How I Spend My $250K Software Engineer Income

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[Music] you see the all right so today we are going to talk about money I was inspired by Stephane Graham because he was talking about his multiple income sources but because I'm an idiot or a baller you know tomato tomahto I feel like it's more fitting that I show you guys my reckless spending so as you know I got forty five thousand dollars in bonus with my new software engineering job so what I did was that I took 19 thousand dollars of it and put it into my 401k so that the company dude I'm kidding man dude I'm not a loser I don't do 401ks also you didn't click this video for this you clicked it for my reckless spending so I'm gonna show you so as you can see if I do smiting over time oh it's pretty much a hockey stick I mean usually people would be pretty happy about hockey stick graph but I mean this is my spending so I don't think that's a great thing so as you can see according to this my last month spending was eighteen thousand and nine hundred dollars and well I mean you know I mean we should dig deeper into it because it's not always accurate because sometimes the program they they look at transfers and they think that suspending but it's actually not or I actually spend more and it just wasn't recorded on this program so we're gonna try to export all of that into an Excel spreadsheet and then I'll dive deep into it alright before we continue this video I just want to say that viewers discretion is advice I made this video for entertainment purposes please do not spend all your money recklessly like me and you have to know that my net worth is totally fine it has been growing faster than ever so please spen responsibly do not do like me it's only for entertainment and if you're wondering how's my net worth still growing so fast despite me spending so much well I'm not gonna tell you is it because I'm a trust fund baby I don't know is it because of my bitcoins I don't know enjoy the video alright so I'm having I'm having problems with the autofocus so I'm gonna have to put this in the background so in case you were wondering why I have a bitmoji this is what I use it for alright okay there we go alright so now what we're gonna do is I'm going to rename the description just for ones privacy reasons and also too so that I actually remember what it is because now sometimes the names are quite cryptic it doesn't mean anything so I'm gonna do that first and then secondly what I'm gonna do I'm going to separate them into buckets of spendings because I don't like the preset spendings that they use so I'm gonna bucket them in to birthday gift business expense charity entertainment food I don't effing know materialistic desires medical other rent self-improvement transportation and travel before you ask me what they are I'm gonna go through them okay so don't worry about it and I don't effing know it's just because I didn't want to sort them anymore there were a lot of small purchases from Amazon and I didn't I don't have time I don't have time to search through all of them okay alright so I got it I did a lot of data cleaning cuz you know I'm a I'm a data scientist so I ordered it by the amount spent so you could see it in order of amount spent alright so let's go to the summary now I made a pivot table and then you know a graph because why not honestly it's not even necessary but if you look at the breakdown then the biggest expense is this line here which is materialistic desires which is everything that's related shopping and stuff that need so that is the highest spending with 4000 dollars and then the next highest is entertainment that is like concerts what else it's like concerts comedy shows stuff like that and then here it's like business expense this is relate to like cameras anything that I need to run my youtube channel well I mean I actually don't need it it's more okay fine some of it can go to materialistic spending but it's related to YouTube so I'll put in business expense and then we have food which is a thousand dollars which includes you know restaurants actually it only includes restaurants I mean I never do groceries so it's it's mainly restaurants and then we got rent which is my rent I mean I don't pay 4,600 I don't know if you saw my other video and I said I paid 4,600 chill man I have roommates it was only clickbait okay I only pay 1,900 and then we have self-improvement which is the smallest bucket of my spending for self-improvement I have a personal training and maybe audible or something like that but yeah as you can see I'll spend a lot on that I don't do a lot of self-improvement and then transportation which is like uber and so one thousand dollars dude I might as well rent a Tesla or something [ __ ] so here it says 22,000 I'm not sure if that's true maybe like I'm going to like clean it up a little bit okay so let's look at it deep dive style so monthly rent $1,900 okay the Apple watch atomies 1400 k con la tickets I bought three of them so this shouldn't really be 1300 I should divide this by three so let's see this divided by 3 so then $1,000 for my new bed sheets bedding do that and all that totally worth it because now when I sleep naked it feels like you know so silky hands are all over my body it feels really good and then here is Hamilton ticket I bought a Hamilton ticket for my brother his fiancee and me and yeah it's on me so this one I have to leave it there because even though I bought three of them they're not paying me back all right and then next we have ax owed this is Trevor Noah yeah so for Trevor Noah I bought two tickets that was yeah that was for me and another friend and that cost 964 I can't divide that by two because they're not paying me back okay and then I bought a pic so 3xl it's right here why did I buy it no idea I think it's like it's a hedge you know in case one day Android becomes better than iPhone or that one day iPhones are not cool anymore so at least the transition will be a lot easier for me because I now I use both so it's a lot easier for me to transition into Android when the time comes and then the next spending three of them six hundred and forty dollars that is my flight ticket to Japan because I am going to Japan this year I bought them for my friends but they will pay me back so I will delete these two okay oh wait oh [ __ ] I want to say the joke I wanted to say oh yeah and the reason why I bought three tickets to Japan is because I want both of the seat next to me to be empty so I bought all three of them but no I'm not that rich and then all right $633 this is a business expense it's it's it's kind of like a box it's for doing live videos using my camera I use it for my tech interview probe might as well plug tech interview pro now good news we added new videos about system design and also about how to transition into software engineering and then the reason why I bought this live