How Infamous Serial Killer Dr. Harold Shipman Covered Up His Murders | Serial Psyche | @RealCrime

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[Music] a heartless killer hides in plain sight it's a respected doctor murdering his own patience he was praying on some of the most vulnerable people in society Dr Harold Shipman's secret Rampage lasts for decades he' been murdering people for years and getting away with it and he's not the only one there are doctors and nurses haunting hospitals known as angels of death are motivated by the kind of Godlike power that they feel you know being responsible for life or death what creates these coldblooded monsters what drives their warped psyche he did things went above and beyond what was necessary to kill a patient there was an element of Cruelty now the actual voices and visions of serial killers I wasn't part but you committed evil I committed evil plung us deep inside their complex and twisted Minds June 24th 1998 Dr Harold Shipman arrives at the home of one of his patients 81-year-old Kathleen Grundy Kathleen has agreed to participate in a medical survey on older healthy women it's a terrible decision for the vibrant senior citizen she's very Buzzy person wasn't she very Buzzy person yeah well she I mean she did do quite a number of charitable things and also Community things inside Dr Shipman has Kathleen lie down and roll up her sleeve but rather than taking a blood sample as Kathleen expects Shipman injects her with a fatal dose of morphine I was just at work as normal and then the I had a telephone call from the police saying that my mother had died stunned by their mother's sudden death Kathleen's children contact Dr Shipman for an explanation he gave us a death and he said I've put old age and I mean we knew perfectly well that that wasn't right but then he sort of vaguely implied that this would that he'd seen her recently and so he knew the case so it wasn't and he was basically trying try to say that he was going to avoid a postmortem because that would be unpleasant for us the doctor's calm demeanor and reassurance puts the wood Ruffs at ease but 3 weeks later they receive another shock the will which some sister sent to me the fact that it it left all of the estate to Shipman which I mean ISU know Kathleen in a relationship to to well to us to the family that that would have been extraordinary unlikely suspecting Dr Shipman murdered their mother for profit the wood Ruffs contact the police what they soon uncover proves unimaginable the Beloved doctor a pillar of the community with over 3,000 patients has been systematically murdering them for over 25 years Angela not come forward there is no doubt that he would have continued to murder people there was nothing that was going to stop him he'd been murdering people for years and getting away with it cases of doctors and nurses who kill have been documented throughout history these horror stories highlight how people in trusted positions and access to vulnerable patients can abuse in the worst way possible often times these angels of death serial killers can go undetected for years angels of death are serial killers who actually are abusing a position of power that they may have where they could be a caretaker or a doctor somebody who is supposed to be helping people and they actually use it to kill their victims an angel of death is the name a little bit too glorified in its essence of nurses and Physicians who kill one patient after another usually by injecting uh one suel choline or some curari like drug and some of them have killed very large numbers of of patients in that manner there seem to be a number of motivations behind that kind of Serial killing which doesn't involve torture or any sexual component just sort of repeat murders but it seems that some of them are motiv ated by the kind of Godlike power that they feel you know being responsible for life or death some of them will tell you that it was almost like coming from an empathy where they were putting someone out of their misery that kind of a thing and others were drawn to the kind of the egocentric thrill of having everybody run to see that um you know they were there at the moment that somebody started to die Dr Harold Shipman is the most horrific example of an Angel of death becoming Britain's most prolific serial [Music] killer Shipman owns his own practice but specializes in house calls visiting his elderly and infirmed patients in their homes everybody without exception had the highest appr praise for Dr Shipman what a wonderful doctor he was and people said he was very very accessible he had this reputation of looking after his patients from Cradle to grave he he he prided himself on uh personal care he would look after patients at home where maybe we would send them to hospital he s of took pride in that and and he had a reputation of of always being available for for patients he he would go beyond the normal Call of Duty he was the oldfashioned Doctor Who who looked after them did everything for them and they had absolute confidence in officials estimate over 200 times the Beloved doctor injects his victims with lethal doses of morphine often while offering a calming Pat on their hands as they slowly pass away one of the defining features of Shipman is where he didn't choose to strangle them or do something that would be more frightening and painful instead he injected them with an overdose of morphine where they first went to sleep and then eventually overdosed and died predatory I think is is is the best way to describe him uh he was praying on uh the the some of the most vulnerable people in society perhaps most astonished ing is that Shipman gets away with it for over 25 years I think that's an interesting thing this one piece will make 52 layers watch on mobile devices or the big screen all for free no subscription required as a boy Harold was very close to his mother she instilled in him an early sense of superiority that Tain most of his later relationships while in his teens Shipman became interested in medicine while watching his mother received daily morphine injections to ease the pain she suffered while dying of lung cancer one day when he was 17 Shipman comes home to find his mother sitting in her armchair fully clothed dead her death has a very traumatic impact in fact many of the women Shipman kills are found in a similar manner Shipman had a passive aggressive relationship with his mother where he both sought her attention but he constantly was being um rebuked by her where she would put him off and she put him down but he constantly wanted her approval and attention um when he was 17 however he came home one day and just saw her sitting there dead in her chair and so that was very traumatic for him because he felt like he was never really able to attain that approval from her and he no longer had the chance to do it since she had passed away in 1970 Shipman receives a medical degree from Leeds University a few years later he becomes a general practitioner in Yorkshire Shipman thrives specializing in Pediatric Obstetrics and Gynecology in 1975 Hospital officials discover he's been forging prescriptions for large amounts of the opiate pethadine for his own personal use caught red-handed Shipman has no choice but to resign pay a small fine and enter a drug rehab program after his Rehabilitation Shipman finds work again this time at the Donnie Brook Medical Center in Hyde here Shipman earns a reputation as a hardworking doctor who enjoys the trust of patients and colleagues alike although one with a reputation for arrogance almost sort of very sort of condescending you know as if dismissing you as as your views as being worthless particularly when he was talking to um pharmaceutical reps who would come in he he would take great pleasure in in almost reducing them to tears it's not known when Shipman starts killing his patience or exactly how many die at his hands what is known is that while working at donnibrook Shipman kills regularly using the painkiller [Music] diamorphine to destroy any evidence of poisoning Shipman urges families to cremate their relatives in a large number of cases he stresses that no further investigation of their deaths is necessary in situations where they they do raise questions Shipman provides computerized medical notes that corroborate his cause of death pronouncements I find all of his behavior that subsequently come out is is almost incomprehensible really it does it goes against all our sort of ethics and morals of of why we do the job really after 15 years at Don Brook Shipman leaves to open his own practice the angel of death murder rate accelerates and the killings become more and more Brazen but before police can end these murders they must first recognize there's a serial killer at large how can they catch a murderer who has totally covered his [Applause] [Music] tracks doctors and nurses who kill so-called angels of death often abuse their position for their own ego and Godlike narcissism history's most horrific example is Dr Harold Shipman who is reported to have murdered more than 200 of his patients a series of killings lasting more than 25 [Music] years his crimes first came to light in 1998 following the sudden death of a healthy 81-year-old woman Kathleen Grundy investigators find that Shipman's murders accelerate when he opens a private practice in 1993 this is a one doctor office where he works alone and without any oversight no one is there to notice Shipman's death rates and prescription rates are extremely high as is the case with other serial killers the more Shipman kills and gets away with it the more Brazen he becomes efficiently and ruthlessly murdering dozens including in some cases more than one person in a single family Shipman would visit his victims all females most over 65 treating them as if he were an old friend but then after injecting them with morphine Shipman often left them to die alone he goes back to his office to backdate their medical records and falsify their death certificates attributing the incident to natural causes I think one of the um difficulties with that earlier investigation was getting over the the sort of credibility gap was something that I refer to as being which was that is it true what we're saying that there was a doctor murdering people he selected people who were vulnerable in the community and they tended to be people who were living alone another complicating issue in stopping Shipman is that he did not fit the typical serial killer profile one investigator calls Shipman the dullest serial killer I have ever met his benign appearance and affable demeanor however did Bell his pervasive narcissism Shipman's motives remain controversial while some experts speculate he was seeking to avenge the death of his mother others suggest it was euthanasia some believe there were Financial motives and others say it was for power and control for a lot of these angels of death there is a literal God complex that they have where they want to feel like they have the ability in their control to actually give or take life and so for them they may choose well this person will live and this person will die and for them that gives them this huge ego Rush where they feel like they're the ultimate God they're ultimately in [Music] control there's also an element of the Angel of Death wanting to be perceived as a hero there's a theme within angels of death where they may actually be killing somebody but as soon as others get aware to the fact that this person is dying they actually will change their behaviors entirely to appear as if they're resuscitating this person trying to save them and a way to think of this is the arsonist who's actually the firefighter