How I Used Addictions To Make Millions

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Calls his viewers low-attention span at 2:00 but still hasn't gotten to the point yet. Not sure it's worth continuing to watch. Bad trend I've noticed with YouTubers lately.

I might watch if you can give timestamps of when he starts into the relevant info.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Factorio_Poster 📅︎︎ Dec 07 2019 🗫︎ replies

Alex Becker is awesome. Don’t care what anyone thinks of him, he puts out some of the best, profound content out there.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Dec 08 2019 🗫︎ replies

Nsfw profile and supports r/stopgaming .. Have you tried r/nofap ?

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/FreshCheekiBreeki 📅︎︎ Dec 09 2019 🗫︎ replies
all right so I want you to think about all those things that you logically want to do and you never do because you can't motivate yourself to do them or you can't motivate yourself to do them for a long time maybe you've tried starting a business and you put in like two three days and you just stopped maybe you want to learn the code and every time you load up one of the coding training tools you want to punch yourself in the face maybe you want to go get fit maybe you want to do all these things and you just never do them and the question is the really weird question is why don't you want to do them if you want to do them it's quite the [ __ ] conundrum now I want you to think about all the things you do easily think about a hobby you do for example maybe it's really easy for you to pick up a videogame and play that for five days straight it's really easy for you to pick up a bottle of alcohol go get shit-faced with your friends at the bar it's really easy for you to wake up and do all sorts of things that you don't really actually want to do and so in this video what I'm gonna show you to do is kind of a conundrum as I saw blade Li which is essentially how to figure out why your brain doesn't give a [ __ ] about what you actually want to do but easily easily enables you to do things that you really don't want to do if you can figure this out and flip-flop this make us see your brain and body actually want to do the things that you want to do you'll be able to do those things and stop doing stupid things so if you're doing a lot of stupid things and you want to do smart things listen so four times a year I'll just take a week off and play video games like a mature grown-ass thirty year old man and before you get going this is gonna take me about 10 to 15 minutes to wrap up so if you don't mind if you don't care if you keep doing stupid [ __ ] and you don't mind not making any progress and things you actually want to do by all means click away I go to that Taylor Swift video and do the same [ __ ] that you've always been doing that keeps you doing stupid [ __ ] that's your decision so if you want to learn how to stop doing that listen because this really helped me so this last week I played The Witcher 3 a whole lot easy five days straight no problemo got Grand Master Griffon gear killed everything like 4050 hours in this game not a good use of time at all especially when I think about something I've been trying to do a whole lot lately which is learning to code I've been really really wanting to learn how to code I thought so I can code my own video games because that's something I kind of wanna do in the future and also so I can work with my engineers that hire us on a different level but the problem is whenever I sit down the code I can only do like an hour or two hours max before I want to punch myself in the face I'm thinking why why is it so easy for me to wake up and do a 10-hour witcher 3 run what why is it so easy for me to do that but i can't even sit down for an hour and do something i actually really want to do not only do i want to do it and the goal is important to me I also make I could just sit there literally you would think this would trigger this it would definitely trigger the brain going I want to do this I can sit there literally and just watch thousands of dollars per hour come to my bank account I can watch my business doing very well just go oh man this is awesome and all this money can be spent on doing all sorts of stuff that you would think that the human brain got oh man I want that there's a financial connection but nope I'm not oh I get a much greater hit from chasing after this fantasy sword that doesn't even exist it's pixels inside my playstation 4 but my brain is like hey this is what we need a focus on right here this [ __ ] over here it's [ __ ] lame all right you get the sword get the sword man it doesn't make any sense how does the brain do this and if we can tap in to what's making the brain do this and put it over here holy moly you're working with fire and I'm gonna show you why I actually figured it out it's pretty cool the reason why is because our brain and body literally doesn't give a [ __ ] what we want it doesn't give a [ __ ] where we are in life it doesn't give a [ __ ] about what's what's going on in our general faceny it does not care in fact the only reason humans do anything is because it feels good that's it there's no law there's no logic behind it they just do what feels good think about why do you not go outside and walk around naked why do you not go and do that it's real easy because if you think about in your head and goes alone that wouldn't feel good okay now why do you want a Lamborghini one why do you want to go play a video game why do you want to go and drink with your friends why do you want to go and do whatever feels good in your head why do you want to give away money to charity why do people give