How impressive is Dawn Staley's undefeated title run, is Caitlin Clark the GOAT? | WBB | SPEAK

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how about Don Staley and what exactly she did I will just very briefly run off I think the most impressive part to me about Don Staley was that in a microwave Society Don Staley really put it in the oven the success that is and she let It Bake over time seven consecutive Seasons when she got there 0809 they got better and they got better and they got better and they got better and they got better culminating in her first final four appearance but then after the final four appearance she did not stopped there won two national titles in her last four seasons and Beyond the two national titles when you think about the she took she took one to Caitlyn Clark one of the greatest players of the game has ever seen and she took one three years back to a Stanford team that inevitably won a national championship Don Staley likely would have won the national title during the co season when she was 32- one but they did not play a tournament what's so impressive to me again in a society where we want to see success instantly and imminently Don Staley was there for 15 years she spent her first seven years building it building it and building it and now she will watch it and we will all watch it continue to be success uccessful because she did not microwave it she didn't catch lightning in a bottle she truly built it from the ground up but joy how impressive was Don Staley's Run To You incredibly impressive forget the fact that they did it over one of the most phenomenal players that we've ever see play the game in Caitlyn Clark but to go undefeated to lose three games over the last 112 games to put together a brand new starting five after losing all of her starters last year to to lose to Iowa come back and beat Iowa in the championship game again against a player that's having the season like Caitlyn Clark is having to build everything that she has built there in South Carolina as you mentioned win her third title putting her in the conversation with people like Pat Summit yeah gin arama John Wooden coach K Roy Williams Bobby Knight Kim Moi she's one of 11 coaches in college basketball history to have three or more titles she can say that now so to have the season that they have to to fly you know kind of under the radar because the conversation was really not about them yeah they're a great team they're a great team are they going to get back they're a great team we know they're good but what's going on over here to come to the championship game to win the way that they did and look this was a battle it's not like they started started at the beginning of that game rolling so they earned it incredible performance incredible career that Don saley has built a dynastic setup that she has there with that program it's really really impressive and I mean she's just put herself in a whole other conversation and with with all of us being College athletes I think you can't State going undefeated in college is crazy that's crazy and the reason it's crazy is because you're dealing with 18 to 22 year olds got to go to class they got to take micro econ they got to take physics they got to deal with getting broken up with they got to deal with getting into new relationships they got to deal with parking on campus they got to deal with dorms they got to deal with housing they have to deal with all of this stuff to not lose a single game James Jones is absolutely mind-blowing I went undefeated through a regular season and then lost in a national championship game she went undefeated the whole time wow you're right and that to be honest with you that's what impresses me the most right and that's why I put her up there in the goat conversation because when you listen to these young women talk that play for Staley these young women number one they humble number two when you listen to them talk about her she's changing their life you talked about losing five starters on a really really really good basketball team last year and the way that she developed these young girls this year and came in here and did not lose a game and if you watched the game yesterday her freshman was the baddest ones on the court but just the way over time how she has developed these young women on and off the basketball court is truly amazing I mean she's one of the greatest coaches to ever do it but when you watch all of her players when they come to South Carolina and when they leave South Carolina totally different women totally different basketball players and that's why a bunch of them are in the WNBA but what she's accomplished is is truly unbelievable we talked about it undefeated that's crazy like every single game you have to show up and play and it sounds easy but it's not easy every single game you're getting everybody's best punch when South Carolina is coming in the building or you coming to South Carolina you know you are it ain't no time to relax to win 38 of these things and then finish it off beating Caitlyn Clark the way they beat Caitlyn Clark truly special she St talk about it Philly it's funny because you know in Philadelphia we always knew about her right hell of a player but the thing she's doing on on a basketball court as far as a coach it's unbelievable it's phenomenal job I mean three championships we talked about but the last three years they won 