where they're the ones who set the fire and then come there to put it out they want that that Glory they want to be the hero and so they're not only able to kill somebody and get the gratification that comes from that they're also able to get the gra ification of appearing to be the hero in the [Music] scenario Shipman's Killing Spree finally comes to light thanks to the determination of Angela Woodruff the daughter of Kathleen Grundy Angela Woodruff is a lawyer and handles her mother's Affairs so it is with great surprise that she discovers a will exists leaving the bulk of her mother's estate to Dr Shipman Detective superintend Bernard posties comes to the same conclusion on examination of the evidence Kathleen Grundy's body is exhumed and a postmortem reveals that she has died of a morphine overdose administered within 3 hours of her death precisely within the time frame of Shipman's visit on the same day as the exhumation the police raid Shipman's Home and Office the search yields hundreds of medical records an odd collection of women's jewelry and an old manual typewriter which was later proved to have been used to forge Kathleen Grundy's will he suggested that the typewriter was something that had been borrowed on a number of occasions by Kathleen Grundy what he couldn't explain was when it was that she'd actually returned it if that indeed that was true a review of Shipman's medical records makes it clear that this investigation extends Beyond a single death this was the tip of the iceberg was how I was viewing it at that stage Shipman would alter his medical notes directly after killing the patient to ensure that his account matches the historical records what Shipman had failed to grasp was that each alteration of the records would be timestamped by the computer enabling police to ascertain exactly which records had been altered he wasn't as clever as he thought he was in being able to explain his way out of this on September 7th 1998 the police arrest the 52-year-old Shipman for the murder of Kathleen Grundy the news sends shock waves across the community as word spreads suspicion mounts that there may have been other victims investigators decide they must dig up more [Music] Graves personally took a great toll on me I I would describe it as been the worst time in my life off the top of my head I attended about 7 or 8 after a while I got more used to going to the the cemetery at 3 3:00 4:00 in the morning to be in the cemetery at 4:00 on a cold winter dark morning it got right through your bones it was very very unpleasant because as the remains were assumed um you became very aware of the um smell the exhumations and subsequent tests prove Shipman has been murdering a number number of his patients Shipman maintains his innocence claiming he's been acting compassionately but it is clear from the medical records and toxicology reports that none of his victims were suffering from a terminal illness the police eventually charged Shipman with 15 individual counts of murder as well as one count of forgery on January 31st 2000 a jury finds Shipman guilty on all [Music] charges relatives of Harold Shipman's victims left court tonight knowing that one of the most dangerous men seen in Britain during the last century had been permanently removed from society sadly nothing that's happened here nor can happen in the future can break B my mom and all the other victims I think it was mixed emotions it was um again satisfaction that um he'd been convicted and been convicted on of every one of the counts in the [Music] indictment 4 years later on January 13th 2004 Shipman performs his last planned [Music] death alone in his cell Shipman uses bed sheets wrapped around his neck and tied to the window bars to hang himself officially Harold Shipman is convicted of killing 15 but ultimately he is believed to have murdered between 200 and 300 patients one of the problems faced by investigators is that several victims had been cremated making death certification impossible whatever the exact number the sheer scale of his murderous activities means that Shipman is catapulted from a single patient killer to the most prolific known serial killer in the world he had this overwhelming sense of narcissism that he not only thought of himself as being so grandiose and so high above others but he actually had this Godlike concept where he felt like he could choose who he was going to kill when and why and that's something that you see only with very extreme narcissists one reason Harold Chipman is able to evade authorities for so long was that his murders are scattered among his patients homes but incredibly there is another Angel of Death who confines his murders to a spot people think of as the safest possible place the [Music] hospital Harold Shipman is a trusted Family Doctor Who has been killing patients to experience a Godlike thrill another angel of death is only a hospital orderly but he gains enormous Power by deciding who lives or [Music] dies 88-year-old stroke victim Logan Evans lays helpless in bed unable to control his bodily functions when the orderly Donald Harvey arrives for his nightly cleanup Evans smears feces on to Harvey's face suddenly the 18-year-old orderly snaps grabs a pillow and Smothers Evans to death it is only after his victim is dead that Donald Harvey realizes what he has done but rather than becoming scared this act of anger empowers Harvey suddenly after always being told what to do he called the shots he decided who would live and who would die while working at marry Mount Hospital Donald Harvey still just a teenager murders 14 more patients he later moves to other hospitals and this despicable Angel of Death claims over 70 more victims what could cause such a coldblooded serial killer to emerge once again an abusive childhood seems to come into play in childhood Donald Harvey was pretty neglected by his parents they were constantly fighting and even though he was the eldest he was more caring for his siblings than receiving the attention that a child should additionally he was being abused sexually by his uncle and a neighbor and so all of that was very traumatic for him growing up Harvey's killing begins in 1970 but he isn't apprehended until 1987 after his arrest he lays partial blame on this childhood trauma the amount of trauma and abuse that Donald Harvey felt during childhood just even though it was severe it became normalized to him where he thought this must be what other people go through or because he had no other experience he just thought this is the way it is and he knew nothing different Donald Harvey did think times that went above and beyond what was necessary to kill a patient um so that there was an element of Cruelty so for example while he killed the vast majority of his charges uh through poison there was also incidents of him snaking a coat hanger into the catheter of patients to puncture the organs to puncture them internally so the peritonitis would sit in and the individual would die slowly from that in 1971 when Harvey leaves marmount to join the military his Killing Spree stops it picks up again when Harvey joins the nursing staff at the VA Hospital in Cincinnati Ohio during his 2-year stint there Harvey is believed to have murdered another 17 patients and it was here that Harvey perfects the art of using Cyanide and arsenic in small lethal undetectable doses so his killings can go unnoticed and for the most part they [Music] did no one who comes into contact with him knows the demons that lurk beneath his skin the power over life and death goes to Harvey's head one commonality between the angels of death and other types of serial killers is the fact that they have a strong need for power and control it's ultimately the most defining feature of the angels of death Harvey's Killing Spree at the VA Hospital comes to an end when officials discover a gun books on the occult syringes and slides of human tissue in his Hospital locker but rather than firing him they let him resign enabling Harvey to move on to another job this time at nearby Daniel Drake Memorial Hospital just 6 weeks into his new position the self-described angel of Mercy strikes again Harvey feels Unstoppable it's easy to imagine how addictive it would be to be able to take someone's life get away with it and then be able to do it again and again and again and the high that might come with that and also the empowerment with every single time you do it getting away with it in a span of 5 months Harvey kills six more patients without any remorse and without leaving a trace but eventually in March of 1987 an autopsy is performed on a victim as the coroner cuts open the body he smells The Telltale scent of bitter almonds wafting up from the dead man's organs he iMed immediately identifies the smell as cyanide suddenly everyone working at the hospital becomes a suspect in a murder investigation rumors surface about how his co-workers nicknamed Donald Harvey the angel of death not because they suspect any crimes but because he is so often present when a patient passed away investigators decide to search Harvey's home and discover 30 lb of cyanide they also find as did his former employers at the VA Hospital books on the occult and a list of victims yet to be killed by Harvey on April 6th 1987 the police arrest Harvey charging him with one count of aggravated murder when they ask him if he had killed others he simply nods he doesn't know the exact figure maybe around [Music] 70 Harvey consents to a chilling prison [Music] interview in the session he details the years of sexual molestation my uncle had started messing around with me when I was 4 years old and he was 13 and I was almost four and what he would do with me would be in a sexual sense and I thought all the other little boys would do the same thing and since I act like my mother act like a little girl so he started messing around with me how long this go on for this sexual molestation of you well my uncle and I went on to I was almost 21 and the neighbor man to I was 15 or 16 I don't like to think of myself as evil no but people think you're crazy you're mad some do some don't you're not mad no you chose to do what you did I chose to do what I did and I can't blame blame I can't blame my mother I can't blame my uncle why can't you blame him he contributed but he didn't tell me to keep going on and on and on doing what I was doing how many people have you killed in total total of [Applause] [Music] 87 Harvey is asked whether he thinks people are born evil or do they become evil I think every unless they've born with some mental problem I don't think anyone's born evil I think it's man-made you wer you weren't born evil no I wasn't born evil but you committed evil I committed evil in exchange for escaping the death penalty Harvey pleads guilty and confesses to 13 killings he is sentenced to 28 life sentences a lot of times guys come up to me and say well I tell them I'm in here with you I mean you know in the Pod where I live and they say oh he's evil he's he's a monster CU they immediately think once you leave the street in cuffs they think you become something else but very few people kill 80 people what you did was monstrous that we know of there's others out there I'm Not The Only One by a long shot on March 30th 2017 Donald Harvey is found beaten to death in his prison cell as horrific as his crimes appear there is another Angel of Death that eclipses all others in the Unspeakable brutality of their serial [Music] murders one of the most Insidious breeds of serial killers are the monsters known as angels of death doctors nurses and caregivers who murder their patients Britain's Dr Harold Shipman may be the most prolific serial killer of all time murdering over 