How I WON The Bedwars Tournament

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uh or green why does wally look like that it looks like puns all right let's go this is huge this is it is red already bridging is that what i see yeah oh never mind quick quick i think yellow would be pretty easy that's toxic my bad i fell down i saw he's pushing our base right now oh my god oh my god wait he's invisible i'm fighting a ghost okay we're good we're good okay jojo we're gonna go in and kill like go on one person um i think we go in on a stella a stella yeah now we just buy a trap until we get enough for uh yeah yeah wait wait wait is it no there's mint empty wait when you get emeralds men's empty let's go get emeralds dude i'm gonna have it i'm gonna have a m's i can get i can get out of here i cannot i can get over here i'm eating i'm in each chest or someone coming up where's yellow where's last yellow at they went uh the other way they went like towards away from oh i see him i see him i'm going in i'm going what is he doing he's gonna kill me wait hold on he killed me isn't that the point if someone rushes right now i'm gonna be pissed i got okay full abbey full of he's down full up he's done whoa blue team is definitely good we need i think yeah the fact that we're yeah they're the scariest out of yeah exactly if i can wait should i get m's and like just invis with magic milk on them like i could do that yeah yeah i have four well there's a guy there's a guy here he's uh jojo or puns come back yeah i have items i have m's on me it's wally dude wally get off me you weirdo okay i have uh items i have items i'm thinking i'm taking them home okay i have i have everything i have everything to rush them all right they're looking at me weird oh wow they just hit me like that we already have fraud no what uh i should have borrowed then what was i doing i should have borrowed then i'm gonna i'm gonna go when there's no one there so their guard's down i'm going in again i have um oh i didn't drink the milk i'm so dumb they tried to air me when i was grabbing ems no i can't place blocks here i can't place blocks from there i already grabbed the diamond dude and we have full control of them ladders are so these ladders are so good you can't burrow in we need to ladder our bed um i can do the same thing for like the third time it's coming back this is the run this is the one where we get the bed plot three as well we're stacked we're so stacked no no no i almost got red their bed was there and everything i am dude where are these people coming from where are these people coming from there is no one there okay i'm out of i'm out of invis i'm gonna stop trying to rush them like that i'm chilling at mid right now i'm gonna i'm just gonna go inspect bases and see if there's a free chance for me to go in and go to bed what's up fellas what's up fellas okay i'm gonna put on my chest for now david david i'm on your team here don't kill me i'm on your team wally i'm on your team i'm literally friends with you right now oh my god it's not cross teaming it's not cross teaming it's just slightly cross teaming by the way guys there's music it's not teaming everyone dude everyone's so low and red everyone's so low at red okay one of them burned one of them burned should we full push um right now yeah i'll go in first and trigger all of their what do we do there's no way they have it there's no way there's simply no way no the button was exposed for a second i couldn't get it i got it nice nice nice nice i'm gonna head i'm on it let's go hannah's dead hang this down you got crafty i see one of the guys that diamond gender and yellow and red to all three all three of their all three are going to yellow i think yeah all three go to yellow three going to yellow yep i'm behind you with an iron sword puns okay dude they're like oh my god they're like triple fireballing me thank you no i'm not i'm just i'm not yellow with them i'm waiting i'm waiting for them to for someone else to back me up okay yeah i'm almost there hey we're communicating okay everyone go for who just did that it was not me trust me he's getting eaten alive nice solo nice we win this we win we win let's go baby come on come on let's go let's go baby what what map is this it's like a new map what is this it's like a summer map yeah it's weird it's weird i've played this a couple times yeah i played this a few times last night when i was solo queuing what is uh usually people bridge to the shark first okay i'm just chilling here for a bit we should go forward i think yeah yeah no one's even bridging towards us this game again red one to oh i know right right side of the shark run to the shark right the shark nice i don't want to i don't want to rush red yet though wait i can end this wait i could end this red like right now someone want to come with me to red i can go with you okay here puns you can tnt it you just act like your solo ting here right here um like basically you need to get rid of ladders because i hate ladders so much i don't think they know i'm here what there's no way he didn't he doesn't die there he's one i got i got red i got red nice i'm not a base right now just everyone knows i got i got one of the reds out too we're good let's go baby wait yellow's starting yellow wants to push us right now wait no they're going