How I Broke The World Record For Longest Kill | Minutes With | UNILAD

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Fuck that shit hit me hard. Thank you for posting this.

👍︎︎ 60 👤︎︎ u/paperscissorscovid 📅︎︎ Dec 02 2020 🗫︎ replies

Hard hitting piece that.

This should be shown to all the cowboys who have wet dreams over being a hero with a gun when someone wants to steal a tv. This is a highly trained professional who has been taught to kill, who after all that has suffered mentally and physically from the situation he was placed in. Taking a life and being in that situation is not something that should excite people.

👍︎︎ 39 👤︎︎ u/Raceworx 📅︎︎ Dec 02 2020 🗫︎ replies

The universe truly works in mysterious ways. Ladbible coming out of left field with a piece of work that really touched me today.

👍︎︎ 31 👤︎︎ u/Boggum 📅︎︎ Dec 02 2020 🗫︎ replies

1 Tour of Afghanistan went as a kid pretty much turned 18 then I was there, blown up if I was in any other vehicle I would have died (120pound IED) and working on Medical Evacuation Reaction Team. Close support for the doctors, we would go on shouts to pick up anyone who had been injured or killed, civilian or insurgents to our own.

Came home and basically didn't realise but it did affect me I went on a warpath to history myself drank sniffed anything. Luckily met someone who calmed me down but that just let the dust settle. 10 years later it really started to kick in I moved to Canada was living a good life where I grew a deep depression because I was doing all this cool stuff and people I know had died and didn't make it. So I tried to suppress that feeling for the 2 years I was there, then when we moved home that's when it took its worst form. I was in a shit job living at home again turning 30. I felt like I was a piece of shit and didn't deserve to be here 18 years of holding it back I became suicidal I kept thinking about driving my car into a wall, hang myself, or jump in front of a train. Luckily something held me back from that something deep down was scared to do it, I'm glad that's when I needed help, I went to watch a game of football with my dad and mate when my dad noticed something was up probably me holding back tears in a pub before going to watch Arsenal that isn't normal, it was because I had to hold the wall in the tube station to stop myself from jumping 10 mins beforehand, he asked if everything was ok and I let it all go 18 years of suffering then that was that the journey to recovery. As much as people say they are there for you, nobody wants to take that on. I tried counselling, NHS, charities no one was able to help, I'm not just saying that the NHS literally said they can't help me, so I realised this was going to be a thing I have to put to bed myself but luckily the only ones who able to help me compute it was the ones who were there with me and get what was going on. After a few things changed in me I have managed to move away from that place and get the best look at life as I can now. PTSD can hit you at any time I thought it didn't affect me but it just took me a while to understand it. Don't get me wrong I've not been cured cause things still make me angry or little things do my head in, not just other people but myself included. I'm sure there is a good amount of help out there but I didn't see it if you ever feel things are getting too much just ask for help or sit down with a loved one have a cup of tea and explain whats going on in your head people will listen and will try to help.

Never give up or let it overwhelm you to a point of no return.

👍︎︎ 30 👤︎︎ u/wilof 📅︎︎ Dec 02 2020 🗫︎ replies

Turns out, heat shimmer was the least difficult part of that shot.

We put these men (and women) through a hell the rest of us will never know. Yes, we do that. By voting (or not voting) for the people who give the orders. Speaking out on politics, you accept part of that burden. Not speaking out about politics, you accept part of that burden as well. This is the cost of living free. There are people who want to shirk that responsibility by saying "Oh, my vote doesn't matter" or "Oh, it's all rigged" or "Oh, but I don't really care about all that stuff." And that's fine. That's part of living free, too. But it doesn't change that we all shoulder part of that burden.

It's incumbent on the rest of us to ensure that what we put our armed forces through means something in the end.

👍︎︎ 10 👤︎︎ u/International_XT 📅︎︎ Dec 02 2020 🗫︎ replies

A support foundation is so important even if it includes a good boy jack Russel. Seek help if you're feeling down. Reach out.

👍︎︎ 8 👤︎︎ u/roth100 📅︎︎ Dec 02 2020 🗫︎ replies

For those that don't know. A Yorkshire terrier is the tiniest of dogs, the size of a hand bag. But they are known for being incredibly tough and tenacious in mind and deed.

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/nsfgod 📅︎︎ Dec 02 2020 🗫︎ replies

PTSD is horrible. I bartended near a base and every once in a while a Marine that's done a tour just snapped or literally cried in the bathroom.