250 patients while Donald Harvey a hospital orderly admits to 887 deaths there have been numerous cases around the world of nurses so-called angels of Mercy turning into angels of death perhaps the most heartless of all these serial killers is maternity nurse Maria fatova she is believed to have murdered at least 10 newborn babies beginning in 1957 her Killing Spree ends abruptly 3 years later February 23rd 1960 two newborn infants are found dead in the ciss hospital in the Czech Republic both are girls one is 5 weeks old the other is just 20 hours old the babies are victims of extreme violence both have cracked skulls 4 days later Maria fatova is arrested for the crimes and the 23-year-old nurse gives a gruesome confession and reveals a troubling past she she grew up in CIS apparently her father was abusive to Marie and her mentally challenged brother and she often fought with her mother but despite this difficult childhood in 1955 Marie enters nursing school and is considered an excellent student with a bright future her school records give her a glowing report Maria fatova has completed all the prerequisites for her chosen profession she will be a good conscientious nurse and a reliable caregiver for babies she is capable of handling responsibility and can work well independently after graduation Murray is hired at C hospital by all accounts she appears to be an excellent Maternity Ward nurse like with other serial killer cases Maria fov's peers were taken completely by surprise Marie seemed to be a very professional competent and punctual person this was very apparent and at work she was very well evaluated this isn't really surprising as even serial killers have these little so-called islands of normality an normality with her shocking confession she recounts the numerous horrible crimes she's carried out over the years she even poses for photographs demonstrating how she murdered the infants before killing the last two babies named prer and hamlow I had beaten another 10 children who died as a result of my being meetings I want to add that I remember some of the names of the deceased children and I gave those names to the prosecutors but many of the names I don't remember she describes her first murder in 1957 3 years before her arrest I don't remember the name of the baby or the mother but I clearly remember beating the infant in the chest and head that is what killed a [Music] child during her arrest she acted very calm and natural her entire Behavior can be summarized as resigned and she lacked any empathy whatsoever that means she described her crimes in the hospital with absolutely no emotion she also mentioned that the first attack on the baby was committed without any suspicion by the others on the medical team she understood this as a clear indicator of not needing to worry about getting caught and she could just carry on with what she was doing even crimes as heinous as murdering newborn babies are escap in detection how can this cunning Angel of Death be stopped in ceis hospital in the Czech Republic a seemingly kind and compassionate maternity nurse named Marie fatova is actually a serial killer she has murdered at least 10 newborn babies entrusted to her care in her chilling confession she details how she killed two infants on the same day February 23rd [Music] 1960 on February 23rd around 11:00 a.m. I was in the maternity unit where I was ironing diapers Hannah h Bower was laying behind me she was about 6 weeks old she was crying and it made me angry and nervous that's why I turned and slammed her in the head and with my hands slightly closed I did it because I was upset and very stressed they didn't know there was a problem with the baby until the next day when she wouldn't drink the day after that she died Marie continues detailing her murder of the prer baby the newborn is just 20 hours old when I was pressing the head of the prer baby I felt my fingers pushing into her skull I felt the scrunch of the head but I wasn't sure I was breaking the bones but I was aware that after this push she stopped crying but she had to [Music] die Maria fov case is interesting because of her young age when she was committing her crimes also the fact that she was committing these crimes on newborns that is really atypical because killers in the angels of death category usually focus on old people nearing the end of their lives usually suffering some terminal illness their motives are usually considered to be helping the victim but in time we discover that the real motivation is empower power and control over the victims she was beating the babies beat them with her fists beat them on their chests beat them to their heads when police arrest Maria fatova on February 27th she reacts calmly and says she is actually relieved at finally being caught the motive for Marie's serial murders is never clear in her own confession she claims she developed temporary feelings of pedop the hatred of children during her menstruation [Music] periods Court psychologists declare fatova to be sane but they acknowledge she is prone to depression hysteria and uncontrollable outbursts of anger on October 4th 1960 Marie fatova is sentenced to death for the two murders in February of that year the courts are never able to confirm the early your killings on death row Marie writes a letter to her mother dear Mother as you know I am sentenced to death it's very tragic and I can't even think about it that I will never be able to meet with you again because I still believe that there is some justice that will save me but if not I have to accept my fate on April 13th [Music] 1961 Maria fatova is hanged at bat's prison in Prague for years there is outrage over why the hospital staff took so long to recognize the horrible crimes she was committing but it is difficult to even conceive that these individuals we trust with our very lives could ever be so hardless caregivers nurses and doctors who kill attack the fundamental fabric of society a stay in a hospital is difficult for anyone a time when we are at our most vulnerable adding to that a fear those charged with saving lives might kill is something no human being should ever have to endure [Music] they are the most extreme killers in the annals of crime he made soup balls from the skulls shade pulls from human lips he made a belt out of female nipples no Predator is as depraved or bloodthirsty for someone like Jeffrey dama who received such gratification that he continued to do it over and over and over again and likely would have done it forever they are driven by the darkest impulses and willing to destroy life to satisfy their compulsions there were certain necrofilia sex Killers who would murder victims and keep their corpses to perform sexual acts on until the corpses had reached an advanced state of decomposition these coldblooded monsters are disconnected from reality resorting to unspeakable acts to obey delusional orders his neighbor's dog was possessed by a demon and instructing him to go out and kill people What causes such a murderous defect in the human psyche every now and then killer will come along whose crimes seem so monstrous that they seem like these supernatural creatures now the voices and visions of serial killers I'm not quite sure when I strike again take us deep inside their complex and twisted [Music] Minds police in Milwaukee Wisconsin are examining some macabra evidence of mass murder parts of human bodies have been found in a flat in one of the city's slums an acid bath containing human remains and photographs of dismember corpses July 22nd 1991 Milwaukee police raid the apartment of 31-year-old Jeffrey dmer police think they may be the remains of 15 victims of yet another so-called serial killer Jeffrey dmer is the now Infamous serial killer known as the Milwaukee cannibal from 1978 to 1991 he follows a Terri hor ifying pattern of picking up Charming raping and murdering young men D's first kill comes in 1978 he picks up a hitchhiker named Steven Hicks after some beers they have sex but when Hicks wants to leave dmer smashes his skull with a barbell he then dismembers the corps and stores the remains in the crawl space under his [Music] house killing is not enough for dmer his crimes extend to necrophilia dismemberment and even cannibalism he keeps skulls and body parts as trophies in his house his ultimate plan is to build a shrine with the bones of his victims for someone like Jeffrey dmer who not only killed but cannibalized his victims um he received such gratification from that that he continued to do it over and over and over again and likely would have done it forever until he had been caught crime reporter Annie Schwarz writes a book about the murders and she vividly describes what police find at the crime scene the crowd parted to make way from Milwaukee County Medical Examiner Jeffrey Jensen's White Station Wagon in the apartment Jensen went on about the business of rounding up the various body parts he took the three plastic bags containing human heads found in the top freezer portion of the refrigerator and put them in another freezer dmer had a separate waist high freezer in addition to the one that connected to the refrigerator Jenson then took the head Mueller had seen in the refrigerator and put it in the separate freezer with the three heads he noted that next to the head in the refrigerator was an open box of baking soda and some ketchup and mustard as his killing progresses dmer attempts to create obedient Zombies by drilling holes in victim's heads and pouring in costic chemicals The Escape of a potential victim eventually leads to the apprehension of Jeffrey dmer dmer confesses to killing 17 men but he pleads not guilty on the grounds of insanity he claims to be psychotic the Psy PS otic serial killer is somebody who's suffering from psychosis which is a break from reality and having a lack of understanding what's real or unreal and yet being able to commit these serial murders despite their psychosis there are several manifestations of psychosis such as having thought disturbances hallucinations or even just not understanding that what they're doing is occurring in the real world they may think that they are told to do something let's say kill someone because they're hearing voices or they may see something that's not there and choose to act upon it or kill someone because of it snap a break from reality a loss of understanding and perspective as to right and wrong being driven by a a passion that one cannot control a psych otic break so for that instant when this individual engaged in Behavior he lost complete control of what he was doing it's common for serial killers to claim to be psychotic it's often an attempt to escape the death penalty or serve their sentence in a mental hospital instead of a prison from a legal standpoint we get into the area of Competency and when what that means in a court of law is whether or not someone understands and appreciates what they did and most importantly whether they knew it was wrong and that's a decision that oftentimes is made by a judge after a 19-day trial the jury Returns the verdict Jeffrey dmer is found to be legally sane and therefore guilty he receives 16 life sentences but is beaten to death in prison by a fellow inmate in 1994 so was dmer able to understand right from wrong he carried on what seemed to be a normal life I don't think that any of us really knew how big this story was uh when I got the phone call all I was told was that some officers had found a head in a refrigerator and that that he had obviously been killing men and kept some of their body parts that's all I knew I got all the way out there and there was nothing there I was really quiet I asked asked a couple of the cops that were