green they're going to green they're going to green no go go to green go to green go to green go to green go to green no don't kill green they're interesting i don't want them to go for me there's only two options here oh i'm going to back up i'm right behind you niko's good i got him oh you're better you're better i'm better i mean he was on half health to start the fight but that's not important there's no guarantee we don't get like fourth place you know i've bought it nice that's huge lucky i'm gonna go over and break that bridge he just made honestly yeah yeah just did that oh god i just was not ready for that guy i'm i'm kind of afraid of y'all i i didn't really know how to judge them because you don't know them that well once again i'm clipping the entire yellow game right now give me a second but zen and chatter are plotting something right now i know this should even have a fireplace [Music] get nice jojo nice i know they clutch i want placement points i want placement points for characters i am murder for we should get hobbies soon we have pressure on yellow if you guys want to do it you guys can do whatever you want what you see that's build limit what and what universe is that yeah wait right right refreshing us red rushing uh us voice yeah you got them they're separated puns i'm coming with you you two stay based you two stay based oh my god i'm hard pushing um red i think zen's dead here oh my god they're coming from the right side jesus they just jump over everything ew i'm burning i'm he's so low he's dead he's dead okay we need to we need to get uh invis or yeah we need to get invis because i could have gotten yellow right there if like i have all right i think it's time to kill us to like know that's kind of this is broken placement let's go nico is going crazy right now he doesn't realize how low i am wait no yeah he does i grab the diamond i just got eight diamonds holy cow because last game i was able to get diamonds so this map seems a lot different this guy's got immortals someone else has four emeralds some guys for middle there's two of them there's two from there oh that might be bad i killed my kill my kill though i killed it nice nice there's another guy oh no we we need to get green out now they all just rushed us out we need to get a second place and get green out yeah he's he's really low i was really low is it guys i'm getting jumped from behind i'm running i'm running was there like there's on me dude because like why would i think so much knock back compared to everyone else i'm getting chased by ninjas right now a cello's on top of me that stalks on top mid someone kill her she's not she's on the very top i'm just gonna i'm gonna push her i still look i'm so sorry about pushing you but i'm so low i'm getting [ __ ] watch out oh no i know exactly yeah i see stella dude he's got ladders dude did you punch you got it or jojo you gotta you gotta push a stellic whatever no i'm teaming with her i'm too no we gotta get that placement if she kills you gonna be so sad no we're good we're good we're good we're good why are they going for you where are they going [Applause] what are you doing i was trying to why would they go after me i'm tired too i only got four oh that reminds me uh blink right oh true blind i've been thinking i haven't been blinking yet dude before the stream puns was like guys i haven't been blinking we're green that means red's to our left usually right i don't know i don't i don't play four's enough to know these things man yeah i'm gonna i'm gonna fast i'm gonna fast forward to the right i'm gonna fast rush with tnt where's red i'm gonna fast rush them blow johnson blue's on top of me i don't care i'm going to red i'm just going to sleep please don't kill me he hits me yeah yeah okay i'm at right i'm chilling i'm over at red right now oh he got me there i have tnt on me i don't want to die with it i'm here oh there's they're they've built on a lot red has probably three layers at this point red and yellow are fighting let's just keep pushing one of them wait no blues at us blues at us what the hell they avoided they fell in the void we just can't get last here dude we gotta get someone's bed has to get broken soon we're gonna bridge we're gonna bridge someone's bridging dust red's also coming oh my god guys in the tree yeah he's on the stream blue's backing up yeah you guys just want to play defensive here just leave two of you i mean we could literally like just chill i'm so scared we're gonna get jumped at any time wait um it's on me wait what that was such a waste of invid sorry i might be able to block into yellow like their benefits looks very blockable nice there's like an entire party of blue people over here i don't know i don't know if i can do anything here like there's so many of them i'll just start farming diamonds watch out i'm just going to keep staying on base because we need placement here we don't need to get too crazy yeah i don't i don't think i can do anything in blue there i might just like peace out dude yellow's defense is so stuff you better not fight here you better not fight me you better not fight me yeah yeah that's right i trigger i trigger their trap i trigger their trap get them zen get them zen get them in actually they're waiting for their team i'll push them they're trying to push or not what yeah