5 Hacks That Gave Me Genius IQ

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These are all well known hacks but I doubt he actually increased his IQ by 15 points and didn't just resolve an underlying health issue which rather set him back.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/throwbacktous1 📅︎︎ Jul 18 2021 🗫︎ replies
would you like to have more clarity more energy more creativity and a numerically higher IQ well if you watch this video I'm gonna show you how to have more energy clarity creativity and increase your IQ by 10 to 15 points if you're willing to take the steps I'm gonna show you this video that's it okay guys let's get straight into this because I want to knock this out pretty quick you guys have been asking for a long time what's my routine what are all the things I do biohacking wise and what not I'm not gonna get into all that in one video because I'm not a health expert and I'm not gonna give health advice what I am gonna give you in this video though is the cliff notes that I think will get you 95% there towards the end result you want which is crystal clear focus tons of energy very high levels of creativity and ability to make good decisions and the other cool part is being able to increase your IQ by 10 to 15 maybe even 20 points if you go all the way in with what I'm going to show you right here now this is gonna take a bit more than five minutes for me to explain and if you don't have the time to do this and you want to run a business or you want to be an entrepreneur or you want to be a peak performer I think you were absolutely nuts if you're gonna go click away and watch the latest detective Pikachu trailer the reason for this is all businesses all entrepreneurship is all being successful is is your decisions and you can't make good decisions if you don't have energy creativity and clarity and they're not gonna be as insightful if your IQ is not working at its peak and that's all comes down to there's plenty of people that work 12 hours a day there's plenty of people that bust their butts their entire lives and don't get anywhere it's not about hard work it's not about going and grinding if you make four to five good decisions really good decisions over the span of your life it's all you need to make millions or maybe even billions of dollars now I'm not in this video telling you're gonna become a billionaire if you listen to my IQ tips right here what I am telling you that if you don't have energy you don't have clarity and you're making bad decision it doesn't matter how much work you put in you're not gonna get very good results are you gonna get one-tenth the result you should and if you just fix this part right here it 10x is everything you're doing probably worked less hours you could probably do less things and get better results so if you don't have five minutes to watch this you're bonkers especially if you want to do entrepreneurship so let's dive into what we need to cover in this video so before we get going I want to talk about what is your IQ and really when people mention IQ they're talking about two different things so of course there's a standard definition of IQ which is basically how well you can recall things how well you can memorize things just basically the RAM that your brain has now the problem with this is is that's not everything that goes into being smart in technical terms what being smart really comes down to and that's what we're trying to improve right here is of course yes your IQ okay the RAM that your computer operates on but if you looked at your computer just cuz you have a lot of RAM doesn't mean your computer's gonna work well if it's jammed down with all sorts of stuff out there and there's so much more that goes in to your general intelligence aka your smarts which is going to be more so your creativity and willpower these are the two most important things when it comes in it so when I talk about a person's IQ what I'm going to be referring to is of course the standard definition but then there's also going to be creativity and insightfulness and then there's also going to be willpower and the big takeaway I want you to have right here is these things don't actually make up how smart you are how well you're able to operate the level you're able to operate that's what we're focusing on right here because really the things that make these up are not these things these are just the titles they're not the book so what we have to do is look at the subparts of these that make these up and then equal our general smarts so what is our standard IQ all about well of course yeah it's just gonna be your base IQ level your ability to focus remember but you can be extremely intelligent and not be able to think at all if your brain is all messed up if you have no clarity I'm sure there's been plenty of times think about your last hangover think about the last time you got poor sleep think about just the last time you ate a bunch of bad food and your merit brain was all foggy you probably wouldn't have done too well on a map test then even if you had a generally high IQ and so there's gonna be clarity and there's gonna be the ability to focus which these things right here are really going to determine your results when it comes to how well your brain works if you have this but you have a low IQ you're still gonna do exceptionally well now creativity this is going to come down to your energy levels and your overall ability to feel good and happy what does this mean okay feeling good and having energy so of course if you have no energy and you're feeling sleepy and you're feeling groggy the entire time you're not gonna be very creative you're not gonna be able to take advantage of your brain you're gonna be a low