How Icon Built The Best Jeep Wagoneer Ever

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No words..... Just epic. Icon does crazy good builds, and I always learn stuff from them.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 2 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/havi94gt ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ May 14 2018 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Wow...just wow.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 1 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/MayBeADinosaur ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ May 15 2018 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

75K+ Build. Of course it's gorgeous.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 1 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/GI-John ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ May 17 2018 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies
[Music] and back with another build biology this time my guest is a bit different it's not a formula D car not a race car this guy built some real classy cool stuff and I'm pretty excited to see what he brought in today and what would you look at oh my goodness that is not what I was expecting how are you man I can't play fine if you guys don't remember brought in a really cool Rolls Royce Bueller work is so cool he's just gonna throw you in is gonna bring us more classy expensive stuff I think you out dressed me you have to yeah I brought in a pretty cool jacket I ever Rock though the classy man would say yeah today I'm just wearing a really bright red shirt yeah let's jump right in what are we looking at all right so this is part of the line of freaky one-offs that we do we call their reformers so if you did see the rolls that's a derelict where they pretty much look like [ __ ] when we hide all the engineering but with the Reformers they're more for people that want earth would I blow all that time money for something that still looks like crap and they want it all pretty completely re-engineered stock body shell stock steering wheel stock seat frames and that's it yeah yeah so everything else is tweaked even the trim is from like kind of Johnny Cash from different years and they're all it's just - it just I'll just stand them back and look at it's already stunning [Music] it's at 65 Kaiser Wagoneer later obviously known as the Jeep Wagoneer but this was like the transition and it was weird because she had Willis in there yet Kaiser and then you had Jeep at the end but so yeah it's the original of the WAGs but my favorite because well fractured two reasons one the later ones that people loved from the 80s and the 90s it really built like crap and the earlier ones have this like it called the shovel nose with like this funky front yeah just leaning forward a bit had just the lines here so it's almost like a Bentley in a way sort of yeah it looks tough this is the only thing that I'm mister anti fo and anti plastic yeah but this is the tradition rights I mean this is that 3m stuff that pseudo wood again we kicked out and picked a different way let's really hosed to be on there but we were having so much fun with like funkier ideas like we were laser etching stainless sheets ended like a wood grain we were seen singing aluminum and it was all just too funky so the guy wanted to keep and I understand like a very classic retro vibe true in like we didn't do leather cuz again it's for the beach so it's final brac is original to it we scored we actually found this truck on metal rigid regs list yeah obviously restored repleted and that fun stuff but other than that like the badging back here is correct and the stock some of this trim is from an alternate combination of years the cover for the power when do we left stock see I actually saw it on the grill too didn't I yeah - we see and see the wheels you know we partnered with Brembos so I like that massive brakes what size are these wheels so that's the catch right if you're gonna do people brakes you have to have a big ol wheel and it just it's really hard to make them look right so these are 18 so we've seen see the wheels and did them in the body color to try and hide them early on I get them in a gray and it just didn't flow it right collide are they - 65 65 so this sort of like one like a 32 by 11 fish scored two hubcaps online found those on an auction nos that made sure the spring clips on the wheel we design we can see us in it so tell me about the paint what what is the color color II made up that had like the right vibe and funk for the vintage kind of a come on like a blue and gray craze right now with a lot of my projects so we actually had this paint formulated for another project with a bunch of samples and that client passed really good it's really deep this is fun so this all looked stocked but we see and see it all of it in-house oh really yeah cuz the displacements wrong we slightly modified it yeah I resent the track probably put it so yep we'll see your logos in the a through this fun I can see some coolers peeking through here yep yeah that's really cool that's those are the [ __ ] coolers cuz he's gonna awesome use it as a tow vehicle potentially and then like really for me I kept a pretty mellow me out what kind of shape is yeah what kind of shape is this in when you got it though really good yeah you started with a really good base then yeah I always try and do that cuz you're gonna save money up front for sure you're gonna blow way more later the only thing lower is a quarter was just like drilled holes from the slide hammer the slightly higher class bits of crap so we didn't have getting lucky and finding a really good section over there junkyard so we sectioned that is some pretty seamless shoddy work Aladdin yeah anything else trick you want to mention on the outside on the outside oh yeah of course when's the last time you stood out on a vehicle this whole big-ass heavy boat of a tailgate yeah man we'll see on the bottom but we do this he cured polyuria substrate on a body's under and then then there's one layer and then there's another layer and this layer is sandwiched with Dynamat this is kind