let's go jojo yeah jojo yeah jojo when you get get that get the nibble down there get them all down there we can get um i'll go with that yep yep i'll be for charity by the way just keep just keep heavy eye out we cannot get rushed right now okay that's me that's my that's me breaking oh my god i was like hey yo the glass you're right here's them here they see the obvious they see the aubie bobby they might shout it and chat until everyone knows someone's at mid with i'm gonna challenge him to get this emerald i'm waiting for the seventh diamonds here yeah that's fine that's fine let's go i got i got him i'm bringing two i'm bringing three m's back i can get in this with this zen just potted is under the ball okay okay okay he's just everyone look everywhere for particles i'm looking for particles yeah i see him he's still there he didn't drink he didn't drink i see him he's visible he's visible he might be leaving yeah he's leaving i have invis we could uh we could like two-person rush with someone fireballs and like stuff and distract and i go and get the bed oh wait punch yeah i'm based now i just died yeah you can leave i got destroyed i got knocked off my bridge milking on blue right now uh i got i definitely got i definitely got the better definitely let's go so we need to start getting haste i got i got one i got one i got a little blue i got one blue we need it we need to finish off blue we need to finish off blue um make sure you get that placement get that placement oh wait wait wait trip i'm following them i'm chasing him up i hit him i had him hit him oh nice yeah yeah yeah he's not denying this anymore he's up there yeah yeah but he's gonna i just nice well that didn't really do much trying to buy time make sure i make sure no one else is rushing make sure else is rushing don't get the traffic i'm on the bed we have another track oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god we need to keep the pressure on blue okay blue's dead let's go that's easy what's our bed is there a bed like is there a bed like wool then like glass or something like that yeah we'll yeah exactly like ours we actually have five emeralds so we can we can do a push anytime really i i could go in probably get like two people diamond picks wait i feel like we only go in this if like i don't know because i don't want to leave like only one person a base you know shatter's pushing i'm on zen right now when chatter's backing up we have better prop than them because we're like trading hits i think they only have two because we're trading i think i was um taking more oh wait dude the team just in here had five diamonds what we should check we checked team chest they might have stuff uh let me trigger this plan then it's definitely at our base right now i didn't want to stay there for too long just in case our bag got destroyed so i just went for something someone's on the bridge over here yeah someone's gonna return who's anyone there no one's there no one's here no i'm not i'm not our base i'm there i want a model on him i'm on him okay i think i got him yeah he's dead he's dead we should oh there's another one here's another one here oh my god i did not see them at all i think he's low he's always really low we need to get he'll pull let's get healed only three diamonds why didn't i have that yet yeah yeah yeah i wonder okay i have an idea i have a bold i have a bold strategy what's the bold strategy i get if i spam pop-up towers how are they gonna know where i am if i'm in viz [Music] bed's gone in five minutes wait bed's broken in five minutes let's camp that out let's just camp up in on one life wait present pearled over he pulled over he's on our back i'm there i'm coming i'm coming up he's tunneling or funneling or whatever i don't i'm dude i'm so did you get them i thought i'm sorry got them okay i'm so glad you got them because otherwise i would have gotten that have been so embarrassing people that are good at profit i'm good i'm good enough for the pearl i can definitely pro clutch i really hope that clip isn't used against me five minutes from now but like like i i'm really confident in my pearls i'm gonna get a diamond sword and a pearl i'm leaving everything else you guys get whatever i don't need potions or anything that's how i roll i'm like okay everyone's out good luck gotta be nice dude are we even gonna fight each other like are we just gonna sit here we're going to die to the dragon just don't be stupid don't be like eventually i can get a i'll get a punch bow eventually i'll get a punch one more emerald i'll get a punch bow yeah we have emeralds here so we don't even need to leave yeah we can just chill here oh one of them is building a little scout tower right now yeah you will not fire all that scout tower screw that eyes on all of them yeah all four of them are made right now okay let's see all four of them they're inside should we no i don't feel like we shouldn't do we just wait for some death here like do we just camp emerald good we're actually can't think for charity right now real yeah yeah yeah yeah that's what's happening i'm just going to keep buying pearls because i mean like i don't want to be selfish but if it gets the dragons like i can just like hide and purl and punch sweat come on i'm going to realize you got to do what gets you the for charity these