And sometimes they broke the bathroom

👍︎︎ 8 👤︎︎ u/iBelieveInSpace 📅︎︎ Dec 02 2020 🗫︎ replies

Worth donating to help him set up his survival school for folks with ptsd.

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/bandformywagon 📅︎︎ Dec 02 2020 🗫︎ replies
i looked up and i could see two guys with a pkm belt fed russian machine gun and they were hammering down on the lads my rifle only shoots 1500 meters so i had to i called it lobbing i lobbed the bullet in remember the first mission you were sent on yeah i can it was in iraq we're in the maisan desert and the mesan desert is a vast vast place and it's desolate we were getting scouted by um a motorbike and every time we saw this motorbike loads of mortars were coming the artillery and the mortars were getting pretty damn close and then i got the green light to um take the target out um i saw he was on a motorbike the hardest bit about the shot was heat shimmer because if you ever see somebody walking in the desert they look slightly they look really tall and as they come towards you they shrink to their normal size so he was 675 yards away i shot um missed my first shot second shot i got him and then i had to go up to the body to to see if i'd um if he he was you know dead and i remember walking up to the body um the motorbike the the throttle was stuck in the sand and the bike was revving and an ak strapped to it and uh the guy was on the floor and he he passed away um he had shot him here yeah weird weird feeling weird feeling you feel like you're in trouble you feel i've just killed someone i feel in trouble and that feeling never left you you know when i got back to the the vehicles um we bagged and tagged the guy he had loads of hint on him he had been following us for days and days um but people are thanking you going oh yeah good shot tapping your shoulders good shot good you know good mission there craig well done but you just killed someone you know and it took easy a week to realize that no one's going to tap on my shoulder and gun can we have a quick word you've done something wrong you know um yeah well strange feeling strange feeling you said snipers working in pairs yes they do yeah can you explain that for me you have one and number two now number two is he's usually the best sniper because he'll work out all your calculations he'll work out all the wind everything you need to know for your scope and basically then he will tell you to put it in and all you've got to do is pull the trigger the number one is probably the best shooter we gotta understand then that snipering is not all about shooting and killing the first job of a sniper is to gather lifetime information of the battlefield so i'd look for my scope i'd see a bloke come out of his compound with his with a lady and i would make up a story say oh there's limpy john with his wife and it keeps your mind occupied and goes oh let's see what bevel's doing and then you go over to bevel oh let's see what bob's doing oh yeah there's bob doing the same old thing and you get to know their routine it's like i said you get to know lifetime information of the battlefield it's quite hard really because when you do get to take the target out you're killing bob you know and you've made a name up for him for the last four days you know but that's the sort of thing you need to mentally switch off so when you're you said you spent was it four days at least in that in that spot there for four days to start off with put it that way um and i was in the same position it was a cat nap for the day roughly about 15 minutes through the day you end up pissing um i dug a like a trough between my legs and i had saws down here and inside my legs onto your your piss is quite acidic as well you know but it gets to the point where you do need a poo and um you can't really move you can't take your eye off the glass you got to keep on target you work as a pair so you just roll over and he helps you basically he's um we'll put a little tupperware tub under your bum off he goes he'll wipe you and then you crack on with your mission i said that's how important snipering is this was early on in my last tour we had to give overwatch for the afghan army to move into this village now the afghan army were the mixture of british soldiers helping them train so this was just a mission to go into this village to move insurgents out the officer was there and he could see that in the village itself was just full of insurgents absolutely full of them and he warned the the patrol was walking into a kill zone now kill zone is where it's easy to kill you basically it's a zone of land where it's open you've got nothing to hide or know where to hide so i say and then they can just mow you down and that's the kill zone and they moved into this kill zone and they got opened up on and i could see a flicker in the distance and i couldn't work out what it was anywhere i got my scope on to the uh the flicker and it was a an insurgent with a radio hitting the flicker was the antenna as i was looking at the lads in the vehicle see if they were getting out because no shots were getting fired i could see random splashes happening and i was wondering what they were and i was looking everywhere everywhere that i engaged the target i was looking i couldn't find anything the only place i didn't look is where i saw the guy with the radio and i looked up and i could see two guys with a pkm belt fed russian machine gun and they were hammering down on the lads and it was a long way it was 2475 meters away which is just over a mile and a half now my rifle only shoots 1500 meters so i