How Is This Free?! Number ONE Museum In London 2024

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this is going to be an epic view oh  Gosh this place is just absolutely gorgeous oh Gosh get me out of here if you were  wondering what is the best free thing to do in   London today I'm going to show you one of my  personal favorites depending on what website   you look at apparently this is the most popular  free thing and visited place to go in London so   we are outside the iconic amazing Natural History  Museum here in South Kensington and I'm going to   take you along it is about 5 minutes to 10  on a Saturday morning we are rope dropping   guys we are not playing games look at this queue  hopefully we'll get in quite quickly hello guys   and if you're new to my channel hi I'm Hannah I  live in London and I like to do touristy things   I like to go shopping I like to go shopping a lot  um go to different restaurants and take you along   with me so make sure you are subscribed because  this is the first episode of many two a week in   all of March into April we'll see how we get on  where I'm doing two videos a week on a countdown   to Easter countdown to Spring eager for Easter  I'm not sure what we're going to call it okay   first learn of the day you need to have a ticket  booked which has blown my mind because this was   not a thing but hopefully we don't have to wait  too long it's free but yeah when I looked there's   like nothing for quite a few days so not the most  spontaneous of trips nearly there we waited about   10 minutes which I don't think is too bad yeah  that was only 10 minutes but do try and book it   I didn't even think to book I think I've become  a bit too much of a spontaneous Londoner I didn't   even think but we're in and we're going to go to  the dinosaur section but can we just appreciate   this building it's absolutely stunning inside  and out it's nearly 150 years old this reminds   me of being a kid oh my God don't worry I'm  not going to bore you too much with history   cuz let's be honest I don't really know it but  we're just going to go around here like you're   with me we're going to come on a little tour the  camera is not going to do that Justice the scale   is incredible there used to be a dinosaur on the  floor here when I was a kid I think I think the   dino is in the dinosaur section but yes this  is absolutely incredible and there are many   different sections and they're all colorcoded so  we're going to go to this purpley blue section   which is the dinosaurs and yeah I'm just going  to show you all the things that I like about this place it is about 12 minutes past 10 let's see  how busy it is we did lose out a little bit on   the queuing there but this building it reminds  me of The Chemical Brothers video remember hey   boy hey girl that was filmed here I'm going to  try and show you like the best of what I think   is the best of oh it's dark in here I guess to  protect Theos so this has been here for many   years it's free to see I could imagine there's a  bit of a queue on a Saturday afternoon for like   I'm an animal kingdom that's so cool there's a  few screaming children it's proba be quite scary actually now come on guys what Vlog is going to  show you a replica T-Rex animal atronic within   the first 5 minutes 5 minutes I don't know I  think that deserves a thumbs up make sure you   give this video a thumbs up if you enjoy and of  course there are some replica things as well you   can kind of learn about the history obviously of  dinosaurs oh my gosh look at those teeth that's   wild and then there's a whole section on Horns  I'm not going to tell you all the info on the   dinosaurs mainly cuz I can't actually pronounce  some of them what was that aoan gurus don't know   it's much bigger than than me no oh look at this  wow was that like an anatomy of what what kind of   dinosaur is that an alator albow saurus kind of  makes me feel a bit funny it's so clever how do   they know wow oh my gosh look at that hand that is  terrifying and the thumb it says was a spike ew my God that's definitely giving Jurassic Park that  one okay there's a there's a gap in people guys   it is busy in here only a few minutes after  opening oh wow you can kind of understand why   so yeah they have these models there are some bits  which are real some of them that aren't and they   do have these signs every so often showing you  look up and then they have these little models   up the top there yeah they're not all real they  are cast made for the museums but there obviously   are quite a lot of real bones and things on  display here which is absolutely incredible look   at this one it what in the heck got Iguanodon oh  I should know how to say that come on I've been on dinosaur oh my gosh the  camera is not going to do this Justice look at the shadow that's so cool I mean  they're not real but they're meant to be from 150   million years ago made me feel very young oh wow  that's amazing yeah a