there you know what was what was going on and uh and they just shook their heads and eventually I was told that you know that that was what was happening I went back around the front of the building and was allowed in by one of the residents uh I ran upstairs uh and got in the apartment um everyone always wants to know if you know what it looked like and it's it doesn't look like a dungeon it doesn't look like a chamber of Horrors it looks like a regular guy's apartment Jeffrey dmer a serial killer someone who for an extended period of time creates a fantasy World in which they are enjoying themselves they're they are thriving in that fantasy world still very often able to function in normal society as a regular person they live in reality then they exit reality and enter this world that they've created which could be driven by so many different factors sexual frustration cannibalism pornography things of that nature there are some individuals uh who are psychotic in nature who are being told by a voice outside of themselves to go and kill somebody but they may be again engaging in that act to fulfill that fantasy whatever that fantasy is of how to strangulate the person or how to um hang them from a beam in the basement while they watch and they may exact pleasure from that both sexual pleasure and gratification that they are able to control the life of somebody which gives them an immense amount of power that I have the power to control whether you live or die and they will watch them die are these monsters crazy or is there a clear motive like a sexual craving or a need for power and control the question of whether these extreme killers are legally sane is a long-standing debate I think that what you'll often see is there's basically at least in New York a litmus test for people as far as the psychology of of a murderer and basically what that is is uh does the person know that he's doing something wrong and he could be talking to the moon he may seem to think that he's a martian or holding Bon apart but if he kills somebody and then he lies about it and then he hides the murder weapon and he conceals the blood and he bleaches the the floor he knew what he did is wrong so that's our our litness test sex and torture are common elements of Serial murders but with psychotic Killers these components are not always involved like in the gruesome case of Ed gan it was a crime that shocked the small town of planfield Wisconsin and the country Edward Gan accused of killing a woman then gutting her body like a slaughtered deer Ed G executes his victim swiftly without torture or sexual contact he eventually confesses to two murders but it's unknown just how many people he kills these crimes originate from an unfathomable Darkness a depravity that earns him the name the ghoul of planfield there are all kinds of horrific crimes that take place but there are just a few killers that come along periodically whose crime seem so monstrous that they seem like these supernatural creatures Ed Gan was a necrophiliac serial killer who lived and operated uh in Wisconsin in the 1950s the repugnant nature of his crimes horrify and shock puritanical America in the 1950s and truly leaves the small town of less than 700 residents with more questions than answers Gan would uh read the newspapers the obituary section and whenever some middle-aged or elderly woman had died and got buried uh he would make these midnight raids on the cemetery he would dig up the bodies of these women bring the corpses back to his farmouse dissect them uh make different kinds of household objects out of the body parts he made soup bows from the skulls uh he made uh shade pulls from human lips um he made a belt out of female nipples he would upholster chairs out of their flesh uh but very very notoriously he Fayed the corpses and fashioned them into a skin suit and he would uh uh dress up in this skin suit and pretend to be his own mother a recurring theme in the psychology of serial killers is a deeply dysfunctional childhood Ed gin's father was an alcoholic and often absent so G was isolated with his domineering and devoutly religious mother she preached to her boys about the innate immorality of the world and her belief that all women were naturally promiscuous Ed was interesting also in so far as he had a a pathological attachment as as a schizophrenic young person to his mother and when the mother died it's then that he embarked on his career of doing these terrible things as though he was now reattached to his mother his mother hadn't really died even though she was actually very Wicked person to him and she was very cruel to him but nevertheless it was the only uh human tie that he had Ed gain who was this kind of bizarre uh quasi psychotic inadequate personality uh trying to create this this suit but he was also uh when analyzed uh by professionals was also found to have distinct Psychopathic features mixed in with the psychotic qualities Gan is apprehended after abducting and murdering Bernice Warden he kidnapped her at the hardware store she owned her capitated body is found in gan's shed with her torso dressed out like a deer Gan later admits to making about 40 nocturnal visits to local graveyards in a days like state in 1968 Edward Gan is found guilty of murder but he's judged legally insane and is remanded to a psychiatric institution where he dies in 1984 gan's heinous crimes leave a permanent scar on the American psyche The Sensational nature of his ax also fuels a morbid Fascination that spawns many books and movies Ed G who was the inspiration not only for Norman baits and Leatherface and textur Massacre but also the character Buffalo Bill and Silence of the land one thing that fascinated me when I first began to write about people like Ed G was how their stories are immediately turned into different kinds of folk tales and myths they become these undying Immortal monsters in our Collective [Music] psyche Jeffrey dmer and Ed G's horrific crimes shock their hometowns but there is another extreme killer who terrifies an entire [Music] nation psychotic Killers have gone down as some of the most infamous and depraved murderers in the history of crime their homicides have included despicable acts like dismemberment necrophilia and cannibalism but contrary to popular myth serial killers genuinely influenced by psychotic Visions are extremely rare I think one of the most important myths for us to explode is the idea that um people who commit serial murder um must all be quote unquote crazy um or um evil you know From Dusk to Dawn uh all day long committing evil acts the reality is that um very few of of these individuals are actually going to meet criteria for serious mental illness such as psychosis or Mania only a very small percentage of serial killers less than 1% are judged to be legally insane despite the Rarity of psychotic serial killers there have been notable cases serial killer Herbert Mullen was ruled insane when he murdered 10 people in the 1970s Mullen hears voices emanating from his victims convincing him the crimes are necessary to prevent catastrophic earthquakes in California Richard Chase known as the vampire of Sacramento is also a Bonafide psychotic he believes Nazis with ties to UFOs are attempting to turn his blood into powder the antidote is drinking more blood Chase often swallows an elixir of Coca-Cola and animal entrails and injects rabbit's blood into his own veins in the late 1970s Chase horribly Slaughters six people including a baby and drinks his victim's blood psychosis is certainly a serious mental disturbance it's a it's a genuine mental illness this is the kind of mental illness where you know you might hear voices in your head or you'll have there are delusional elements to what's going on and you might believe that you have to do things I mean you there's there's psychosis that might bring with it a certain degree of paranoia you know somebody's chasing me uh or I have you know God's told me to go and kill a certain kind of class of persons more interesting question that people often ask is are serial killers insane it's important to recognize that sanity and insanity or not clinical terms or legal terms um so it's very very difficult to prove that a serial killer even though the acts he commit seem totally mad is insane um because the legal definition of Sanity is you can tell the difference between right and wrong David burkowitz the Son of Sam serial killer launched a 13-month reign of terror in New York City beginning in July 1976 Berkowitz used a 44 caliber pistol to kill six people and wound seven more in random attacks his victims of choice appear to be young women with long dark hair Donna laua and Jodi Valente are shot while chatting in a car Donna damasi and Joanne lumino are victimized while sitting together on the stoop of a house burkowitz says the Sam in his nickname comes from his neighbor Sam Carr he claims Sam is a high demon who transmits voice commands through his dog ordering the murders I think that David burwitz is quite possibly a Revenge motivated serial killer um I am suspect about whether he really believes that Sam Carr's dog was demonic and speaking to him and I suspect that he was gaining his satisfaction from taking revenge against women this was uh a terribly lonely man David burkwitz worked in the post office on the Grand Concourse in the Bronx it's a huge beautiful Granite building and here's this man who's alienated doesn't have have a girlfriend he has this flood of male that's coming through this building a tidal wave of human connection birthday cards Valentine's Day cards love letters all this human connection is Flowing around him and there he is alone he's completely alone he quite possibly was very angry at all the beautiful women walking past him on the sidewalk on the Grand Concourse he was going into lovers lanes and shooting lovers he was going after pretty women walking down the sidewalk this has all the earmarks of someone taking revenge against that alienation against that separation Raymond believes that like many serial killers burkowitz was faking his psychosis if you see some of his statements he was uh talking about the his neighbor's dog was possessed by a demon and instructing him to go out and kill people um it would seem as if all of a sudden these demonic voices ceased upon his arrest and his incarceration uh making it somewhat suspect that that's really what it was I think that you'll often see with serial killers that they will make excuses for their murderous crimes you'll see them blame it on something or somebody or an entity uh make up and entity uh like Sam car's dog a lot of people would assume that they're all psychotic or crazy but if you think about it if you are mentally impaired it's actually a lot more difficult to function let alone commit these types of crimes which leave a lot of evidence behind which are very difficult to commit and to be able to do it so often that you're able to gain serial killer status so if you think about it it's actually very difficult to be mentally impaired and commit these type of crimes but that being said psychopathy is very common among serial killers psychopathy is a complex disorder that has been recognized for centuries they just call it moral Insanity back in the 19th century again when they had serial killers um and before they had the term psychopath you know they were trying to figure out the psychology of these people because these were people who were very rational and often very intelligent they were not subject to Illusions or hallucinations they seem just like you and me except they had no morality they had no conscience they had no ability to empathize with other human beings you know they saw other human