How Long Are Christians Going To Do Nothing While Waiting For A False Rapture? - Aug. 2, 2020

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turn in your bibles with me please to the book of luke chapter 19. luke chapter 19. luke chapter 19 i'll begin reading in verse 11. and as they heard these things the the story of zacchaeus was immediately in front of this passage and when they heard these things he added jesus and spake a parable because he was nigh to jerusalem he was going to jerusalem to be crucified he was going to partake of the last supper with his disciples to the garden of gethsemane and then to the judgment hall and then to the cross so all of this was immediately in front of him that's why he was going to jerusalem because he was nigh to jerusalem and because they the disciples thought that the kingdom of god should immediately appear they thought that the kingdom of god should immediately appear the jews then and the zionist christians today mistakenly look for christ to establish a political earthly kingdom immediately the same error that the jews fell into during the time of christ is the same era that the christian zionists have fallen into today they thought that the kingdom of god should immediately appear they expected jesus to immediately or very soon establish a physical kingdom on the earth they were anticipating that kingdom they thought that's what jesus was going to do that's very important to understand that was the mindset of the disciples jesus gives this parable to correct that erroneous interpretation of prophecy and we'll get into that parable in just a moment in john chapter 18 in verse 36 jesus said my kingdom is not of this world if my kingdom were of this world then would my servants fight that i should not be delivered to the jews but now is my kingdom not from hence this world my kingdom is not of this world the kingdom of christ is a spiritual kingdom we are part of a spiritual body the body of christ the church the disciples were looking for a physical kingdom jesus said my kingdom is not physical it is spiritual it is not of this world so that is the preface for the parable they were expecting an immediate physical kingdom from christ so he gives him this parable verse 12. he said therefore a certain nobleman went into a far country to receive for himself a kingdom and to return he's speaking of himself being the nobleman going to a far country heaven to receive a spiritual kingdom and he's going to return let me give you these comments on this passage from matthew henry very good very astute he is like a certain nobleman for he is the lord from heaven and is entitled by birth to the kingdom but he goes into a far country to receive for himself a kingdom christ must go to heaven to sit down at the right hand of the father there and to receive from him honor and glory before the spirit was poured out by which the kingdom was to be set up on earth and before a church was to be set up for him in the gentile world he must receive the kingdom and then return christ's return listen to this very carefully this is why you need a matthew henry study bible and throw away your 20th century study bibles christ returned when the spirit was poured out when jerusalem was destroyed by which time that generation both the friends and enemies which he had personally conversed with was wholly worn off by death the lord returned with christ's return when the spirit was poured out in acts 2 and when jerusalem was destroyed in 70 a.d but his chief return here meant as that at the great day of which we are yet in expectation that which they thought would immediately appear christ tells them will not appear till this same jesus who was taken into heaven shall unlike manner come again verse 13 and he called his ten servants and delivered them 10 pounds and said unto them occupy till i come occupy till i come literally means until i come take care of business that's what the greek word occupy means it means take care of business they thought he's going to set up his kingdom immediately jesus is telling them no i'm not setting up an earthly kingdom my kingdom is not of this world i'm not setting up an earthly kingdom immediately i'm going to a far country to receive a kingdom i will return until i return take care of business let me ask you what difference should it make to any christian when jesus returns what difference should it make it should make absolutely no difference at all we are instructed to take care of business until he comes if he comes tomorrow a hundred years from tomorrow a thousand years from tomorrow it doesn't matter our job is to take care of business it doesn't matter one iota when the lord comes our responsibility is the same our duty is the same we have a job to do occupy till i come all over america christians have abandoned business and are instead expecting an immediate return of christ they are transfixed on an immediate return of christ that's all they want to talk about that's all they want to focus on the immediate return of christ you see it i see it i see it in my email inbox i see it on facebook post i see it on sermons and radios and television i hear these preachers i hear christians talk and talk and talk and talk about jesus is coming immediately he's coming soon he's coming next week he's coming next month he's coming tomorrow he's coming soon and they're focused entirely on jesus returning immediately and in the process have abandoned the business that god gave them to do acts chapter 1 verses 6 through 8 you don't have to turn you want to write it down when they therefore were come together this was after the resurrection now what we are reading is before the resurrection before the cross but now in acts 1 jesus was crucified and he was risen from the dead and listened to the disciples and when therefore they were come together they asked of him christ saying lord wilt thou at this time restore again the