97% of their games you know how hard that is that's crazy and I think the aside from this the like the real coaching ex and those let's just go aside from that she a phenomenal person right she's she's so big into her faith right with the Lord and and stuff like that you don't like I feel like when coaches and players get to a certain level it becomes kind of me without even saying it and she don't say that no I'm happy I'm thankful for what he's provided us right stuff like that I love to see and then it it sprinkles down to the players great attitudes great personalities right they love to play for a lot of these great coaches that we love to talk about right I want him get into the names but they the players don't love playing for them no doubt they can't wait to leave how is coach oh he's great coach next question they they don't want to talk about it but but with Staley everybody loves to talk the players love to talk about her and then another thing is she's so authentic it's like nothing fake a lot of these coaches I play for man they're really really good but it's not authentic it's like a act cameras are rolling not her she's the same way when cameras are on or off and that's why I love her and the last thing I got to give her credit for because there been some God awful outfits I've been seeing in college bayy we got that swag and she got that drip and she got that that you know what I mean you know what I'm saying all that give you a big shout out keep doing what you doing you were inspiring so many people from from from ball players and football right I see so many football players tweeting about her I'm oh they feel this way I feel about her so just keep doing what you're doing Philly loves everything you're doing and guess what keep that swag on you got that swag no doubt about it well Shady here's a problem with sports you can call it a problem if you want to Winners but get losers so though I would love to spend the next 83 minutes with you all with yall taking your time just glowingly about oh my God everything is so good in sports and life and everybody wins it's not how it works winners willget losers Don Staley in South Carolina winning Caitlyn Clark to gell in the last game of her collegiate career last time she will touch a college basketball court as an athlete she lost but the great debate is this to5 is Caitlyn Clark the goat greatest of all time without a title I mean duh yeah we talked about how great costal was right how authentic she was what did she say before she left she ever interview after the game right press conference this and the last he say is kayin Kaylin Curry Clark if you're out there somewhere and she said yo you were one of our biggest goats you've changed the game we all you guys love to talk about uh um Rihanna Stewart and how great she was right teras you got who else you got all these phenomenal though they ain't changed the game and every and every they haven't like like like like this old girl every every barber shop talk right that's those was the real Sports conversations from my background from my culture right it's LeBron s the Lakers it's it's is Patrick Mahomes nah it's Caitlyn Clark Curry Clark think about this think about a time right because let's be honest we all didn't watch women's basketball right we had to covered for our our job but that's not a popular conversation now it is this is not my words this what the viewers say 12 million or something like that 14 I mean my more than no one getting that true I mean Banna store was getting that so I say is this she's changed the game I haven't seen no player in basketball other than one dude and he got four championships and he's one of the goats Steph Curry I haven't seen nobody like her and the last thing I'm G say is about why she's the goat without a championship did y'all see the game you see the mitm match before the ball was tipped up you just see the mismatch right you had bigger stronger faster girls on this side you had average little girls on the other side you had one superstar that burning everyone the court average and it's the truth and and if she didn't play for Iowa first of all who's going to Iowa who's going there I looked at the I looked at the the the the teams football players the I I talk about basketball girls basketball I look at the team and I look at um South Carolina right so the game started Caitlin start going off quick I ain't waste no time I gotta get my buck it makes sense and then South Carolina start didn't do well but the backups came in there and start balling well who's the backups Five Star All American five star so when I go to the other team I'll see one of them so so when you ask me are you really the goat without a champ yes you you took this Iowa team that nobody's ever going to go to all the way to the the championship two years in a row come on man yes she's the goat shady I love you my brother you know that um I disagree with you I disagree with you but I love you uh I will take the Don Staley quote and I will just say it more literally Don Staley said she is one of the goats I believe that Caitlyn Clark is one of the greatest basketball players ever I do not believe that you can be the greatest without winning a title any sport any gender I do not care it does not matter if it is swimming it does not matter if it is track and field it does not matter if it is basketball men's nor women's does not matter if it