beings merely as objects to be exploited and used for their own depraved Pleasures in the 1880s German psychiatrist Richard Von Croft ebbing wrote the classic textbook psychopathia sexualis and it is very very shocking book in many ways because craft debing is very very graphic in his description of the kind of Acts uh of the criminals he talks about and and again some of them even nowadays are re really Beyond The Pale there were certain necrophiliac sex Killers for example who would murder victims and and keep their corpses with them to perform sexual acts on until the corpses had reached an advanced state of decomposition the book even describes the Jack the Ripper case while the crime is still fresh in the [Music] news the bodies of women were found in various lonely quarters of London ripped open and mutilated it is probable that he first cut the throats of his victims then ripped open the abdomen and groped among the intestines in some instances he he cut off the genitals and carried them away in others he only tore them to pieces and left them behind he does not seem to have had sexual intercourse with his victims but very likely the murderous act and subsequent mutilation of the corpse were equivalence for the sexual act the crimes of Jack the Ripper terrorized London but a century after his heinous crimes a new serial killer strikes fear throughout the nation a maniac known as the Yorkshire Ripper many extreme serial killers perform unspeakable acts a great challenge for investigators psychiatrists and the courts is to determine if these murderers are legally insane to unlock this complex puzzle they often look to the offenders childhoods to determine how they became such monsters research shows that as children they often suffered significant abuse sometimes psychological sometimes physical often sexual there was usually a long history of psychiatric problems criminal behavior and alcoholism within the family often they might share disrupted or broken childhoods in the sense that their family lives their socialization patterns are uh a a IAL they're not common perhaps family breakdown Family Violence all those sorts of things Jeffrey dmer claims to have been sexually abused by his neighbor when he was 10 years old his parents were constantly fighting and divorced when he was 17 both his mother and father moved out leaving dmer alone with his growing paranoia and terrible fantasies clearly what's operating there is what what we were tend to call these days a paraphilia that kind of sexual preference may not emerge until the teens early teens or late teens and that that's partly might be derived from experimentation and so on and it might also produce different kinds of emotional reactions so the teenage years the years when we develop our kind of courtship and our and our uh sexual relationships with us that that can be a very disturbing period and it and it can of course go all because of their extreme social isolation and general hatred of the world they often profess to have felt suicidal as teenagers they display a strong interest in deviant sexuality and are obsessed with violence voyerism and pornography their fantasies Drive their murderous acts what's interesting is as you sort of carefully examine the lives of a lot of these serios seexual offenders is that each crime seems to almost represent an attempt to live out the fantasy in a more and more perfect way if the they prowl until they find an individual that perfectly you know fits the character almost like working for Central casting or something we have to find someone who's just right appearance-wise sometimes they'll even alter the appearance of the individual with a a wig or makeup or or or worse uh to make the individual me look like the character they have in mind uh and um but but it's important to understand them uh imagining themselves almost like a director of a scene where they're they're they're calling all the shots for once a century after Jack the Ripper terrorized London a new serial killer strikes fear into the residents of England's Northern counties Peter sutcliff's homicidal rage lasts 5 years claiming the lives of at least 13 women and wounding seven more he Slaughters his victims with a hammer chisel screwdriver and knives the crimes earn Sutcliff the nickname the Yorkshire [Music] Ripper Peter Sutcliffe uh was born in the Northeast part of England and in the York leads area he eventually ended up wanting to kill one prostitute after the other he was often just at the edge of being captured but they couldn't quite accumulate enough evidence in the pre-dna days to certify that that he was the [Music] person when Peter sutliffe is 20 years old he works as a Gravedigger in a cemetery he claims he is driven to murder prostitutes by Voices he hears emanating from tombstones Sutcliffe is a quiet Pleasant and handsome young man and no one suspects he is capable of such heinous acts Sutcliffe develops a loathing and at the same time a fascination with prostitutes by now he is married and holds a good job as a Long Haul truck driver in 1975 he attempts two murders in July and August but both women survive his hammer and knife attacks but the voices drive him forward in October he successfully kills his first victim 3 months later he bludgeons a prostitute and stabs her 50 times there's no schedule for sutcliff's murders the next is 13 months later and as time goes on what happens is that just like someone who's addicted to drugs there's some evidence that biologically the there there may this may be literally true that the same brain areas that subserve drug addiction might be at play and individuals who repeatedly commit homicide become addicted to it um they need more and more of a fix more and more power more and more of a horrible crime to satisfy that need Sutcliff butchers another prostitute 6 months later but the police investigation gains little traction obviously the people that go to the prostitutes the punters as we call them their clients they are very very reluctant to come forward indeed uh we don't expect them to be coming forward cheerfully on occasions of this nature and possibly the third aspect of it is that members of the public because it's a prostitute do not feel affected themselves had it been the murder of a young baby or a young girl then I think we would have had far more people trying to volunteer information than we have because it's a murder of a [Music] prostitutes but then his murders take a frightening turn his next victim is not a prostitute it's a 16-year-old school girl now Terror grips the north counties no woman is safe police go house to house desperate for Clues hello hello we're doing house to house inquiries regarding this murder that happened on Saturday night you mind answering a few questions please go ahead have you seen these photographs in paper that's the young girl there oh those are the clothes that she was wearing on Saturday night do you remember were you out on Saturday you know saw anyone like that no the Yorkshire Ripper continues on his murderous rage West Yorkshire chief police investigator Ator George Oldfield is asked if he thinks the Ripper will strike again I think there's every possibility that he will the big question is when and where um my fear every Sunday morning when the telephone rings is are we in business again citizens are in a panic there are no concrete leads finally in December 1977 the police get a lead that points to Peter Sutcliffe but the Yorkshire Ripper slips through their grasp extreme serial killer Peter sutliffe is butchering young women at an alarming Pace across England's North counties at first it's only prostitutes but now all women are in the crosshairs of this Maniac murderer police search frantically but they find no concrete Clues until a brand new 5B note is found on one victim it's traced to the salary payment made to Peter Sutcliffe suck Cliff's wife can't believe Peter is the Killer and she supplies an alibi within days of his police interview there is another attack but the victim survives and a police sketch artist creates a very close likeness to Sutcliffe the frenzy to catch the Ripper intensifies Suli continues his Trucking runs where he would sleep in the cab pinned up in one of his windows is a chilling note it reads in this truck is a man whose latent genius if Unleashed would rock the nation whose Dynamic energy would overpower those around him better let him sleep during the first 5 months of 197 78 there are three more victims the public pressure to capture the Killer is intense George Oldfield and his team are desperate for leads then in the spring there are astounding developments taunting letters from the Ripper that seemed to be authentic and 3 months later a tape recording from the killer I see you are still having no look catching me I have the greatest respect for you George but Lord you are no near catching me now and four years ago when I started I reckon your boys are letting you down George it can't be much good can you I should be in the Book of Records I'm not quite sure when I strike again but it will be definitely sometime this year maybe September October on September 2nd 1979 another victim seemingly verifying the warning on the tape a huge publicity campaign is launched to enlist the support of the public to help catch the killer a special newspaper is printed and delivered to over a million homes and a tape is broadcast with a plea for assistance over the past 4 years 12 women have been horribly murdered and mutilated by a sick sadistic Maniac the Yorkshire Ripper how can we stop this madman from killing again here's one way listen I'm not quite sure when I strike again but it will be definitely some down this year have you heard that voice before at work or in a pub Club on a bus or in a queue think do you know somebody with a Northeastern accent like that who lives in the Leeds Bradford Manchester Preston Halifax or Huddersfield areas or who travels there from your area if so phone your local police the case now gains worldwide attention and leads pour into the police more than a million manh hours are devoted to analyzing the clues the pressure and immense workload leads to eight divorces within the Ripper Squad hundreds of wives report their own husbands as the Ripper but in the end it's determined that the letters and recording are a hoax the Yorkshire Ripper remains on the loose [Music] police have spent thousands of hours chasing leads on the Yorkshire Ripper only to discover the letters and tape recordings they're analyzing are just an elaborate hoax meanwhile to help avoid capture sliff decides to change his murder signature and starts to kill by strangulation with a [Music] rope two more victims up the Yorkshire Ripper's death toll to 13 with seven more brutally attacked then finally on January 2nd 1981 police find sliff parked with a prostitute he slips behind some Shrubbery claiming he's urinating he tries to hide his weapons but un questioning he's caught in several lies and arrested at the police station he faces intense interrogation and he says you you think I'm the Ripper don't you detective Sergeant deob Bole says well what about it there's a long pause then Sutcliffe says you're right it's me at his trial Peter sutliffe is found guilty and sentenced to life in prison but shortly after his conviction prison psychiatrists examine the Killer and declare him legally insane he's then transferred to Broadmore hospital to serve his sentence Peter su's father never understands what drove his son and he Grieves for the victims and their families our hearts gr out to all the families of the victims whoever they are wherever they are we we must carry that burden as well as Peter for the rest of our lives after