9 STEPS to IMPROVE your Life TODAY | Prince Donnell

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today we're going to be talking about non-tangible ways to improve your life this week and i'm talking about things you can do today that are going to leave lasting impact on your life not things you could do next month next year like how can we get results today in our lives because that's what we need we're going to be talking about that today i originally posted it to my twitter earlier today and i got a lot of brothers and sisters that were like hey can you really break this process down dom what are the nine things that you're doing this weekend i want to break this damn down for y'all let's go right into it i want to make this quick number one pray more make that number one and top priority on your list as soon as you wake up in the morning right after you drink some water get on your knees pray first things first you have to get your spirit in line you have to believe that there's a higher purpose and that there's a calling to this i gotta be honest with you if i'm out here in life and i'm going through all this in life when there's not a higher purpose to this so there's not a calling that god has on my life man i'd be very upset because i gotta i gotta know that it's gotta be something deeper to this so when you pray you know not only are you thanking god for everything that you have but you also are praying for vision you're you're praying for uh alignment you're praying for god to show you your purpose you're praying for god to guide your footsteps right because you can't do this thing alone especially with all the pressures of life and then a business and your job and your career your family especially as men us being head of household we gotta have god give us the vision and the alignment so number one pray so that you can get your your you can get your directions your gps right aligned so you know where you're going first and foremost number two you want to make sure that you manage your attitude manage your attitude this is very important because your attitude is a direct reflection of your body language right your attitude is your body language so what that means is when you are and this is important for your career right or you being in entrepreneurship when you walk inside of a room are you giving people a joyful spirit are you a solution oriented person or are you somebody that is giving a problem for every single solution like i can't stand people who do that to be honest with you i like like right now here in the jumping jack tax we're in a creative space right now it's a bunch of us creators and we have a small team so just just one person coming in with a bad attitude like their face just looks looks bad and it looks like like life is happening to them and their their body is all tense and they don't really want to talk like with this small team that can literally be a negative energy that that goes over everybody on the team and it could cause us not to operate to the best of our abilities right and more importantly in your career that could cause you to not get promoted that could cause you to literally be like hey it's time for you to get out of the door a lot of times your attitude is what's stopping you from going to the next level because it's it's messing with your perspective right your attitude messes with your perspective as well it causes you to not see the the beauty of life it causes you to not see the promotions that you can get out of life right because of what you're dealing with today so when it comes to your career or in entrepreneurship leave your attitude at the door whatever that's why i said manage your attitude because i understand that you're dealing we could be dealing with a lot of things the difference between me as me as somebody that that manages my attitude maybe you that can is that i know how to cut it off at the door and i know when it's time to get to work and i know when i get around people i have to inspire i have to offer solutions in order for us to move forward in order for me to grow as a person i'm encouraging you this week to manage your attitude positive be positive be joyful be solution oriented give more right change that attitude i promise you you're going to be able to change your life number three remain calm this one is so important especially for us as leaders remain calm a lot of times people drown simply because they don't remain calm right i tell you as a leader me as somebody as a leader right now i'm dealing with a lot of high level decisions every single day some decisions could affect um employment opportunities some decisions could affect the how we expand the brand some decisions could affect if we lose money or make money some decisions affect like hundreds of thousands of families right so with that being said with these high-level decisions that i'm dealing with i gotta remain calm and you know why i have to remain calm it's because when you remain calm you think a lot clearer when you're not calm you don't think clearly and when you don't think clearly you're thinking emotionally and when you're thinking emotionally you always lead to bad decisions because emotions lead to bad decisions always but when you're calm when you take a deep breath right that's what i want you to do i want you to any time that the problems start to arise in your life right now especially this week i want you to remain calm i want you to close your eyes for a second i want you to say don told me to remain calm take a deep breath relax for a second tell everybody to stop talking well depending upon the respect levels say hey let me get a minute close your eyes think for a second calm yourself down after calming yourself down you're going to be able to start making a decision a great decision right high level decisions that that are going to be able to benefit you and other people around you don't operate out of emotion this week operate out of logic this week make better high level decisions this week but you can only do that to remain in common the way that you do that is when you're overwhelmed back away for a second there's nothing wrong with telling people hey i need a minute to think i need a minute to be able to get my thoughts together to get my emotions in order so that i can come back a better person right so remain calm this week do not make fast decisions do not allow people to force your hand do not walk into a war that you are not ready for and i talked about this before when remaining calm some people try to pull you into wars that you're not ready for somebody could have been creating a plan against you and by the time they bring it to you you try to react so quickly when they already had the plan established