away money to charity because it feels good that's it there's there's no dividing oh there's no logic anything almost all human law all human anything is divided by you think about it and go mmm that doesn't feel good or less it doesn't feel fair or feel good that does feel fair and that's it that's all it comes down to there's no balance there's no written anything there's no logic behind any of it it's all just how we feel now that being said how we make decisions is basically when we're decide to take our body and so when we think about what feels good and what doesn't feel good that's essentially our brain just guiding us around okay it says it's gonna say oh this is gonna feel good release dopamine chemicals go in this direction this feels good keep going in this direction but you have to also understand that the brain doesn't actually care about getting to that direction it doesn't give any shits at all so for example when I was playing The Witcher 3 when I'm heading in a direction which is where it feels good all right you picture yourself at the peak level of a video game picture yourself in the peak level something where that feels good that feels awesome and your body when it's getting to this point goes okay keep going that when you keep going that way keep going away and when you get to the point you lose absolutely all interest Siri thing about it you ever play a video game you get to the final level you max out your character what do you do you stop playing because your brain doesn't get any more dopamine chemicals so it just says stop okay your brain literally doesn't give a [ __ ] about achieving anything it doesn't care it isn't it is all it's doing all that makes you feel good it's just getting to that point think about when you see people having sex after people get to the good point they don't keep doing it they don't care but before that point they will claw through doors and act like animals why because the brain doesn't give a [ __ ] about actual things that you want it doesn't give a [ __ ] about actually getting to the point of success it doesn't give a [ __ ] at all or release any good chemicals when it comes to doing what you want to do it's just gonna find places where there's a little dopamine trail and follow that and the heavier to dopamine trail is a heavier it's gonna follow it you have to understand there is no logical connection between motivation in what you actually want motivation is a feeling being motivated to wake up and and do something for 10 hours straight that's a feeling there's a feeling and your body is going to always move towards and make decisions based around what feels good and remember that good feeling has nothing to do with what you logically want you can even get to the point that you've been wanting to get to logically cooked it up in your head and you can get there and you will feel nothing feel nothing it will be you have zero motivation to stay there and your body will go and say oh we got to go in this direction why because nothing feels better to your body then dopamine dopamine is a leash and if you can trigger that leash you can drag yourself wherever you want to go like a dog no exaggeration just like a dog if you know what a trigger dopamine and attach it to your goals you can drag yourself like a dog to that in fact you can drag yourself like a dog do glass and fire all those things that are painful for you to do you can drag yourself through them easy nooks and cakewalk for example they did a test on rats using a very simple formula where every time the rat electrocuted itself literally electrocuted itself shocked itself every single time the rat electrocuted itself they also triggered a dopamine release in the rats head what happened you had rats literally sitting around electrocuting themselves for hours and hours and hours until they passed out now you can kind of start to understand why people keep doing crack they keep doing heroin because same exact thing it's destroying their body but their gain the dopamine release you can trigger yourself to stick a syringe in your arm and take poison into your body and [ __ ] up your entire life as long as the dopamine release feels good enough it's that damn powerful and if you understand how to control that dopamine release you can make yourself do anything build a business play that witch here for 15 hours straight do heroin whatever you want to do and if you don't understand how to control the leash of your own dopamine what's going to happen is you're going to get dragged where the dopamine is gonna take you because your body's gonna be generating in all sorts of ways and you're gonna be out of control of it and the only way to get what you want in life is to attach those dopamine releases to of the things you want they can be anywhere you can be addicted to heroin and that can be your dopamine release or you can be addicted to building businesses and productive things your body doesn't care as long as it's getting that hit it's gonna drag you in whatever dopamine direction you want and that's what this video is about that's gonna show you to do on the whiteboard of truth and justice so look let me load up the whiteboard of truth and justice kind of put this in perspective so the first thing we've already kind of cleared up right now is whatever your goals are like where you want to go your brain doesn't give any shits about it it just literally doesn't care even if you get there your brain doesn't care it's not gonna make you feel good you're gonna feel fulfilled and your mind is mentally gonna be like achieve my goals that's awesome but your brain is not motivated to get there and it's not even motivated to stay there you would think if your brain