all he is my son and I want every father in the country to be glad that it was my son and not theirs as a homicide detective Malcolm Raymond specialized in sexual predator and serial killer cases all too often he was confronted with the gruesome results of extreme serial killers Madness every crime scene speaks to you so you have to examine a crime scene in great detail and look at the little details the horror of the situation is something that you have to move past in order to get your job done you're not robot you know you do feel these things and they're absolutely horrifying scenes and I think that what happens is you'll think about it later that'll come back to you later when you're at the crime scene you have a job to do and it's a technical job so you have to move past that you have to grit your teeth and get past that and then you you deal with it on on a personal or emotional level later on and being at a crime scene is so much more intense you can look at pictures or films but when you smell it uh when you you get the smelling your hair and your suit when you're stepping over brains and blood try not to get it on your shoes uh when you're staring at a dead body and the lifeless eyes are looking back at you um it's it's a Surreal [Music] Life Raymond speaks for all police officers who track these murderers describing the importance and the difficulty of apprehending these monsters and the satisfaction of finally bringing them to justice to get these cases solved you have to be absolutely Relentless you can't give up that you have to remain focused um you have to be absolutely Relentless you when you go down an Avenue and it hits a dead end you got to find another way around it and you can't give up you can't throw up your hands because it's up to you nobody's going to do it for you you've got to do it how satisfying is it when you get it it's it's incredibly satisfying it's uh it's God's work you uh you're giving Justice to the dead you're giving Justice to that person's family to their loved ones and there's also another effect that a lot of people don't take into account you're saving people who haven't been victimized yet people who would have been killed had you not done your job it's a match made in Hell serial killers who murder as a team we have two people who individually might never really commit this kind of crime but sometime form this very very toxic partnership sometimes one is the psychological leader the other a compliant accomplice that one is the dominant driving force and the other acting out of love or is acting out of loyalty or fear often they are a romantic couple driven by deviant sexual Thrills you find these little couples who get into serial murder as a form of really grotesque horrific form of sex play to spice up their lives uh by abducting and torturing victims so a lot of times these are motivated by somebody trying to have an apprentice in a way where they're leading them on they're showing them the ropes and that alone gives them pleasure they feel good about it and in some cases it's because they need the help what causes such a murderous defect in the human psyche now the voices and visions of serial killers take us deep inside their complex and twisted [Music] Minds these are the legendary English Moors the vast open grass lands of the United Kingdom like the remote American deserts forests and lakes these beautiful landscapes are ideal for hiking camping and experiencing nature they are also isolated spots where sometimes criminal acts evade detection and serial killers hide their [Music] victims forensic investigators and volunteers are searching the area known as saddleworth Moore near Manchester they are hunting for the body of Keith Bennett Keith was the third victim of the serial killer team known as the Moors murderers Ian Brady and Myra hendley from 1963 to 1965 Brady and hendley kidnapped sexually assaulted and murdered five children ranging in age from 10 to 17 Keith Bennett was just 12 years old when he was killed Keith's family had been looking for Keith's remains for nearly 40 years with the help of many volunteers there's no way I'm going to give up no ways I will not rest I will not stop until keeps home or until I physically cannot do it the search is frustrating essentially it's like finding a very tiny needle in a gigantic hay stack surprisingly from prison Myra hindley has sent them directions for where to search for the body she's provided a sketchy map to help them find Keith Myra claims she stood Lookout on a ridge while Brady took Keith deep into a gully to brutalize and murder the youngster nevertheless the search is leading nowhere the mo itself is a difficult place people do not understand that finding things up there is is hard and difficult as our uh task so far has proven a big change down there I would think it' be nearly impossible to remember where very [Music] D hindley has agreed to assist in the search hoping this will enhance her case to be released from prison early in 1966 she and Brady were convicted of murder and given life sentences over 20% of serial killers operate with an accomplice Myra hindley and Ian Brady are classic examples of this breed of deadly Duo often you will find these um pairs who seem to be examples of what criminologists sometimes call A folad fol I do is a French term meaning a Madness shared by two people but now it's more generally applied to a kind of crime where you have two people who individually might never really commit this kind of crime but you know sometime form this very very toxic partnership sometimes the there's the main person such as in the case of Ian Brady who used his girlfriend Myra hindley to lure children to a very remote place where Ian would then uh strangle uh the little child and record the screams of the Strangling child on a tape recorder which he would then use later as a kind of sexual turn on when he for him and Myra later in the evening the Moors murderers first met when Myra hindley went for a job interview at a small Chemical Company in Manchester called Millwoods merchandise Ian Brady was working there as a shipping clerk she was immediately attracted to the tall handsome but strange young man according to reports Brady was interested in pornography as a school boy he was also very cruel torturing kittens to see how long they took to die and his psyche remained the same long after his capture and Ian Brady was simply sadistic and a very awful person he didn't show No Remorse at all uh what he did show that he was uh someone who was quite determined to uh do the things he did he he was quite uh sober in a sense as to what he was uh saying and I just felt that um he was he was very ill for their first date Ian takes Myra to the movies to see Judgment at norenberg a film about the Nazi war trials after World War II he introduces her to the writings and recordings of Adolf Hitler as well as sexual sadistic works of the Marquee dead the couple becomes Inseparable they make a good team he's socially awkward but she's just the opposite and they both share a Fascination for sadistic cruelty in prison Myra pens hundreds of letters to her mother along with an unpublished autobiography and these writings offer rare insight into the minds of a serial killer team in her writings Myra claims Ian indoctrinated her for over a year and a half to the idea of her being his accomplice in [Music] Murder that does seem to to happen often with these team killers that one is the dominant driving force and the other draws a kind of a sense of purpose or is acting out of love or is acting out of loyalty or fear or so for the other individual and some can sometimes be a rather heinous person uh themselves in her letters Myra describes Brady's better side and how she enjoyed relaxing times in the country in places Ian had visited on his motorbike these were days of Tranquility for her and she treasured the time they spent together always hoping for a normal domestic life but any possibility of a normal life disappears on July 12th 1963 when Myra offers 16-year-old Pauline Reed a ride in her van she tricks her into going to saddleworth Moore to help her look for an expensive lost glove Ian follows on his motorbike when they arrive Ian takes Pauline onto the Moore rapes her and cuts her throat Myra hindley claims she was not present during this or any of the other murders but despite the claims she makes in these later writings my continues as an accomplice in the next murders there are some cases of a tag team serial killer group where one person is often leading the efforts and another person is sort of assisting in The seral Killing role so a lot of times these are motivated by somebody trying to have an apprentice in a way where they're leading them on they're showing them the ropes and that alone gives them pleasure they feel good about it and in some cases it's because they they actually need the help when you have two partners that are killing together and one is sort of afraid of their cover being blown you know so is the other one what happens is that when the two engage in these acts together they then protect one another's secret because if you turn on me I'll turn on you and so forth so you you develop a kind of a a handshake you know that you're going to protect one another's secret and that creates an intimacy that in a bizarre way is almost like a kind of a love for some people uh and um you know letting that one person in on your Twisted secret kind of a thing 4 months after the murder of Pauline Reed the couple offers 12-year-old John Kilbride a lift home but they take a detour to saddle worth Moore when they reach the Moore Brady takes Kilbride with him while hindley waits in the car he sexually assaults the boy and slits his throat with with a 6-in serrated knife before strangling him with a shoelace over the next 2 years the killer couple murders three more children Keith Bennett 10-year-old leslianne dowy and Edward Evans who was [Music] 17 they've murdered someone Life Is Life but in her case it's five children five like all children and mean killing an ad is B enough it but not five like armless children like that we've had a lot of arake for a long long time and it will never ever stop the AR ain't never go to work Myra hindley always claims she was never there when the children are killed although in the courtroom a tape recording of Myra hindley shouting at a 10-year-old leslieanne Downey not to spit out a gag provides a key piece of evidence in her conviction leslianne mother is in the courtroom when the tape is played she has to endure hearing her baby pleading for mercy and crying for her mom she couldn't be human to stand there unless a little girl of so innocent 10y old say please let me go home to Mommy and just say shut up El I'll give you another guy D don't get me on him but I detest her to stand by and it's a little girl P up where was her motherly instincts and she made a remark in the paper the only thing she's sorry for that she never had any children God forbid she [Music] did I wanted to die in prison think she should die in prison is theic things she's done you know she took the most precious thing in the world wife my only do now decades after these horrific crimes the investigators hope they can trust the Twisted Mind of a team serial killer Ian Brady and Myra hindley are serial killers who work as a team in the 1960s they kidnap rape and murder five children ranging in age from 10 to 17 years old both only in their 20s themselves are convicted of murder and sentenced to life in prison Myra claims Ian bullied her into abducting the children and that she was never there when they were killed to prove she's repentant she agrees to help with the search effort hendley's