How I Retouch Skin, Photoshop Tutorial

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hey guys Irene here today I'm going to be doing a Photoshop tutorial and I'm going to be showing you guys how I added skin in no way that I'm saying that this is the best way of editing skin or is it the only way of doing it this is just the way I personally do it it works perfectly for me I always welcome all of the suggestions in the comments down below but if you don't like something then just maybe don't apply these particular techniques that I'm using but still hopefully you're going to be learning something and maybe finding out something new for yourself so I have this image right here and I do have behind the scenes on how I got this image so I will link it in the description down below and I will also try to include the settings and the gear that I used to get this image somewhere on the screen I'm going to go ahead and open it in Photoshop and it's going to open in Camera Raw for me I do shoot all of my images in RAW and I tend to shoot a little bit underexposed as you can see just so I can pull out any shadows up and play with the image a little bit more than I would if I shot in JPEG so in Camera Raw I'm going to do all of my little adjustments so let's made us make this a little bit more exposed let's add the contrast maybe it's a little bit too exposed about right here I want to make this a lot warmer so I'm going to bring the temperature up let's bring the shadows up a little bit add a little bit of clarity um let's go into the colors and make the blue a little bit more blue just so we can get her eyes to pop a little bit more and I also want to make the purples and magenta a little bit more colorful let's see that looks good so let's do the preview before and after this is just some quick adjustments that I do before I start working on the image okay I think that looks good I'm just going to go ahead and open it so the first thing that I do before I start any kind of editing I always duplicate my layer with doing that you're just going to ensure that if you did something wrong you can always go back to the previous image and also it lets you lower the opacity of your layer and make the editing a little bit easier it's going to make a lot more sense since we when we're going to start working so you're just going to go ahead and right click on your background press duplicate the layer and press okay I don't really name them anything and just keep them as background copy and the first thing that we're going to do is we're going to play with the patch tool that's the main tool that I use for the skin editing and if you don't know where the patch tool is usually as it's a healing brush so you can press in your healing brush right click on it and choose the patch tool so let's go a little bit closer zoom in my model actually has pretty good skin but there's few little imperfections that we want to take out the first layer I usually do at the 75% opacity so over here I just put it to 75 just makes things a little bit more smoother and natural so the way the patch tool works is that you want to circle up the imperfection like this and then move it to the spot where the skin is clear so I usually like to work in pretty small areas like this and I'm using my tablet I'm working with Wacom Intuos small pen and touch I will link it in the description down below I've had this tablet forever and I still really enjoy it so as you can see if we're working at the 75% opacity it doesn't take all of the texture out completely this is why I like doing it like so and yeah I'm already got so used to that I can do it very very quickly and I just kind of go over all of the areas that are concerning me not only the spots but also the darker spots or texture even sometimes this is why I love the patch tool because not only it corrects the color but also the texture you don't have to be super super precise because we're going to be going over this area once more on another layer my model does have a little bit of a freckle right here so I'm just going to leave it I'm not going to touch it we don't want to make it look completely fake although a lot of the times I do like a pretty fake looking skin and also because I'm shooting at such a high aperture this image is shot at one point - it does help with the skin just already in the camera because shooting at such a high aperture makes things a lot more blurry and smooth and as you can see this eye is in focus and this eye is out of focus which for me personally doesn't bother me at all I actually really like it because it adds more dimension into the image now I'm going a little bit more even on her lip right here just because it's a little bit uneven and this spot right here I will fix later on and I'll show you guys how I do it but yeah for now on patch tool just on the skin this side is pretty good I can't see any spots here at all probably mainly because it's pretty overexposed and this underexposed area shows more imperfections okay so this is our first layer and this is before and after just with patch tool I usually just like to back it up a little bit and then see if I like the result I'm going to also apply the patch tool a little bit on her neck here there's a little fold right here which you could definitely leave if you want to but I prefer a more polished look so I like to take pretty much a lot of the things out and then the bra strap over here we are also going to take it out and yet any other little lines that are it's just simply a distraction I think in this particular image I want all of the focus to be on her face and let's take this one little spot on her nose right here alright so the first layer is good and I personally do not like to keep my layers I merge them all the time the reason is that I never go back I never change anything about my wires and I like to keep it clean if you don't like merging your layers then just keep them keep them up um but yeah I just like to create new layers and merge them so I'm going to create another layer and I'm going to lower my opacity to 75 maybe even lower like step let's do maybe I don't know 66 or something and we're going to work on her forehead just a little bit more and I'm going to also use the patch tool again there's a little bit too much texture for my liking here at the very top I don't know if it's going to translate on the video as well as I can see it but I want to get rid of this texture on the forehead so I'm just going to quickly patch it up there's some of the shadows here that are made by the hair but they're not bothering me so I'm not going to take them out ok I think this looks great so I'm just going to go ahead and merge my layers again ok so now I'm going to get rid of this little spot right here and I'm going to go ahead and open up an adjustment layer with let's try select its color first and see what it's going to look like so I'm going to choose the red and I'm going to make them a little bit less desaturate so I'm going to bring them to this side and then lighter like this yeah let's keep it at this and see if it's going to correct the color so now I'm going to click ctrl I and control I just going to invert our layer mask and then we can pick up the brush and we can brush what we just did just to in a specific area so I'm going to brush it on to this spot right here yeah that actually corrected it pretty well I'm going to go ahead and merge the layers I'm going to create another duplicate layer and I'm going to go ahead with my patch tool and kind of fix this up a little bit more and let's make my pasady a little bit less aggressive okay I quite like this I'm going to go ahead and merge the layers so let's pick it up a little bit so the skin is