focus on that if it was really cared about success in getting to the final result when you beat a video game that would be the best point you'd want to keep playing the video game forever at that point for example I spent so long on one of my video game breaks going and beating Elda breath of the wild yeah that was a good game now when I went to beat that game I was into into it into and then I got to the final boss I beat it got the motorcycle to end and I drove around there were level for like 15 minutes on the motorcycle then I haven't touched it since it was I just put it down I have zero I have zero need to play that game and so you see your brain really doesn't care about that end result and so when we go out there and we fill our lives with end results and we say we want to get there we want to get there your brain is like okay that's fantastic but um I don't care I don't give a [ __ ] and so it's impossible to go out there and write out your list of goals and all the things you want to do and get there because your brain and your body the thing it makes you do things doesn't make you want to do it but when you go and see it a pretty girl when you go and see a pretty guy I don't know girl watching this when you go and play a good video game that triggers your dopamine a certain way when you eat cake your brain says oh let's do more of that let's do it let's do it let's do it then order to make yourself actually do these things you have to find a way the times that dopamine and those releases are just never gonna happen you have to derive some form of pleasure from this because there's to use okay there's to use there's logical you and if you know that make these work in tandem you can become a really powerful person because almost everything in my life I've tied in the logical with the animal and when I don't it doesn't work it just doesn't ever work it never works I've never had any situation where the animal opposed the logical and it worked so the logical you knows exactly where you want to go you want to be rich you want to be healthy you want to be successful you want to be charismatic you want to be all these things but you never do them you never get them like even me in many instances I never get to a lot of the things I want to do alright there'll be times where I want to have a six-pack but then I going KEK why why because the logical you wearily has no control over your motivation it has no control over you wake up in the morning going let's do this let's go hit the gym let's go do this thing has no control it does not care and you can't out will power your animal side because how it works is your logical you basically has willpower okay it's a very depletable bar of energy after about four hours at something this bar is gone and your animal side has unlimited willpower it is very strong and it will just keep you going forever and just a never-ending energizer bunny and so the second you run out of this right here you divert to this mode you're just gonna go to this mode right here and you have to understand your animal mode doesn't care about anything it has no logical anything it's an idiot it's an absolute idiot all it cares about is it operates on one thing is dopamine being released am I getting this chemical released and if not how can I get this chemical release the fastest that's it and so it's absolutely critical that if you want to be successful you want to get anything done you have to find a way to stop this willpower bar from dropping and you have to find a way to connect the animal to dopamine feeling with these things over here and that's the cool thing because your logical site is smart your logical site is able to actually point yourself the right direction and say this is where we want to go now how can I create a system where these dopamine triggers right here tie into the system over here because you can't out will part you can't willpower anything for very long it's never going to work nobody ever has done that any in anywhere and the secret is understanding how this animal brain right here releases its dopamine because once you do that you can do incredible things you can play in a video game for 12 hours straight I could play The Witcher 3 for 12 14 hours straight no problem it is easy it is easy and the craziest thing about that is your brain doesn't really care what's real its dopamine releases and triggers has nothing to do with reality has nothing at all so for example I could be playing a video game and I can reach the max level or be grinding up and I'm getting the same dopamine release as if I just made a billion dollars in real life the same exact dopamine release except this is probably even a little bit stronger because your brain doesn't care what's real or not it's not it's an idiot it's absolute idiot and so what it's this gonna look for is it's gonna say what's the best way I can get dopamine so your willpower is down now so we're just gonna default to the easiest way to get dopamine and guys I want to stress this I start the camera I want to go add this to the video right here you have to understand your logical brain works off willpower and your willpower bar of who you are that's gonna deplete in like four hours that's if you have perfect sleep and everything but your animal brain has limitless willpower for dopamine limitless that's why you can see a person play a video game for 72 hours straight your animal brain is an animal the problem is as binding something that your animal branding can can connect to that's productive because most of time short-term releases like alcohol videogames whatever are going to attract the animal brain a lot better because they're faster dopamine hits okay and so if you can