How I track work accomplishments and notes using Notion

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how's everybody doing welcome back to my channel my name is tiffany if you didn't know today we're going to be talking about my notes set up as well as how i keep track of my tickets for my work things all things work today so let me just give you a brief history about why i do this to begin with if you have not been aware if you're not aware of my channel if you're not aware what happened last year i got laid off from a job when that happened i got cut off from everything that i've ever worked on for that company so i had no access to the notes that i had or anything so i said we're not doing that anymore okay we are not about this life anymore we're gonna keep track of the things that we work on so that we have those at our disposal now i've created this notion set up for my own personal account for the purposes of keeping track of the tickets that i have at my disposal i have no intention of using any of this information should anything happen to me at this job i don't intend to use it maliciously or anything of that sort of thing i just don't have time for that so i'm just going to be honest with you it's specifically so i can know what's going on while i'm working and then also the ticket process is specifically so that i can keep track of the things that i have completed so i could successfully talk about them later now with that information i would like to guide you through how i keep track of all these things while i'm working so if you're interested in that and i do hope that you are please continue watching and we'll go through that right now with a screen share take it away past tiffany or is she the future no one really knows all right so here is my setup real quick on the side i have authentication my dev environment so as you can see my dev environment basically has all the commands i need in order to get my dev environment up and running each and every day and also any sort of errors i've run into how they were fixed and that sort of thing and i keep all this basically because you know you just never know some other notes are kind of sporadic in here but for the most part the dev environment is commands we're moving on to the code environment now the code environment is honestly kind of the same except it's a little bit more specific to the code base so here you can see i have docs and this is docs for the code base testing and then we use feature flags and so those are kind of feature flag commands that i've either ran into worked with um and am wanting to keep them somewhere so while i am coding on an everyday basis i could just come in here copy it and then paste it based on where i'm working in and then there's another one data for visual regression tests which is a ticket that i was working on and i ran across some things in there so the testing is probably the biggest piece of this we have unit test api tests acceptance tests and uh visual regression tests um and i feel like there's probably more but all the commands for it are in there i'm going to skip the ticketing section we'll look at github tips and i just created this on a one-off um i didn't know how big it was gonna get if it was gonna get any bigger but it's basically um notes that say hey um here just here's what i had to do and get to um remove a file like i didn't know how to do that before and i looked it up and i did it and then it worked and i saw that it was something that i didn't know how to do so i put it in github tips the next section is learning investigating so sometimes i do take time out to learn different things as you can see from the top i have a tab in there called learning docker i actually have an account with and i will put the link below if you want to check it out but basically i subscribed to it earlier this year and they have a course on docker so i decided to go ahead and start learning a little bit of docker things and then um there's also when i say slash investigating right now we're trying to figure out new tools to come up to use for our retros that we have every week for the engineering team so my research on those things are located here right now you just see like the tabs uh you know like the little quotes for each one of these um listed out there are notes in each of these that are going to help determine which one is best for our team i also have one for retros for epics so we have retros for epics as well as retros for our engineering team if you don't know what an epic is an epic is like a very large um usually a feature or something that you want to modify that you want to make better and it has inside each epic it has a list of tickets that need to be worked on in order for that epic to be completed and so specifically for my team and for every other team in this company we have retros for each of our epics so that we can kind of determine what went well what we could work on what can do what we can do better and then i have an interviewing tab um so i have not shared with you all but i have been working on we just wrapped up the interview process and i've been helping out with interviews for probably a couple months now um for the team we were hiring a back-end developer and specifically not just one we were hiring multiple back-end developers um and so as you can see maybe from my notes here we're hiring two mid-level developers and one junior developer and so we finally wrapped up our interviewing process which i'm super excited about um and yeah here was just i was just dumping all the information for interviews i will have more information about interviews in further videos i've been taking some notes personally for myself to hopefully help you all that are interviewing or um you know things to do that you can do things that you could do to make your interview process um kind of work good for not only you but also for the people that's reviewing your work for our interviews we have a code review feedback and we just ask you to you know submit some code that you're proud of and we look at it so i have some tips for that and then we have skills interviews that is also the second portion that i um helped out with as well which is just being in the interview room asking questions so that's another part of the process but yeah that's a whole nother video and i will talk about it then okay so here's the ticket section as you can see i have a list of tickets here that i have worked on or have been a part of so i create a new ticket and i've created a template if you see here the template as it stands is super basic we do all of our tickets in jira let me just say that and so since we have all of our tickets in jira i basically copy the the um the ticket number and the title from jira and paste those in here there's usually a also a description as well and i go ahead and copy this description and the description usually has things that need to get done within the ticket what they're expecting um and that sort of thing the stuff at the top is the things that are specific to the ticket and are going to help me get started the things at the bottom are the things that are going to help me move through the ticket and ultimately they're going to help me when i um look back at this ticket and see all the things that have been done so the first thing i have is what was the issue within the code base and sometimes i put here also like where it is in the code base if there's like a specific method that i'm looking at or if there's a specific um you know database table that i'm looking at i i look at those two so anything that's going to help me figure out where this is i put here and it's really so that when i can when i look back at this and let's say i have a similar issue in the future i can then be like oh wait i've done something on this page um or this sounds similar to me let me look up what this is and where i found it at and then i say how did i resolve this issue and so whenever i'm talking about whenever i'm talking about how i resolve the issue i'm basically saying okay how did i come up with the solution for this like what did i end up doing what things did i change in the code base that sort of stuff the last thing is who did i work with to resolve this issue and it's just like okay who did i reach out for help who did i reach out for questions um and admittedly after using this for this is i've been using this for probably the last few months or so and i don't always write down everybody that i interact with but i kind of hit the high points of the person or group of people depending on the occasion who have helped me resolve this issue this is not a set list of things that i can do with this template as i've mentioned i think i add things to this list that are not here and that is perfectly fine because i want to create as much detail as i can here are some examples that's basically it like uh it doesn't have to i just wanted to give you some examples so you can see that there's no rhyme or reason in this it's just what makes sense for you to have a brief overview of my notes set up and how i use my notes for what i hope that you enjoy this video i hope that you use these things for your own workspace so that you can be in control of like keeping track of the knowledge that you are learning and also that you are working on on a consistent basis and until next video take care of yourself and be kind to others and i will see you next time bye y'all
Channel: Tiffany
Views: 54
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: how i use notion, keep productive, notion for productivity, how to use notion for productivity
Id: g2UJ2sFhu2w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 41sec (701 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 29 2021
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