kingdom to israel wait a minute we've already been over this they were talking about just before the crucifixion you're going to establish a kingdom on the earth right now right that's why you're here right we know you're the messiah we know that you're the savior we know you're the one who was promised you're going to establish your kingdom on the earth right now right right right right and the lord is giving them teaching after teaching no no no i'm not setting up a physical kingdom now no no you have a job to do go to work go to work do your job now he's risen from the dead and again same question lord will thou at this time restore again the kingdom of israel same question okay lord we didn't get all that before you know the cross and the crucifixion we didn't understand that in the resurrection we didn't understand it but now that we got that you're gonna you're gonna establish your kingdom now right and he said unto them it is not for you to know the times and the seasons which the father hath put in his own power if you couldn't make it any more clear than this it is not for you to know are you going to establish your kingdom on the earth now it is not for you to know say it it is not for you to know all these books that are being sold and tapes and videos and dvds and sermons about when jesus is coming signs of the times it is not for you to know i want you to get that down in your soul it is not for you to know and that means it's not for kenneth copeland to know either it's not for you to know but ye shall receive power after that the holy ghost has come upon you and you shall be witnesses unto me both in jerusalem and in judea samaria and in the other most part of the earth in other words it is not for you to know when jesus will come but it is for you to take care of the business i give you that's what he's saying he's saying the same thing that he said to the disciples in luke chapter 19. no i'm not establishing my kingdom on the earth at this time no it is not for you to know when it is going to take place here is what you are supposed to do be witnesses unto me in jerusalem et cetera take care of business the same thing matthew chapter 24 verse 36 but of that day and hour knoweth no man speaking of the second coming along with the destruction of jerusalem but of that day and hour knoweth no man no not the angels of heaven but my father only now again matthew 24 is primarily discussing the destruction of jerusalem in 70 a.d and in my message the destruction of jerusalem i go over that with great detail if there's still any of you that do not have the destruction of jerusalem dvd this is the one message you've got to watch we have it on the table we have it online we have it for half price if you get three copies or more i go into great detail on the destruction of jerusalem and primarily the scripture text that i use is matthew 24. matthew 24 is not primarily talking about the second coming of christ is talking about the destruction of jerusalem in 70 a.d but the destruction of jerusalem in 70 a.d as i said in the message is a foreshadowing of the second coming of christ in the same way that the disciples could not know the time when the roman armies would descend upon the city of jerusalem neither were those at the end of the world know when christ will descend upon the gentile cities of the earth that's what he's saying no one knows but the father only jesus was suggesting or intimating in that passage that even he did not know when he would return but only god the father knew so if jesus is saying to us that he the son of god does not know when he's returning to the earth what makes kenneth copeland think he knows but jesus doesn't know and all these other prophecy zombies they are they're prophecy zombies what makes you think they know they've got everything all categorized i mean they've got the toes marked you know they got the fingers marked they got the toenails marked you know they've got the teeth they've got everything identified this is this this is that this is that this is how it's going to happen they are so smart they are smarter than god jesus said i don't even know when i'm coming it doesn't matter when jesus comes we have a job to do take care of business verse 14. but his citizens this would be the jews to whom he came but his citizens hated him and sent a message after him saying we will not have this man to reign over us he was referencing what the jews were about to do to him when they rejected him and crucified him john chapter 19 verse 15 but they cried out away with him away with him crucify him pilate said them saith unto them shall i crucify your king the chief priest answered we have no king but caesar so in 70 a.d god gave the jews their king and caesar's army thoroughly destroyed them their city their temple and their religion we have no king but caesar okay i'll give you your king and caesar's army totally thoroughly annihilated the city of jerusalem that city over in palestine that is called jerusalem today is not the jerusalem of the bible there's nothing about it that is the jerusalem of the bible the so-called western wall that is supposedly part of the original temple as total fraud it is part of the old roman fort that was built after the destruction of jerusalem that remained they're not they're not it's not even the jewish wall it is a roman fort wall that they call the western wall it's all a deception now verses 15-26 let's read what jesus continued to say in this parable and it came to pass that when he was returned the nobleman having received the kingdom in heaven then he commanded these servants to be called unto him to whom he had given the money that he might know how much every man had gained by trading by taking care of business then came the first saying lord thy pound hath gained ten pounds and he said unto him well thou good servant because thou has been faithful in a little thou hast authority over ten cities