understand how to tie your business to the animal brain that's how you unlock unlimited willpower in the most simplest way and you've done this in your life you've probably gone on a bender or a drinking binge for 12 hours Street you've probably played a video game for 24 hours straight or some of that think about something you did obsessively that had no benefit to your life that was the animal brain and you were able to easily do it because you were relying on this willpower bar which is only controlled by your ability to stay awake honestly and not this bar but when most of you guys are starting your businesses and working on your things are trying to improve you're only working off this bar and this bar right here as soon as this thing that plates this thing's like hey where's the next cake and you can you will search for that cake you will do anything for it okay where's the next girl I can hit on for a guy for example where's next it's it's all tied into your animal needs and these things your only limit right here to how much work can get done is again the ability to stay awake so that's the big thing I want to point out in this video and so what happens and a lot of people's lives is you have at least logical things you want to do but these aren't good ways to get dopamine because you don't have them set up correctly in your life and you haven't reached your life to tie in dopamine with these things so what is going to happens the same thing you do every single day you're going to go and you're going to drain your willpower because you don't have what's triggering dopamine connected to your actual goals over here and then what your brain is going to do is because dopamine isn't related to these goals it's gonna find the easiest least path or resistance because your animal side over here doesn't care it doesn't care how that dopamine gets there if that dopamine is related to alcohol and playing video games it's gonna go there first because that's the easiest way it's never gonna be like hey so let's take the long tried-and-true route to getting our hit no that's not how it's gonna work it's gonna find the easiest way it's like a crack addict okay if the crack pipe is lying over in the video game bushes it's just gonna go into the video game bushes it's not gonna go and do a 10-mile hike to get to the crack pipe even if there is like 100 crack pipes over here at the top of a mountain there's two over here it's just gonna say no no no no no their fastest way to do that and so what happens is because people have rigged their brains or essentially fed their brains so many quick fixes you get addicted to this and this is where you're gonna be able to go and spend most of your time alcohol fatty foods video games TV there's so many other instances of people being able to get quick hits of gratification that your animal brain never ever gets to the point where it wants to do any of these long-form goals it just doesn't care it's never gonna do it and so you also have to understand the way dopamine works as well is it's a giant lead up device it's it's all about leading around it's not about actually achieving the goal that's all it's good for there's no example ever you don't really release much dopamine when you're actually at your goal that's the most dangerous part that's why your goals are not good things to motivate yourself with think about it whenever you've achieved the goal you probably stopped doing it and so that's what's really dangerous because what people do is shortchange their ability to focus on long-term dopamine drivers so let me explain this kind of in a simpler way so the first thing it's gonna happen a lot of times is your body is going to prefer the short term it's just gonna prefer the short term every single time it doesn't care what's real so if you can go out there and get a huge dopamine hit from going up a level in a video and you're not gonna get a you have to wait a long time to get a dopamine hit for a result in your business you're gonna do this and your body's gonna slowly start caring more about this than this that's where people prefer alcohol is where people prefer all sorts of bad things versus actually working on productive things your body's gonna start to prefer this since this is going to be its chosen route to go down and so as soon as your willpower cranks out where if your body isn't attached to this thing right here if you haven't triggered to animal responses towards your actual goals it's just going to run out very fast and your body's going to default to doing the thing that gives you that quick dopamine boost and because you get that result or that feeling of success your body's not going to be used to working on things for a long period of time it's not gonna want to delay gratification and sure as hell not going to pick something where it takes a long time now what you're also going to see a lot of people doing is in their businesses and whatnot there's either two things that happen either takes them a very long time to get the goal or what they do is they do things that feel like success that really aren't successful this is where people really get messed up so what people are gonna do a lot of times as I see this constantly want reproduce and people starting off they go out there they build their shop buy store they do all this stuff and they tie all their dopamine releases the things that aren't really based around success okay they declare victory the second they've launched a store made their first ad they get one sale and they said this is the holy grail of what I've done well what happens when you're playing a video game and you've hit your holy grail of what you're gonna do you stop you stop there's there's