had to i caught it lobbing i lobbed the bullet in took me nine shots to get there because i was bracketing and what bracketing is is that you fire the first shot see where it lands add a bit more on add a bit more on add a bit more until you hit it and i managed to hit the compound wall so i fired and i could see it just hit next to him so i fired again as i fired again he stood up and i i hit him here he fell backwards and then the second guy stood up and i fired a third shot and as i fired my third shot i moved my rifle across and i fought a full shot so now i've got two bullets in the air at the same time third one missed fourth one hit him and it hit him in the side it was 2475 meters now i didn't know i built the world record i didn't know at all i didn't know until my medals parade do you feel proud of that uh no not at all doing my job trying to save 12 guys that was it let's let's go through some of the other missions you're on are there any to stand on your head as dangerous one mission we were in basra palace and we got go to this place called the p-joc and the p-drop basically is just run by 15 people that's it and it's next to a prison and it used to get smashed every single night from eleven o'clock at night or five in the morning it is the gates of hell the gates of hell and they're trying to release all these insurgents all these other hierarchy um taliban from this prison and it was our job to not let him do that and it sort of gave the locals a bit of um security as well knowing that you know that soldiers were there protecting the prison as well so there was no chance of escape there was no chance it was getting liberated and overrun we were on the roof on this occasion you know we was using the machine guns on both sides because soon as they hear a sniper shot they all run off so i told the machine guns to start firing the gym piece to start firing and it masks our shots and they came from north they came from the south they came from the east they came from the west they came from everywhere and um we got absolutely i'm gonna say we got absolutely smashed we thought we were gonna get overrun so i phoned tanya i get a bit upset you know sorry um i phoned her and she answered and um and i said to her i love you you know then she goes i know she goes what's what noise and i said that has nothing that's nothing i said i'll phone you in the morning i promise you i'll phone you in the morning i just want to hear a voice you know just wanted to hear her voice and we went back on the roof and yeah we were in the fight did you call your with your wife yeah i did yeah yeah i didn't really tell her what was going on we just had a little chat i said i just had a little little um little wobble what's to call it a little wobble just wanted to hear your voice that was all you know it's tough out here it's because yeah i'm always here for you like like she is now you know it was like a wall got shattered and when that wall of ice got shattered everything that i've experienced in my tools through bosnia kosovo um iraq afghan i couldn't i couldn't stop it my wife noticed it first she knows there's something wrong due to my isolation my snappiness my just depression really and suicidal thoughts i'm not gonna lie i will cry later because a lot of memories come up you know a lot of thoughts i don't i don't disguise it you know i'm a big advocate for ptsd but i find i'm ashamed to have ptsd and i i'm the first one to admit it ruins your sex life it ruins your home life ruins your friends because no one wants to be around you because you're just miserable you don't want to go out because you get so angry so quick the army noticed it and i got called into the mo's office which is the medical officer's office and then you sit there and they look at your medical records and they go okay stamp it you've gone from doing 20 odd years took half an hour for me to get kicked out my um yeah i i'll say it my wife we went to america um stayed there for a bit and um my wife went back to england to see your mum and i uh yeah i nearly shot myself i took all the rounds out the gun i was practicing where to do it where i would do it and um i put the bullet in cocked it put it in my mouth and betsy was sat on the back of the sofa she's um little yorkshire terrier used to run ten miles a day like five miles out five miles back and she used to run with me she's um 15 now and her head tilted until the other way and i just stared at her yeah i sold it sold it got rid of it saved my life i wouldn't be here now either sat talking to you guys or on this planet if it wasn't for my wife and my dog no [ __ ] way i'd have checked out it's hard it's hard it's hard we then deployed to kosovo uh that was peacekeeping and then from there we then deployed to uh afghanistan to helix ten to a completely different operations all together from armoured to foot well you've been through quite a lot on them yeah
Channel: LADbible TV
Views: 5,304,129
Rating: 4.9310303 out of 5
Keywords: the lad bible, lad bible, lad, bible, videos, viral videos, viral, funny, comedy, funny videos, documentaries, exclusives, interviews, journalism, culture, sniper, kill, call of duty, snipe, scope, solider, ptsd, taliban, Afghanistan, iraq, bosia, war, veteran, cry, minutes, with, old, meets, young, gap, unilad, tattoos, sad, dog, basra, pair, poo, piss, interview, dangerous, intelligence, insurgents, world, record
Id: T_xWinz_rIQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 23sec (863 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 29 2020
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