How I've turned $27,000 to $3,000,000 before the age of 24 - Steven Dux - penny stock millionaire

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what's up guys my name is Steven dogs in this video there will be no car no houses no fancy stuff right showing I'm going to explain how did I made three million dollars before age of 24 and what is my exactly journey I went through so at the very beginning I came here as exchange students from China I think when I was 16 years old so into the high school United States and at the beginning my English is not very good so and learning anything or don't need anything that based if with English is very very difficult for me so the only thing that doesn't have English based is math so that's why that's probably Asians are really good at math because they don't need anything based with English and also typically in Asia they have higher standards with math so that's why when they come here with the same age they can do math a lot better yeah anyway that's that so at the beginning I went to the high school here I wasn't very very good with English so at the first high school actually got kicked out so I transferred to another high school starting my high school journey and after that I graduated now the first year I went to a college and started looking into something that have a decent income either stop mark he really stayed I have took a look of all those actors before and basically for me I'm international students I'm not very good with English especially on the lawyers side and and also with that all those federal tax and involved particularly state so I'm not very good with that because I'm not very good with communicate with other people with the different language so I put the really stay away and one name with the stock market so at the beginning when I look at the stock market now yes you will take a long time to learn all terms and how to read SEC filings how to read 10-k 10-q but all those after nerve for a while I can just stare at the computer I don't need to communicate with other people so it's not a communicate based doing the business so that's why at the beginning i chosed stock market then the very state now people looking at me think okay you turned twenty seven dollars into thirty three million dollars in three years and I think that's all based on your Italian no it's not because when I started I don't even know my stock market is and I know what stock Mart is but don't know what what's the term of it there how to call them in English so after starting the market and I have to go through all the terms then what line chart is what candlestick chart is I started from very very beginning so a lot people wants to go through a guides and stuff but at the beginning as a beginner I think you should go with Google anything you don't know just Google and watch some YouTube videos it's really really helpful that's why I do some with YouTube video tutorials for some new beginners and give current market instructions and to let people know why should I should be doing what should be not doing so let's jump back at the beginning so after I graduate from high school and I will start looking at okay how do I get into the market so I found couple mentors there is tinker telling you there's Tim Sykes there's investor and grinders other mentors and I basically purchased other tutorials and start looking things through so what I always beep is now all the educational materials they're not very clear so now why do I say that because now in high school grade school or even in college and some of the classes are not very useful for your major you just basically you're you're basically taking them forward to credit right so to be able to graduate so there's a ton of time that it was wasted and now you can learn something else or we can do something else so in high school I want to save as much as I want to save a lot of times to play the video games because if I can learn the core thing of what the lecture was taught and I can shrink them down to nerd them in a really short amount of time so I can save all those ramblings stuff and people talking about their personal experience so I can save a lot of that time to play more a little bit video games and LAN later I'll go to the college and if I can learn of the core thing really fast I can split I can save time to learn more about stock market how do you invest so basically I was doing that at the first year when I got into college so my first year was engineering and basically the concept of engineering is to make stuff sufficient as possible so now you want to achieve 100 percent inflation saying you're in a really short amount of time so that's the concept that are getting and it's really getting close to the concept that I was learning from in high school because I want to save time play video games I want save time and start marking the college so that concept that I also applied in at the market so at the first time when I was started I was learning a bunch of stuff spwhy how to how to trade ETFs how to trade penny stocks how to down turn investing and all the things I looked through is in the stock market you can start with $100 $2,000 $2,000 so there's no amount invitations but in a really state you need credit score you need a base amount of money if you can't get loans basically to buy into properties it's really it will take a long time for all those funds to come back so you basically your equity are stuck in your household so the return of the rental property will be a much slower than if you take a loan from the bank then you basically can put down 20% then you know about two years old those 20% will come back they can just use the rent to pay off the gnomes so I think if you don't have a credit score you're tied down equity will be really really bad for your rental properties so that's basically what I think of really stay that's really really hard for college students so it basically just went into stock market now as I mentioned my English it wasn't that good so it took me a long time to really learn all those terms and I applied the engineer concept into the stock market and some of the gaming strategy as well so I used to play a game called stock up to you and there's a bunch of strategy involved and there's bunch of combinations of different unit to counter your opponent unit and in the in the market it's pretty much the same because in different situations you can use different strategy to counter the majority of people are doing so there's statistics that stock market was showing 90% people lose money in the market the reason why I think of that is if you can do 90% of people that don't do and you can basically put the opposite positions to against them then you should be that 10% people to make money and now as a beginner the mistakes that be making it's probably in this 90 percent of people making the same mistakes as me so at the beginning I write down all the mistakes that I made I put them on the wall remind me what I shouldn't do what I should do so in a long time a practice I can kind of tell what kind of criteria to look for different stocks and you can meet my criteria I should go and even if I didn't meet my criteria I should not going and the market there's a bunch of emotion are involved because when I started trading stocks firstly a stock is going up and up and up and up and start going Perry ball there's no pull back or no red candle I want to go in because I think get stuck don't go higher but when I as soon as I chased in I am and with the 90% people who lose money so as soon as I chase they and start drops and I would be basically done money so I learnt that that markets are really really heavy lean towards to