guys are nerds they're sitting mid yeah we're gonna wait are we just gonna wait yeah we're waiting this out for sure sudden death until dragon spawn they want to boat me they're trying to blow me you're weirdo i'm using my house oh [ __ ] dude i'm not gonna get blown off the map i think we go to mid i think we go to mid here okay let's go let's see let's go let's go baby okay you're the dragon i'm in this oh i got a guy that's in this i got here whoa my jump potion's out i just destroyed zai zai yeah he said dead there's dead one's dead one's dead there's no one shatters he's that yellow is that yellow is that yellow he's that no he's not no he's not he's on top he's on top of the base is that yellow is that yellow i'm going i'm in this i've designed six golems let's go puns let's go puns let's go baby i just spam so many fireballs oh my god he's doing so hard i hit him he's down [Music] yeah no he's not grabbing emeralds he's going for us here there's one going through yeah i'm going to the base you guys you guys have to defend there's two jojo and i can two view and get the bed if you guys can defend here yeah one avoided there's only one base oh never mind they're all going back we just need to be defended they brought them to them i believe they put ladders they're putting ladders and instant on top too they they're like super defending the bed oh i forgot about them don't think he had i don't think he knew that was going to happen i'm just chilling i'm holding pressure at their base right now they're all i see three here three all four here all three four here you guys you guys i've i've pressured just do whatever you want okay another emeralds oh i got hit from behind okay well we held pressure for a while did you get them there they got me in a combo yeah but i'm holding pressure on everyone said bass i'm holding pressure on all of them you guys get uh whatever you want number one once one's passing one's passing okay the i don't have pressure they're all they're all coming though the floodgates are up there they're all coming there's multiple down there i'm gonna go down right there oh my god you died i got one no i got i got both i got both one of them one is coming low one is coming to our base guys go back to the base you two go back i'm not a base i'm not a base i'm going to blue right now i'm gonna go be stupid so i can die and come back yeah there's only one incoming i'm gonna wait back and play it safe we have traps still oh i trigger their trap okay i think i'm gonna envision we can quad rush i think if we keep holding pressure all right all right all right i'm on him uh he might give me though yeah he's one speed he's already watched me okay i'm ready to quad rush when you guys are i see one here at mid one's at the diamond generator okay i see one at their base just keep going we need to keep putting keep pushing here they're all the face this is huge it's huge they're super distracted they're super attractive i'm going now i have 25 seconds on my invis i'm going in oh what i'm what that fireball actually somehow killed me that fireball actually somehow killed me we should all push right now so yeah keep pushing i'm just gonna keep pushing i don't know how that happened yeah i think everyone everyone died that's so unfortunate i don't know how that happened i i'm ready to end this rush probably next next time i die we definitely have hard pressure on them they haven't like they've never full rushed us yet they haven't like all four of them haven't even been able to try and see if there's a good place to burrow in at yeah dude their bed is so messy if i can get sheers i might be able to burrow in i have shears i have shears we what we need to do is we need to have someone brew and cover for them while we while they're borrowing whoa oops okay i'm gonna end this rush this next time i can easily borrow and they won't see me i feel like there's a one of those pushing us right now that's right yeah there there's multiple clothes pushing two two here here fireball right above us there you go i got one i got one you're holder there's one right in front of me here yeah i'm gonna kill this guy oh what the heck i turn around yeah let's go let's go let's go i'm going glow you guys go up high you guys this is not this did not work oh my god okay i'm invisible let's everyone just going everyone's going nuts i'm i can sneak in i can sneak in here it's just you two's you guys gotta clutch it up i'm in their bed i'm in their bed i'm in the bed nice i got i got i got i got it let's go let's go keep pushing just just just omega pressure then i'm gonna pressure them don't let them get m's don't don't let them get in just keep just keep brushing just keep brushing keep brushing keep brushing no he's still a little hard let's go let's go one side one's down let's go clip those low i just lost all my goals he's fireball one of the fireball jumped in one of them fireball just no my fireball was one second too late yeah one of those ones that middle alone one is that mid alone push this right quick yeah i'll try to get one oh this is this is wait no that was an insane fireball did it get both of us all three yellow we're holding pressure if you guys want to get m's or something i'm i'm making sure we're just making sure oh that they can't get like diamonds or something careful wait wait