don't walk into wars you operate on your time and you operate when you're ready that's what makes a powerful person so remain calm in everything that you do this week okay number four most important work out work out or train this is vitally important this builds stamina you feel better when you work out walking up a flight of steps and being out of breath does not feel good for anybody right so working out and eating better you're going to your your entire body's going to feel better your mentality starts to feel better right listen i know whether it be your career or or uh or entrepreneurship it's it's hard to squeeze squeeze in working out look sometimes i gotta actually go to the gym at five o'clock in the morning like i'm up at 4 30 a.m sometimes in the morning just to make it to the gym at five before my first morning meeting at six o'clock am i gotta leave my wife and my son in bed so that i can go get to the gym because i gotta squeeze it in at that time sometimes i'm going late at night nine ten o'clock p.m and i squeeze in 30 minutes so what i'm telling you is that i don't care if it's 15 minutes 20 30 40 minutes squeeze in some amount of time to work out and you may have to sacrifice in order to do that but you gotta sacrifice to get one percent better each and every day so work out more please i promise you it's going to change your entire life this week sacrifice in order to do it okay so work out number five audit your bank statements some a couple couple fellows was like dom what do you mean by all of your bank statements what i mean is do you know what you're spending your money on right do you know what you're spending your money on if i were to ask you right now what do you spend the most money on you should be able to tell me because you ordered your bank statements if i ask you right now what are some bad uh spending habits that you have you should be able to tell me right you want to audit those statements so what i want you to do is go log into your bank account i want you to pull your bank statements and i want you to look at the things that you're spending money on i want you to pull it to the front it needs it needs to be the on on the top of your mind because you can't change something unless you're aware of it i want you to make yourself aware this week of what you're spending your money on okay because once you make yourself aware you can start making better spending habits at that point right instead of spending so much money okay now damn you know what maybe i should cut the coffee damn i didn't even realize that i spent a hundred dollars this week on lunch when i could have packed my lunch and could have invested that money that extra 100 and that 100 could have started working for me a lot of times we say we don't have money for things but the reason why we say we don't have money is because we're not auditing our bank statements enough so i want you to be responsible audit your bank statements this weekend realize what you're spending your money on and say i'm going to make that change this week i'm going to make i make myself aware of that this week i'm going to cut back on this this week that's what i mean by that get a highlighter out highlight all of the things that you're going to cut back and give yourself a goal right because a lot of times people say i can't save any money the only reason why you can't save any money is because you're not being intentional with auditing your bank statements to realize what you can cut back on i promise if you do that everything is going to change for you your finances will begin to change right number six read a new book this week read a new book this week the some some of that some of the the biggest leaders and ceos and level successful people in this world they read they read books they they they they access new information they expose themselves to new information so if it's not a book maybe it's a course maybe it's youtube university and you're googling videos read something this week or listen to something this week that's going to expose you to new information that can help you to create a legacy for your family that can help change your life that can help change your financial life your spiritual your mental whatever it may be expose yourself to something new so one of the things that the fellows can read this week is way to superior man that's one of my favorite books the way it is superior man buy it off amazon read this book is going to change your entire outlook in your perspective as a man i've read the book about twice it's a great book one of my other favorite books for ladies and fellas that you can read as well how to win friends and influence people a phenomenal book that's going to help you to understand how to operate in rooms whether it's your career or just being in life in general how to influence people how to make friends right how to make sure people like you because you have great relationships those great relationships can turn into longevity can turn into legacy for you so those are two top books that i would say read today way to superior demand for my fellas uh how to win friends and influence people and i'll throw in the third one just because start with why by simon sinek amazing book is going to help you to get your purpose and everything in line right what is your why and why with what you're doing in life so read a book this week it's going to change your life number seven detox from drugs and alcohol this is vitally important because this goes this ties into everything right because again when i talk about auditing your bank statements how much money are you spending on alcohol uh uh each week how much money are you spending out at the bar like it's nothing wrong with with taking a drink right and ain't nothing wrong with that i drink wine from time to time right but here's the thing are you managing that though like like for all for all my all my fellas ladies whatever it may be you smoke weed cool i'm that's that's fine it's being legalized all over the country i'm cool with that but here's the thing are you managing it or is the weed managing you and that's the real question you got to ask yourself because if the weed is managing you if the alcohol is managing you you have a problem at that point because now it's no longer just a a recreational thing it's a habit that you can't break and now it's controlling your life and if it's controlling your life at this point that's something that has to change nothing in this world should ever be controlling your life nothing you should have full control over everything that you do and know when and when to when to stop it and when to pick it back up so i need you to detox from that and and the only way to know if it's controlling your life