Angel Reese leads Chicago Sky comeback win vs. Caitlin Clark, Indiana Fever | WNBA | UNDISPUTED

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good morning it's wee F SS FS inbr debate I got time today dripping on the my diamond say what they got to say if you think it's a game I ain't got a in the I own my my competition it's not issue it's CT tissue unconventional convet [Music] Undisputed good morning Wayne good morning key hey what up Skip and good morning and welcome back to duck Bo Paul p who did take part in the Celtics Victory Parade I'm not sure did he play for the Celtics year I don't remember him but I I don't know maybe maybe you did I'm an alumni yeah you're an alumni is that the alumni boat that was the alumni boat I was on are you sure you remember any of that yeah I remember just like yesterday okay just like just like yesterday okay Kean says he will wait until next year to participate in the Lakers parade in Downtown LA they're going to throw a parade for for for play in tournament for the uh what is it season tournament they going throw parade for that they fake little solo shots at I'm just saying yeah okay going to do a parade for that all right all right I just think after this game skipping KY you got to start putting Angel Rees in the Rookie of the Year y race I buy that in the Rookie of the Year race I mean i' I'm all the way in on this rivalry uh and it just seems like Angel plays with an extra int when she's going against Caitlyn you know I've watched it this year I watched these two match up you know they don't necessarily play against one another but it's a little more to Angel ree when she's playing against Caitlyn you can see in her performance last night you can see it when when when when she's on the sideline being demonstrative when her when her teammate knocks Caitlyn down she's on the sideline and doing all these things and this this is going on since college so we ain't G to act like this is something new so think about this tickets was $350 for for this there was an average $350 for for this game average it was some couple 1500s in there I'm sure for the women's game which is which is unprecedented so I love what I'm seeing from this and we G to talk about this later but the USA really dropped the ball on not having these two in the Olympics they dropped the ball but we're g to talk about that later eight straight double doubles y for Angel Reese the Rookie of the Year race is closer than everybody's talking because check this out we watched a game with two teams that they may not even make the playoffs they may not they both under 500 but this probably was the most watched game that's that's like think Team 7el Six and N six and N think about that that's like if we watch Charlotte Hornets versus Portland Trailblazers as in NBA you know the two teams that's not playing very well and this probably was the most watched game I mean what Angel is doing what Caitlin is doing captivating the crowds uh you know this is something that's going to go on for a long time between these two 25 and 15 16 rebound what was it 15 16 rebounds from a rookie a straight double doubles if she continues at this pace I'm not saying she gonna continue to put up the scoring but I could really see a situation to where it could be up for grb a rookie of the year or even a co-rookie of the year because don't take nothing short what Caitlyn's doing with her passing I mean she probably should have had 20 assists last night I mean some of those drop passes she was throwing so I love what I'm seeing I'm captivated I I wish these two could have been on the USA team but we'll get to that all right I mean I was I was very impressed with the game last night especially with the sky being down coming all the way back pulling out the win well look this was Angel Reese's coming out party in my opinion and viewing it in as a WNBA player 256 offici eight what was she eight of 11 from the field skip when you look at that 16 defensive or or 16 rebounds so to speak 11 13 of them on the defensive boards so she was crashing the boards left and right something that she's been doing for them all year long but this was the first time that I feel like it was the only game in town on a Sunday that ey boss were glued in to watch mhm she had some double doubles right this was the eight so she's had seven but this one was on a stage with 25 points that everybody saw I was like this wasn't a 10 and 10 game it was a 25 and a 16 the outcome the effect the dominating down low just wasn't any three-pointers it wasn't any jumpers any mid-range everything was in that little blue box right there where she just got the ball they gave it to her she did what she wanted to do now you start talking about rookie of the year yeah she kayln has the momentum already it was built up when she got drafted and came into the league so she has a few check marks ahead but it's not like Angel Reese can't close a gap with all of this uh season still left I mean they haven't even hit the halfway mark yet so when you start when