a little pinpoints of getting to that big goal but when you go out there and you make your self feel like you've been successful you've actually done something you start talking about your success go look at any entrepreneur wall and I've even done this in many cases where you talk about your success and how great what you've done is and then what happens you stop doing it because your body loses interest as soon as it gets to that peak and so what you see a lot of people do is with their long-term goals or anything like that they start a coding class and they feel really good they feel like they're really patting themselves in the back and then I get bored really quickly because because they've reached the peak because remember your brain doesn't care there's no difference between action achieving success and feeling success there's no difference there's no difference and so what's your brain is gonna do as soon as this goal is achieved it's just gonna go in find the fastest dopamine hit which is probably gonna be the bad things and so what you need to do if you want to be successful in anything or you want to be able to work on a something for a long period of time a long-term goal or hit the goals that you want to go for what do you have to do is a handful of things so first off you need to really start separating your animal brain from any type of short-term release so what I mean by that so you have your animal brain over here if you're going out there and you're shorting it with videogames you're shorting it with drinking you're shorting it with fast fatty foods you're basically doing all sorts of things that give you instant gratification television anything that's easy your brain is gonna get shorted out and it's gonna focus on these things and you're gonna really lose that ability to be focused on a long-term goal now once you're able to remove these things for example what I did to remove these things every single time I go and have like a video game minge after I'm done I noted all my save files or on the video game system I had so example I had a ps4 I mean while my save files for The Witcher 3 we're on there and if they I wanted to go play one of the expansion packs and I knew that if I had that thing laying around the house my brain is gonna be like this is the best place to go and get the dopamine hit not over here working in my business and while I'm doing these video game weeks yeah it's the recover and relax but I'll also notice that my my [ __ ] given for the things in my business decline I'm not gonna see myself being super excited about tracking people's stuff because my brains getting such a better dopamine hit by killing ghouls in The Witcher 3 so what I did is I not only destroyed the video game I went and actually destroyed the ps4 itself now you're probably thinking alright Alex that's a bad way to lose $400 yes but that would cost me hundreds of thousands of dollars if I didn't have my ambition actually Millions so I went and actually just threw it in my pool boom done all right tell of course throw me my pool so now that we've removed the overstimulating parts from our life we can start getting our brain hooked to something else now I also have to stress the best way to get rid of these things is to destroy them and the best things to know to destroy are the things that are attached to survival and instant gratification because your body's gonna go to those things now in video games I love video games as an example here because the reason why video games can become so addictive is it attaches the human need to have perceived value because the higher your value the more likely you are to mate okay that's the geographic National Geographic version of it and so as we're building video games and gaining power and video games for example in RPGs or The Witcher you're perceiving that you're increasing your value that's that's all that's really going on there you feel yourself getting stronger your value increases this is why people get addicted to video games and whatnot now if you look at world of warcraft the reason why it was so addictive is because it attaches value to social community and if you look at people who get really successful at coding basketball whatever there's usually this trend there in a community of people and the better they are at coding or the more money they make or the better they get at basketball the more their social value increases and the higher your social value the more you get get to get freaky get to get deaky wiki get to get to do some bow-chicka-wow-wow just really all the brain [ __ ] cares about that's all cares about that and getting enough food to continue to get in the bow chicka wow wow which is why fatty foods are so addictive at the same time okay that's why you see people get addicted in the gym because what happens is their social value goes up and their body gets addicted to the growth and stuff like that that's all that's really going on there or we can't find a way to get our it selves addicted to the way our body's addicted the fatty foods because that's a whole other survival mechanism but what we can do is find a way to make video games and the the logic behind the addiction there work for us because we can trigger the same dopamine releases did we get from video games that's how we trigger and get past the initial willpower bar which doesn't last very long you see people to go to work and they hate their jobs and they suck at their job it's because their willpower bar goes out they're working off of this and then you see people that play a video game for 24 hours straight again your animal willpower is limitless it's limited by really staying awake that's it and I'm sure you can think about