is football does not matter if it is tennis anybody that we Proclaim to be the goat of a sport has a title is she one of the goats absolutely she's on my Mount Rushmore she is top four Caitlyn Clark is one of the greatest players the game has ever seen I believe what Caitlyn Clark has done is more important even than being a goat think about alen Iverson for all the young hoopers what alen Iverson did for the game of basketball without being the greatest of all time think about what Mike Vic did for the game of football in the culture without being one of the greatest of all time so I believe what Caitlyn Clark has done is even more important and impressive than being the greatest of all time she is one of the greatest of all time but if you call someone a goat without winning a title it completely undermines all of our goat dialogue Jordan people say is better than Braun not because Jordan has more points not CU Jordan has more dimes because Jordan has more titles Tom Brady is better than Montana because Tom Brady has more titles was better than Manning cuz he has more titles not more MVPs cuz he has more titles goats are dependent upon titles the goat is dependent of the title Kaylin doesn't have one one of the goats Joy I can't call her though the greatest of all before Joy goes can you give us a a college go you gave me some good Pros I would say I would say Mello of my time I remember watching my sister went to because you want to name I would say BR Stewart currently my goat for my notes for my next set um well to Shady's point right there I don't know that there is necessarily one when you think of college one go for pros it's a little different right because the gap between the worst team in the pros and the best team in the pros is not that big everyone's a professional On Any Given Night On Any Given Sunday Monday Thursday Saturday it could change and you can beat that team you rarely see that in college that's we there's big upsets that's why they storm the court and they write songs and poetry about it there's a big gap so I do hear you on that it is I think it's a fair argument Shady because you are looking at play players do not have the power in college that they do in Pros either you can't recruit you can't get other stars to come join you you can but it's not to the level that that Pros are she has no control over the roster that's in Iowa her influence might help recruit players there but it's not the same as having Don Staley and South Carolina and what she's able to build year after year after year which doesn't take anything away from what Staley has built because it is incredible and that's part of creating and building organizations and programs so that you're there every single year but where I would argue is she has had an opportunity to play in a national championship game two years in a row twice so they ain't that bad I was not that bad she hadn't dragged them all the way there now she's the reason they're winning without question but you can't play in the sweet 16 and then get get knocked in the sweet 16 in the second round and then play in two back-to-back National Championship games with a bunch of bums there's other college teams that are playing that are really well put together that have a lot of talent that would have something to say about that so she's had an opportunity twice two years in a row to win a championship against different teams against LSU and against South Carolina so it's not like it's even the same just dominant Yukon team beating them every single year the same dominant Tennessee team beating them every single year that there's an extra narrative that we can put here now I look shady I thought the same thing when they when they lined up the tip off I was like this GNA be a this going to be a long night for Iowa but then they started out strong and that's they play the game and I think at the end South Carolina was the better team team and they won I just think I can't put her as the goat goat purely as a as a team game and the achievements that she had the opportunity to win but didn't but that aside I don't know that there's been a more influential oh it hasn't or has it hasn't and and I don't think that that her her winning a championship or not winning a championship really really means that much to me like when I think of a player that feel that that transforms a sport when I talk about the goat of course I think you do have to have at least a title because we do that with every single sport we do that period bottom line if you are the greatest player of all time you have to have a championship that's the standard that we set because that's what you play for you don't play for stats you don't play for individual accomplishments you play to win championships you play to win gold you you race to win gold medals the goal is to win not just participate so I think that that's fair but what she's done for the sport what she's done for the culture and the landscape of sports not just women's basketball is so influential that I don't know that it matters that much to me yeah it's a it's a lot of women that paved the way um to bring some eyeballs to women's college basketball course but there is zero argument when you talk about her influence on the game she is the goat for bringing eyeballs to the game we were more excited this year to watch the women play than we were to watch the boys play these boys is jumping