and the second came saying lord thy pound hath gained five pounds and he said likewise to him be thou also over five cities and another came saying lord behold here is thy pound which i have kept laid up in a napkin for i feared thee because thou art an austere man thou takest up that thou layest not down and reap his death that thou didst not so and he saith unto him out of thine own mouth will i judge thee thou wicked servant. thou knewest that i was an austere man taking up that which i had not laid down reaping that which i did not sow wherefore then gave us not thou my money into the bank that at my coming i might have required mine own with usury at least you could have done if you if you were such a poor investor if you're such a poor businessman that you could not multiply this pound by even the smallest fraction the least you could have put it in the bank and gotten the little measly interest from the bank for the pound that i gave you you didn't even do that and he said unto them that stood by take from him the pound and give it to him that hath ten pounds and they said lord he hath ten pounds here is the system of reward given to those of us who faithfully take care of god's business god has given each of us talents he has given each of us gifts he has given us wealth he's given us health he has given us ability to work for christ he expects us to use our wealth our health our talents our gifts to multiply in the service of christ and produce fruit for the glory of the one who gave us the gifts to begin with so one man took his pound and he gained 10 pounds and the lord said you will be ruler over 10 cities this is all just a parable the other man took his pound and produced five pounds and the lord said you'll be ruler over five cities the other man of course did nothing with this pound and the lord took the pound from him he took the gifts from him and he gave those gifts to another you and i are going to face the judgment seat of christ and we are going to give an account for how we spent the lord's investment in us we're going to give an account for how we spent our time our treasure our health our talents what we did with what god gave us we will give an account and we will be rewarded for the faithfulness of those who have served him and replicated and reproduced the talents that god gave us and they took care of business and they produce things for god and they will we will be rewarded for those those acts of devotion in heaven people that did not serve god and wasted their talents and wasted their pounds wasted their health they will have those gifts taken from them to the ones who are productive jesus will say well done thou good and faithful servant to the ones who are not productive he will say thou wicked and slothful servant what do you want to hear jesus say to you each of us are going to be judged individually for how we invested the gifts that god has given us to serve him that's why last week when i said let's get the work that's what jesus is saying here take care of business take care of business there is no place for lazy in different christianity good for nothing idle christianity people who sit around and talk and talk and talk and moan and groan and complain but do nothing amen i'm sorry god is not impressed and neither am i you do not impress me with what you say and how much you know you impress me with how much you do there's a lot of very gifted talented knowledgeable people that are going to hear jesus say to them thou wicked and slothful servant because they were lazy and didn't invest the count the talents that god gave them now that's in heaven the reward system in heaven but wait a minute what about right here on this earth revelation chapter 2 verse 26 revelation chapter 2 this is in the letter section of the book of revelation that john is writing to the seven churches in asia minor and in the midst of one of these letters jesus says through the apostle john and he that overcometh and keepeth my works unto the end to him will i give power over the nations are you listening to him that overcometh i will give power over the nations john gill writes this this power over them may be understood in a spiritual sense through the preaching of the gospel which being attended with the power of god is the means of converting sinners and so of weakening the kingdom of satan and of antichrist and of antichrist not the antichrist to come the antichrist system that is already in this world john said in 1st and 2nd john the spirit of antichrist already worketh in the world you have heard that antichrist should come he said there are many antichrists in the world i don't know how christians don't understand this but they don't well i do understand why they don't it's because the preachers aren't telling them anything we are not dealing with liberals and conservatives republicans and democrats we are dealing with an antichrist system that is at work throughout the government the antichrist always works through government the antichrist system has been in this world for 2000 years there's an ebb and flow to that system depending on what the church does or doesn't do if the church takes care of business the antichrist system is defeated not totally annihilated always attempting a rebound it is the responsibility of the christian to constantly always take care of business so as to keep the antichrist system from gaining ascendancy in our country in our government in our society it's not the democrats or the republicans job to keep the antichrist system defeated it is the job of the church the church the church like the man who wrote the letter earlier that i read if trump isn't the answer who is chai the church is the answer and so weakening the kingdom of satan and of antichrist and which had its fulfillment at least in part at the time of the reformation and onward john gill the antichrist system was at the peak of power during the dark ages