things in your life where you did it for 24 hours straight if you can tap into that part of you and apply that to something productive your animal mode and so what you might need to do is a very simple process so if you look at how a video game works is it leads you through it like a dog now how do we get a dog to get across the yard we give it little treats you never give it the big treat and in video games you keep going till the end because you think the big treat is getting to where you want to go and really there's no big a treat if this was a big treat right here you'd feel something when you beat a video game you don't you stop you don't even feel good about yourself you feel awful same thing like when you when you drink a lot of alcohol or eat a lot of cake the end reward has nothing to do with how you feel getting there absolutely nothing that's why you need to make sure it's your em rewards logically makes sense because what's gonna give you fulfillment is achieving logical rewards but your body is never motivated to get towards logical rewards that's not ever going to work it doesn't work for anybody that's why nobody can do what they want to [ __ ] do that's why they're so addicted other things out there now there's a very good reason why most entrepreneurs can't do this as well as because a lot of people like to give themselves the cookie as early as possible that's the problem a video game that gives you all the stuff at the beginning a game you stop doing it think about it again if you ever played a video game or you've ever done anything where all the rewards were given to you about two minutes in you got bored really fast picture anything you've ever done and imagine if you got all the rewards ten minutes and you'd stop doing it but what do most entrepreneurs and people do what most people do and I've done this so many times with businesses as you see me in the past I'd launch business after business after business after business and I talk about in social media rub my [ __ ] mouth why do we do that because that's a form of generating value in your head when we go and run your [ __ ] mouth to people or you go and launch a business and you get that gratification that big hit of dopamine when you launch something what just happened you gave yourself the [ __ ] cookie you gave yourself all the top tier weapons and all the top tier items two seconds in the video game I guarantee if I start playing The Witcher and I unlocked every ability and every item instantly I would have not not played that game for more in five minutes but they don't do that so why would you want to do the same thing and so what you need to understand is that in order to trigger dopamine and drag ourselves through places we need to give ourself little hits we can never let the mind think that it's reached the peak of what it needs to do in the subjective so if you looked at that example of rats I brought up earlier whenever dopamine is released doping again is not caused by reaching your goal it's caused by the brain thinking you're heading towards a goal that has to do with something that relates to survival which the most obvious examples are survival and survival and passing on genes those are only two okay same exact thing that comes with running and fear or building something that gives you security and safety safety and security gives you a dopamine release as well why because you're gonna survive longer now that's why you're gonna see people saving and doing stuff like that but we're not trying to be savers here in pinch a buck so what we're gonna try and always work with is the human need for value which again ties to passing on your DNA so going back to the rat analogy again dopamine is the most powerful thing our body releases and when it comes to getting us to do something so powerful they can make rats electrocute themselves and destroy their bodies in order to get a hit of it and dopamine is not triggered by reaching our goal it's triggered by the mind being tricked into thinking that's heading towards a goal it's going to increase its survival chances and our best survival instinct to play with in this scenario is value because value again ties in the survival so what we want to do is we want to find all the things that are attached to the value or perceiving ourselves as higher value so there's a few things out there for example joining the community of people to compete with so for example one of the reasons I want to be successful at first when I got into this was wanting to have a higher value position in my community so for example when I first got into this I was broke everyone made fun of me in high school I was a loser and I was like [ __ ] all these people I'm gonna prove everybody wrong why did I want to build a business so badly so I could beat other people so I could perceive myself as a higher value and you're also going to see one thing that drove me to go further was by joining SEO communities and competing with their SEO isn't wanting to be better than them and then talk about it announcer going to be the best SEO because I was human value now again none of this logically makes any sense they're all makes sense when you're looking at like the animal brain biologically again it seems very silly but as you can see dopamine makes us do silly things so what you want to do is you want to find ways to increase your value and you're gonna see for example in basketball players they see themselves getting better every single day therefore their values increasing you see coders when again in a community with other developers and people that they're working with as they get better at coding they get more recognition they get more value and so therefore they grow