wait wait wait wait where i'm looking for this oh yeah you hit him nice yes yes he's on fire yeah no no he didn't we need to get ems and get away low-key for if we're worried about this i hit ore for a lot hit or for a lot oh my god he just doesn't fall i got him i got orange where's that or is that or what is that or is that where's that i'm i'm in this coming on coming with danny yeah you you stay there i'm in this he doesn't know i'm here okay okay what's up buddy let's go baby let's go baby let's go baby he's dead he's dead he's dead he's dead he's dead nice i see him i see the last guy is that diamond jen by their own base okay just hold pressure don't let him go just don't rush in wait for us wait for us and we can like oh he fell in the boy let's go maybe gg speed regime let's go baby go green it's game time we win this all right remember so easy peasy drop um me iron early and we win this and we win all right okay i'm going to the left everyone go to the right drop and drop me iron just like five each what if i want to drop you 10. nice thank you so much bless up here's the clown right now i'm uploading right now i'm yeah fighting him down i'm i'm going to bed he's going to us i'm going in there on their base i mean i i'm not going to get it but i like the idea that i could could you buy me some ladders before you leave oh yeah i have no iron if i lock that in all right now we need to keep pressure i'm going to hold pressure there aren't men they're not met right now they're admitted we can't get ems early that's not good that's their plan that's their plan i believe yeah they took the m's back they have him m's are spawning in 10 seconds if you can hold pressure for a while we can get these ends yeah they're all four of them are here nice yeah just hold just hold just hold there we can get these hems easy dude i played bedwars i'm not gonna fall for that you're weird i'm not naming this emerald wait no his teammate's coming i'm just gonna okay you can take that emerald and after further consideration you can take that emerald make that seven now i'm holding pressure there uh all four are here all four are here dude i'm glad yeah that's our bed well yeah yeah yeah nice nice got one i mean not like we can do anything here but like you know it's kind of i like the idea under you oops i'm dead okay we know what's gonna happen it's gonna it's gonna come down to abby right but um yeah we can start placing tons of blocks to their base like pop-up towers and stuff then we might be able to like sneak in at some point when we're envisioned they don't notice us because all it takes is a couple seconds how much is a pop-up tower yeah 25 irons it's cheap we need to get ob because if they get obvious there's going to be a brief period where they have bobby and we don't and if they rush us there that's really good for them i'm jojo i'm here i'm here get that get that i'll get that emerald yep yeah okay okay you're gonna take a they're gonna do an invis magic milk push soon i know it i didn't get that m are you ready to back you up and move back you're gonna wait a sec yeah yeah he wants to kill me because he thinks i have an emerald i do not um how many m's do we have now we have seven we need one more we need one more and we can get avi i'm going back home i'm gonna buy obviously just everyone keep pressure just keep pressuring them to make sure they don't come to me okay i need to put this in the chest and then we're good you're higher you're higher you're higher jumping on you ah how do you know you live there we can get abby ah they're they're holding pressure here i don't want someone else to cut them okay nice okay i'm gonna i'm not i'm gonna be okay no one's near all right i can i can i can break the bed and get out no one's there no one's near unless they're in this it's gonna be the same thing as that other game where it's just omega stalemate i'm out of blocks this is really embarrassing i just shattered really low shatter's so low right there whoever's right there shatter's so low right there let's make a week push yeah we're pressuring like slightly all right do we have oh oh my god they don't see me i'm going to their bed dude but they definitely have obsidian like unless you can like somehow hide in there for a long period of time there's no way yeah they found me okay i'm really low i'm just getting diamonds just gonna pass so i can scare them two of them are pushing two and pushing uh and then one that mid that's low nice nice i'm a bedwars demon i'm not joking i'm trying to think of any possible way we get in there we just need to start like spamming [ __ ] like we have tons of blocks let's try more youtube like fireballs and stuff to get over there yeah i'm just gonna i'm just gonna start like okay well there's there's two coming whoever's at base only one at base right now is delta i might be able to get this honestly do you have a diamond pick no but i can play hide in there delta's not that good i love delta but he's not that good at bedford there's still two coming by the way guys yeah i'm about to buy a fireball [ __ ] i got one i got one i got one is he still up there yeah yeah he's here i'm gonna fireball don't get close to him i'm getting close to him okay i placed a pop-up tower on our base wait let me get em's there there's there's four oh my god there's