or not is if you have the ability of detoxing and saying hey you know what this week i'm making a conscious decision that i'm not going to i'm not smoking weed i'm not doing alcohol or i'm not popping pills whatever it may be and if you can literally do that then you know it's not controlling you if you can't do that then you know it's a bad habit that you really need to act on immediately because it's not going to do you any good in your future not going to do any good having that type of habit and won't do you any good at all number eight invest 10 percent of your paycheck at least 10 percent of your paycheck invest that into the stock market now what do i mean by that don't put that 10 in your savings account because we talked about this before saving these accounts do not they do not give you any yield at all and what i mean by yield yield is interest meaning that your money should be earning money at all times the bank is not allowing you to earn any money it's like 0.05 percent that's literally a smack in the face for them to be able to take that money to reinvest it and you're not making anything so what i want you to do is take at least 10 of your check i want you to go ahead and uh download an app called e-trade or web right or td ameritrade you could do either one i use e-trade which is one of them download e-tray set up a brokerage account when you set up an individual brokerage account you can actually take you can you can go into your brokerage account you can set up a recurring transfer from your bank account on a specific day and say i want this amount of money from my check every every two weeks or every week however you get paid i want this to be transferred to my e-trade account let it all let e-trade automatically take the money and go straight to your brokerage account this is what i do once it goes into your brokerage account at that point you you begin you have the money there and then one of the easiest things that you can invest in right now is an is an etf the s p 500. we're not even going to talk about other stocks that you can invest in right now if you literally know nothing at this point right now you can invest into an s p 500 etf there's a bunch that you can do spy you got sp y you got you got uh vue vo you can look up both of them and there's there are others i'm not even going to give you the full answer i want you to research s p 500 etfs and i want you to look at some of the tickers that you can invest in but i want you to take 10 of that check and put it into your e-trade and i want you to slowly start investing in the s p 500 etf and then from there i want you to start exposing yourself a little more to to to uh to trading and long-term investing and buying and holding in options and if you want to get deeper into that i'm more of a s p 500 buy and hold type guy on really quality companies that i love and i like like microsoft and et cetera but you might take this deeper but literally 10 put it right in there and i promise you that's going to change your life you're going to start to see a return over the course of time six months to a year and number nine most important adjust your social media channel right i talked about this before that you don't need a textbook in order to learn something because of the fact that you have social media university anything you want to learn you have to be exposed to it's just like a baby right a baby doesn't need to read a textbook in order to learn how to speak its native tongue english a baby does a baby listens a baby uh is is influenced a baby utilizes repetition and it's exposed to the english to the english language so much that over time the baby can start talking and speaking english you may not be able to read it but but the baby can speak english how is that possible exposure so what i mean by that means adjust your social media timeline when you're scrolling through instagram tick tock and et cetera what are you seeing if you want to know more about entrepreneurship are you solely following entrepreneurs if you want to know more about the stock market are you solely following people that educate on stock when it comes to insurance when it comes to to positivity in life right detox and remove all of that stuff off your social media page one of the ways to do that go to your followers right now all the people that you follow unfollow all the pages that are not doing anything for you because it's clogging up your timeline and instagram now is recommending content to you based off of the people that you follow because if you follow them that means obviously you love their content they're going to recommend more content like that only follow content that you love and appreciate that's doing something for your life and then instagram will begin to recommend that type of content to you so now you'll be on that side that's giving you positive uh education and etc you adjust your social media timeline you adjust your exposure i give you one year and i guarantee you if you didn't know nothing about the stock market you'll start talking about ticker symbols you'll start talking about long-term investment and options even if you don't really know much about it but it's because you're you're so exposed business entrepreneurship or positivity you may not know you may not know all the positive quotes but you start talking all the positive quotes because you've been following it for a year i promise you adjusting your social media timeline changes everything it's the reason why i only follow a couple hundred people because i only want to follow the best of the best right so that's very important just to recap again to give you guys those nine things number one is to pray number two is to manage your attitude number three is to remain calm number four is to work out number five audit your bank statements number six read a new book number seven detox from drugs and alcohol for at least a week number eight invest ten percent of your paycheck and number nine adjust your social media timeline i promise you you do those nine things this week you're gonna start to see impact in your life you may not do it every week but if you start getting into the habit of just doing one and then three and then five and then four and just get into the swing of things you're going to see an impact in your life these are my nine things that you can do this week to change your life
Channel: Prince Donnell
Views: 17,432
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ways to improve your life, motivation, prince donnell, \mental health, life goals
Id: dcXmQ0bCNhI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 16sec (1096 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 18 2021
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