How I Survived Falling From A Plane | Minutes With | UNILAD | @LADbible TV

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I was googling a bit more about this, and it seems Gabriel and Themba set up a fundraiser and raised 20K

That's awesome!

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/DSHackerc 📅︎︎ Mar 23 2021 🗫︎ replies
oh when i was in a plane i have to hold on in the islands so that's why i have two i have like drip and milk from here and here and here so i have it like bend marks from the plane [Music] how long were you homeless for start super homeless 2011 was too hard because it was every single day you have to to realize where you're gonna sleep where you're gonna eat if somebody's homeless it's difficult because it's by himself in the street he can't do nothing it can be bullied in the street it can be killed in the street it can happen something can happen to him to him in the street no one is gonna be watching so that's how you say if someone is in the street it's difficult because you eat in the be in the dustbin you sleep in a crash your blanket get dirty you close that dirty everything you dirty so for me i thought like if i'm going to end up like this i don't want to see my dreams in my life end up like this until i become an old man and after that i die it's better to die trying yeah i used to call it magazines in airports so i used to get like magazines when we are sleeping in a way we are sleeping formless in the night i used to read these magazines when i read that book everything just come out from there i saw everything from that book from there i know it okay our opportunity our opportunity is only this to do it to fly out in this country we just organized the the the day of that night we say this day is going to be this just day for us to live and so when we start to leave we destroy everything where we head in that camp which is throw it like plunker to destroy everything what we had after that we said if we destroy this we're not coming back we're going there to do what we're going to do to live so we just take our chances and left so you climbed inside the wheel of the plane yeah yeah you can't just like go in the same time and just walk straight away today to the plane you can't do that because they can see you and you can be arrested as well so definitely wait wait do we stand like that i know it's that it seems like it's my target so i can be able to go to do what i have to do so i can go the street and step to the wheels and climb over until inside that's how it is it was simple but was dangerous but for me and khalid was seems like was a piece of a cake you know so you're in the plane now yeah how did you secure yourself oh when i was in a plane i have to hold on in the islands so that's why i have like drip and milk from here and here and here so i have it like bend marks from the plane so i have to stick myself hold the irons to make sure i'm not falling out but for my friend i don't know i call it what he did because you are sitting next to me to the right side so we have just been divided by the wheel because the will when it comes in you have to divide us by two quality is going to be outside me i'm going to be this side so what was it what was it like when the plane took off i wanted planes the fear was not there because me i was feeling present you know i was feeling present say yeah carleton said to me yes we made it it was only the last words for him to say that you know it was the last word for him to say that when we say he made it i was like oh yeah we made it here even me i was excited because the plane just left without any problem in the floor like sweetheart to come and stop the plane or maybe been spot maybe climbing over to the plane no nothing did happen when i mean there i can see some houses i can see some cars down there because when it goes up you have to go like this so when it goes up it gives you a big view you can see you can see all the places down there i remember just there all the time carleton where we made it essentially is after it passed out with oxygen where did you fall when you fell out the plane where did you land i fall out in a landing gear the plane was still like floating to come down so when i come out there means i come out with the speed of the plane when i fail there is a part like it can be like 10 or to 10 to 20 feet i remember when they cleaned it comes in heater it opens i fell out when i fell out i hit the floor when i hit the floor i start to wake up but when i wake up i see two people who are coming they say hey check this guy jump out in the plane i was like maybe i'm just dreaming maybe i'm still inside the enterprise i just have this dream no was not a dream was a real thing because these two guys they just come and pick me up i i saw them when they picked me up and i was like oh this dj is happening because i fell out in a plane i said i doubt it did happen when they come to me and they came up they came up they took me to hospital they tried to help me for for my body to come back because they were like putting some heaters i was i was like frozen like frozen my body was frozen because my blood was not uh circulating was not circulating so they have to put like heaters to to make me comfortable so my body can heat up it can heat up so my black in my blood can start to work i stayed there like about six months como after that when i woke up i can't move i can't do nothing i was like stable i was like i can't do nothing i can't take the ball they have to pump me in the bed i was like oh my god yes i can see what's happening to me you know but i'm just led because i'm alive you know they show me a passport for carlito