performer no matter what and if you were feeling pissed off and stressed all the time you you are not able to generate the thoughts you need to function at a high level you just are not because your body is not focusing on your brain and creative thoughts it's focusing on fight in flight mode which is what most people are in most of the time and if you're in fight in flight mode you're probably not reengineering the human genome in the back of your head you are probably pissed off and thinking about erroneous stuff that makes you mad and then takes all the energy away from your brain and puts in a whole bunch of just it's not gonna put that energy back into your brain I'm gonna leave at that I'm not gonna dive any more deeper than that rabbit hole and then there is finally willpower have you ever noticed that when I think about the last time you drank and we're extremely hungover you probably the next day gave in to every single indulgent you had and did very little beneficial things to your life think about the last time you were worn out you probably broke down you probably gave in to all those urges and the things you know you're not supposed to be doing and you didn't do anything beneficial and just at the most basic level if you're not doing beneficial things you're probably not seeing benefits in your life and your willpower is controlled literally by a chemical in your head that runs out and you need to be able to not only maximize the amount of that chemical that's in your head but you also need to be able to generate as much of it as possible and so your willpower is just gonna come down to your ability to resist whenever you resist something or you make a decision think about you have a hundred points a to start a day and that starts to drain most people are starting out the day with thirty points that's why you have very little willpower and you're not able to get much done we need to maximize it to a hundred points and to make sure we're not spending that willpower on all sorts of stuff so for example if you see a cake and you say no to a cake you're mein literally gets weaker from the decision there was a study for example where a child had to resist a cookie alright they put a cooking from said don't eat this cookie for 10 minutes then when the children took a test after the children that had been resisting the cookie versus the children that didn't have to resist a cookie that much poorer it's a chemical in your brain that gets drained just like lifting a weight and so in order for us to be very intelligent in the terms that we're talking about here not just our IQ points because those are only one part of the equation but to be a high performer and get a lot done what we have to do is we have to attack the entire problem right here look your IQ is gonna be the equivalent to your engine so what does this mean well let's imagine that we go and we maximize our cue points our IQ is off the charts we have the engine of a Indy 500 car this thing is an absolute like wow this is incredible thing right here and then we compare this to the engine of a Honda Civic just a dinky car okay great your IQ is insanely high but if that engine is clogs with junk if the car is broken down if it's not aerodynamic you could put that engine in just about anything and it's not going to work very well and if you get the Honda Civic engine and put it in a vehicle that is optimized that is clean and running properly and set up to get the most out of that engine this Honda Civic is going to up the Indy 500 engine every day of the week and the most important part to getting better results in your life isn't having that super high IQ to start with the easy part is actually increasing your IQ it's not incredibly difficult it's a very set process to do it now are you going to go from being a person with a very low IQ to being an Albert Einstein no but you can go to the point most people can to being a very good thinker and having a IQ that is capable of taking you wherever you want to go you don't need to be a genius to make a million dollars you don't need to you can have a very standard good IQ which most people are capable of reaching if you just follow some very simple things but the problem is and why most people including geniuses can't get results is because this thing right here this is where 90% the problem is and so in this video I'm gonna show you how to increase this I'm gonna show you things I do and things I'm going to do that have shown multiple times increase people's IQ points but we gotta fix this thing first right here and this is where you're gonna get 90% of the results you can in fact ignore the IQ stuff I'm gonna talk about if you just focus on this you're gonna see ten times better results in your life so let's get into that so what I'm gonna show you in this video it's gonna be breakdown three parts I'm gonna focus on key issues if you just watch this part of the video you're gonna get 90% of benefits then I'm gonna co use secondary things these are extra things you can do like smart drugs and routines that I do that will give you a big advantage throughout the day help you really maximize rate and then I'm gonna get him do a few things you can do to actually increase your IQ and these are by order of importance if you fix these things right here getting get incredible results so first let's start with the key issues what are the key issues they almost all come down to your body they almost all come down to your body and so let's just start with the most basic one sleep now in this video I'm gonna give you the cliff notes all these things I could make a two hour long video on each of these things and it would just be pointless and I would just sound like a self-proclaimed PhD on each