attorney might Michael fiser reads her letter claiming she will help the police I've received a letter the first ever from the mother of one of the missing children and this has caused me enormous distress I have agreed to help the Manchester police in any way possible and have today identified from photographs and maps places that I know were of particular interest to Ian Brady some of which I visited with him we are looking to hopefully find the graves of paen Reed and Keith Bennett the families and police have been searching for almost 40 years and now they believe they are finally on the right track they hope Myra hindley's guidance has been truthful in prison Myra has written hundreds of letters to her mother as well as a revealing autobiography at the heart of her autobi biography lies her troubled childhood and an abusive relationship with her father she says she hated him and depicts the man as a violent bully Myra seems to have developed an interest in sadism early on but when she joins forces with I this interest explodes into action when you have this group together where they are both feeding off each other and encouraging each other you may see just because neither of them wants to back down or say no I don't want to do that they may actually commit crimes and do things that they otherwise would have never done by themselves Ian Brady was born in a Glasgow Scotland slum to a single mother who gives him up for adoption when he is 4 months old Brady is a lonely difficult child Who develops a fascination with the Nazis and sadism soon he turns to petty crime and burglary and ends up in prison at the age of 17 following his release he becomes even more of a strange loner until he meets Myra hindley in [Music] 1961 his sadistic personality leads him to murder and a desire to document his heinous crimes with tape recordings and photographs [Music] Brady and hindley are eventually caught when Ian Brady makes an uncharacteristic mistake he beats Edward Evans to death in front of Myra hindley's brother-in-law David Smith After The Killing Smith alerts the police when the police enter the house they discover the body and Ian Brady is arrested immediately over the next 3 days officers uncover a large cache of Souvenirs of the murders and evidence that links hindley to the crimes the photographs quickly lead the police to the bodies of Leslie and Downey and John Kilbride the public is outraged over the murders 24,000 people sign a petition demanding the couple be hanged the 14-day trial reveals the horrendous details of the crimes confirmed by the audio tapes and photographs the jury finds Brady guilty of the murders of Downey Kilbride and Evans the bodies of Bennett and Reed have not been found so those cases are not included hindley is convicted of the Downey and Evans homicides both are given multiple life sentences over the years the Moors murderers maintain a bond even though they serve in separate prisons Myra's sentence indicates she cannot be paroled for 26 years but she grows increasingly desperate to get out has this cunning and heartless killer convinced the world she deserves to be set free she's typed as the more evil of the two when in fact all the evidence plainly points to her having a a lesser role now for that she should indeed have been severely punished but the two cases are to be distinguished and yet she's got the same um time in jail as Brady who was a psychopath before he met her I shall find her wherever she is I shall find her I said this for 20 years that woman will not live if she comes out to prison I know people have said they'll do it for me I don't want that I don't want nobody to go in trouble especially esecially my boys they've got their lives to live I'm half dead now I'm living on pills I will willingly do that woman in and take my punishment and I will expect to be put in prison where I should stay until the end of my day the serial killer team of Ian Brady and Myra hindley are serving life sentences for their atrocities Myra continues to deny any involvement in the murders and cooperates with authorities her willingness to confess to any involvement makes her a figure of public loathing then in the mid 1980s 20 years after their crimes Ian Brady tells a journalist that there are two other bodies buried on Saddle worth more police reopen the case hindley helps locate the body of Pauline Reed and also agrees to continue to help find the body of Keith Bennett I do know now um indeed um um I've settled it quite recently which body that we're looking for there the body in fact that we took from the mo um earlier this week um I I am now sure is that of Pauline Reed hindley finally admits her guilt she's confessed that she is uh guilty of participating in these crimes so that she would be guilty of the crime of murder yes Brady then volunteers to help as well and is taken to the mo to help Lo at the last victim the search is in vain and some believe Brady was just trying to get another thrill by revisiting the crime scene so what creates these depraved couples a cuttingedge new tool is now available to allow much greater insight into the minds and motivations of all serial murderers Radford University and Florida Gulf Coast University have created the remarkable serial killer database researchers and students have compiled an astounding wealth of information on over 5,000 serial killers from the year 1900 through today specifically we have 186 variables uh related to serial killers such as Early Childhood issues parental abuse humiliation and we have that data from at least five or six different different sources that allows us to make sure that the data is accurate and valid and this allows us to develop a profile on serial killers relative to these factors as for serial killer teams the database results show that about 22% work with an accomplice and often the team is a man and a woman uh the research is telling us women are viewed as compliant victims and not major perpetrators under the gender bias that women can't be as tough and as mean and rotten as men so they must have been forced into an accomplished role here uh by these vicious men and so forth so in a couple of cases we're finding a women turn States evidence and as a result only we see from 10 to 15 years incarceration versus the men who ended up on death row for very similar kinds of crimes and we're also finding that the women in some cases were far from compliant victims the database reveals interesting facts about the relationship between killer couple Charlene and Gerald Galo this team first abducted their victims primarily teenagers most were kept as sex slaves before they were killed the total count is 10 teenagers who lost their lives in the case for example of Charlene GGO she had an IQ of 150 was an accomplished pianist and was extremely shrewd Gerald GGO her husband conversely had an intelligence quoti in the double digits and they Bo both with Sim multaneously seek women as their prey and they would choose two women at a time one that suited Charlene's purposes and W Gerald's purposes at another Point she actually left Gerald so the capacity to leave someone under those circumstances Then followed by a decision to come back to this environment really dilutes the uh the suggestion that being a compliant victim really applies in this situation the Galos are arrested after a friend of their last victim witnessed the abduction and gave police the license plate number of the Galos car Gerald is sentenced to death at San Quenton State Prison but dies in 2002 of cancer while awaiting the execution Charlene cuts a deal with the authorities and testifies against her husband she spends 16 years behind bars but there's a shift now to treating women equitably as heinous perpetrators as opposed to just compliant victims it's another area of research right now we're looking at the data shows there are also many instances of two men working together as serial murderers American serial killer Henry Lee Lucas claims he has murdered hundreds of victims in more than 100 cases he says his partner in crime was Otis tul the last count was 600 I gave over 3,000 uh I think 368 confessions I think it's what it was U of cleared homicides so perverse version of two heads are better than one uh with Otis tool being probably psychotic intellectually impaired uh and um Henry lcas you know sort of being the one who was the more dominant of the two the two killers not only shared the thrill of killing they sometimes raped their victims as well their prey included essentially anyone they ran into hitchhikers prostitutes and migrant workers and their heinous crimes even extended into other deviant sexual acts uh for example uh Otis tul and Henry Le Lucas uh well there was no wasn't really predominantly uh motivated by rape so much as a desire to commit necrofilia and cannibalism so you had a necropile and a cannibal working together uh you know Otis tool who infamously created a barbecue sauce for eating people and all this sort of thing they hooked up and um you know sort of the idea was you had two people who were getting their needs met together the couple is notorious known for the murder of Adam Walsh the six-year-old son of John Walsh host of TV's America's Most Wanted tulle was the one to kill Adam after abducting him from the mall in Hollywood Florida 2 weeks later a fisherman finds the boys severed head in a canal 120 Mi away near Viro Beach it took more than 20 years before the boy's parents learned the truth from TL's niece after the killer had died in Florida State Prison Lucas makes several claims to be an accomplice in the murder but he retracts them and the police never prove his involvement the serial killer database also reveals compelling information about the role of abusive childhoods in creating these monsters along with humiliation a pattern of being bullied is also recognized in the data and we call that in our database teasing which coincides with bull bullying but bullying has a very serious impact on one's propensity to uh engage in these behaviors now that doesn't mean that everyone who's been bullied is going to become a serial killer I think the key here is to look at that in conjunction with other variables both Lucas and tulle were bullied by their abusive mothers brutalize one the name mode I beaten with sticks whatever she'd get in her hand it was a piece of stove wood she hit me with it it was a rock Rock she hit me with it you know she take poles and just pound the devil out of me you know I've got scars all open my body from Lucas's rage builds up after years of this terrible abuse until he finally snaps and kills his own mother uh my mom was prostitute you know and she sold herself and I was made to watch her and uh I mean it was just uh a life that I don't want you know and Henry Le Lucas who um you know had had actually necrophilic uh assaulted his own mother after killing her a hate builds up inside of a person it takes away his reality because reality all reality left me you know things that uh I would go around or be around just uh was a blank to me you know tuls child childhood was even more abusive he was assaulted by almost every person he thought he could trust his mother dressed him up as a girl his older sister raped him before he turned 10 and his father the worst of them all prostituted him to a neighbor when he was only 5 years old clearly abusive childhoods are often found in the backgrounds of Team murderers whether it's two men or a man and a woman one of history's most horrific killer couples began with a domineering man and his submissive teenaged wife but over the years she learns to become an equal partner in unspeakable evil serial killers who act as a team are responsible for some of the most