four on each there's four in each okay i have nine i have nine i'm taking them back uh someone's going towards our bed oh yeah i'm not even there is he on a base no i'm here i'm here i'm here i'm coming from behind i don't want to really fight him unless i have to because i have nine emeralds on me dude we have abi nice i'm gonna ladder clutch on our own ladders smart we have 13 emeralds i can start inventing every once in a while just just like to test them you know wait right here right here oh yeah okay nice nice there's one there's one on top there's one on top watch out oh i almost fell only jojo's oh no you two are based you guys can defend this one person i'm going on invis it's okay they wasted two hours watches hey yo they're they're fireballing they're fireballing they're coming in all right i'm coming back i choked that lord no i couldn't no that's so stupid we shouldn't use emeralds on image anymore just keep keep pressure for 10 minutes keep putting all the emeralds in the chest and take some from mid too okay sudden death comes we need to have max punch max diamond upgrades and like yeah like punch bone stuff oh how does he live that i have two pop-up towers i'm gonna go make a funny twitch clip i'll be right back it's my dude on top of the better right now oh our base that was not the type of twitch clip i wanted to that was that was the funny twitch question that was not the touch clip i wanted to get oh yeah oh yeah he's on the sides on the side he's punched right he's right over there oh you're blind wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait i'll get better i'm better i'm going in they know we have bobby but yeah okay we're good we're good i'm just gonna keep running emeralds because they seem to not be getting them very much recently we have 31 emeralds right now i'm gonna go try to pop up tower spam them and see if it does anything just like make it busy i'm just gonna i'm just gonna start trolling dude all four at their base one's going mid one's going behind us i'm gonna distract there we go let's go baby where where am i at they do not know i just i just like put tons of [ __ ] on their bed like they literally can't see all beds around five minutes beds are gone in five minutes it's give me some death again okay so last time the reason we won is because they kept getting split off and it's like all like like all jumped on them and they died wait wait i'm not there or so are you there no i'm not oh my god they're going to eat the bed probably no i got him i got him oh my god dude you're insane jojo you're insane let's go i'm just going to go mess with them and keep pressure on their base like i'm just going to sit on top of their base and then just make them mad where are they so fellas i'm getting the energy three traps at a time let's get them whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa shatter shatter shatter i can't respectfully it's not letting me hit you oh you got him you got him you got him he's like yeah yeah nice i have three emeralds on me right now i'm getting one more wait zindy is rushing me you're weirdo wait jimmy's going to our bed hey somebody's going to our bed like i don't know i can't get there wait he's in there and he gets everything on our bed he's pop up powered oh he's here he's you're not stuck i'm right here let's go baby oh my god it takes so long everyone delete everyone just delete this pop-up tower like right now just delete it we should all buy diamond armor now yeah we should probably start buying diamond armor yeah they literally copied you with the i know they saw me do it and they're like that sounds like a cool idea and they did it worse than i did they're here they're here they're here they're here yeah they're gone in one minute why are they making a final push when that's stupid like even if they get our bed here what do they gain out of that yeah he's gonna avoid it eventually yeah just just let him be up there let him be up there for 45 seconds maybe he's not gonna pay attention and like that's going to get destroyed all right let me get let me play i was like that also scared me i'm player tracking right now one of them is 80 meters away is that like somewhere at mid are they chilling at mid i don't know yeah once that mid i saw blocks being placed i mean i could literally just invis rush that they probably have a tracker on me but whatever they see me they're a mid they're made with bows i'm not going to do that nobody's got to keep farming resources just everyone chill just everyone chill here pretty much unless you see like a prime opportunity to kill him wait wonder since one of dinosaurs crossed three emeralds though there were four four in solos and doubles oh once i know that i mean dude i'm so chill i'm just eating beans dude uh-huh dale i'm gonna go on twitter why is my dog looking at me like that he's sitting we have all diamond upgrades right yeah we have everything yeah we have everything they do they will now too since we let off pressure they have yeah i mean yeah sudden death everyone's gonna have that um our generator's so fast dude this is so nice look at anything we want i'll sit in here with you nice what's up jojo oh you know doing great game oh oh oh mom oh my god why we should do that shut up look at this check this out look at you i'm checking boy oh yeah oh yeah