trading psychology so you can really learn from if you can really know what other peoples are doing you change basically creating a strategy to counter the rest of the people and that's also really related to what one of the gaming because they have to think of different counter strategy to counter your opponent and also with the engineering concept that you want to make statistics you know bat testing all the strategies so I basically created a huge amount of spreadsheets that record different training strategies to see if they're really work because if you don't make a machine to work you have to test a thousand times ten thousand times to make sure there's no instant to make sure there is what's the percentage of the fail fail rate then you have the confidence to sell this machine to use this machine to other people now that's exactly what I apply into the market that's exactly how I approach the market and so basically I use psychology and use data and combine them together to create a really high winning percentage profitable strategy after about I think or three months of study because I think because of the concept that I learned from the game means or the engineering on the statistics and you wrote my account and also massively increased my winning percentage to almost 85 85 percent per trade then later on this year a filter on my batteries so it should be cheap at being keep improving so now people because I have been this game for solid about three years now people think there's a great risk involved with stock market either day trading their swing trading or their long-term investing so another investing has less risk because Google Amazon Alibaba they're all huge market caps so they have fundamentals they have a bunch of equity so they were they're not going to lose it in one day right so so investing those markets that can grow your account but it doesn't really grow your account aggressively so that's why I picked day trading and swing trading some of the tickers can go a thousand percent two thousand percent but I can't catch a thousand percent or ten percent I it's like a lottery there's a specific strategy that involved in it you can only catch about fifty percent on the downside maybe sixty percent upside if you can catch that predictable move then my account can grow a thousand times per year or two thousand times per year that's why the first year I turned a twenty seven thousand to your neck I think was nine hundred dollars in the first year the key is to really learn from what other people are thinking because stock market when the candles are moving back and forth people are trading at people who are behind a computer are trading it they're creating those moves so once you can earn the move that are going to make they encounter the move they're going to make then you can make money so that's basically why ninety percent people lose running ten percent people make money and also stock market can grow your small equity very very aggressively I think there's risk involved in but at the first Jeremy in college I've nothing I only have that much money in my pocket and I basically just dive danced wanna learn more because later on I won't I will have kids then I'm not afford to lose what I have now but I cannot afford to lose when I'm in college because I don't have that much to lose I basically just want to gain as much experience as possible but turns out giving me a great return let me give that already a simple explanation when I start putting a video game it took me as six years to grow from the bottom to the top 1% of the entire world and it took me literally seven years of practice and in the market I basically spent a lot more time than the video games it took me about three years to slowly learning from mistakes story learning why should what should I be doing we should not to be on how to control emotions how to really do risk management how to not chase into other huge Spikers when other people are chasing huh that's where you have where other people are chasing so it's a really difficult learning curve but anything that you want so if you want to be successful it really takes time as myself for example English is not my first language I'm learning a completely new market and at the beginning I spend about eight hours a day study to learn different terms how to read as you see that's the worst part and how to learn technical analysis fundamental analysis what markets do I shouldn't be trading where I'm my own I should be trading it's not about learning from other people we want to accumulate all the useful stuff and to combine them and to put them into your head to create your own strategy that's that's exactly what I've been doing for the past three years then I just created more sufficient strategies within these three years each year I've been keep improving improving improving and later on I think it will be much better and can get you evolved into other businesses I can really state because I do have the funds to be able to get into that market now so for all the other viewers out there if you want to be good at something you have to set your mind into it to put enough hours into it and it takes time because nothing in this world can really make you rich quick even like the stock market now your your amount of money or even of wealth equal how much work you put it in because when I was studying I was starting non-stop and wasn't very healthy because I was learning when I'm showering and learning when I'm going to the bathroom and end of the day I got what I wanted but like my health went really really so I wasn't really healthy I think I got a like stomach ulcer for like two months so that wasn't really good I think it's worth the effort anyways I hope this video really motivates you this is my really personal stories for my trading journey and that do you have our own education service now because I want to pull although useful information out there for people to even earn even faster because I have winter all other mentors like some of them 90% of them are not very useful and you basically have to dig through so many of lessons to be able to find something that is useful to put in your notebook so now the concept of reason why I create this educational service because I want to gather all the useful information out there so you are not going so you are not going to be like me to put to really spend so much time to find all those useful informations and basically if you learn from this system and you will learn a lot more faster than other people who spend years out there like me and spending ten hours a day trying to figure it out I spent 10 eight hours a day in front of market watching the market to think about okay why the why this pattern happens what's the what's the psychology behind it it's all figured out so if you're interested click the link below on down the video and I think you very much for hearing my stories now you guys have a great day [Music]
Channel: Steven Dux
Views: 1,045,249
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: penny stock millionaire, trading penny stocks for beginners, financial education, trading penny stocks, penny stock trading, penny stocks for beginners, penny stocks, day trading, stock market, investing, technical analysis, how to trade, stocks to buy, stock market for beginners, investing for beginners, trader, how to buy penny stocks, stock trading, how to trade penny stocks, Steven Dux, Dux, learn how to trade, stock, best penny stocks, Xiuxian Du, day trading live, stocks
Id: --ZyueFce1c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 34sec (1054 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 15 2018
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