lot of this is cast but you   know what it's given you a very good example  of what it would look like oh wow look at this   I really like the Shadows it's very atmospheric  in here but yes a lot of this is obviously cast   from um what they found in the ground oh my  gosh it's huge it's making me feel very very short okay that was my Speedy tour of the  dinosaur area museums are very difficult to   Vlog and I don't know all the info as I'm sure  you've guessed but there are so many sections   here so we got to get on with it guys I think  this might be the noisiest busiest craziest   place I have ever vlogged so something I always  find when I come to some of the museums is it   makes me realize how dependent on technology  I am my gosh I am glued to my phone but I do   want to talk to you very quickly about Opera and  to continue the theme of three things I wanted   to talk to you today about Opera completely free  web browser I have been using and totally loving   I spend way too much time on the internet whether  it's for work or for leisure but Opera has some   great built-in features which makes my browsing  even more enjoyable there is this amazing area   feature on the sidebar which is a browser AI  where you can get instant information so if   you've already forgotten how order stegosaurus  is no worries ping it in the chat and you will   get instant clear answers and you can also  create pin boards so you can keep all of   your replies together by topic this is great  for studying or maybe researching a holiday   when browsing you can also select any word on  a web page and ARIA will support on explaining   that word translating it or Explore More on that  topic now I often have over 50 tabs open but with   tab Islands this helps you stay organized as you  can group tabs by topic so you can have say 10   Hotel tabs open they can be organized together  five shopping tabs these can be condensed into   their own clear colorcoded tabs it makes me feel  super organized and also allows me to switch off   from work mode very quickly back into Leisure  weekend mode so check out the link to download   today back to the museum a the blue whale is  temporary closed damn let's go through the   mammal section is getting busy I to find these  things so creepy when I was a kid cross sections   oh look at the little platypus they have some  very interesting animals in here and then they   have a bit of info obviously on where they live  and the mammal history and obviously lots of   extinct things as well this is a dipo Toon from  Australia I'm on the hunt for the dodo I always   remember seeing the dodo when I was a kid o look  at this little thing oh Indian flying Fox that   is terrifying it's massive it's bigger than the  map there's a lot more in here than I remember   oh my God look at the size of this bear and a  mildly terrifying Cola bear with a lot of upset children now we're blitzing the ground floor I  want to go across to like the volcano section   that will be cool and then we'll make our way up  and I think the dodo is up on the second floor   and we will continue up the absolutely  freaking incredible grand staircase my gosh but before we get to the volcano section  it looks like we're going to walk through the   green section I do like the color coding  which is fossils insects and all sorts of   creepy cwes oo look at the size of these  fossils this is absolutely incredible I   remember this area as a kid and it's nice get  a little bit daylight I've just passing the   T-Rex restaurant I've never been I'm a bit  skeptical miss a bit of restaurants being   inside of um actual museums I think there's a  lot of good places to eat in South Kensington   but there we go a little bit of a snapshot of  the menu if you want a salad a few options for   you there it's pretty standard restaurant  prices and then a bit on the kids there   you can see some prices but I'm going to be  a little bit nosy cuz you know what I'm like it looks like just kind of a  slightly themed restaurant I   think it's clutching straws a little bit  saying that it's themed it's just like a cafe and at the time of filming this the  wildlife photographer of the year is on   which is a paid exhibition I've been a few times  it's okay um but look at this an extinct vaml   oh my gosh I can't pronounce any of these  things guys I think a lot of the time the   font's actually too small in these museums so  yeah and a a megatherium americanum let's go   check out the birds oh my gosh there is huge  I'm actually a little bit scared I find some   birds a bit scary feel like watching Alfred  Hitchcock birds as a kid probably wasn't the   best idea God these vultures are massive  I found the dodos there's a couple of them   there's actually a whole section on kind of  the evolution of what we thought they were   in the different interpretations but sadly it  says they wen't extinct in the late 17 century this hummingbird display has creeped me  out since a kid yes hundreds