pretty much done with the retouching I'm just going to go ahead and liquefy a little bit and obviously I'm going to go ahead and duplicate my layer before I do anything I like doing this for pretty much all of my portraits we're going to make the hair a little bit bigger so I'm going to make my brush a little bit smaller here and I'm going to stretch out the hair on this side I just want the hair to take pretty much the whole picture just hair everywhere and I'm going to bring her shoulder down here just a little bit because it was a little bit too high for my liking so you have a just liquify tool I'm just bringing the shoulder down just a touch and that's all I'm going to do for the liquefying alright so that looks good and I'm going to go ahead and merge the layers again now I'm going to correct the colors just a little bit so I'm going to go ahead and do my adjustment layer selective color and this is what I like to do for most of my portraits I like to select the red color I want to make it just a little bit darker a little bit more yellow it kind of makes the skin pop a little bit more and I don't know it makes a little bit more of a flattering color I'm going to go ahead and choose my whites and play with those as well why it's kind of correspond to most of the highlights and sometimes it creates a really cool look so we can kind of play around the year with different colors okay that looks pretty cool let's go to magentas make them a little bit more magenta and then blues more blue and I'm going to go to Red's again and make them just a little bit more yellow okay so that looks good for the skin and this is before and after on the skin as you can see playing with the white filter already pops the skin so much more but we're going to make it stand out even more in a second so now I'm going to start with dodge and burn and there's so many different ways to do it I personally like doing it with curves so what I would do is I would start an adjustment layer with curves and for my highlights I would bring this up quite a bit maybe this much then I would go ahead and press ctrl I to invert my layer mask I would grab the brush and I can start brushing on the highlight onto the spots that I like so to make it a little bit more efficient I actually made an action highlight and shadow action and to make an action all you have to do is go to window actions and right over here you can start a new one so if you're going to press this right here so I'm just going to call it a highlight example I'm going to press record and once this red is going you're recording your action so I'm going to go ahead again to create an adjustment layer with curves bring it up then I'm going to press ctrl I and that's it now you want to go ahead and stop the action right here and your action is made so now if you just want to save up the time instead of doing all of that you can just press on highlight example action press play and it's going to do all of that and you can go ahead and start applying your highlight and now I did the same exact steps to make like the shadow action where I put the shadows so again the same thing you're going to click right here you're going to type in shadow shadow example I'm going to press record I'm going to go ahead and create the adjustment curve but this time I'm going to bring it down right here okay control eye and stop the action and now same thing you can just go ahead and play your shadow action and start placing the shadows so I'm going to go ahead and delete those now I'm just going to use the actions that already made like a while ago so I'm going to play my highlight shadow and I'm going to start a highlighting I usually like to start with my I would be I and I always always use a soft rounded brush if you don't know where to place the highlight I would just just follow the natural highlight on the image and just intensified so as you can see here the brow bone is a little bit highlighted at the inner corner and I'm just going to make it more intense I love to highlight the tip of the nose and the bridge of the nose right here Cupid's bow and the top of the lip the bottom lip makes it look bigger and juicier now we have a little bit of highlight right here and just a little bit around her nose so let's emphasize that the cheekbone obviously the chin and let's do a little bit on the other side it's a little bit of highlight here and here giving a little bit of highlight right here looks like just rim of her face and let's make it quite big and makes big highlight right here and underneath her eyebrow okay so I always back it up just to make sure that it all looks good so this is before the highlight as you can see it just makes her look super luminous we can also go ahead and apply some more on her shoulder right here if you feel like you overdid it a little bit you can always go ahead and lower the paucity I might do that because I feel like it's maybe a little bit too much but I just wanted to show you guys the effect of it also I like to go ahead and put a little bit of highlight on the hair so I would make my brush really small and I would just kind of mimic the strokes of the hair to give them a little bit more of a highlight it really makes the picture stand out alright and now we're going to do the shadows so I'm going to play my action hopefully you guys made the action for yourself as well so I'm going to go ahead now make my brush really really small and I like to put this on top of the brow it kind of creates more strokes and makes the brow a little bit more 3d and also darkens it a little bit now I'm going to go ahead and make this a little bit bigger and I'm going to make her eyelashes darker I like to go very small with my brush and even go like individually on her eyelashes it really makes a difference a good portrait is all in the details if you are really precise with your details then your portrait is going to stand out a hundred times more I'm going to go ahead and do a little bit more of the shadowing around her nose again on the Cupid's bow I always like to do a little bit of a shadow underneath the lip it makes the lip look bigger maybe a little bit on the inside again just follow the natural shadows and you'll be fine I like to go on the jaw line a little bit on the neck okay and sometimes I even like to intensify some of the freckles so gone really small with my brush and I'll literally made make the freckles a little bit bigger again it just makes the picture look more natural and everyone's obsessed with freckles now including me so alright so that looks great let's back it up and see if it looks good so you guys see this is the kind of effect that the highlight and shadow does let me actually group them and I'll show you guys exactly what the effect is together so this is before and after on just dodging burn I think it just makes a huge huge difference so let's just merge these together so this is pretty much it this would be the finished portrait so let's compare this to the before alright so this is before and this is after again before and after I hope you guys enjoyed this tutorial don't forget to leave this video like and subscribe to my channel a lot more videos coming really soon and I'll see you guys in my next video bye
Channel: Irene Rudnyk
Views: 332,262
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: photography, photoshop.irene, rudnyk, photo, slin, retouch, color, imperfection, clear, dodge, burn, contrast, beautiful, how, to, easy, cs6, cc, model, girl, portrait, face, pimple, irene, photoshop, tutorial, teach, learn
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 0sec (1200 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 12 2017
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