadowlands and bfa that's for sure we're over quarter three for activision blizzard is between late october and early february if they set up wrath of the lich king the most successful version of the game they have ever had to launch a few weeks before the end of q3 or just after the start of q1 it would either finish off or start a new year strong and for what it's worth i expect 10.0 to cover the end of 2022 timing does depend somewhat around other things which are coming out around that point in time that we may not know of yet but that remains to be seen so it may be a little longer than you expect it to be that seems like a fairly realistic timeline from what you can expect from blizzard and how they've shown to do things in the past which means there's only really one or maybe two more things to mention here bbc to wrap for the lich king transition we have to assume it's going to be the same and it wouldn't be any different from classic the classic era servers may seem quite redundant at the moment but they're going to be the future home after season of mastery concludes and will be the case for later seasons as well assuming they exist you have to consider blizzard may open up seasonal tbc servers a few months in the wrath but there seems to be less demand for the expansion overall from for example somewhere between 10 to 20 percent of the playerbase per server take part in an arena each week when compared to the volume of people appearing on warcraft logs and the raiding whilst improved in many aspects is one of the few repeatable activities that tbc offers it's no secret that many private servers had tbc as the least popular and least explored version of the original trilogy due to things we're already experiencing people not wanting to get over the hurdle of achievements one raid difficulty with much harder topping content than we've ever seen before it's difficult to break into pvp without excessive honor grinding and then arena grinding and just not really much to do outside of any of that blizzard did a survey for tbc originally too with some options based loosely around what we ended up getting i think though it will just be exactly the same we'll be given a choice then tvc era which will move on to its own thing or continue to wrap for the lich king your character transfers over to the new servers raf pre-patch hits and then on we go tbc arrows stays on the final phase and if or when tbc seasonals release at the end of it players will go to there we'll have an entire new category on the wow launcher for wrath of the lich king at which point for world of warcraft you will have retail potentially two seasonal servers classic era tbc error and raffle the lich king classic i mean at least you're getting your choice for 15 bucks i guess imagine what happens if they layered more expansions on top of this they'll probably go for an entire ui redesign and just have a classic warcraft tab where you can pick from however many game modes there ends up being finally something tbc didn't do and i don't think raffle do either new servers moving from classic to tbc a lot of people were concerned about the amount of gold people were taking over or wanted fresh servers for that fresh experience which is ever popular again i don't think they'll do it if anything we're going to see a reduction in the number of servers during the tbc to wrap the lich king transition because so many servers have become dead during the expansion as people have gradually moved together to a select few servers where everybody is playing there's a few other questions will blizzard add a leveling boost i wonder how will they handle the pre-patch in the second scourge invasion in 2008 this event was so destructive and overly affected that they had to cut it short because you were literally not able to use anything in capital cities and players complained endlessly maybe a bit of a fun video to do a retrospective on that and how it looked because it was a one-time thing for wow those are all my thoughts on it then but i think it's before we're boarding to northrend that's about everything though as always thank you all so much for watching and listening in i shall see all the next one very soon you
Channel: WillE
Views: 168,264
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: wotlk, wotlk classic, wow, mmo, mmorpg, blizzard, wille
Id: vPcqpInMC_A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 28sec (628 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 16 2022
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