despicable murders in the annals of crime sometimes the deadly Duos are two men who are friends or relatives and sometimes the couple are romantically involved often a man and woman that get sexual Thrills from their despicable homicides Fred and rosemary West are a married team of serial rapists and murderers who Slaughter more than 16 young women beginning in the 1960s their group some signature is chopping off the fingers and toes of their [Music] victims while Fred is still a teenager he becomes a child molester and burglar at 21 he marries Reena Castello and becomes stepfather to her daughter from her first marriage they soon have a daughter of their own when when Fred is 28 he meets 15-year-old Rosemary let and the two fall in love Rosemary's family is immediately suspicious of Fred we were all shocked and dismayed really because Fred was quite a bit older in Rosemary quite scruffy looking and his first impressions when you tried to make a conversation with him was he was an out and out liar the family has no idea Fred is still married to Reena we only found out out um some months later when there were various other things that kept cropping up um that we finding out about the one was his marriage there was another one about he had been in prison soon Reena disappears and then her first daughter Charmaine also vanishes Fred claims they move to Scotland Charmaine we was told preferred to be with her mother and that was the reason why she disappeared and and Scotland was a very long way away at the time although we love Charmaine all of us dearly but it was um maybe a little bit strange that she suddenly wanted to go back and not to say Cheerio Reena and charmaine's murdered bodies are found years later meanwhile the West's neighbor Liz Aus notices Fred and Rosemary's unusual lifestyle as I got to know rosem me and Fred West um Rose started telling me about her personal life how did I feel about it by she was a prostitute I just told her what it was her business it was nothing to do with me she did go into details that she had like microphones or something in the bedroom because if she ever had uh clients there Fred was always on the opposite side into the next room and um he likes to listen to things like that weird absolutely weird but their life it it was up to them to whatever I thought turned them on in you know I never took no notice really I liked her for what she was and you know as a friend what she did in her own business in her own life Liz quickly grows nervous about Fred well he started off a casual conversation like how are you where have you been and then as time went by it got to sex he always talked about sex um he used to say to me um what I could do with you in bed um would I like to try it with him if I like I can have three in the bed him Rose and myself um how would I feel like if I went on the game it was just sex sex sex sex math before long it becomes clear that there are troubling things happening at the West's home he said to me that he likes to go around finding young girls so that um because they've run away they've got no home he will support them by giving them a roof on their over their heads um and if they want to go on the game work for him then when they Rose knocked on the door she said she was going out with Fred and I said well why are you going with him you know and she turned around and said to me so long as there's a woman in the car with a male it's there's always an easy chance for that another girl who they're going to pick up will get inside the car because she will be there with him in the cellar of the West home young victims are subjected to brutal sexual assaults after binding them and taping their mouths shut the West carry out acts of sexual perversion and torture some of the victims die in the process others cannot be allowed to live Fred hints at what's going on to his neighbor when he shows her his seller we went down there and Fred said um he wasn't sure what to make at this yet he said I don't know whether to make it a plain area for the children or he nudged me and heed say or else I could make this into my torture room and things like that he said just think he said what I could do to you down here if he said nobody in it nobody would hear me he said cuz I'd make it sound proof I say I keep wishing once me and Rose was s while I was in the what they call the sitting room but there was beds as well inside there in this room uh I was sitting on the set he rose was making a cup of tea and then the next thing Fred come behind from the door put put these handcuffs on me and I was quite nervous on it and then Rose turned around and said get them freaking offer just like that and without any hesitation he he took them off he said I was only joking still the neighbor doesn't comprehend what's going on in the west home all I knew is that Rose was a prostitute and they both had other women as prostitutes but I didn't see any it was only what they told me I didn't know they was going to kill anybody or torture anybody you wouldn't have thought that they were the type of couple to have done that it's not hard to understand her not knowing the truth because what's actually happening in the home of Fred and rosemary West is simply Beyond Comprehension deadly Duo Fred and rosemary West are systematically torturing and killing young women in the cellar of their home at 25 Cromwell Street in gler England the address is soon to become the most notorious in Great Britain as the West's Killing Spree has gone undetected for over 20 years like many serial killers both Fred and rosemary endured violent abusive childhoods Rosemary was the fifth of seven children people found her slow and she had trouble making friends on the surface the family seemed ordinary but in fact there was terrible abuse Rosemary and her brothers and sisters suffered frequent beatings at the hands of their tyrannical Father Bill Le who was a diagnosed schizophrenic he was a Madman complete madman when he was in these Rage of tempered fits whatever nobody was excluded from it um my mother included um and we all lived under this Strat of what he would do next Fred and rosemary form an Inseparable Bond a devoted connection forged in Murder um always happy always pretty pretty thing yeah and then one day she just she wasn't there anymore over the years the couple is investigated but charges are never filed despite the fact that the police suspect links between the growing number of missing women so in police circles and local gossip between police officers strongly believe that one person was responsible for all of those killings and the presumption is that person would be local um serial killer well that wasn't uh that wasn't a word banded about in the 70s but uh yes you could call it that that uh it was quite firmly believed that one person was responsible and that he could well have been a local person but who that person was well we didn't know it was red West that's for sure the sort of youngster staying at Cromwell Street are the ideal victims many of them having just recently left home they were like me you know they most probably didn't have a lot of money and they were probably enjoying life to the full maybe they didn't have their relatives close by maybe they'd fallen out with their family for some particular reason very much the same as myself I think we will find that we will actually notice clusters and when I say clusters we will noticed that in one particular area there are more people going missing than other areas and it could point the finger that something not quite right there over a 20year span the wests torture murder and bury nine young women at the Cromwell Street home including their own daughter it seems astonishing now that they managed to do it without anyone noticing No Child Protection Service in the United Kingdom in in the then state of knowledge and the procedures which then applied could have anticipated or avoided this terrible set of tragedies these two went to extraordinary lengths to prevent detection and I think we need to keep that in mind uh and not look and try and second guess people who were perhaps doing the best they could in difficult circumstances in in the past apparently police missed a valuable clue when a video store owner reported Fred pedalling deviant sex tapes he said he actually made them in his house and he said he does some involv in his daughters they were sex videos and lesbian ROMs and different things like that and then he got into conversation and I heard a sniff movies the actual real sniff movies where they actually done it and I couldn't understand that a man could talk to somebody about things like that so when I got home we talked it over and I phoned the police and next morning and I gave him the name and the address and he said it would be investigated Heather the West's second oldest daughter was about to become the last known victim in 1987 Liz agius could have been next on the list I look at it that I'm one of the lucky people to be alive today um because when I think about it I think um will they going to find out if I was going to be one of the people that if they picked on me would I be missed finally in 1994 the couple is caught but Rosemary denies any involvement she was devastated quite clearly distressed um and shocked she denies she knew anything about the bodies is that correct yes she does what does she say about knowledge of the killings at all she totally denies that yes she does but I find it very hard to believe that she lived in that house and didn't know what was going on in the face of the evidence Rosemary is sentenced to 10 life sentences one for each victim killed including Charmaine this morning Rosemary West was charged with the murder of charming West between the 1st of May 1971 on the 31st of December 1971 by the end it appears that the relationship between this killer couple has changed I would have said Rose was the more dominant it was obvious that he was very very much in love with her he loved her the way things were he would have done everything and anything for her Rose had changed then I mean she got more domineering then she got secretive no no secretive and yeah what she said went and that was it on January 1st 1995 Fred West commits suicide rather than face the same sentence as his wife he strangles himself in his prison cell today researchers are hoping that tools like the serial killer database may eventually help reduce the frequency of serial killers so if we can identify these variables we can identify these killers at early ages if we see these behaviors and take remedial action immediately by which to preempt any further activity in the future the hope is to never have monsters like Fred and rosemary West at large in the world I punish myself every day for it for not asking enough questions for not for just not finding out more and maybe stopping it before it happened I can't forget cuz rosem me knew right from wrong I'm her brother but I can't possibly forgive anyone for cruelties to Children let them murders
Channel: Real Crime
Views: 57,139
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Creepy Medical Tales, Criminal Psychology, Dangerous Physician Practices, Deadly Diagnosis, Deathly Prescriptions, Deceptive Doctor, Evil Doctor, Evil Intentions Revealed, Fatal Treatment, Forensic Psychology, Homicidal Doctor Secrets, Killer Patients, Law Enforcement Documentary, Medical Malpractice, Mysterious Killings, Notorious Killers, Psychological Thriller, Real Crime, Serial Killer, The Angel Of Death
Id: rb_vQTeB4Uc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 131min 58sec (7918 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 17 2024
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