How I Stole $8 Million A Week As A Mafia Boss
Video Statistics and Information
Channel: BuzzFeedVideo
Views: 9,017,652
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: How I Stole $8 Million A Week As A Mafia Boss, NBSSC, american mafia, behind the mafia, buzzfeed, buzzfeed video, buzzfeedvideo, colombo, colombo crime family, colombo family, crime, crime family, gangster, italy, life as a mafia boss, life in the mafia, mafia, mafia boss, mafia documentary, michael franzese, michael franzese buzzfeed, mob, mobster, mobsters, new york, new york mafia, new york mob, organized crime, story time, storytime, the mafia
Id: 380Zqbi9luo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 24sec (504 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 17 2020
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
I can smell his cologne
Haha why is Franzese getting all this hate? Obviously he means capo and for the general public that's sorta like a boss. He isn't claiming that he was the actual boss.
I never knew about the wife and stuff. As far as I remember I've also never heard him talk about her and how he tried to walk away from the life because of her.
He calls her, "this beautiful, young girl of faith".. wait so this chick turned Franzese religious and that in turn made him want to quit (I mean, he already made a fortune so I get why he'd want out, but he seems to claim it was his gf/wife and her religion)
"Now I don't want to glamorize the life"
*Five minutes later*
"...and we stayed away from drugs, helped old ladies across the street."
Yo Mike you werenβt a boss.
Everytime Michael does an interview Sonny gets an extra year
Wasnt a boss
Franzese was never a boss. Why does he continue to parade around like he was?