How I Tripled My Company Revenue in 90 days.....

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if your business is making less than ten thousand dollars per month here's a quick video on how to triple your revenue within six months by just changing a small piece of your thinking what's up y'all i'm prince dino before we get started in the video i just want to say thank you to all of my subscribers we're about 215 000 strong all of the entrepreneurs that are out there grinding and growing and building hey i'm excited for you and through my youtube channel i'm here to provide you with practical advice around tax and accounting bookkeeping business finance and even different strategies around marketing and growth so let's get to it so i was at a conference back in 2019 which i attend conferences all the time because i believe that as an entrepreneur you need to be exposed to new information that's going to allow you to think outside of the box so that you have the ability to grow so you should be going to conferences all the time and when i'm there i meet an entrepreneur and his story was that he was able to scale his company from zero to 20 million plus dollars annually within a matter of 10 years now by the way that's insane growth for somebody who does not have uh investors who are pumping that type of speed into the company and i remember when i'm listening to this guy he gave me one piece of advice that literally changed my thinking and allowed me the ability to be able to triple the growth in the revenue of my company he said you need to remove everything that takes up more than 30 percent of your time as ceos high level executives we like to hear all the time when we're listening to gurus on youtube and social media they're like hey in order to make more money you need to you need to be doing this you need to be doing this you need to be doing this you need to be doing this and his logic was instead of doing this this and this you need to subtract this this this this and this so that you have more time to focus on what actually matters like as ceo's high level executives our job is to move the needle forward not to keep the needle where it's at so moving the needle forward requires us to understand sales and marketing understand copyright these are all things that in understanding how to create content these are things that drive more traffic towards our websites to our landing page to our social media channels that allows us to turn that traffic into leads and turn those leads into sales and turn those sales into long-term customers but if we're focusing in on if we're focusing 30 of our time on things that don't uh they don't actually produce more revenue then we're not getting far now when he said that about you know writing down all of the things that are taking up more than 30 of my time i'm not going to lie it really messed up my logic because back in 2019 i was at this place where i didn't believe that anybody could do it better than me do you believe that you're the best person at every area that your business needs and you're like i don't want to give up control to anybody because they're going to mess it up and if they mess it up it falls back on me i had the same logic there and and by the way i think that when you when you feel like this business is your baby you're like i don't want anybody else to hold my baby because if they drop it yo i'm the only one that's held responsible for it but as my company began to scale i ended up hitting a very hard ceiling the lie caught up to me the one where i thought there wasn't anybody better than me there are people who can run better facebook ads than me there are people who can create better landing pages than me there are people who can write better copy than me there are people who can sell better me there are people who can edit better than me they're people who can create content better than me and you as the entrepreneur got to get comfortable with the fact that there are a ton of people out there in the world who can run laps around you in multiple arenas and when you're comfortable with that you begin to realize that okay i need to get really good at a very specific part of my business which is sales and marketing the things that actually pull the needle forward and begin to now bring on individuals who are smarter than you in areas i wasn't hiring smarter people and having smarter people around me what ends up happening is that i'm i'm not having the ability to scale because i'm not learning anything new the same saying that you heard was you know you're only as smart as the five people closest to you meaning that you're the smartest person in the room because everybody else around you is actually not smarter than you in any other areas then it's not allowing you as the entrepreneur the creator to expand your mind to to have your perspective be challenged and your perspective to be overruled by somebody who actually does it better so now it causes you to hit a ceiling because there is no growth because you have never seen growth beyond that because you don't know anything beyond that but there are individuals who have 15 years experience that have that will give you the information to be able to expand upon it and then on top of that as well i caught myself end up dropping the ball in very crucial areas of the business simply because of the fact that we are human beings as entrepreneurs right we might want to believe that we're superman superwoman but in fact we're not we make mistakes too and ultimately if we don't have the right individuals around us who specialize in other areas such as the customer service the operations and other aspects like that then we are going to drop balls which we ultimately end up paying for at a later point of time as the business begins to scale and more customers start coming on board and we don't have a streamlined system where somebody's in every part of that conveyor belt making sure that the customer's taken care of so i had to humble myself and accept the fact that my thinking was off i looked myself in the mirror and said don my logic is off and i need to change that if somebody is is is making 10 15 20 times more to you then i really do believe that you should sit down and actually listen as opposed to talk because that person probably knows a bit more than you especially if it's in the same lane as you so i humbled myself i said man i got to really listen to this thing and what he said was write down a list of all of the things that require 30 of your time or all of the things that you don't specialize in write it all down so i started writing down all the things that i'm currently doing to take them 30 of my time all right email and write down all the things you don't specialize in okay i don't specialize in facebook ads i know i know facebook ads i don't specialize in facebook ads okay i know copyright i don't specialize