say you know you know this guy said i know him they show my passport i say i know him saying never make it he never make it but i'll say how you say you fall on top of the building so i didn't know what did it happen to him he met when he fell out i was already passed out with the oxygen i never seen nothing i'm feeling guilty because me and him were just came from africa to come here to look for for for surviving for to make a better future i can say now i'm very very sad for him because he died in a long way of the long wave journey from johannesburg to hydro he never make it but i wish if he was here today maybe something was going to be different because this was going to maybe it was going to be a day for our best day in our life where are you what's going on today where where are you in the uk and what are you doing oh no i'm in liverpool so far so far uh my life is quite is not like perfect i have to take what i can get but as long as i can breathe i can survive i can live i can eat that's it that's what i'm expecting on it i did not get any help you know until this year until dc i met some uh like like a few people that want to come to help me some of them they just show up and after that you never see them and see them anymore again so only i have only one guy now he's like trying to help me and when my situation how i live you know tell me who who is this guy gabriel so it was i think it was just a it was a cold day and then i've just seen him outside tesco and i just said to him are you good bro do you want anything from inside he told me get me a coffee and i think he said ham and cheese sandwich so i went in there i got him the stuff and i just gave it to him i just went about my day i didn't think anything of it and then maybe two or three days later my sister sent me the article from the daily mail of timber and i was looking at it racking my brain for maybe a few days thinking where do i know this guy where have i seen his face before it was driving me mad and then i kept looking back through the article and i basically saw okay he's living in liverpool now so i put two and two together and realized he's a guy i saw outside tesco two days earlier so i said to all my friends i said i'm gonna change this guy's life i'm gonna find him i was driving back home with my friend and i saw him on the main road and i said to him oh that's him so i turned the car around i pulled up on him honk the horn i told him get him bro we went to audi i bought him a bunch of food choices yeah just some any stuff that i thought cool he will need this this will help him live a better life and then he took because obviously he can't carry the bag so he got out the car i got the bags we went into his house and obviously or his house and obviously when i saw the way he was living i just thought no matter what amount of food or clothes i give this guy it's not going to change his life unfortunately so i told him cool stay here bro i'm going to come back tomorrow the next day i came back took him to mine got him a haircut some new clothes showered and then yeah from then we've just been trying to do what we can to make his life better i guess what's it how does it feel to have that kind of support and friendship here yeah for me that friendship for me it look if he feels something like his alive you know because i can feel it in my heart so this guy just make his own move movement without like nothing stopping him you know just to come and help me you know do you guys have plans going forward how else do you think you can help him well for me the number one plan is to get him somewhere permanent a nice roof over his head where he can wake up in the morning feel good shower and start his day right obviously he wants to do college he wants to learn to speak english he wants to do courses and in his current situation now i know i wouldn't be able to focus in that environment so yeah the main aim is to get him somewhere where he can live and feel comfortable and feel safe there are people out here who have had a bad set of cards dealt to them and they do deserve a blessing so yeah when you see someone on the street or when you see someone don't always neglect them take some time to actually find out who they are and you never know maybe you'll be able to change their life too i want the god to look after after this guy as well because this guy is decent and he's please he do it for me to his heart you know he drew it from his heart you can see guys like this one they need to be trusted from the eyes of their god because they are do it with with their heart they don't do it with a doji you know they don't play dodgy thing yeah and then literally my break right and i i slammed my throttle fully forward really quickly i just rolled to 120 degrees i pulled really really hard towards the ground he immediately started pumping out flares and they act as a decoy to the surface-to-air missile that had just launched and it had locked onto my engines
Channel: LADbible TV
Views: 769,340
Rating: 4.9499636 out of 5
Keywords: the lad bible, lad bible, lad, bible, videos, viral videos, viral, funny, comedy, funny videos, documentaries, exclusives, interviews, journalism, culture, themba, cabeka, south africa, homeless, refugee, migrant, heathrow, stowaway, minutes, with, unilad, wheel, plane, undercarriage, wheel carriage, fell from a plane, fall, airport, airplane, aeroplane, fly, charity, gabriel, frood, nice, help, gofundme, asylum, carlito, risk, landing, london, roof, died
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 0sec (720 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 14 2021
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