and so you need to find a way to identify your perception of self with the success of how good you are at your trade and so what you want to do especially when you get started is you don't want to attach your value first off to money or any anything that's that's too far out of reach like winning your first basketball game or making your first software that's not gonna work you need to attach your value to making progress in mastering your trade and also comparing your mastery to other people another thing you can do that's kind of on the flip side because you remember survival is gonna be your most important thing is to burn your bridges a little bit put yourself in a hard spot unless your business or whatever you're doing is gonna work as well if you combine that with the need to prove yourself and the need to survive you're gonna have a very powerful motivator and then one thing you can do that's very powerful is also picturing yourself or the people that you're doing it for viewing you in that higher position of value this seems so weird but just picturing yourself having that success and being the best at something that's going to help you move forward you have to think of everything you can do to type about anything give yourself little treats along the way you never want to this the next step give yourself the entire treat never go on Facebook and talk about how successful you are never go on what you're gonna do and talk about all your accomplishments and all the things that you're doing never go out there and get obsessed with the launch you need to go out there need to gradually give yourself small treats that are first off easy to achieve right away like getting to the first level in a video game so what you want to do when you're first launching your first shop buy store don't make your first goal getting 10 sales and $100 they make your first goal getting the store up okay and then what you'd last thing you want to do is declare victory after you get one or two sales I see so many entrepreneurs do that they do it and they throw a small parade because they just got 250 bucks a day and then they don't do anything else out there which you want to constantly do is you want to separate yourself from the large gratification and you want to keep the dopamine trail going and constantly giving yourself little hits a success and measuring you want to measure your progress towards your mastery so I got a little bit better this day I got a little bit better at Facebook Ads I got a little bit better at this encoding basketball and everything it's very easy to track that it's not so easy in entrepreneurship and so you really want to start documenting your progress you want to start documenting your growth so for every single day I'm constantly going in bare metrics and looking at our mor growth I'm constantly looking at our tracking actress and every time that goes up I feel good and so this is what you want to do don't give yourself the huge boost don't give yourself all the weapons they want because then you're gonna feel really good and then you're gonna stop okay and in entrepreneurship this is really easy to do you can easily go out there and really start talking about how smart and wonderful you are you see so many people go out there they have their first success in entrepreneurship they're out there buying bottles they're out there talking about how much money they're making they're out there talking about how cool they are I've done all these things and then what happens they don't have any motivation to do anymore because they hit the point they wanted to get to and then they have to find a whole other motivation okay and that's where you're gonna get the drive from that's how you connect your dopamine to that now the next thing you can also do is you can connect as many physical dopamine boost to what's going on so for example when I come down to my office I can achieve a huge level of doping boosts because I'm taking coffee as soon as I get to work there's a very specific smell in my office I have specific lightbulbs they give me energy and feeling and like I'm gonna go out there and uhm I'm not kidding there's a specific frequency of light bulb that gives you a lot of energy when you enter an office and you want your office to feel good you want everything about what you're doing to be a dopamine boost and so I look at a lot of entrepreneurs and I was talking to Sam Evans one time and he pointed out that a lot of entrepreneurs work stations look like private shameful yang stations that wasn't his word but I mean if you go look at most entrepreneurs they have a nice living room they have a nice TV in their office it's like this dungeon where you know shameful things happen and it's just gross there's like trash everywhere it just looks awful you want everything that feels everything that goes into getting these little dopamine hits to feel good you want to register intense happiness when you enter your work space to where you're gonna be getting stuff done and so the most powerful advice I can give you is first up don't give yourself all the cookies at once join a community with other people that allow you to tie in your mastery of your trade into social value so for example when you look at people get really good at video games they don't usually get good at video games just for themselves they do it to show off a little bit especially online games they want to go out there and beat other people because value and so if you can tie that type of intensity into what you're doing you're going to feel satisfaction also when you track your progress like you do in video games but you don't give yourself the ultimate big star that's gonna allow you to grow