through the inquisitions and potpourri and the persecutions of the church the antichrist system prevailed for hundreds of years and the sorrow and the suffering was manifold then the church arose as a mighty army started with wycliffe in the 14th century and then by the time the 15th century came along you had martin luther and john calvin and zwingli and the great reformers of europe who literally shook the continent for god who took care of business and sent the antichrist system back under the shadows it didn't destroy it but it put them back under the shadows and it brought the exaltation of the gospel of christ to the ascendancy of society they took care of business that led to the pilgrims they took care of business that led to the patriot christians of colonial america and boy did they ever take care of business they sent the kingdom of satan and the antichrist packing and they brought liberty of god and christ to this country we were born in the spirit of christians taking care of business are you getting this you'll rule the nations and for over a hundred years and maybe longer christians took care of business and the antichrist system was subdued into the 20th century things began to change the antichrist system began to grow stronger again the church began to weaken we got caught up with pleasure and prosperity and wealth and buildings and programs and entertainment we got caught up with feel-good-ism and recreation and social reform we got caught up with all these things of which the lord god of heaven never commissioned us to do it's what we wanted to do it made us feel good it exalted us it empowered us it made us prosperous and made us wealthy made us popular but that wasn't the business that jesus gave us to do by taking care of business it means winning souls to christ it means building the church it means baptizing and teaching the church it means learning the scriptures and applying them in our lives and in our communities and when we do that and when we did that we have power over the gentile nations during the reformation church the pilgrim church the patriot church the antichrist system would was subdued back to our text verse 26 for i say unto you that unto every one which hath shall be given those who have taken their gift and have have prospered and multiplied the gift that god gave us taking care of the business god delivered to us god will then take from others and give us more of the blessing and more of the reward and boy god did that for the christians of america in the early years he poured his blessings upon this land because of the obedience of our forbearers to take care of god's business but look at the rest of the verse verse 26 and from him that hath not even that he hath shall be taken away from him do you see that the church that doesn't take care of god's business that doesn't subdue the antichrist system through the power of god and their faithfulness to that church what he has jesus said shall be taken away from him over the last 50 years america the church in america has not taken care of business and has not taught the whole council of god remember the great commission is winning souls baptizing them third part of it teaching them to observe all things they're not doing that and they haven't done it for 50 years during this time the church reverted to a jewish mindset it adopted jewish philosophies and practices the teaching of prophetic dispensationalism took the church back to the earthly jerusalem the zionist state of israel birthed to 1948. all right here i want you to hold your place and then turn to galatians chapter four we're coming back but turn to galatians chapter four i want you to read with me we're coming to the apex of the message so please focus verse 21 tell me ye that desire to be under the law of moses do you not hear the law for it is written that abraham had two sons the one by a bond maid the other by a free woman but he who was of the bond woman was born after the flesh but he of the free woman was by promise which things are an allegory for these are the two covenants the one from mount sinai which gendereth the bondage which is hagar for this hagar is mount sinai in arabia and answereth to jerusalem which now is the earthly jerusalem which now is at paul's time it was still in existence and is in bondage with her children do you see that the earthly jerusalem which now is is in bondage with her children but jerusalem which is above the heavenly jerusalem is free which is the mother of us all we by faith in christ are children of the new jerusalem we are free men free women in a free jerusalem from god get there the children of the old jerusalem are in bondage for it is written rejoice thou barren that bearest not break forth and cry thou that travail is not for the desolate hath many more children than she which hath a husband now we brethren as isaac was are the children of promise but as then he that was born after the flesh the physical jews who were born of a physical parentage persecuted him that was born after the spirit the entire book of acts is the story of the earthly jews persecuting the spiritual jews and all of us are spiritual jews who have put our faith in jesus christ and the old covenant jews persecute the new covenant jews that's what they did two thousand years ago that's what they're still doing today even so it is now nevertheless what saith the scripture cast out the bondwoman and her son for the son of the bondwoman shall not be heir with the son of the free woman so then brethren we are not children of the bondwoman but of the free now forget the chapter division and look at verse 1 of chapter 5. stand fast therefore in the liberty wherewith christ hath made us free and be not entangled again with the yoke of bondage but for the last 50-plus years the church is not standing fast for liberty it is entangled again with the yoke of bondage i have here in my hand a covenant statement from