of these things I can talk about all these things for a long time and going all sorts of data in facts and stuff like that but it's not useful and it's just a waste of everyone's time I'm just gonna tell you what to do so first thing we want to look at is sleep so why do you need to sleep because if you are not sleeping your brain does not build the chemicals you need to have strong willpower you are going to be tired you're not gonna be able to deep dig deep and the creativity and you're not gonna be able to generate all the things your brain needs to do to have high level thinking because that you're just gonna fail there's so many studies that show up you're getting poor sleep it's the equivalent to being drunk like you can get great sleep and go drink a ton of alcohol and then go take a test and then you could just not sleep and not drink any alcohol go take the test you'd probably do about the same so obviously operating on the same levels of a drunk person is not coherent with doing anything well in life and so I want to tell you the simple keys you can do right now to sleep much better so I'm going to pull up my ordering stats right here and these are my overall stats this is my staff from last night now there's a few things I have to improve on but if you were to go back six months ago I would on average probably sleep about five hours at night which can still work there is actually tons of correlation to show people that sleep over eight hours a night live much shorter lives and before much poorer that's because if you're sleeping over eight hours a night every single night consistently you're always tired when you wake up means there's something wrong with your body and you're constantly healing state that being said I used to see about five hours a night but the key metrics are gonna look at right here are deep sleep and REM sleep if you can go for example here's another night right here where I was able to only sleep about five hours and a half and that's because I was fasting and the reason why I didn't need to sleep so long is because when you're fasting there isn't much healing going on and because you're not digesting it frees up a lot of your body for repair anywho you can see right here on the five-hour night from the eight-hour night my deep sleep and REM sleep are pretty much maxed out that's what I want to go for when I sleep if you can get to those numbers right there about two hours of REM sleep about an hour and a half of deep sleep you're going to be recharged you're gonna feel good that's what you need now I recommend six and a half to seven hours of sleep every single night that's what you want to shoot for but the problem is most people can sleep for six to seven hours or they can't sleep any hours but the promise their deep sleep and the REM sleep is completely destroyed okay so what we need to do is we need to do two things to fix this so here's exactly how you get good sleep if you get good sleep you will have so much more energy you will be able to have much higher levels of willpower you'll have clarity because what happens when you sleep is your body repairs a lot of the inflammation if you're sleeping poorly you wake up you have inflammation and if you have brain fog and you can't think clearly it's because of the brain fog that is what brain fog is it's inflammation in your body so you have to tack these things and you have to get rid of these things your brain has to repair itself overnight so here's what you do there are so many sleep packs out there sleep on an earthing pad do this thing before bed take all these supplements do all this I will tell you right now I can get phenomenal sleep on my couch with only one supplement and I can actually watch TV before bed and it doesn't matter like all the things people are telling you most of it isn't I'm not kiss a it isn't true but most of its completely unnecessary we want to focus on the core things to allow you to get excellency so here are the core things first off you must know your chrono type okay here's a chart of chrono types I'm gonna leave a link to the test where you can figure out your chrono type I forgot what it's called but I'll figure it out at the end of this video so you need to figure out whether you're a bear a dolphin a wolf or lion I am a lion my best sleep time I go to bed at about 7:30 8:30 at night very early compared to most people but I'm also up at 3 or 4 a.m. because my best work time and the way my body functions best is going to bed early and waking up early there's no honor and waking up at 3 4 a.m. if you ever see my Instagram where I'm up at 3 4 a.m. that's not for everybody you were probably a bear 50% of people are bears Jeff besos is a bear Jeff Bezos gets to work at like 10 a.m. or something like that and a bear requires much more sleep and goes to sleep later at night and wakes up later in the day for example a wolf will go to bed very late at night and wake up way later in the day it's all about balancing around when your body needs to go to sleep and when it needs to wake up everybody's a little bit different based on but I don't know let's chalk it up to evolution this way here you have to understand you have to figure this thing out first once you figured out this thing then what you need to focus on most is getting your circadian rhythm set up now what this means in the most basic of terms is you need to go to bed at the same time every single night if you are going to bed at 8 o'clock some nights and 3:00 a.m. other nights and like pulling it all night or other nights your body's absolutely bonkers it's not gonna fit it's not gonna get in a rhythm and so you need to figure out when the best time for you to go to sleep is and go to sleep at that time every single