out the gym they flying they doing all that we probably ain't going to see one dunk in these games and we are tuned in you said 14 million 18.7 it just came out 18.7 million people watching the game so she is the goat from that standpoint she has raised the level of College women's basketball she's going to raise the level of awareness of the WBA right the WNBA should not they should be glad she declared and she's coming into the WNBA because got com J it is going to be eyeballs on her and not be a but but there I I knew it was coming I knew I've been hanging out about goat yeah to be considered the greatest of all time at least I thought to even get in the conversation you have to have one Championship when we talk about any other goats at the college football whether it's uh college sports period championships whether you talk to Cam Newton whoever you want to talk championships so when you talk about goat greatest of all time and you got players have won four of them you got players that have went undefeated and won one I cannot put her in the goat conversation because she does not have a championship she is the greatest of all time bringing eyeballs to this game and elevating the game we sit here and we talk about all the goats they all GNA be from a Powerhouse College that's what's gonna happen brothera life ain't Fair Shady no no no no no no I'm not I'm not saying it's fair I'm just saying we talked about Brianna right she went to yuk all these typ top schools right she went to Iowa though I keep like Iowa we let's take yourself back into college right I was a phenomenal player I feel like you put me Pittsburgh going against Alabama I probably going to have a great game I'm you GNA shoot some you g see some Talent they G be the same compared if I play my little conference the reason why she's the goat to me though right even that game last night 37 to zero that was the bench points that was South Carolina's bench points compared to Iowa's though if you take away the best player from you from um South Carolina put her on the bench they still can win you put this girl on the bench that get blew out agre so every time we talk about the goat conversation that matters if I got all Americans on the bench I got all Americans I'm playing with that matters compared to if I'm playing for I with just I'm not calling them bums I'm just saying regular girls that's what it is and next year I guarantee Iowa does not go back to the finals or the final four they will not do that course true right but every time every girl y'all talk about their team has been there over and over and over again you know why because they get the best players that matters it's not the NFL it's not the NFL you drafting elite players you drafting scholarship players or you you recruiting scholarship players that can be good or bad it's a difference so when you ask about the goats I get it Championship they do matter do I feel like for college it doesn't as much because the players that you are playing with are not drafted as elite elite players yeah you playing with the teammates you have that's what she did and this ain't the first time or second time she she's been balling since a freshman and then another last thing before I get I give it up we give praise to a girl like Angel Reese right right and I feel like she's a she's a good player right but she owes Caitlyn Clark some of that love when she go all the justice and all that it start giving up like attention and everybody she plays I don't care who it is the way the style of play that she plays that's what has the eyes tuned into these games it ain't it ain't no the big school of Yukon the big school of this it's not that it's a player dominating give that girl her credit sound like hating on that girl I ain't hating on her we gave her her flowers because you we had a convers ation and you said that if you would have went to USC oh my easy go hold on hold on you would have been Reggie Bush right you would have been better than Reggie Bush right hold on AO so imagine being Maya Mo imagine being bana Stewart and imagine somebody coming up to Shady cuz Shady you have a lot of confidence you feel like you're the best in the world imagine somebody coming up to you as and you be honest to and they saying Caitlyn Curry Clark is the goat and you Banna Stewart sitting there with what you did in college basketball with four championships okay she can't even be in this conversation she can't greatest of all time all them championships nobody was watching nobody car watching matters though who don't want to see go play I want to see go I guess I I'm confused the reason I'm confused I thought we're having two different conversations no it's the same one well I think because shady I agree with you wholeheartedly that what Caitlyn has done for the eyeballs of the sport never seen before literally I just found out the game peaked at 24 million views that is asinine 24 million viewers but buckets but what though Shady does the impact the cultural impact the uh uh visual impact what's that have to do with the greatest talent wise of all time conversation that's why I brought up Alan Iverson Alan I said it to me like what AI did culturally and what AI did for Generations is probably third fourth fifth behind bird behind magic behind Jordan but we wouldn't say that AI is the greatest ever we no so what I'm saying is like Caitlyn one of the greats of course but