the southern baptist theological seminary in louisville kentucky this is the oldest southern baptist seminary in the united states i want to read it to you as a member of this seminary and college family i affirm and recognize that we are not just a school together we serve the church and the lord jesus christ so far so good together we are called to love one another respect one another protect one another and serve one another in the spirit of christ so far so good we enter into this covenant together and in the season of the coronavirus with lives and health at risk we affirm together that we will follow and obey all rules policies advisories and practices required by government authorities mandated by our institutional responsibility and communicated by institutional leadership we will serve christ serve one another and serve our larger community beyond the campus by following institutional policies designed to prevent transmission of disease we affirm together that we will follow and obey all rules policies advisories and practices required by government authorities this is a baptist seminary training future baptist pastors if you know your history does that not sin chills up your spine does it not remind you of another place another country and another oath to another government no matter what government dictates i swear affirm i will follow and obey of course we say no but this is a southern baptist seminary the oldest in the country one of the most respected seminaries among baptist people in the world producing this the bottom there's a place for the person's signature and the date portion of the second paragraph i understand that failure on my part can lead to the illness of others risking lives and health and jeopardizing the ability of the southern seminary and boyce college to fulfill our mission together on this campus and beyond i got to tell you this idea that healthy people are a threat to other people's health is a lie from hell healthy people don't need to be quarantined healthy people don't need to be isolated healthy people don't need to wear masks healthy people are not a threat to their fellow man whatsoever and i resent the implication so not only are they statist slavish sheep they're also liars the last sentence i make this commitment my personal pledge stand fast in the liberty wherewith christ hath made us free and be not entangled again in the yoke of bondage the church over the last 50 years has put itself in bondage it has abandoned the business that god has given us and has returned to the bondage of jewry the bondage of the old jerusalem under which all of her children were in bondage the church today has taken us back to that which jesus and the gospel freed us from just for the sake of your information let me just trace for you the origin of dispensationalism the doctrine of dispensationalism can be traced back to 1537-1591 francisco ribeira a jesuit doctor of theology who developed the futurist gap theory of daniel's 70th week in an effort to deflect criticism of the papacy away from the charge of antichrist the reformers believed and preached that the papacy was antichrist and it was and it is it's a part of the antichrist system and luther and calvin and zwingli and all the rest of them preached that the papacy was antichrist so in order to deflect away from that charge this jesuit priest came up with this gap theory in daniel's 70th week prophecy which was the precursor for what we now know as dispensationalism i wonder how many of these pentecostals and baptists realize that the doctrine of dispensationalism that they that they so ardently support was actually created by jesuit priests an attempt to protect the catholic church from the preaching of the reformation emanuel d lacunza 1731-1801 another jesuit who wrote a paper under the pseudonym of rabbi ben ezra contributed to rabira's futurism with his own speculations on a rapture catching away edward irving 1792-1834 a heretical presbyterian forerunner of pentecostalism translated lacunz's work from japan from spanish into english in 1827. john nelson darby 1800 to 1882 led a group of the church of ireland dissenters known as the plymouth brethren which led to his disciple cyrus ingerson schofield 1843-1921 who came under the influence of darby and popularized ribera's futurist heresy in fundamentalist circles within the schofield reference bible since then prophetic dispensationalism spread mainly not exclusively but mainly through the pentecostal charismatic baptist southern baptist and bible churches throughout the 20th century to the point that by the end of the 20th century the church in america was for all intents and purposes totally enslaved by the old covenant jerusalem disciples who had initially enslaved the people crucified christ persecuted tortured and killed the apostles tried to destroy the early church but were eventually defeated through the believers taking care of business subduing the spirit of antichrist and raising the work of god to prominence in the western world now at the end of the 20th century it has all been undone and we have reverted back under jewish bondage accordingly go back to our text verse 26 luke 19 26 the last part of the verse i quoted it briefly but now with all that as a background from him that hath not even that he hath shall be taken away from him are you starting to put this together you don't take care of business you don't stand for liberty and reject bondage i will take away from you what i gave you god gave us liberty and the blessings associated with it we have squandered wasted we have not taken care of business we have allowed the antichrist system to prevail again in our country it's an antichrist system under which now we are floundering and christians are going right along with it the letter that i showed you the covenant from the seminary demanding total of obesity obedience total subjugation to an antichrist government