you start looking at that she has an opportunity to still be in the mixer like Paul said I I don't know if there's ever been a co- uh Rookie of the Year in any of these uh NBA or whether the WNBA Hill and Hill gr Hill okay so it could it could potentially happen then because it happened in the NBA before but look Candace Parker did it 12 straight times now I don't know if you're the double doubles the double doubles I don't know if if Angel Reese will get to that number on a straight time but she certainly is going to yeah yeah she does look like she's slowing she certainly does and she's real close eight and 12 that's not too far off right so she could she certainly is going to probably Eclipse that total rookie number of double doubles in the in the first year for sure she's probably going to do that but what more can you say um Caitlyn Clark talked about the venue should have changed possibly to the big the big dog in Chicago the house of Jordan Built the the house of Jordan Built is it still the United Center y yeah so the United Center and it holds 21,000 basketball versus 10ish 10ish so the WNBA get it right next time next time cuz I'm sure I hadn't looked at the schedule but they've already played three times plus uh the reg the the uh preseason that's four I'm sure there's a couple more games on the Slate coming up they probably if if it is in Chicago they'll be moving that venue because you shouldn't cheat the fan base that's an extra 10,000 eyeballs and I don't doubt they could have sold it out and they probably would have sold it out now with this momentum skip they'll probably wind up selling it out but hats off to both of them was a terrific game good to see these type of things is happening with the w now mhm okay as soon as that game ended Angel Reese did a standup on court interview with Holly row and the first thing out of her mouth was I'm a dog I got that dog in me and you cannot teach that and you know what you can't teach that you either were born with it or youd weren't and you can't sort of nurture it or coach it or teach it it's it's just What You're Made Of yeah and Angel for the first time as a professional basketball player definitely showed me what she was made of because they were in big trouble in that game conversely I'm going to hold women's basketball to the same standards I would hold men's basketball Caitlyn I I don't know if she has that dog in her I know she's got talent I know she's got distant shooting talent and I know she definitely has a gift for passing the basketball but I don't know if she has that dog in her because I start to wonder I know it's extremely early but I'm just saying I start to wonder when I see what I saw yesterday because I saw a game in which in the third quarter again on the road at Chicago but it's a smaller Arena it's 10,000 seats Caitlyn's team was up 15 with 131 left in the third quarter then they were up 12 twice in the fourth quarter the latest being at 638 up 12 with 638 left if you have have that dog in you if you are her or she you you get it home man even away from home you just figure out how to get that game home and down the stretch for the last 638 of that game I saw Angel ree score 10 points with five boards 10 and five over the last 638 of that game and I saw Caitlyn Clark do zil I saw nothing she took one shot over the last 638 and missed it it was a three and she had a couple of rebounds but she had no more assists now again assists require somebody cashing in the pass obviously but she had a an Indiana record for a team record 13 assists through three quarters and then in the fourth quarter she had zero assists again she's got to have partners in crime there somebody has to make the shot that she sets up but the point was she didn't take after the first quarter she did not get to the free throw line okay she is 10th in the league already in free throws attempted think about that and she leads her team by far in free throws attempted she's all the way up to 72 and and Kelsey Mitchell's at 56 help me out so you go the last three quarters of a big it's a rivalry game and it it's not a game against the liberty or the Sun or Las Vegas or Phoenix these these veteran star-laden teams the the best Kennedy Clark's a really good player and she's more of a veteran player but but the two best players on the other team are both rookies like you are so it's not like you're up against the liberty and they're coming back from 15 or 12 down you're you're against a team featuring two of your own two two your own age in cardosa obviously in Angel okay so help me out I'm looking at the last three quarters of this game and and Caitlyn was very quiet and it reminded me of the championship game against South Carolina when I came right in here and I said the same thing because had as as hot a first quarter remember in the championship game she scored 18 in the first quarter then the rest of the way she went five of 20 and she just got quieter and quieter and quieter and she shot no free throws the rest of the way in the championship