yeah well you just shot an arrow [Applause] no we right now like we're just sitting here in our generator in the invis restaurant like are we going to push them or kind of like let dragons do their thing like i'm thinking i'm thinking like when sudden death happens it's like invis rush yeah because they're they're gonna be so scattered right oh they're not they're blowing [ __ ] out no way you go oh oh they just spammed you they're getting our entire bridge yeah they do they're so die dude all right all we gotta do is clutch up no big deal like well we can't redo this whole 45-minute game yeah that's i don't have time for that it's 38 o'clock no no i don't have my boss bar turned on watch out punch oh i'm [ __ ] dead where are you where are you going to mid uh let me find the other one what is this we're so scuffed i feel so bad i said yeah we don't we don't know what's gonna happen still just so we gotta win here like we gotta win oh my god there's blocks glitched out for me what oh okay dude what's going on what is going on i see him i see him i see him at their basement nice fireballs nice fireballs nice belly though he's a knockback stick smart you got him you got him you got him he's curling he pearled you guys got a two do you want him to do i have six golems dude i forgot about that where is he i see him in the middle he's bottom of mid he's in the start i hit him once hit him twice oh he's getting ready oh nice let's go oh my god let's go baby nice let's go what was that dude what happened all right i'm in mid i'm a mid they're here too they're lower than us they're way lower than us though oh they have wood they have wood who buys wood it's bedwars i didn't buy oh oh it's okay you can box in and break wood pretty handy behind you messes behind you yep okay when you get an axe then let's get emeralds let's get emeralds get them out get up get emeralds early get emeralds early we're getting obsidian and they're not okay nice one quick it's gonna be another stalemate i well not necessarily no no no no no no we're better we can just push them and win in pvp yeah i'm gonna push significantly better yeah you guys you guys keep pushing them again diamonds let's get like sharp let's get like sharp early and then like be chilling coming and coming he's pushing he's pushing he's pushing he's pushing coming coming coming from where oh wait i see him i don't see him i don't see him i don't see him he's right here he's right behind us he's right behind us i'm talking about okay i see him ready and go go they're gonna hit us both he went for me he went for me oh i died oh my god yeah i died too three of them are at their base so it's just quick yeah okay finally the lord watch up once here watch out yeah on top one guy's on top coming coming to our base i'm gonna go put pressure on them if i can even make it that far i'm i'm putting pressure on them right now i'm just chilling so fellas hey you're interpreting my dance once we get abby then we just like all quad rush like i think if we just quad rush before they get obby where we win just share the gym together everyone just share this in together and get stuff everyone get good tools and stuff okay full lobby oh he's back he's gonna be invest careful i'm looking for him i gotta i i i invited him he's he's at the bottom of my head nice nice nice okay everyone ready we got to do this together we got to push together i don't want to die with this hold on there's a dude there's a dude up here with me oh you don't have iron armor okay i got them i'm on top of their base i'm on top of their base i'm on top of their base everyone come with me what's up one you on you on you i got the person that was here oh i see him i've tried to die with this i'm still alive no i couldn't place that dude we need to just keep pressuring in like quad rush that's that's how we win this yeah let's keep doing it let's get an actual quad rush this time yeah definitely i'm [ __ ] chilling right now i am just actually having a good time just having a good time here okay okay let's do it i'm going to i'm gapping i'm gapping go ahead go get quick get quick go quick quick quick quick as low quick as half health happens you use the lighters to take no full damage i hate one one is the one's nested let's go baby nice we won this we went right there we went right there let's go yeah you didn't say anything either you said no you just went quiet i was being sneaky irl oh my god maybe if i don't tell my teammates hey it worked i mean it worked i guess it worked so i can't i can't believe that guys we did it we won the [ __ ] i'm officially the best bedwars player in the world and my teammates helped too but it was mostly me stop falling over dude what the [ __ ] wow god it actually just happened we actually just won this isn't three weeks later [ __ ]
Channel: PurpledLIVE
Views: 542,340
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, bedwars, hypixel, pvp, purpled, bedwars tournament, How I WON The Bedwars Tournament, livestream, stream highlights, purpledlive, purpledvods, purpled stream, purpled bedwars, punz, purpled punz, jojosolos, ursofamily, gaming, lets play, funny
Id: 0XvenV_u0Cw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 50sec (2150 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 02 2021
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