I got rejected by Amazon (Interview Fail)

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yeah man it was not my finest hour but I got rekt by Amazon this interview actually happened a while ago when I was just first starting out to interview for all these Bank companies oh and when I mean Fang I mean Thank You Todd and I'm not gonna say Fang Gujrat all the time so I'm just gonna say thang so when I say Fang think of big tech companies anyways yeah so I got an on-site interview I went there and then I bombed it Amazon by the way thank you so much audible for a spot now I'm just kidding man but but I do want you to watch this trailer of my startup series check it out so I got this vision can you talk to me a little bit more about that like what is your startup idea yeah it's uh I present to you not Viacom a platform to share six point one second long looping videos it's a website that you can upload videos and it's a mole what do you think about this are that pretty dumb to be honest an account waste time thinking about scalability on an MVP right now our most limited resource is my patient support shitty idea I am the most qualified person for themself I get [ __ ] done no we can't launch that looks exactly like this but to be honest I just can't get are you off my mind whose are you I [ __ ] hate that guy yo-yo ma so you still working for Microsoft so what about you were you just so bad I doubt that I'll make him feel the pain I felt until it's completely broken all right back to the Amazon interview I just want to tell you guys quickly play-by-play what exactly happened because it might be useful for you guys who want to apply to Amazon so I got an Amazon referral from one of my friends and yeah that's actually basically how I applied to jobs nowadays so that I could skip the line using the referral so yeah make sure you make friends in college because it's really important after a day or two I got a coding assessment it was a - quoting question challenge and they give you 90 minutes to do it and I had to sign some sort of a confidential agreement so I can't really share you the questions but I could kind of tell you it's basically easy /medium questions and yeah that's it there's also a section that is like describe your approach where you just write about how you did your question and what was your approach and then there's also a section that's kind of like behavioural well I mean they call it a survey but I think it's actually just a behavioural portion so of course I passed it because I've seen the questions already looking I'm kidding Am I I don't know I'm kidding Am I I don't know no I'm good I didn't say after I passed the coding assessment I actually didn't get a phone interview I just talked to the recruiter and they sent me right away for an on-site which is kind of interesting yeah so on to the on-site here is how I [ __ ] up immediately I went to the Amazon office in San Francisco and I went there pretty early I think I went there maybe 10 minutes early now you really want to go there early because it's an interview you don't want to be late so it's pretty important and also you might want to drink some water go to the bathroom right beforehand so that's pretty important so then I went to the lobby and I checked in and then I asked for the person that needs to come down to get me I just sat in the lobby waiting and waiting and waiting and then because I was paranoid a two minutes before the scheduled time interview I checked my phone and then I realized I asked the wrong person to come to the front desk it's okay it's okay I fixed it I went back to the front desk and I fixed a no biggie no problem I would sat back down five minutes go by ten minutes go by and still no one was picking me up I thought they were just late or something so I checked my phone and I was like [ __ ] I was in the wrong building so I sprinted to the right building and I was already 15 minutes late by then and then it took another five minutes to get the first interviewer and when he came he asked me you just you just flew here this morning nope ah so so you flew in yesterday you know traffic is pretty bad right I mean SF is crazy no traffic was fine did did we put you in a hotel that was really far or something no I actually live here you're like in the Bay Area yeah and he just stared at me he was trying to hide his disappointment and then I just said yeah I was in the wrong building I got kind of confused sorry so we went into the interview room and he sat me down and he started asking me about my resume he started asking me about you know why I wanted to switch back into Swee and when I was done explaining he was like okay let me talk about myself a little bit here's what I do at Amazon I was like holy [ __ ] bro dude I don't have time man I'm already 15 minutes late just give me the coding question I mean I didn't actually say that but that's what I was thinking like on the exterior I was more like Oh fascinating mmm that is quite a difficult problem how does your team tackle this anyways he took his sweet-ass time and I ended up only getting like 20 minutes for the actual coding interview I mean I did okay I got the optimal solution I was able to code it up but my code had about some bug's here and there and I was able to fix it while I was debugging my code but you know I was kind of messy I didn't explain my thought process very well because I was I was pretty stressed with time right so I wasn't able to perform like I would have if I had more time to be honest though I'm not a hundred percent sure that is the reason why they failed me it could be the other interviews too or specifically one other one I'll talk about that later anyway so then I had four more of those interviews because in total they have five interviews usually it's for coding and one system design well at least that's what I had so yeah it's a long-ass day and you get tired by the end of the day the four coding questions were mostly easy to medium ly code questions so those weren't that bad I did decently on them because I practice li code and I wouldn't say I aced them but I did solve most of the questions optimally but sometimes I needed hints and also sometimes my code had some bugs in there like maybe even typos so it wasn't flawless also each of these interviews they actually have a behavioral portion the thing about Amazon is that they have something called the 14 leadership principles and basically what you have to do you just have to memorize all of it and then when they ask you behavioral questions you have to exhibit these principles exhibit these leadership principles so think about your past experiences or or just make it up whatever I don't care and but they have to demonstrate those leadership principles I think I did okay because of my silver tongue or I actually more like bronze tongue maybe like copper copper tongue you know what never mind I don't think I did that well in the behavioral portion I can't even say behavioral and then I also had one system design interview and I think that's the interview that I got screwed on because I didn't practice system interviews that much so I think that's why I failed so I just wanted to share this story with you guys because I want you to know that interviewing can be a game of luck I mean I felt for valid reasons but there are many times that you we'll fill an interview and you're gonna feel like [ __ ] I mean I felt like [ __ ] but it might have just been luck because a few months later I'd say that I got offers from companies that I wanted to work for even more so you never know I mean sometimes it's just a numbers game it's pretty random I want to end this video on this no your interview performance says nothing about you it says nothing about your worth it says nothing about your intelligence and it says nothing about how good of a software engineer you are heck I got a few good offers from these big tech companies but I don't think I'm that great of a software engineer I'm just good at interviewing it doesn't mean anything I'm sure many of you are better software engineers than I am but it's just that these interviews can really bring you down and make you lose confidence man don't lose confidence in yourself especially because of an interview keep practicing keep getting better you won't see huge differences overnight getting these three offers it's it's a marathon it's not a sprint not gonna lie when I got that rejection I was pretty depressed I thought I told myself if I can't even get this offer how am I gonna get the other job offers that I want how am I gonna switch from data science to sweet it feels bad at first and it feels like it's gonna be forever but it's not in hindsight I realized how silly it was for me to think these things because now I got I got my dream job I'm doing great at it and I feel confident and I like I love my teammates it's great sometimes failures can be blessings in disguise so don't dwell on your failures but use them to grow alright so that's it and yeah don't forget to check out daily interview procom we send you one coding question per day so you can keep practicing and keep yourself accountable when I was studying for all these interviews I made sure that I did at least one question a day so that's pretty important it's a marathon it's not a sprint but that's it who's
Channel: Joma Tech
Views: 1,680,995
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: joma, vlog, amazon, amazon interview, job interview, job interview tips, software development, how to get over rejection, interview rejection, coding interview, technical interview
Id: gvAF9mboxFM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 15sec (675 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 20 2019
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