and hundreds   every single type of hummingbird I think is in  here gosh I remember these from a school trip   I think we had to draw them at one point but  yeah they've got a whole section the anatomy   of different birds feathers and a lot of  bird heads these they have this model of   a Stegosaurus it's amazing and the glow but  the escalator is sharp it's being repaired   get on with it then my gosh I get very annoyed  when things are closed in museums but yeah it   usually spins slightly as you go up I think  it still does but it gives quite an amazing journey I don't think I have ever been in here  let's have a look oh this is like a whole full   section let me see what we can find there go the  oldest tooth 3.5 million years old guys why does   my camera do that with the with the light if  I film in 24 frames and 30 frames it makes no   difference or is it just the lights I don't  know male chimpanzee all the way through to   human that's pretty cool I mean my PT would  argue that my posture is a little bit like   that half the time and they even made bowls and  cups out of skulls oh gosh from 14,700 years ago there are definitely quite a lot of scared kids  in this Museum some of it is a bit freaky though   I guess ooh look at this burial from Israel  60,000 years old I do like this they have like   a found skull or a model of a a found skull  and then what they think that person looked   like crazy like how do they know so this is  50 technically 50,000 years old wow it kind   of creeps me out a little it I like that bit  it's just like a little Corridor but it's got   quite a bit in it but yeah I think there are  quite a few scared children here I guess it's   kind of creepy like I say and as we peek out  the window that's actually the VNA across the   way so this whole area in South Kensington is  known as like the museum area in London you've   got yeah the V and A Natural History Museum  um and the science museum I don't know if I   could personally cope doing all three in one  day but they're all free which is great and   they often have paid exhibitions as well well so  add it to your list after exploring the Earth we   are going to go around this red section and see I  think there's a meteorite that you can touch but   across the top of this map I definitely recommend  grabbing a map you've got kind of the main iconic   things oh yeah the giant sloth I want to see if  the giant sequa is there it was usually at the   top of the stairs but I didn't see it um but yes  and we saw the T-Rex earlier there is so much here guys I was go for the sparkly stuff stip night  it doesn't film too well does it with the glass   but I'll try and show you some things what we do  not grow or hunt for we must take from the earth   I think some people would debate that but you  got I feel like this is like a proper geography   lesson metamorphic sedimentary and ignas rocks  I'm not going to give you a science lesson don't   worry but this is a really good one to have  a mooch around it's crazy dark in here but   they have got a whole section on gem stone it's  almost like we're in hars guys and I can never   film in the jewelry sections and then we've got  some jewelry coming up I'm actually taking ages   looking at all of this but yeah all the different  stones and collectors and how they get set I guess   Elizabeth Taylor did have a significant amount of  this part of the industry but it's pretty cool to   see all of this in the cabinets I think it's  a really nice addition it's literally cabinet   after cabinet God I wonder how much all of this  is worth and then a section objects of Desire the   stuff that you and I probably want Ruby Sapphire  emerald acarine and diamonds let's look at these   goodness it's probably not going to show very well  but they are some Whoppers I mean if you're into   rocks this is the place look at that one oh my  gosh pyite pyite this is like a something out   of a Superman movie I'm laughing because there's  another whole section of rocks down here okay you   could spend i' would say good part of three plus  hours in the whole of this museum look at that one   it looks like it's hairy mesolite and a section  on concrete but I'm a bit rocked out I think   there's only so many rocks one person could look  at um right let's look into where's the volcano bit I think this is a little bit better than the  side Science Museum but we will maybe go to the   Science Museum in a video more rocks oh he's a  bit creepy an early plant eating Reptile from   about 250 million years ago there's so much in  here and it also highlights the things that it   says a thousand years ago humans made extinct an  extinct cat there are definitely more food places   than before so if you want to grab a sandwich or  something like that that it is mental though 615   for a bagette I mean if you're flagging you're  flagging 5 60 £ for a lemonade and a glass oh   no okay a glass bottle of water let's go  over here £3 50 it's quite