game well it kind of reminded me of the same thing where I I thought you were a little better than that yeah right I think in time I think in time though skip if if this trend continues then that conversation is different she's still a rookie she's only played 18 games I so but but she's been put on such a lofty pedestal I'm saying okay okay that's not her fault though well I don't think she looks at this game as a robbery as much as Angel as much as Angel Reese looks at I totally agree I don't think they look at it the same but she approaches it way different approaches it way different no because Angels Angels going to speak her mind where Caitlyn kind of just going to go and be nicey nice in the situation I mean her game now Angel screams on the court and and and talks after the game but her game last night screamed like hey I'm I'm in this race I'm Angel Reese I should be talked about in the same breath as Caitlyn Clark that's what her game told me last night and she looks at this as more of a rivalry than CeCe does well Kaitlin said c okay yeah Ian but before the game Caitlyn said it's just a basketball game to me I don't know but that's her but but that's her personality she's not going to come out and say the team goes through me I got high energy She's Not Gon to do the angel re she ain't GNA knock every now and then she'll knock down a big shot and give you a but she ain't going she ain't going to do the angel ree thing though Paul she just she's she just a nicer I don't want to hear that you don't a you don't average 30 in college being just some nice personal you have to have some typee of Killer Instinct in you but her personality her personality nice it's not you have to some of that in there yeah it is though when I see her in college doing all this she was like I seen it in her does she does a little bit of it she does a little bit of it here I think she's intimidated by grown of the women's game right now you might be true facts with that but she's just not a booler personality she's like you know she does have a little stuff but as I as I you just average 30 you got something to you you know it just it's just waiting to come out I feel like like right now she's Bruce Bruce Banner I think she got some hawk in her I'm telling you but sheach things she did in though yeah you know I was I was telling um my producer Nick I said we were talking about it and I said she's slick with hers she's real slick with how she approaches the way she's viewed yeah and that's all it is she doesn't want to pour any gasoline there you go skip she just slick with it I think she she you know she reminds me of like if I had to give her NBA comparable like as far as like demeanor it probably be like a dam lard like you know I just seen dve Lillard win a game winner win the playoff game and just look to the camera just wasn't all whoo ra yeah but he's going to do this yeah she can do that too I saw her that's that's similar you know she'll do something like I I think it's in her and it's growing I think I think it's going to grow all right so here was my issue with her overall game she winds up for the whole game and it was something to The Bitter End for their team she took 11 shots her run and made at guard Kelsey Mitchell took 18 and Alissa Boston took 14 and Melissa Smith who was getting into it all game long with Angel Reese took 10 shots and and Caitlyn took only 11 at some point I know she's setting records for assists but she has to be a little more selfish because she's their best shooter she is their best scorer she is their leading score and at some point you have to do more than 11 shots she made a couple threes early in the fourth quarter and then she went completely silent and I want to show you the last two plays of the game for them when they did have a chance to win the game let's look at there were two possessions in a row one sort of continued off an out- of bounds play but the but the first one there's a loose ball and Caitlyn grabs it loose ball Caitlyn snatches it up and here she goes and I'm saying you got to go with this you just got to go with this and she gives it up to her teammate uh on the wing um Christy Wallace who just goes up and under and just shoots some wild shot that goes nowhere and has no chance okay this is just me at some point on that break you have to keep the basketball and go with it and force it either get to to the basket and get fouled because she hadn't shot any free throws there's there's a way or go shoot your pullup go go go shoot your logo three because that that moment was calling for her to shoot the shot and she's going to make the right Play It's almost like Le have a game like hers she has to find a balance on when to be unselfish and when to be selfish because she's a combination of the two yeah and I agree with you right there maybe she should have like been a little more aggressive offensively at that point is like looking for a shot yeah but that's the Fine Line she's going to learn and she's going to find out as she continues to grow