faster and tap into that limitless willpower that comes with your animal brain that is really triggered and directed by dopamine instead of that willpower that comes with your mental brain and this is this is why it's so damn important to understand this because as soon as you do this you might think well this stuff right here isn't gonna give me a big enough hit that's because your brain is also overstimulated so remove the overstimulation destroy the overstimulation make it extremely hard and require a lot of this willpower to get it so for example for me to go out there and replace my ps4 replace the controller replace the witcher replace all the save files which i destroyed as well massive willpower I'm not gonna do that it's very easy for me not to do that or think about that anymore okay and then on the flip side my computer and workspace and everything is perfectly set up I'm in all these communities I have my entire staff with me I have all of our customers it's very easy for me to start going and just getting a better hit of willpower from working on my business our better hit of dopamine and the final thing I also want to leave you with as well is you have to understand your dopamine is going to possess your thoughts as well so for example if I'm in a video game binge week and there's plenty of other examples you might compare this as something else in your life but you're gonna notice your thoughts start to get consumed with it so for example when I'm playing what your three I'm thinking of all these backdoor ways to do these things and get this item and do all this kind of stuff again pointless waste of my time again I would be much more logically benefited by thinking about my business and what I need to be working on because again it's just money's coming in people are getting success it's it's a great place this is the benefit where's where the benefits are in my life logically but I'm not gonna do that because doping releases over here and one thing that really holds you back in life is gonna really [ __ ] up your business progress is having these over stimulating doping dopamine releases still in your life because that's what's known to consume your thoughts if you're thinking four hours a day of how you can be better at this video game those are four hours it's not going into your business and thought and so you want to find a way to tie also your dopamine releases into your thoughts and so if you have over stimulating dopamine things if you really enjoy drinking or chasing women or doing all sorts of easier instant releases things for example what's going to happen is those are gonna consume your thoughts and that's gonna result to you not being good at what you're doing because of that you're not gonna be good at your business so that's why it's very important you also destroy your overstimulating dopamine releases get rid of the fatty foods get rid of that alcohol get rid of the videogames and it's okay to do these things every now and then for example I'd play the video games to completely forget about business and it's very effective at that but I know if I want to get back into the grind and hit my peak I can destroy all that and make it extremely hard a willpower activity to get to those things and in my brain is gonna start seeking value in some other form and that's how I can trigger addiction in myself to my business and make it so I can work crazy hours and do this and this is the only thing I want to do and I could not imagine being able to be successful if this is not where I was getting my dopamine hits from I could not I could not why am I making this [ __ ] video to increase my value on the goddamn internet so again I can sell more stuff and get dopamine releases it all ties back into it why do you see all these people going out there making YouTube videos running ads doing just about anything so they can increase their perceived value of themselves and that is going and triggering a dopamine release to get them there have you noticed it sir for NORs when they've reached their peak they stopped making videos why because they're no longer getting the dopamine hits same exact thing so you've got a tie in the things that are logically beneficial to in your life to dopamine or you're never gonna do them because your brain doesn't give a [ __ ] about what's best for you it gives a [ __ ] about the dopamine and if you can just tie in that dopamine into it you can be just like those rats if your business right now or working on something is making you suffer the only way to make that suffering bearable is to attach dopamine then you can make yourself suffer all day all right you can you can sit there electrocuting yourself all day or you can be like other people you'll get dopamine releases from injecting poison into their bodies and eating cake and playing video games and you're gonna do that all day you are going to do endlessly whatever your dopamine triggers are attached to that's it it's not willpower it's not thinking about your goals it's not going out there and jumping rope and jumping on a trampoline and doing breathing exercises and visualizing where you want to be it doesn't [ __ ] matter you are a very simple little dumb creature and all you need is little treats and at the end of that where your logical goal is that's how you get there the end [Laughter] [Music]
Channel: Alex Becker's Channel
Views: 250,764
Rating: 4.9299421 out of 5
Keywords: alex becker, make money online, how to start a business, motivation, marketing, productivity
Id: nrf489UDXMU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 15sec (2355 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 16 2019
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