of a cheat so I see you guys some different speakers and yeah we did flush and just speakers with that stainless mesh I've been using on a couple projects it's actually part of like a commercial filtering system here or something and then we see and see these blocks you get the courtesy lights in there they're really nice big in the nice cast that's really nice and this is all real our customs all took like that as really Naima the stock panel lines but then took many a liberty and all the textiles and stuff I'm kind of automotive supplier adverse when it comes to interior bits and writes they're all chasing the cheapest possible answer but if you get into like outdoor patio furniture commercial interiors high-end residential plus like you start beacon on an exact color like just their blue palette from like Noll Kol L is like 10 pages of just blues so you can really like getting fine-tuned yeah and except for kikyo let's see what what's the roofline Arella but a headliner we did pretty darn stock that's a pretty straightforward automotive supplier in this case I'm trying to avoid the mouse skin ones because you can't clean them but these vinyl ones you can literally like 409 and scrub them definitely and then we always him it in the well not always but often I'll hem it in the vinyl use on this seating just makes for a nice transition it looks really nice and then we always replayed all this stuff's all original all the hardware and catches and latches and stuff but everything's replace yeah but well no that's what's cool about like even down to the specialty hardware that's all original or if Luther car we just have an acid dipped and then we replayed them in the original finish just like another like little detail that's a good difference it is to my brain let's have a look inside over here [Music] I want to check check this step again man that's red with the lights and everything it's on the inside I got a little bit nuttier because like in the 60s and 70s especially American cars everything is just final party everywhere he's like the door panel the basic design of this was inspired by the original but the original was a piece of cardboard with a piece of vinyl with a piece of mylar like vacuum and dielectric stamp so like this on the original car is like shiny foil yeah iron-on on the vinyl mmm so we see and see these around the concept of the original design same with these but now they're proper metal we did that in house wow that's nice stainless and polished this again is like high-end outdoor patio furniture supplier stuff but again like so it's pretty tough that's the thing patio like UV microbial bacterial drybrough gratings like all the things you used quantify appropriate all those readings on like the dry rub rating on this is like 80,000 dry rubs before Fatihah an acceptable automotive is like 10,000 yep so and then you can get into like funkier that's a really clever idea I like that I owe this I cheated and stole from the early Broncos the original one had like a funky shape that really wasn't that useful mm-hmm and then this is stock this is stock except this would have been plastic so now is easy how are they know this client wanted to keep it all analog oh that's so much fun than we do the power I that I saw remember that from the last what yeah that's a small company called new relics so you just nudge four down four down and met up for yep that should keep like the classic yeah it's really cool I like that too yes but I'm with you now I'm with him on this where I like that yeah - looks crazy but still was it distracting exactly no because in glare visible so oh the paint whatever I'm used to that this was a chunk of plastic stock and I just couldn't stand for it so we machined it the idiot lights and everything are stocked the gauge the the power system looks stock but it's all circuit board driven so it's way more reliable yeah these had AC it was like as monsters Center thing here that didn't work for [ __ ] so we seen CDs buried him into the - that just disappeared Alisa - made of Paul steel all steel yeah any of these we did an aluminum but then also this design came from the original ashtrays there was one here and one there yeah it was like this bezel language yeah and then all the knobs and discussions we machine because the original ones were a combination of different ones from different models and they were all plastic yeah so they're all metal but you know they expressed the function parking brake we do an electric parking brake nowadays and slick works way better than any of the other ones and it has that idiot Doong Doong Doong so you can't leave it on right then the power rear window knob we just wanted to be invisible modern column with tilt breakaway section this was a ridiculous money pit these didn't exist so we had to make the mold to restore and recast the original wheel mm-hmm and then we modified it since we're already paying for the mold we modified the hub so it could go on the typical GM spline Kathy very odd but cool Center glovebox and then the mesh on that side is an interpretation of the stock and it does nothing well talk about the others that I wanna see it alright so this is all Bluetooth yeah yeah that's what I'm doing more and more I'm like don't even bother with it hedging right go to your fault exactly so everything will be operated from your phone yep yep everything volume in all I mean I give you another volume circuit control on/off as well here but most your interfaces that phone those for idiot lights in the middle yeah stock I think there were two so we just emulated the design and had new faces made so now it's you know your check engine and your four-wheel-drive indication and functions the original and not a bad bit like that cool everything's so nice you look at the end of the day no one needs anything like this so like if we're gonna do it as it as a team as a shop like we want our like how many guys you have it your job 51 51 woo and then this team is a dedicated crew all these freaky one offs and for the most part it's two guys building them from start to finish yeah which is fun now how long will it take for something like there's a turnaround