system because of that god is taking from us what he gave us he gave us liberty he's taking it away that's what's happening in america right now our liberties are being taken by god as a judgment upon the church because we have not taken care of business because we have returned to the bondage of old jerusalem because we are not standing fast for liberty but are sitting around waiting for a false rapture that's what they're doing i started out talking about how everybody's consumed with jesus is coming immediately that's the focus it's all about prophecy it's all about jesus coming now any day any moment today tomorrow next day and they're not taking care of business they're sitting around lazily talking talking talking about stuff they know not professing themselves to be wise they became fools pretending they know about what god is going to do in the end times when god has plainly said you do not know it is not for you to know jesus doesn't even know only the father who you prophecy preachers think you are you phonies sitting around waiting for a false rapture sitting around waiting for a false rapture what are you going to do five years from now when you're still here and our liberties are gone and you don't have the freedom of speech the freedom of worship the freedom of assembly the freedom of travel your children are going to grow up and enslaved people you're going to be forced vaccinated with what kind of a chemical cocktail nobody knows is going to be thrust into your body what will that do to your mind what will that do to your your spirit your body what will it do to your reproductive system what will it do to your ability to reason what is it going to do to your ability to think as a free man and a free woman and to reason for yourself the principles of god and the principles of right you could be turned into a chemical junkie oh give me the shot give me the shot what's going to happen 10 years from now when you're still here oh we've lost everything now we're not talking about just wearing masks we're not talking about taking a shot we're talking about total subjugation you read you read it's out there you can find it you read the stuff that fouchy and gates are talking about implementing in our world not just our country but in the world it's like something out of huxley's brave new world or or uh 1984 and all the all the science fiction stuff that we've read about and we you know wait this is thriller oh boy wow wow that was that was something wanted hey thank god that could never happen here right they've already got it planned they've already got it on the drawing board they've been practicing this stuff for decades and now they're pulling the trigger what is needed immediately is a massive wholesale resistance by christians and freedom-loving people all over america to stand up to their governors and to stand up to these stupid congressmen and these phony scientists and medical doctors and say no more not one inch more we're taking our country back we're not going to get any help from the southern seminary are we and we're not gonna get any help from a lot of these other preachers are we but i tell you for the men of god that are out there that still know what's going on we've got to stand now man now is not the time to sit down and for people that believe in freedom and liberty and the things that god has given us as a free people we need to stand now i mean in your health board meetings in your city council meetings your county commission meetings i mean your local government the only bright spot we've had in the last five months in this entire country has been the hundreds and hundreds of of county sheriffs that have said to their governors we will not enforce your unenforceable mandates that's the one bright spot one bright spot but again at the end of the day it's going to be the church that's going to subdue the nation it's going to be the church that's going to subdue the antichrist system if we don't do it the politicians won't do it the scientists won't do it there's no one else to do it we must take care of business or just resign yourself and your children to slavery because that's where we're headed if that's okay with you then just go off and be a slave but if freedom means anything to you you've got to start taking care of business liberty fellowship we've got some meetings we've got to show up at this week we've got to take care of business in flathead valley this week we got to do it you can't trust somebody else let me bring it to a close and notice what jesus said to the christ rejecting jews in verse 27 but those mine enemies which would not that i should reign over them bring hither and slay them before me and of course that happened on 70 a.d even as they watch their liberties disappearing in front of their very eyes these blind prophetic dispensationalists are still sitting around waiting for a false rapture and offering no resistance to the forces of subjugation it's happening in front of their very eyes and they're sitting around doing nothing and waiting for a false rapture a rapture that isn't coming folks we'll explain all that in our prophecy series yet to come but all i guess i can say at this point in closing not at liberty fellowship god being our helper we will continue to take care of business and stand fast in the liberty wherein christ hath made us free i stand for closing word of prayer
Channel: LibertyFellowshipMT
Views: 14,062
Rating: 4.6992483 out of 5
Keywords: God, Jesus Christ, Holy Spirit, Bible, Christian, Christianity, Pastor, Chuck Baldwin, Liberty Fellowship, Kalispell, Montana, United States, Constitution, Bill of Rights, Declaration of Independence, Liberty, Republic, Government, Church, Family, Sunday, Sermon
Id: hXP3teHVZB8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 68min 3sec (4083 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 03 2020
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