night I am in bed at 7:30 8:30 at night every night of the week except for Friday nights because Saturday is my off day and usually Friday nights I'm in bed at least by 8:30 is this the most socially cool thing to do well for me yes it is because I want to exit my company for hundreds of millions of dollars and this is where I get the most fulfillment so this is great for me you need to decide what's more important to you in life being a social and staying up late and doing whatever the you do at midnight or getting your goals in life it's up to you you don't you can do either/or if you want to maximize yourself you have to do this now when you have these two things figure it out stop taking drugs to go to sleep get rid of your ambien get rid of your xanax get rid of your pot that stuff is going to mess up your deep sleep and REM sleep okay for example I used to take a small sedative before I went to bed and totally break my deep sleep it took me months to get my deep sleep working again I would get like 10 15 minutes of deep sleep is that any wonder I need 15 cups of coffee and all sorts of nonsense to feel good during the day stop doing it to stop it you can't do it you cannot you cannot do that period I don't care and even if you have good metrics you might have really good metrics when you take your sleeping pills or when you go and take a xanax or something before bed which is what most of the population does that stuff messes with all the chemicals in your head to the point where it doesn't even matter if you sleep well you're gonna be a basket case and I don't mean insane basket case some people can function normally but your brain is not going to be able to generate the things you need to operate as I performer so you might as well just throw in the towel because you're still gonna be sleepy and not feel good during the day so then the next thing you must do get an or ring I'm wearing one right here it's like 200 300 bucks track your deep sleep and REM sleep when I look at my aura ring readings I want to tell you how I read this I can sometimes have really poor overall sleep ratings but that doesn't really matter to me sometimes I'll get six hours of sleep and that's great for me because I don't need eight hours of sleep every single night and if my REM and deep sleep are maxed out that's fine so what I'm gonna focus on is supplements and techniques that max out those so there's all sorts of things people gonna tell you and all sorts of that I bought all the devices I've gotten a ten thousand dollar mattress I've done you spend everything and most 90% of the things I've done are completely erroneous I have this Juve red light system over there I have all sorts of crazy stuff but the stuff that's gonna get you 95% of the way there to max out your REM sleep are going to be to max out your RAM and deep sleep are going to be these things first off the circadian rhythm in knowing is chronotype that's gonna get you there next at nighttime I put on true dark glasses here's a picture of them they look like Batman glasses these things right here have helped my deep sleep a whole lot because what you need to do is your body needs to cool down and so if you're watching TV if you're working around screens it's just over driving your body and that just messes up your circadian rhythm which is the key to you getting into these patterns if you look at my phone I've actually turned off all the blue light on it as well what that is going to do is it is going to basically stop me from also overwhelming myself when I'm looking at my phone in bed and stuff like that I can watch TV and stuff before I go to bed you just need to make sure that I have or I need to make sure that I have my true dark glasses on and then what I'm going to do at when I'm falling asleep is you understand that blue light hits your body even if it's not going in your eyes okay it's gonna start draining you no matter what your body's gonna card it's gonna pay attention to it so don't fall asleep with the TV on don't fall asleep with your computer on and also in your computer you can set stuff up like night mode so the screen gets rid of blue light but blue light isn't the only thing that messes up your sleep that's what you need to true dark glasses no affiliate link I'm not even linking to him just go google him after the video and that's gonna block out every other type of light that messes up your sleep on the spectrum now that also being said the only supplement I take is called BOC rescue sleep no there's tons of different supplements out you can take GABA you can experiment magnesium melatonin those things all actually destroy my sleep so I don't take them BOC rescue sleep helps me out a whole lot what you want to do is you want to track take one supplement of time when you go to bed interact result if you see a good result keep taking a supplement maybe add some more in the future but don't take all the supplements all at once they'll mess everything up and you won't know what's messing up your sleep if you do these things I just covered right here you're gonna have good sleep and you're gonna feel good you have energy and it's gonna allow you to be smarter in the morning because you have the ability to think and have energy and be creative and all the chemicals you need to have willpower and use your brain are gonna be there that's gonna get you a huge increase in how intelligent you are as an overall person now the next thing you need to focus on to be intelligent is going to be digestion so basically where your body is going to get all of its energy from and all of its clarity from is going to be in your gut and in most people's guts let's imagine this is your brain and I can go into all the scientific it's your second