and i'm writing it all down i'm like damn okay here's a list of like 10 things right now that are taking up 30 of my time or i don't specialize in and now the next part was figure out either how to hire for it and if you don't have the financial capabilities of hiring for it figure out how to cheaply outsource that outsourcing somewhere else via online platforms that are out there because there are a ton such as upwork and and and fiverr and places of that nature that you can outsource it to be able to now have somebody that does that and he specializes in it to make it look better and i would tell you from a testimony aspect that it absolutely changed my life and because of the fact that i was able to get back 30 of my time it allowed me to focus on sales marketing and expanding upon the vision of the brand and just so you all can understand all the things that accomplished from 2019 until 2022 because of the fact that i had my thoughts back number one you know uh jumping jack tax my company turned into a franchise where we now have 19 franchise locations across seven different states right now after launching the franchise i was able to go and get my my insurance license um and now i'm licensed in 50 states we were able to launch our insurance division and start jack life insurance where now we insure a ton of people in the culture the third thing was we were able to launch our nft project kangaroo heroes which um which we sold out our nft project in january 2022 we were able to launch our bookkeeping division where we help small business owners like yourself with their tax and accounting all online all virtual and then we launched jack's tax mobile which is our newest innovation that we launched last month none of these things would have been possible had i still been focusing 30 30 more percent of my time on things that weren't actually moving the needle forward or in things that i didn't specialize in because i thought that i was smart so to end this video off here's my recommendation for you do exactly what i did number one accept the fact that you're not that smart right i know it's hard to i know it's hard to say except the fact that you're not that smart right humble yourself and then from doing so write down a list of the 30 of the things that you don't do uh 30 things that you're doing that aren't moving the needle forward um that aren't driving revenue into the company or that you don't specialize in write all that down and then the next thing i want you to do is i want you to outsource the things that you can uh online through a lot of third-party platforms that make it very easy for you and if you have the capabilities and the financial resources to do so provide somebody with an opportunity by by allowing them to get into that position that they specialize in that they love so that they can be a part of a vision of a company that's growing and building right and then i want you to now focus in that 30 percent of time that you that you outsource down or or provided opportunity to take that 30 and now that's your time to fully focus in on driving more revenue and customers into the company driving vision into your into the company right that is your task right that's what you should be doing majority of your day because that's what keeps the that's that's like the oil in the engine that keeps everything driving and rolling so with that being said one of the things that i did launch was was jack bookkeeping which is an online accounting platform for solo entrepreneurs like yourself who may not be able to hire a big cpa firm because you may not be able to afford it or you may not actually need a cpa firm but you need somebody that's still handling your tax in accounting for your small business right because guess what tax and accounting is taking up 30 of your time too um they say that the average person is spending 10 to 20 hours on tax in accounting from being able to tr manage all of their transactions things that you don't know or understand or you're just making mistakes that could end up costing you so i created an online accounting platform specifically for yourself where we handle all of your tax in accounting we have monthly coaching calls with you we overview your profit and loss statements we overview your bank balances your income statement so you can get a good understanding of how your business works and we do it at a very affordable cost so that you can get your 30 back to focus on making more money while the accountants that are within my company on jack bookkeeping go ahead and make sure everything is in compliance and make sure that you understand what's going on in the business finance side of your business so with that being said would love to be able to talk to you about that all you have to do is text text the word accountant to two thirty 267-282-32 hundred text the word accountant to two six seven two eight two thirty six hundred you'll be able to set up an appointment without myself or one of my representatives to be able to talk to you about how we can help your business on the tax and accounting side so you can get 30 of your time back with that said i appreciate you for watching this video please put this to use please apply this information because it's going to make a big difference to triple your revenue over the next six months if you like this video please please put a like uh please like it below please subscribe to my channel and also share this with your friends as well who are also entrepreneurs who need this that said i'm prince donnell founder of the jumping jack tax franchise and look forward to helping you even further with other videos on my youtube channel peace hey what's up y'all prince diane l founder of the jumping jack tax franchise hey thank you so much for being a subscriber of my youtube channel i need a little bit of help from you though what content can we create that's going to provide more value to you we want to know what would you like for me to talk about next when it comes to business finance taxes accounting marketing whatever it may be please comment below with your feedback on what you would like for me to talk about next so we can prepare content that's tailored to you so you can continue to enjoy my youtube channel thanks
Channel: Prince Donnell
Views: 2,599
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: prince donnell, jumping jack taxes, curlbible, devotion beard, saving money, how to save, how banks work, money in the bank, investments, forex, mutli level marketing, trade, stocks, buy property, real estate, entrepreneurship, business owner, how to start a busniess, business tax, write-offs, how to budget, entrepreneur, business conference, 2023, 2022, 2020, 2024
Id: YVxG__HmV9w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 9sec (729 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 05 2022
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