expensive but   we've made it to the volcano section I can hear  it oh wow it is busy in here I just want to see   the little jiggly room they have this mockup of a  supermarket in Japan this will move this will stay still but yes there you go you can come in and  experience like a little bit of I guess it's   just making learning a bit more enjoyable  and fun for kids what happens under the sea   on the tectonic plates what's happening  when there is an earthquake and yeah the   dangers behind it it's a pretty good um walk  through actually and even some casts from Pompei I didn't actually go in the creepy crawly  section I'm not good with bugs okay just for like   30 seconds we have a look guys I have to say it's  I think it's 8 degrees out today it's actually   quite cold these museums are absolutely roasting  I've got such a thin jacket on everyone is like   boiling there's no air conditioning in here so  be aware spiders my least favorite maybe you   will quickly just go in here look at this number  one crawly house e let have a look I I see so it's   obviously a mockup house and then it's got all the  gross bugs which are probably maybe in your house   ew gross that is disgusting so yeah if you have a  cat the cat could pick up a flea or two all right   there we go we've got the kitchen obviously these  are not to scale beetles mites moths oh oh this   is making me itchy ew look and they've even done  the sink cabinet of crustaceans it said what's   the size of that is that it's a scale that is  horrendous that one's even bigger a giant Japanese   spider crab oh God get me out of here God this is  busy in here right let's go out it's absolutely   roasting back into the main hall let's go up the  stairs crazy busy now got a little bit more to do we are at this green section here it  says building Nature's treasure house and   then a little bit up there but yes wow  there's so much here as I said about 20   times already they do think coming in even  for a wander around is a must going to show   you one more short look at that even  more rocks sparkly things look at the   ceiling I think this is like the extra  special stuff in here a Dodo skeleton a   rare composite skeleton of a Dodo wow and it  does say uh caused by humans to go extinct oh these feel a bit steep I think it's  making my legs Go funny this is going   to be an epic view oh God this place is  just absolutely gorgeous I love all the   tile work yeah like I said I think it's  almost 150 years old give or take 5 six years and the last thing that we're going  to see today is the top of these stairs   but also look at all the detail we saw  some of it outside the animals look at   this all the way up the arch incredible  oh my gosh this sequia has the age of 1,335 years goodness me I can't even get it in  the picture so that was my little tour of the   Natural History Museum here in South Kensington  and can you believe this is all free I've been   here I I think nearly 3 hours I am kind of done  put a fork in me I am done I think I need to go   and have an afternoon with no other people but  yes I would highly recommend it I think this is   probably my top three free things to do in London  especially as oh it is raining it's raining of   course it's raining we're in um but I hope you  enjoyed that video or it wasn't for everyone but   I do go to museums quite often I think I went  to an exhibition in last week's video but like   I said at the beginning we're at the beginning of  our countdown to Spring hopefully one day I don't   have to worry ja in a video but make sure you are  subscribed because what we're doing Tuesday we   have something new and different on the channel  we're going to be doing a £1 shopping challenge   at certain stores so stick around 600 p.m. on  Tuesday and then Friday kind of a normal upload   what AM we going to be doing going and see the  shops see what's out and about things to do in   London maybe we'll do some more museums I don't  know including actually we have an afternoon tea   book do remember to check out opera again that's  free so go and have a look and come and say hi   over on Instagram and yeah I will see you in a  few days time make sure you're subscribed bye [Music]
Channel: Hannah Ricketts
Views: 69,675
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Keywords: things to do in london, free things to do in london, london, london tourist, london guide, london tour, london parks, london tips, travel guide london, tourist, london vlog, anglophenia, anglophile, travel vlog, travel day, uk food, uk vlog, London 4k, London travel, London street, moving to london, London walking tour, uk vlogs, London walk, London vlog, vlog, travel 2023, vlog 2023, London 2023, luxury, shopping vlog, shopping haul, lifestyle vlog, English, learn english
Id: I7i33gcbIIY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 47sec (1307 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 08 2024
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