How is this Ninja 900R-powered custom trike even legal?!

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[Music] yeah [Music] my name is Adam Trender this is my creation I call it the AMT 3 the three-wheeled vehicle so I run my own little machine of fab shop decided time to build something for the shop to showcase kind of what I can do basically started from the rear wheel and worked my way forward there's no plans of blueprints for this it all came out of my head as I went along and this is what came about [Music] [Applause] [Music] there we go there we go oh yeah all right this is all right you guys ah then we're going to ride today holy Sh all right you guys what is going on today we are in atoms creation here it is equal to the AMT 3 so it's basically a three-wheeled car essentially no dead pedals which is really actually sure which is cool Oya that's a big truck ha ha ha ha pretty much I feel like I'm going to die to be honest open wheel dance is just insane oh my Wow alright watch in down a second whoa Wow get smiles or everybody got people looking like what the heck is this guy thinking and gotta get winded something so this is powered by a Kawasaki Ninja 900 ARF motor it's carbureted we got Wilwood disc brakes on the front qa1 coil over suspension the steering components are modified from an Austin Mini the uprights in the front are modified from a Triumph Spitfire the control arms are all custom made by myself the rear swing arm is custom made by myself got an aluminum fuel cell that fits under your legs the factory Kawasaki Ninja - the carbon fiber front fenders are from a load of super 7 the rear fenders custom-made brake pedal kit is all Wilwood stuff as well [Music] so as this is a motorcycle engine it comes with its own sequential gearbox now this vehicle has no reverse which is fine by me it's very light easy to push it's got 145 horsepower and the vehicle weighs only 330 kilos the shifting on this is done with your hand it's hooked up to the motorcycle transmission so instead of using your foot one down five up it's now one back by Ford the clutch is cable activated so I got that hooked up to a regular foot pedal clutchless upshifting just bang it into gear as you go you only need the clutch for downshift and for pulling away from the light so it's similar to driving the car is so basically across really between a motorcycle and a car our really start coming on around 6,000 rpm 7000 rpm and on the brakes oh you can read Matt skew that is fun all right here we go little crackles from the exhaust you know you can just kiss the apex right on the dawn brakes are pretty good very strong actually they take a lot of lot of force to get going which is good gives you a lot of feel so I just got my first ever way from a motorcycle rider but it was like he was really hesitant to give me the wave it was like I might not I'm not sure if I'm supposed to give this guy a wave is that a motorcycle is that a car all right shall we walk down rpm okay all right once you touch 9000rpm there's like another there's just like another mass of push of power I can see the suspension working all the suspension linkage the brake lines and everything Adam you got to build me one of these this is ridiculous the total build type of this vehicle took six months when I originally had it insured and went through ICBC to get the registration all set up they decided to register it as a motorcycle unfortunately I got pulled over by a cop and my controls are not motorcycle controls as you can see I'm sitting inside a cockpit I'm not straddling a frame so the registration got pulled it took another six months dealing with the BC Ministry of Transportation I worked with the two head guys there we made a new category for three-wheeled vehicles now remember this is about ten years ago I did this and this is why we have things like the slingshot and the t-rex available in DC if you want to kick it out sideways you can definitely do that but just going into a corner and powering through it's not going to step out on you it's very predictable is very controllable it gives you a feeling of riding a motorbike but the safety of being in a enclosed cage so you're safe and it's a different experience altogether from driving a car you just can't feel stuff when you're in a car but in this you feel everything [Music] it's fast it is very fast very fast nice crackles second gear going to the corner a peg oh yeah [Laughter] mind blowing seriously mind blowing kind of frightening know a lot frightening yeah definitely definitely a lot frightening this is clear your head just get everything out of your mind and just just pin it just drive I mean I could drive this so long and honestly doesn't beat you up that much I get drive this for a long time to be honest it's not that bad not at all gas pedal brake pedal clutch pedal attack and a steering wheel that is all you need for this thing this is the best day ever I've driven go-karts before I've raced lay down shifter carts that's an experience in itself those are definitely fast they've got no suspension so you definitely feel more than you would in this but for the average Joe that's never gone in a lay down shifter cart or not right go kart for that matter this is like as close as you're going to get to it and if you've ever wanted to race like an open-wheel race car this is pretty much an open-wheel race car so I run my own little machine of Saab shop and just outside of downtown Vancouver I kind of do everything I've done things from motor swaps like weird stuff I've got a zx-10r mid-engine Rover mini that's rear-wheel drive I've cut a s2000s and Ford Cortinas and whatnot so my work kind of ranges I do the automotive stuff I do motorcycle stuff as well cafe racer modifications and I also do store fixtures like I'm pretty much a jack of everything I don't set everything into one box I spread it out because you kind of have to do that now in Vancouver so I guess what this comes down to is I wanted to build something that I knew was going to be a challenge I knew right from the start that I was going to get this insured I was going to get this on the roads and it was going to be legal and yeah it took six months to do it took a lot of work it took a long time with the BC Ministry of Transport but you know we got through the red tape and in the end it was worth it and you just got to be persistent and just let people know that this is what you want to do and you can do it if there were like vehicles when I was a kid or you know things that I would look at and think of she'll just be the most insane fun things to drive on the street but you can only really do in videogame this would be it I mean this is this is a childhood dream this is like I mean Adam is living like the kids dream right here this is absolutely just a toy and some crazy some crazy thought that a kid would have to drive or build something like this and actually have it insurable and drivable on the road like how is this not illegal what [Music] I can feel the backend come on a little bit on that corner little slow you know it feels really good it didn't bounce around or anything oh man all right you guys I really hope you I enjoyed this video this is the most fun I've ever had in a moving object on a road this is the most fun I've ever had behind the wheel of anything ever all right you guys thank you so much for watching I really hope you guys enjoyed this video this was just absolutely insane oh man all right you guys please subscribe if you haven't already hit us up on instagram at roads untraveled slash roads untraveled show subscribe if you haven't already and you know share this video feel free [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Roads Untraveled
Views: 2,876,241
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: roads, untraveled, automotive, trike, trike review, custom trike, ninja, kawasaki ninja, shifter kart, shifter kart on the street, illegal shifter kart, illegal go-kart, go-kart, AMT3, AMT3 Trike, custom go-kart, legal go kart, ninja powered trike, kawasaki ninja 900r, sequential gearbox, 3 wheeled car, home built car, custom tube frame car, tube frame chassis, go kart on the street, hoonigan, 12000 rpm, austin mini, lotus super 7, legal, is this legal, how legal, is legal
Id: 3ll0KR3qAiQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 53sec (833 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 17 2017
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