video thing is that we do live videos every two weeks for the Facebook group and then you can ask us q and A's and stuff like that if you're interested click on tech interview procom all right and then next we got Ticket Master what is this it's five hundred forty-four bucks what did i buy I don't remember [ __ ] the [ __ ] that I by July 4th oh god I got it ok ok ok ok ok got it oh yeah so I bought tickets for Ali Wong front seat ok actually not friend see the the road before the front seat because I don't want to get I don't want them to talk to me while they do their show because I always get nervous so next we have wow that's a lot we have for Facebook charges two of them is for advertising I mean you know how do you expect my channel to grow you really think that I make good content which is how I grow my channel don't be so naive I pay for my subscribers and then the other two is for Mental Health America which is a charity I'm doing a fundraiser and I put in five hundred dollars it's not a thousand so this is wrong because I kind of did it twice by accident so it's only five hundred dollars I'll talk about that later I don't wanna I don't want you guys to think I'm a good person or anything alright and then oh four hundred forty dollars that is my virtual assistant I pay for a virtual assistants so that they can manage my calendar they can respond to some emails they can help me do some invoicing and stuff like that very useful highly recommend it if you're rich and then the next one Taman that's actually just a guitar so I bought a guitar you can see it right here yeah ticka ticka do let's see and then I got a lot of business expense here is a pure bird press van no what the [ __ ] did I buy WordPress I don't know okay so some of it is pretty dumb okay I guess you got the gist of it you got the bulk of my spending and let's go back to the pivot table and see how it looks it's not that bad it's it's it's it's still $19,000 okay mmm crazy thing honestly I am okay with everything but what the hell transportation is so high let me look at that so clearly I like uber more but holy [ __ ] $1000 is that right dude I spent $1,000 in a month horse [ __ ] did I might as well just pay for a Tesla or something oh you know what you live and learn alright anyways I'm gonna wrap this video in terms of money-wise so as you can see travel $900 it's not that bad actually transportation $1,000 I could do better in that self-improvement I shouldn't worry about spending more in self-improvement but clearly I don't care about my self-improvement that much rent 1900 I can't change anything those are some utility costs whatever other I don't want to go into that but wait what is another let me go check cash advance intra don't know what that is virtual assistant was another all made cleaning service I also put that other that's I recommend that too especially if you're lazy right so okay that's it's not that bad I'm not gonna change anything they're entertainment I don't want to I don't want to change that because entertainment is important right let's go back into entertainment I want to see what I pay for entertainment yeah like like totally worth it right Spotify I have to Showtime gotta Hamilton tickets you know it's for my brother it's important Vanda go movie totally important I don't know what in-flight Wi-Fi that's important too patreon on the white says Jim but patreon I got to support the patreon members Tiffany young tickets kpop really important we're gonna skip this one we're gonna skip that one Nintendo Digital I could take that off it's only four dollars Trevor Noah thought that was worth it I was really new on that I mean what are you gonna do for your money if you're not gonna have fun with it Cate con la tickets totally worth it Ali Wong totally worth it so yeah I'm not gonna change anything in my entertainment business expense dude it's business expense manse you know to recap yes I spent a lot this month but that's probably not every month I hope and there's two reasons why I spend so much the first reason is consumption smoothing all right it's an econ term learn it every time every time I spend too much that's my excuse I'm just doing consumption smoothing and then the second reason is I don't plan on saving for retirement because I'm banking on the fact that one of my investments will pan out and will make me rich so that saving a few thousands here and there would be irrelevant Oh what kind of investments dogs real estate bitcoins no you plebs okay I'm investing in my future kids I'm banking on the fact that one of them will be extremely rich and that will pay dividends to me it didn't work out for my parents but I'm optimistic for my kids I should really call my parents ooh a new kpop video anyways now I want to talk about the charity section so I got all these corgis from A Thousand skies so thank you so much but I don't know what to do with them I'm not gonna keep them in my place forever so I decided to give them out in exchange for a donation to my fundraiser in Mental Health America so that's when I decided to donate five hundred to bootstrap my fundraiser so that it doesn't look like a total failure if I don't have anyone donating so if you're in the Bay Area SF Bay Area you could you know for a small donation even just two bucks you can just give two bucks and then I could personally hand you the Corgi and I could meet you and I could give you a corgi but if you're not in the SFO area unfortunately I can't deliver it to you but if you really want when you could go on thousand skies calm in case you want to know they're not paying me for this I just really really like the corgis because there's a sentimental value to it if you watch my videos from the beginning you would understand why it's because many times I interacted with the Corgi on one of my videos that went really really popular and I kind of associate my success to these corgis and yeah and I kind of want to pay homage to it anyways that's it for now the video is long enough unless I edit it really well I'm not sure but thanks for watching really appreciate it and I'll leave some links down below like for example the fundraiser link and a thousand sky's link and yeah I hope you enjoy it so I'll leave you with this don't spend recklessly spend responsibly but remember self-worth before network yeah [Music]
Channel: Joma Tech
Views: 2,801,088
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: joma, vlog, software engineer, coding, google, facebook, netflix, amazon, spending money, investment, finance, finances, financial advice, money, salary, salaries, money tour, money tours, everything spent money on, money diaries, getting paid, honest accounts, honest account, software engineering, data science
Id: K7s1IYVfvSA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 58sec (958 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 05 2019
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