brain stuff I'm just gonna really make this simple so here's your brain and this is the gas tank and if the gas tank has on the insides of it and it brain is sucking up the gas from here your brains gonna have in it so when your brain is foggy and you can't think clearly it's because your gut is messed up okay you have piles of in your gut it's all inflamed so it's not absorbing nutrients and it's not getting the gas to the brain in fact it's just getting like let's imagine here's all the nutrients you just absorbed and it all the nutrients just end up all over your body through leaky gut and all sorts of junk like that now I'm not gonna go into leaky gut I'm not gonna go into the cleanses I do declare everything out I'm just gonna give you the bare minimum you need to get really good results with this so a few things you can do to instantly get better results with this don't eat when you're working when your tank is full it takes a lot of energy to digest food so what I do from 4 a.m. to about 2 p.m. is I don't eat this might be hard to do it first are you about a 24 hour to 18 hour fast every single day not only is that great for weight loss and all sorts of other energy benefits but just clarity wise because you don't have stuff in the tank you're going to be able to think clearly that's gonna help you immensely get on a low inflammation diet what does this mean don't eat bread don't eat sugar here is my diet I have hemp protein turkey or chicken meat lots of green juice and to get fat calories I will eat walnuts or I'll just get a bunch of different fats olive oil avocado oil and coconut oil spritz them in a cup you can get five burn calories real quick and just drink it doing these things right here this stuff is very easy to digest it goes straight through the system and what's gonna happen because it's easy I just this info right here is going to naturally start to reduce now there's other supplement you can take there's all sorts of things you can do to improve your digestion there's all sorts of cleanses you can do like a salt cleanse or using coffee in a weird way and there's also some ones you can date to start lowering the inflammation in your stomach but if you do those two things right there it's gonna help you immensely that's gonna get you really good results it's not gonna get you all the way there but you should probably go check out other channels maybe like detox dudes and sim land for fasting and detox information and they'll be able to help you out with stuff like that I just want to give you what's gonna help you out the most with the least effort and that is going to be fasting and sticking to a low information diet if you're eating a high inflammation stuff guess what you're gonna have massive brain fog you're not gonna think clearly and you're gonna be weak that's just it and if you're eating all the time when you wake up in the morning and you have a pile of Pancakes your brain is gonna be foggy through the day and you're gonna be dumb so don't do it I haven't eaten today okay I'm out about like 15 hours not eating right now I'm fine you're okay you'll be all right now next thing you need to keep crap out of your system this is so plain and simple stop smoking pot stop drinking stop taking all your prescriptions to make you feel a certain way it's just sludge going in your body and the longer you take and use these things and rely on them the more they're gonna wear you down don't put crap in your body stop it stop doing stupid that's 90 percent of the problem I'm gonna leave that one at that I'm not gonna give you a whole high Q on how to do this now inflammation inflammation is gonna be solved mostly by the steps that I just covered right there now you can do all sorts of other things let me give you a bunch of supplements and things you can do here in a second to lower information your body you just need to be aware that information inflammation at the very bare minimum we can talk about how it's the source of disease how it's the source and a lot of problems in our body but if we're talking just about IQ intelligence when your body is inflamed for example when you see people that are puffy faced when you're feeling puffy that's a really good sign it's your inflamed go drink a ton of alcohol look at your face in the morning gonna be super puffy if you're gonna put on a bunch of pounds in weight fad and that's a big sign that you have a lot of inflammation in your body those are just gonna be obvious science there's other signs going on but what inflammation is is basically damaging the body and it's gonna be needing to be repaired and it restricts your body from working as it should if you want to think better you can't have your pipes all clogged up and being tight because it takes so much energy to fix inflammation you're gonna notice when you have brain fog and every day today after drinking that's I'm gonna keep going back to that because that's what you can probably relate to the most and gives you the most clear a2b result as in you do this you get brain fog but you're gonna see in so many other aspects of your life and when you're a boring folks cause of inflammation so the number one way to improve your brain overall is get rid of that inflammation I'll give you a bunch of supplements here that will help with that in a second but you should always be looking to reduce inflammation vegetables one of the reasons I found so much green juice is they're great anti-inflammatories healthy foods are great anti-inflammatories and mostly avoiding foods that inflame your body so one of the most important things you need to do is you need to go get an allergy test because there's probably something that you're eating in your body right now gives you massive