you have two Super Bowl rings you know how hard it is yeah but that but and I don't college and Pros are two different so let's just not use them the same but we don't have to go about all that we can go by these numbers you want go by these numbers CU she got crazy numbers though she is the alltime leading scorer is that does that happen matters okay was he third and assist mhm I mean this is what she's doing so when I'm speaking about her being a goat I'm giving you all different reasons why one of them is because she's the most popular thing that we want to see Ever from females basketball ever that matters though you got you got friends and homeboys and family members calling me arguing like it's a LeBron and and Michael Jordan conversation no they're talking about women basketball yeah that's what it is that's one part the second thing is the way let's the way she plays now if Maya Moore Oh and Banna Stewart no they Beast though I don't know if WI a championship with that with that Iowa Squad do y'all think they win against South Carolina let's ask that question we'll never know no no no no okay what do you think let's just go to real quick cuz I don't them girls that you say my man look I think it was also like it's a it's a mismatch like you look at the carda yesterday like who's nobody checking her nobody's checking her nobody college basketball but we only talking about college basketball that's what we talking about that's what I'm saying but you just putting to Iowa nobody in College women's basketball stop her correct correct and and and she she deserves her flowers today she was remarkable last night incredible player and nobody's nobody stopping her nobody checking her and there were there were a lot of great performances last night where I I I I'm this close to agreeing with you Shady because I hear what you're saying I don't like comparing Pros to college again everyone in the pros is a professional player I know it sounds like silly when I'm saying that but think about what I'm saying that means they're so good that they're being paid to play the sport so even if they're the worst player in the sport they're still good enough to be paid to play that sport that means the separation between them and the people that aren't getting paid is still a gap that's just that's what it is they're in the league there's in the league and then there's not in the league period so everyone that's playing in the league is a professional everyone that's in college is not on the same level the the the the staff is not the same level the facilities are not the same level like when you get to the pros that's that is all for the most part eliminated there's an expectation that you're going to have all the similar resources to be good you don't have that in college so where I would I would get close to agreeing with shady is you we can't really make the sweeping comparisons of programs like a Yukon or a Tennessee or South Carolina to Iowa and then and then just remove that Nuance from the conversation I still think despite all that she's had two opportunities to win a championship and didn't get it done like it's not like she was never close to it and still had this impact she did play in back-to-back championship games mostly because of her Talent so if we're talking about like Talent influence all of that she never got the team accomplishment that we expect from a goat but that's also why I feel like it's hard to say that there is just one do you think that um um so if we look at this college game today not even like the past but right now you think any of them top players that we talk about could take Iowa's team to the finals back to back ears no she's the best player in college basketball right now so can't do it none of them can but like that don't that don't count for nothing though count for being the bestall even other gos though right as you like like Banna and they are they were great players do you think that they I'm just asking them do you think they take this team chance they but do they win is the question I don't know if they win but what's crazy though is I think we we trying we trying to defend Caitlyn Clark or you are truth and I think we're forgetting how great these other women were Maya Mo was like that even only thing that Caitlin Clark does better than my Moore shoot the three ball that's it oh that doesn't matter I guess that doesn't really matter but we if we talk about all around basketball game my more could pass the rock too here the the the issue I have the only issue I have though is I don't want to now start devaluing Rings no like the only reason you play is for a chip subscribe here to get the latest from speak and go watch a few segments from our other shows on FS1
Channel: SPEAK
Views: 167,146
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Keywords: speak for yourself, sfy, fs1, fox sports, fox sports 1, fox, speak for yourself fs1, speak, speak fs1, emmanuel acho, joy taylor, lesean mccoy, james jones, Iowa, National Championship, basketball, college, Caitlin Clark, South Carolina, undefeated, undefeated season, Dawn Staley, 37-0, legendary, final, final four, champions, Gamecocks, Hawkeyes, Geno Auriemma, Pat Summitt, Kim Mulkey, Tara VanDerveer)
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 57sec (1437 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 08 2024
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