oh this project there was a weight from the time we sold it until we could actually start it for the guy but the job itself was probably in process for about 20 months and 2200 hours in house and that excludes all the suppliers no taxes and everybody else so much work yeah massive stupid business do I think I should just be building as many fj's and Broncos are repeatable projects but on the creative side like nothing nothing can surpass them the creative fun let's see what's under the hood okay [Music] I'm gonna dress it up you know some clients I want us to kick out and do custom in you're covering all that this guy's like nope I want serviceability you nothing don't worry about just keep it simple so you know we do that factory GM ECU stock program so this is the e rod which is the one that you know comes with the full emissions but not air pumps and EGR it's mostly in the computer tuning and injection map and pre cap post cap and you've had candy so these things just as easy to pass as a brand new suburban yeah they're really nice and clean and as efficient as any 6.2 liters gonna do then we cleaned up the firewall mess with the lines didn't like the trick vertical bulkhead yeah I really like that but I work with these guys a lot air equip so we we don't like the GM factory plastic pressure regulators who do the factory GM we know what a custom fuel tank and stainless and the Vivian tank pump but then we always divorce the regulator's and duties you don't really need to adjust it but they're just super sturdy heat shields like crazy yeah I see that after like the umpteenth build like trans tunnel heat just kills me so Dynamat dinette pad this aerospace foil stuff on steel counters with little lifters to keep them from transferring to the fire wall hydro boost which I love and see this so instead of vacuum assisted brakes it's the power steering system actually creates the pedal pressure and they used to be super touchy and feel kind of silly but no like the pedal feels killer really way more power awesome and then air cleaner I hate it when you see builds with just some like big con it is really slick I like that a lot yeah it's a redesigned the fender and boxed it in there to get it more isolated and it's boxed in here though and then it's what full open in the front okay with the down slope for them so this would be in there it's all boxed up that's really cool yeah so it goes back and trumpets from the nose so it keeps it clean yeah was the awkward is it just is it factory yeah factories like before 2395 around man it looks really nicely fit though yeah that fits great and then we still have room to do the collapsible Borgan sim and stainless shaft and the bay again like I'm team builds ago seeing that shiny chrome shafts come back and the hardware is all crap because they used it at a beach or whatever so now we see this stainless but then we like it to disappear so we powder-coated anyway so you got to trans coolers up front here yep so normally I would run is single but for packaging it just is a lot cleaner to run them Phyllis look at actually it additionally one is primary trans but the other one T's into the power steering okay so we keep that cool with the extra dress of the brakes also all throwed even with this fairly moderate sized tire when you're slamming into rocks we've got a lot more resistance you get a lot of heat yep so we also run the monster can so you have times or room for expansion that was really I can't quite a bit more capacity yeah mm-hmm which again I didn't know before and then after I screwed it up but you learned that's just the radiator barf tank okay man that's a really tall one yeah yeah they make them and what's a radiator from radar work at Griffin so it's we CAD designed it specifically for the project and then Griffin knocked it out for us that looks really nice same with the spine dan and shroud yeah it's really sleek oh yeah and on this car were able to that is so we can dedicate one to the AC which is nice man I really enjoy it looks so clean see you yeah like the fun of this one was to keep it like deceptively simple yeah you know I mean maintenance and stuff it's not a Johnny Cash special pain-in-the-ass where you don't know what came from what there's a USB that goes with every client that gives them the entire ingredient mix with OEM part numbers and PDF manuals and all that seals it it's just that it's so clean to me it's the cool part is it's just like a brand-new vehicle it's just I don't never and new car who I am and like no cul-de-sacs of silliness that just make it a [ __ ] to maintain and I'm curious to see everything underneath it because I anything I know of you every thing underneath has got to be touched I'm sure [Music] start bragging dine attract Axl's gonna say it's about the biggest thing I could see right off the bat and this isn't as big as it could be a lot of most guys around dana 60's but actually prefer 44s because you can mugger the internals make a lot stronger and still have the up travel so we run a Dana 60 Pro Rock high pinion by Dino track in the rear for rock 44 with 36 blind superior axles use PSC for steering tunable blade style sway bars friend rear Art Morrison Maps my chassis those sway bars are you yeah I heard of you otherwise they don't work for [ __ ] yeah I did read this arm for Johnny joints she's all 240 well it's built like a tension so big nice this all don't house no Art Morrison and take credit we do all welds from there up but his guys just look at how it looks beautiful yeah I don't grind it it's beautiful yeah as we saw on the topside the ls3 mental note for home builders don't use those hockey puck motor mats use the OEM GM outs and then make your purchase fit them out much better way more refinement vibrations so what's up with the treci so basically you can take the stock chassis and you can upgrade the leaf springs or you can patch into this from a data that from of this but at the end of the day to me we are engineers work with our morrison's engineering team and it just is the best way to really transcend a vehicle and really evolve it so we've always worked with Fox Racing and I Bach for our coils and for