information for example I was a big fan of tuna massive information if you have like any ailments or stuff that keeps bothering you a lot of times you can get rid of them just by getting rid of your inflammation so tuna I am allergic actually allergic not California allergic to gluten and wheat and a few other rare types of nuts and these are things I would eat all the time so I'd be puffy and slow all the time stopped eating them instant fix easy fix go get an allergy test now finally the number-one thing you can do training wise is train the brain to focus one of the most damaging things about our phones right now and how the internet works overall is here's your focus and you're gonna be constantly multitasking they're gonna be focusing on five different things at once and what happens is this also when you go through this when you check Facebook when you check on Instagram you check YouTube you check your daily sales numbers then you go to the work you're doing and then you repeat this not only does this destroy your focus overall but it trains your brain to hate focus because what happens you get dopamine release release dopamine release dopamine release dopamine release and so your brain sees this pattern and it creates an algorithm in your subconscious that tells you to keep repeating this pattern and what happens when you're doing this right here read the book deep work it takes you about an hour to two hours to get into a really strong state of focus have you ever been working on something where you're not thinking about anything else it takes time to get in that state and every time you switch your focus answer a phone call check an email anything you get knocked out that state and that's when your highest IQ is activated when your entire brain is focused on one problem that's when your smartest most people never work in the states and they never do smart work so if you want to do smart work first off you can't do this and you can't train your brain to do this there's so many studies that show one extreme results of deep work when you're diving into something you're only focusing on one thing people do significantly better and the results of their work are significantly higher and when they take tests they score significantly higher on the test and when you do this right here it wears down your abilities brain or your brain's ability to focus on one thing at a time and it starts also training your brain to need to do this to feel good and so what you must do is you must start training your brain to only focus on one thing at a time so for example what I'll do when I wake up in the morning is I'll to kind of check social media okay I'll do that for like 30 minutes and throw the message in and stuff like that then I turn it off I log out and I have my list of things to do and what I'm working what I do is I only focus on these things now am i perfect at this no no I'm not but I know when I'm doing my really big task for the day what is going to be drained is going to be that chemical of willpower the creativity all the stuff you're able to be able to do in your first four hours at work that's when your most powerful works can be done and if in your first four hours of work if you're a beginner entrepreneur and you're usually going to have about 3 to 4 hours work and what happens is when you're multitasking you never get in the deep work and also when you're multitasking you drain your willpower way faster so much faster because every time you make a decision every time you do something your brain has to reek and Bob you late focus on that thing figure out that thing and then go back to the next thing and so basically if you had an energy bar that would last for three hours first off when you're multitasking it cuts that down to two hours and then when you're multitasking you never get into deep work and so you really don't get any deep work done at all in deep work is where you get all the results from and so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna do a little bit of my junk work and my little tedious work first thing in the morning just kind of work where have my brain up then cut it off cut it off for example if I was going back and forth between social media and filming this video would be a terrible video would not work but not right now I have open is this drawing board and my filming equipment that's it and so understand your first four hours are gonna be critical hours and they need to go towards one thing so today what I had in my critical work was going and writing a new webinar for one of my businesses that was it during that time that is that is all I focused on I just did that and so what you must first do is understand this and strive towards this but also during the day stop training your brain to work in this way so for example your phone is the biggest destroyer of optimizing your brain to do this on planet Earth look at your phone right now look at how many apps you have holy how many notifications have you got in the past hour on your phone absolutely nuts on my phone I have no notifications on the home screen it's completely empty there is absolutely zero notifications absolutely zero on the phone and if a person calls me no one has my number I changed my number every few months just to make sure no one has my number and also if I get a text message any message from anywhere it's off there's no social media installed on there besides Instagram in like a 10 ways deep folder so if I need to use that there it is I don't have YouTube on there I don't have facebook I blocked Twitter I block Facebook on there because you don't need to be using those things there are times when you'll need Facebook for work there are times when you'll need Instagram for