How It Works, the HS2 Launching Girder 'Dominique' as it builds the Colne Valley Viaduct.

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hello this is my video on how I think the launching gerder works on the construction of the col Valley Viaduct for the hs2 railway from London to Birmingham the viaduct is made up of concrete segments these have to be lifted into position so the job of the launching gerder that's been called Dominique after its designer Dominique jeru and manufactured in Italy Dominique is basically a horizontal crane that moves forward across the viaduct but it is already built lifting into place concrete segments it is 160 m long and can launch forward 78 M it weighs in at 700 tons and can lift two loads of 133 tons it was used before in Hong Kong for the East T leue Viaduct and shipped to the UK in 49 containers it is made up of two parallel girders that have steel space frames consisting of triangular sections all painted red these are bolted together to form the girder the access parts to the girder are painted yellow the gers are supported by two main transferal beams and legs that could be jacked up up and down and also run on rollers via the bottom cord of the gerder for lifting mode these are fixed down to the viaduct normally over the peers there are two smaller support legs at the front and the back of the gerder that are used in the operation of launching Dominic forward by taking the load off the main legs on top of the launching gerder are two main lifting Gantry trolley cranes and two smaller auxiliary cranes for lifting up materials and plant here we see all the cranes moving across the top of the launching gerder speed it up it looks like they're having a bit of a race with the auxiliary one trying to catch up with the main trolley cranes and the last part of the kit is a segment lifting beam that fits into the Holes cast into the top of the segments it has locking arms to engage with the segments for automatic lifting so this completes the components of the launching gerder the main legs front and back the small front and rear legs two trolley cranes with lifting beams and two auxiliary trolley cranes thanks to hs2 for the drawing now we have a look at the sequence of events in lifting in segments and moving forward of the launching gerder this is a temporary steel support rigged up on a small single paer and a small front leg is moved forward to be fixed to the temporary steel support behind the concrete pair and so the launching girer is fixed down with the front and Main legs to the viaduct and the front small leg on a temporary steel support behind the pier now two of the sections can be placed on top of the pier and post tension down you can see the wires sticking up here and when the main front leg can be moved forward to the pier and fixed down as the blue line show here for now how to move the rear leg forward well here we see the small rear leg fixed and the main rear leg being moved forward to where the front main leg was so with the rear leg now repositioned and fixed down the launching gerder is ready to launch forward the two lifting Gantry trolley cranes are positioned above the front leg and the pier here and then cables fixed to the leg as the blue lines here show the drive Motors of the trolley cranes are used to power the gerder forward so with the warning bus going Dominique starts to launch all the contact points of the gerder are rollers so this allows it to move the gerder has to reach over half the distance of the next span so it can load the next set of segments equally each side of the pair this shows the balance of six segments either side of the two middle ones to form a span the segments are moved across the VOD duct from the factory at the North End the trolley cranes move to lift the segments and use the lifting beam above the segments so we can see the trolley crane moving the segment between the GDs towards the next band you can also see the yellow access cage at the end of the previous span used in the post tensioning of that span and a cherry picker everything is ready for the segment to be lowered and swung into position the special glue is applied to the surface of the segment and then it's loaded into its final position with an accuracy of 3 mm domic has the ability to lift the segments over its front main leg on the left hand side of the span and here we see the yellow access cage hanging off the exil winch ready to be positioned for the Post tensioning work the lifting beam above the segments has the ability to swing the segment around as we can see here so this is the sequence that Dominic uses to launch forward across the two Mars of the col Valley and we lift in a total of a thousand segments to complete the viaduct if you have any questions or even answers please leave them in the comments section below one of my questions is what are the antenna at the back and the rear of Dominique and is this the power cable that powers it so as Dominique launches off towards London across the lake I thank you for watching my video if you like it please click the Thumbs Up Button if you press the Subscribe button you will see my future videos and you can look back on my channel and the previous videos I've done on this and other subjects I will leave links Below in about other content or group regarding the col Valley vodu for hs2
Channel: Stephen Walker
Views: 860
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: VideoStudio
Id: Jaa0hHN0c7I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 1sec (481 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 30 2024
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