and get better so like right there I'm not mad at that pass because when you look at it she kind of got coralled when she got the half court so she felt there was a girl right in front of her then somebody on the side of her and so she kicked up ahead for for her teammate who had the one-on-one yeah I I get that it was the quote unquote right it was right for the most part but when when you have a Lethal Weapon at your hip you know which is that jump shot you got okay so so with everything you just said over the highlights over the last 30 seconds skip are you now saying that she's more like what Kennedy Carter was saying all you gonna do is shoot the three and that's it remember remember Kennedy Carter said that I remember she said something else to her well yeah I don't I don't want to get into that part but where she's not bringing a total package at a certain time like right there she gave the ball up rather than just shoot the three like Kennedy Carter says what else is she doing okay I got it that is true she can get to the basket because I've seen it a lot again she's 10th in the league in free throw attempt so you you got to be forcing the issue to get to the free throw line all right now let's continue this same sequence because the ball goes out of bounds off the Christy Wallace Miss so they get another reprieve and here we go again and oh Alyssa Boston is saying here here you know she gives it to her twice like just go just just shoot it and I know they jump her with the double and all that but but at some point I know what Paul Pierce does in that situation he just says I don't care who jumps on me I'm going up I'm going to shoot this shot see but I can't I can't have her doing that though bounce fast okay but but Alyssa she was three for nine from three in the for the whole season she just made one okay but she is not that that's not her best shot and and it missed badly it it hit nothing but backboard far left of the rim she wasn't even at the three at well she was short of the three okay it would she she clearly wasn't ready to shoot the shot she hoped that Caitlyn would just figure out how to come back off her pick or you know you you can go and seven seconds ago in again you want her just a hot dog like PA well you have toen I'm trying to look at my situation as a rookie I had Antoine Walker who was an All-Star so unlessa Boston Rookie of the Year I might have made that you know what I'm saying think about that that's the Rookie of the Year too you know don't don't short change her you know she she's a player and so as a rookie as she continues to grow and feel her way into taking that initial lead role completely over yeah it's going to be trial and error and this is it right here and so like right now Boston even realize mean think about where they are as a team I'm projecting them to be better than they were last year I mean their record are under 500 they didn't make the play playoffs last year and I believe their record was 13 and 27 they're 7 and 11 now I got it you know so more than halfway ahead of schedule than they were last year okay the other thing I don't know about her mindset Caitlyn's mindset is is she a little not I don't know if intimidate is the right word but just concerned about the fact that Camila cardosa is 6' 7 Ines tall and Angel is 6' 3 in tall and I don't know if she thinks I just can't go in there because I got no shot against well she shot nine of her 11 shots for threes threes nine of her 11 shot think about that so she wasn't really getting to the basket to score and she was pretty hot- handed from she made five out of nine that that'll work right yeah absolutely she's F I mean she she understands her game and she's having a better understanding and we saw this the same in in college when she played against LSU she really kind of settled for a lot of jumpers she settled that game I remember because of the inside presence that angel Ree and cordoza yeah yeah yeah I got it all right so the weird thing about this game is points in the paint obviously Chicago dominated it was 48 to 28 they dominated the backboards 38 to 25 they dominated the free throw line because they had 32 attempts to just 14 for Caitlyn's team and it was 22 to1 on make so that's a plus 12 from the free throw line and again it wasn't because they were not getting calls it's just because they weren't initiating they they weren't attacking the way Chicago was and yet how many times do you see a team lose when they're plus 27 from three because that's what they Caitlyn's team was plus 27 it was they made 13 to only four four out of 17 for Chicago right yeah they're dominant inside team hey but you don't see teams be plus 27 from three and lose games and I mean that this was just a physically dominating 32 free throws skip 32 free throws to 14 38 to this was just like I don't care how many threes you shoot if you get dominated on the free throw line and the boards like that it's gonna be tough to win yeah Alyssa Boston is 6'5 in tall and remember camil is 67 you well you're I