work till time when you need YouTube for work but you're not gonna get any damn work done on your phone you're just not what good are you gonna do on your phone so just don't use your phone for that your phone should be used to make phone calls and only phone calls because what your phone does is it trains your mark brain to go in this dopamine loop right here and when your subconscious sees this dopamine we loop it's not gonna say it's good or bad it there's no bad or good to your subconscious there is just simply what you're doing the dopamine result and in the algorithm that's created so your brain is just gonna start working like this naturally and you have to stop it because also this puts you in flight in flight mode and you constantly have to keep changing your focus to feel good your brain is going to relate and it's gonna say because your subconscious is going to look at the dopamine relation say all right so in order for us to feel good this is a positive so our brain needs to work like this and so your brain stops working in a focused clear way and it starts working in this haphazard crazy way it's too much for your brain to handle so just get rid of your phone don't don't use it for anything if you or don't have a business it's not base where you don't use social media get rid of don't have social media at all it's completely get rid of it okay and the way you solve the social medias you if you use it I use it in the morning and I use it at 1:00 p.m. each day all right that's we're gonna probably do live streams and groups and so that's about 15 minutes here 15 minutes there and then just stop it stop it okay so that's the most important thing and I can talk about about how to stay away from distracting influences and whatnot now that messes up your brain as well but I made a video on that last week so just go watch that one all right so these are the key issues if you fix those things right there you're gonna be so much smarter you're gonna be able to unlock your creativity you're going to feel good you're gonna have clarity and your brains gonna be able to focus you put those things together right there you get better results you don't even need to do anything so many people are like I'm gonna take some smart drugs and pop some modify a phone ill and go and do all these crazy things in drink buh buh no stop just fix the core issues okay it'd be like if you have an Indy car and the tires are all popped and the engine line is full of sludge you're like I know what the issue is what we're gonna do is we're gonna put a spoiler on it no fix the core issues first now what are some secondary things you can do I'm gonna give you some very basic secondary things you can do right now okay so you can't take smart drugs you can't take modafinil I believe that's how to pronounce I hate that stuff makes absolutely sick and you shouldn't that should not be with your first alternative what I do every single morning to maximize my brain power these are my brain hack so I'm gonna wake up and what I'm gonna do is I'm going to pound activated charcoal and some biopure and so what these do is overnight your body's gonna release a ton of toxins and crap and your liver basically clears itself out this just goes in your body and grabs these things so then what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna take about a 20-minute shower or I'm not gonna get in the meditation and mindset stuff I'm not gonna do any of that I'm just gonna give you the pure secondary fixes right here I'm gonna take a 20-minute shower where I'm gonna alternate between very hot water and very cold water this is just gonna really wake your brain up and get you ready to take on the day there's a bunch of other stuff chemically and how that helps I'm just gonna tell you just do that it's gonna get you and I personally feel that doing something you don't want to do is going to help you build up your willpower in the first place you have to have some tolerance for stuff you don't want to do because they're gonna be work that you have to do that you don't want to do if you can't turn on a cold shower and stay in front of cold water how are you gonna sit down and do something for two hours probably not so that's about 20 minutes and what I'm gonna do also to lower the men decisions and how also optimize my focus I'm gonna wear the same exact thing every single day you know so I'm always wearing the same hoodie same pair of shorts and I'm not getting in the time management that's just one thing you want to focus on just get rid of all the decisions you have in the morning so then I'm gonna go downstairs and about 20 to 30 minutes later this stuff has all gone through my body and so I'm gonna pound apple cider vinegar tumeric pink salt and sometimes bulletproof unfair advantage and then I'm also going to take qualia you can also take my old company Specter I used to take a lot but Specter has caffeine in it and since I don't own that company anymore I can't get the caffeine taken out of it coy Aleeah has a non caffeinated form which I prefer because I like my coffee then I'm gonna take some chameleon 0or actually does 10 calories in it which is not enough to break a fast cold brew coffee black I'm gonna drink that because I've come to my source of caffeine and that right there is going to get me some really stellar results supplement wise and everything that comes down with that okay so this is gonna this is some secondary stuff you can write here this is what really gets me going in the morning it gives me a lot of clarity in the morning that's what I'm gonna do if you're putting if you're drinking these these mochaccinos if you're not attacking inflammation which the apple cider vinegar and tumeric is for if you're not