our shocks and art for my chassis it's all mandrel bent the hard way 2x4 in two by six centers and it's fish oil filled and butt welded so what's the travel on it what's the travel in these Fox these are twelve I think the shock will go further but the vehicle setup you get twelve of travel hmm which is enough for breaks we partner with Brembo so the hold on look at these brakes I can't even give you a real size reference here those are mad yeah the calipers are like basically a pro foot but well bigger I guess obvious I don't play much football big ass bricks so you got to have a whoa to match it go I was always concerned about horsepower but I'm really kind of a break deke and Brembos just been the perfect day six yes it's not a front for pot rear with dedicated for parking brake and then the chassis is powder coated in a undersea pipeline epoxy suspended zinc powder coat and then we do the black color coat on top of that substrate looks really nice yeah that's really cool yeah and easy to keep clean I mean you drove this here so there's a little bit of dust but it's been out in the rain we do a ceramic coat on the exhaust I hate down well I don't know if it really does anything but it kind of looks going stealth but he chills he chills more heat shields I love you chills so that see any tunnel firewall everything's just a lot of heat shields going on yeah four leaf ivy 3/4 ton [ __ ] it's just probably more than it needs but it's bulletproof and then rather than have this to from advance adapters so Wow a twin stick to speed part time shift on the fly T case so it keeps your efficiency down a really well engineered unit and then it picks up you know we added the sensors because as I told you earlier like the idiot lights on the dash yeah you know when you're in for buy and the VSS signal can be read based on the gearing so when you're for real low the computer is still getting the right signal right triangulated four-link in the rear but radiate out is this runt mention that massive foiling yeah super stout I love Johnny joints I only use Himes on non structural areas otherwise they just shake the fillings out of your teeth and I think they kind of said but Johnny's are nice because you get a lot more isolation but you still get high degree of rotation sure I'm exhausted as well you can't tell anymore but it's stainless I hate flanges on exhaust is damp paper or whatever any gas but they always blow out we like to we take on basically the OE banner bo yeah it's like old style of you been and then big old stainless Steve and Bobby yeah it makes everything nice yeah they're just last line I have to worry about it I love all this yeah all cad/cam cement for stainless for fuel and brake we've been using this more and more look at this thing this line just pretty it is very very then parking brakes I love these eyes she's old school stomp cable actuated but these stop uses a motor and a worm and it pulls your traditional cables there's just way more definitive than the under brake foot pressure can get and that's that slick button you have yeah I want a little peepee beep and a red light if you forget it's right but you know it's funny if you forget and you're deaf and you're blind and you put it in Drive it will not move yeah whereas now it's totally locked down and then all the way in the back the fuel tank we built it specific for the platform and it's all jig to stainless and then there's internals and tanks intake baffles in tanks so this is all in-house yeah this thing yeah and then a GM fuel pump for consistency and we've learned a carbon access plate in the floor so down the road the climb this isn't super quickly good at it part of what you're speaking of yeah a mapping on suicide the return lies and then there's black coating that it's still clean enough that you can discern it is something we're a big fan of so it's a heat cured polyuria so it's etched and primed and seals everywhere yeah it's all the inside of the wheel wells all wheel wells all floor and it just gives you the best rust barrier you can expect to get yeah it's really nice again I want to like look at the size you will they're big boys but look at the breaks inside look at how big these are this long had to run brick you had to run this big a wheel to fit that brake exactly catch yeah yeah big old Magnaflow to quiet down yeah like Magnaflow easing a lot well I'm glad you definitely overbuilding put it up on the rack as so many times no idea too pretty and I'm like you have to see a minion I was actually jealous buddies on I didn't get to see underneath the rolls that's a I had to have you come back to do something like this we could see everything again if you're gonna do it do it right do it proud or don't do it anything else you want to brag about it stands out to you not really other than my team you know this is this truck was realistically built by my stupid ideas my design out design outlines one electrical engineer one mechanical engineer and two incredibly talented and highly diverse texts so I get a little bit too much credit for my antics these you just get to come here and talk about right I'm really a dust [ __ ] more and more these days I stop fabbing in the shop because they just was getting interrupted so much then yeah the guy who'd leave that critical bolt loose so we realized that was a liability so I'm up in the front now awesome I love this thing I've always kind of won opponents near and dear to my heart so this is immaculate and I wish I could own something like this that makes two of us man just beautiful in and out you can just see the travel from out here - yeah this is all business everything is so nice and ready to go brand-new car I love it cool thanks for having us back [Music]
Channel: Hoonigan
Views: 754,211
Rating: 4.8985429 out of 5
Keywords: dailytransmission, hoonigan, thehoonigans, donut garage, hoon, donuts, burnouts, mayhem, baja, baja1000, stunts, jumps, build biology, 1965 kaiser wagoneer, icon 4x4 reformer, icon 4x4, jeep, wagoneer
Id: xte_nUD_8fI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 50sec (1610 seconds)
Published: Thu May 10 2018
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