How James Comey's wife found out about his firing

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you saw a little bit of James combing his wife Patrice last night she was introduced the country of the first time a passionate Hillary Clinton supporter who watched her college sweetheart get blamed for Clinton's defeat she describes the toll this took on their family and their lowest moment January 21st 2017 one day after President Trump is sworn in hundreds of thousands of demonstrators take to the streets among them the wife and daughters of FBI director James Comey take us inside your house at that point now you've heard about this your wife Patrice Hillary Clinton supporter oh yeah and and I didn't take a poll among all the kids but I'm pretty sure that at least my four daughters probably all five of my kids wanted Hillary Clinton to be the first woman president I wanted a woman president really badly and I supported Hillary Clinton a lot of my friends worked for her and it's devastated when she lost so what went through your mind when you saw that letter come out ten days before the election here's the thing I knew that if there were emails that pertain to this investigation on the anthony Weiner's laptop the FBI had to go get them they had to and as a supporter of Hillary Clinton I wanted her to say that's what I want the FBI to do of course they have to do that I don't want them on Anthony Weiner's computer and I'm sure it's innocent but that's what they have to do but instead I felt like she attacks the institution and my husband and I was just appointed I still want her to win and I have a bias I I know I have a bias because I love my husband and I trust him May 9th game home E is in Los Angeles talking to FBI employees when he finds out he's fired you are hereby terminated and removed from office effective immediately that's it the pinnacle of your professional career get over yep over in a flash yeah makes no sense at all at the same time across the country his wife Patrice my phone was blowing up I was at a little happier thing with some friends and had no idea this is coming in my phone started blowing up and so I called him and he did answer and he at the first time you answer he didn't know it was going on and then he called me back and said it's true you knew when I saw it in the news yeah yeah didn't shock you I knew that they were potentially on a collision course at that point I believed he was not an ethical person president Trump was not an ethical person I knew my husband was Jim said he was surprised confused not angry were you angry I think I got angry before he did yeah I still feel a little angry at people that we trusted and knew and that know my husband and knew him in public life and worked with them that haven't that have kind of turned on him but it is we're really living in times when people are loyal to that you have to pick a side through this whole experience what was the lowest moment Wow I think the lowest moment was when we were in our house and the press was at the end of our driveway and he was told he couldn't even come in and pack his office up and say goodbye and it just it's almost like a shunning yeah and that that was a low point but I think we rebounded after that pretty quickly do you think he's misunderstood I don't you know I think some people probably buy some people I think there's a great medal of people that you know see us all as Americans and the Russians came after us and our president isn't really an honest person that we can trust and I think a lot of people in the middle that aren't you know that sit back and don't always get involved I'm hoping they're listening and they're getting involved they've been together for four decades met in college and and you can see there how much they share yeah that is that is evident so he's going to be here tomorrow live tomorrow ng man and his focus at us tomorrow as well hi everyone George Stephanopoulos here thanks for checking out the ABC News YouTube channel if you'd like to get more video show highlights and watch live event coverage click on the right over here to subscribe to our Channel and don't forget to download the ABC News app for breaking news alerts thanks for watching
Channel: ABC News
Views: 213,124
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: James Comey, interview, George Stephanopoulos, controversial, decisions, FBI director, fired, President Trump, investigation, judgement
Id: kVM1Sup-lNo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 23sec (263 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 16 2018
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