clearing out toxins and your body in the morning you're gone can have as good as focus now I can get all sorts of cleanses and whatnot that's not for this video those are some secondary things now what we've just done is we've gone through and we've hit the key issues we've gone through some secondary supplements and things we can do to improve that so now how do we actually go increase our IQ well there's two ways that I think are very proven increased people's IQs the first one you can do is dual and back training and this is just basically a little game that you can play and it's gonna make you feel awful and it makes your brain feel awful it makes me sick it makes me want to throw up every single time I play it but you're gonna notice when you play this game you get significantly smarter you're gonna play the game your first day and it's gonna make you sick and want to throw up and you're not getting able to get even 10% of the answers right and the next day you're gonna be able to get 50% of them right the next thing you can get 100% you're gonna upgrade in the modes and then you're gonna only get 10% right again you're just gonna watch your brain get really quicker and be able to recall things better and subconsciously be able to recognize patterns and also stuff like that and when you do this for about 30 days straight many people who do this see a significant increase in their IQ about 10 to 20 points okay Dave Asprey I always mispronounce his name I thought I always say ass spray anyways I think that's how you pronounce his name I don't know but he swears by this he had a noticeable increase and the people I was searching for online they were talking about the results right so very good IQ increases now next thing you can do is you can do something called neurofeedback there's this thing called biocybernaut and 40 years of Zen Dave Asprey from bulletproof swears by this Tony Robbins swears by this and a lot of other smart CEOs swear by the stuff the only downside of that is it cost anywhere from 1520 thousand dollars I have that scheduled for next month and routinely people see about a 10-point increase but see a massive emotional intelligence increase which is really the most important thing okay your ability to be aware and think clearly and know how to think now other things you can do are very clearly meditation and be able to calm your brain down and focus on one thing if you can sit down and meditate for 30 minutes being anew and do a mindfulness meditation which is essentially where you sit there and you watch your thoughts and you don't follow up in your thoughts you control your brain okay if you can't control your brain you're not gonna be very smart and most people identify completely with their thoughts and you understand that the thoughts going through your heads are not thoughts it's your subconscious running routines and suggesting things to focus on you don't have to listen to it and if you recognize that the thoughts going through your head are not you and you start saying I'm not this is not me you can choose what you listen to it what you don't listen to or you can more importantly decide what you're gonna focus on and so most people are lost in a perpetual state of identifying with their thoughts and that's just gonna make you really stupid because your thoughts are controlled by a subconscious in the back of your head that has no actual idea what the hell is going on it's just running subroutines and programs and it has its gonna run stuff that happened to you when you were a child that have no relevance in what's going on right now in front of you so if you're listening to this thing in the back your head which is based on like all the evolution and lizard mode you're absolutely gonna be an idiot and when you sit down and practice mindfulness meditation we don't let your thoughts control you and you look at your thoughts they enter your head you leave your head and then you just don't respond to them just let it roll off you should be able to sit down for a while and not have a thought because you don't need to have a thought your thoughts aren't useless if you'd be your thoughts are pretty much irrelevant if you're sitting there and trying to not do anything because you don't need to have a thought to exist you just be empty and if you can keep your head empty and I honestly think the smartest people are the people that have the least amount of thoughts because most thoughts you have you've had before and they're pretty much useless and when you practice mindfulness meditation the connection between your brain the right in the left brain and just how your brain thinks so we're always going to increase a lot I don't know the exact connection to this an IQ increases but there are huge increases in emotional intelligence which is really the thing that's going to get you the most results in life anyways so those are three things you can do to actually increase your IQ two of them are free one of them is extremely expensive so there you go anyways guys that is everything you need to do that is all you need to do to be a more clear-headed focused high wheel powered creative person and actually increase your IQ and then there's a bunch of little hacks that gave you as well to give you better results during the day I promise to do that for you and I fulfilled that promise I will see you guys in the next video [Laughter]
Channel: Alex Becker's Channel
Views: 170,245
Rating: 4.8715205 out of 5
Keywords: alex becker, increase IQ, entrepreneur, biohacking, marketing, how to make money, how to be smarter
Id: TbDj5gvKk5c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 30sec (2430 seconds)
Published: Wed May 15 2019
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