I think you're gigantic you're 67 so if Camila walked in here right now she'd just look you right in the eye and it's not like you can jump over them like you know there's about it you're tall at 6'4 yeah now that you put it that way if she walked in and Paul was I'll be looking her dead in the eye Paul was the center and I was the forward like Angel Reese those was two trees man yeah and but Alyssa Boston is 6'5 the reigning rookie of the year but but she's it's one on two yeah one on two we got one at 63 and some change and another one at 67 and some change and listen Angel plays taller and bigger than 63 cuz she packs a wallup in the paint she comes after it especially going after the offensive rebounds she is a force man she is a major Force you don't just continue to dominate The Rebound every sing like her it's crazy cuz there two separate like personalities and two their games are about as different as you could ever find like the reason we don't talk as much about angel is because what we watch is not a it's not sexy you know it's just it's really hard hat it's really just right Get Right to Work whereas Caitlin is a little more flashy with her pass it's her Dynamic shooting I don't think that's reason we don't talk about it the reason we don't talk about it is because it was already determined before they got drafted one was going to be the number one overall pick one was going to be a first round pick and that one who was going to be the number one number one overall pick was going to carry the WNBA into a whole another Ang kind of fell in the first because you fell to seven yeah yeah yeah so when you look at it it ain't that we her game it's okay To Be A pounder a rebounder in a light score you don't always have to hit the logo threes but the media attention was drawn to Caitlin Clark they decided that's what they was going to do yeah look at the production of both of these two players but we can make the same argument though Paul we can make angel Reese the face of the WNBA if we choose to do so we literally could have we literally could have it said she won a national title of LSU she knocked off Caitlyn Clark not only did she knock off Kaitlin Clark she's getting double doubles left and right we can sell it how we want to sell it we can do it if we want to but they made the decision CL who the media people you know I mean kayln backed it up with her play the nation scoring I mean he's you don't have to yeah but how many think about how many people have led in their prospective Sports their colleges or the nc2 or whatever but they wasn't parachuted in the league the league think about it though you think Diana terasi and all them didn't hers was so much different because she took little old Iowa into the national spot go mess with Iowa saying like when you talk about Connecticut and Tennessee and St all these other great girl programs you expect that from them but you see little old Iowa and this girl averaging 30 leading the nation passing breaking all these records and next thing you know they in the national championship game and then you do it again it's like whoa what's going on here like what's really going on here that's true but we can spin it how we want to spin it now I mean that's just this is a better story than we us watching Connecticut four straight championships and you know girls the top recruits always going there you know what I'm saying just a better story that's true Kean to your point though just for the record Angel has way more offc Court game than Caitlyn does off absolutely so you can sell it if you choose to do definely you can sell it if you want that's all I'm saying definitely so it ain't they couldn't and now maybe and I know we got to pay this bill I know now maybe on Sunday based on what we saw on Sunday that train will start to go down the track a little faster where they meet each other yeah may maybe but when Caitlyn speaks after the game I'm I'm kind of getting sleepy because she she just won't say anything she works hard at saying nothing and when angel speaks after the game it's like who I'm I'm on the edge of my seat cuz I don't know where she might go my dog all right know right she talk to talk I like okay Paul wasn't here thanks for watching Undisputed fans do you want more highlights from the show make sure to click that subscribe button for all the exclusive content from Undisputed
Views: 266,144
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: skip bayless, fox, fox sports, fs1, undisputed, richard sherman, michael irvin, keyshawn johnson, new undisputed, fox sports 1, sports, sports talk, sports news, nba, basketball, the association, eastern conference, western conference, sports show, sports debate, basketball talk, basketball news, 2024, wnba, wnba news, wnba talk, angel reese, angel reese news, caitlin clark, caitlin clark news
Id: gQMgUA2jezY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 13sec (1573 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 24 2024
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