How I quit Google.

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hey tackle it here and welcome back to another episode of the tech lead now today I'm going to be talking about how I quit Google it is tea time with the tech lead your host the X Google tech lead now while many of us know that I used to work at Google what we don't know was how I left Google and what my learnings were from there and I think that these learnings will be applicable to anybody who is working in any job really because as a society we don't talk much about quitting jobs right we talked plenty about how to get jobs but we don't talk about how to leave a job properly and make sure that you're doing it correctly and getting what you deserve in that process you could get pretty screwed over if you don't do it correctly you know for example when I left Google I tried to give them a four to five week notice but they wanted me out of there much faster like one week and then I was out and they almost didn't even pay out my health insurance there's a lot of pitfalls there so we're going to be covering these tips and more this video by the way is brought to you by skill share Scotia is an online learning community with thousands of classes covering dozens of creative and entrepreneurial skills check them out link in the description below so back to my story when I left Google I gave them a four week notice because I felt that I was a pretty important guy over there and I wanted to just you know make the transition as smooth as possible but you know I think what really happened was that as soon as HR heard about this they probably checked some things like maybe stock vesting dates they check the valves leaving for a competitor and they just decided you know what they just wanted me out of there in a week and you know that wasn't really my plans right I have planned to be working there longer but eventually I even qualified for unemployment insurance which is ridiculous but I did collect that because I qualified for it and I think what you need to understand here though is that HR is not your friend the job of HR is to protect the company from employees so if you're dealing with HR you need to always have your guard up and make sure that you're keeping your cards close to your hand and even though you may be friends and buddies with your co-workers or even your manager they're not necessarily able to protect you from HR right that's an entirely different organization and so let's get into tip number one which is to use up your vacation days it's that many companies will say well hey if you quit they'll just pay out your vacation days anyways so you don't have to use them if you don't want to but the great thing about using them up is that it helps you hit additional vesting dates it may help you hit additional bonus dates maybe you can just stay around stick around with the company and see what other extra goodies you get maybe some off sites right whatever that is if you just personally use up those vacation days you just get those extra benefits of staying with a company hitting your stock vesting dates is a big one and you earned it so you deserve it I didn't get mine by the way when I was forced out earlier than I expected so there were several thousand dollars for me lost in that one there's also additional benefits like you may get access to remote offices you know I was going to take a vacation to Japan at that time I wanted to check out the offices over in Japan I didn't get a chance to do that there may also be additional corporate discounts and perks employees stores movie ticket discounts things like that so use up those vacation days instead of having them paid out to you when you leave and then just quit within two weeks or so when you come back from vacation the second tip I have for you is to never give more than two weeks notice never give more than that you know I tried to give four weeks I thought I was being nice I thought was important you're not that important nobody is that important you know I've seen directors get terminated within one day for violating some policy and the company is still fine without them so they're gonna be fine without you as well the second you tell people that you're thinking about leaving whether that's in two weeks or four weeks you should be ready to leave on that very same day because HR can just come and terminate you right away so a few tips you're number one make sure that you handle your notice after any of your stock vests right check that invest in calendar number two you want to make sure that you're backing up anything on your computer that may belong to you personally right you don't want a backup company data but if there's anything on your computer you want to get that and secure any of your personal belongings in the office because you could be walked out that very same day they could take your laptop away immediately shut off access if they suddenly just decide that you're not team player if you're going to a competitor any of those reasons like for example I know a guy he used to work at Google and he took a three-month paternity leave and then when he came back he gave a two weeks notice and then he left and you know I think that was a really smart move actually because he had given a two-week notice before he went on paternity leave HR would not have given him that paternity leave they would have terminated him that very same day if they needed to but they would not have paid that out if they could have saved that for themselves which in my opinion may not be entirely fair right maybe he earned that paternity leave and it would have been probably fairly brutal on him if he was having a new kid and then he was terminated from his job that very same day but the company may just do that and you need to protect yourself the third tip I have for you is just make sure that you're checking the company calendars bonus calendars look for any additional events coming up it's funny that if you detract like when people quit a lot of people are smart enough to know that you quit after bonus season you know in my very first job as so many pictures I quit on the anniversary date that I had joined which I thought was very cool very interesting I could say hey I work there exactly one year but I did not get my bonus bonus comes a little bit after that so there were several thousand dollars that I had lost right there the fourth tip is to take a moment and check your benefits portal if you have one and make sure that you're maximizing all of that so I'm talking about like 401k matching I like to front-load my 401k so I will always put in like a hundred percent of my paycheck into that and just max it out as soon as I can each year such that if for any reason I left my job I could at least get my 401k contributions in and if there was an employer match then I would get that as well by the way not all employers are going to be matching you 100% rather way sometimes our caps and limits but you can check with your plan about that you know if there are other things like FSA flexible saving account plans dependent care accounts try to get those maxed out as well use them up because they could expire at the end the fifth tip I have for you is to never quit a job without having another job in hand why is this important you know because I think this is leverage right when you're getting another job and you're trying to negotiate that compensation if you don't even have another job in hand and you've got nothing then you've got no leverage but if you already have a job and then you're trying to apply to another company that company knows they need to at least beat your current compensation and there may even be an additional counteroffer that they don't need to beat as well so you already have leverage right there that's actually kind of acting as you're competing offer right there just by holding on to that job if you gave that up because you just decided to rage quit you don't have any leverage you don't have power and then you're essentially willing to work for zero dollars right even if someone were to pay you ten dollars they've already beaten your current salary so this is about negotiation leverage that will get you set up for your next grow the sixth tip I have for you is that when you're at that exit interview don't say a word or keep a play and keep it professional I think exit interviews are kind of silly like imagine that you got dumped by somebody and then they said well hey now that the relationships over why don't you just let loose and just tell them everything that you didn't like about them it's like why would you even waste your time doing that you're trying to get the next portion of your life started and now you want to just badmouth each other and let loose for what gain what's the point you're gone it's not even your problem anymore and if they really cared maybe they should have asked you when the relationship was still working out so what I'm trying to say here is that number one don't burn your bridges keep things professional and number two what do you have to gain by giving any of this advice to your former employer right oftentimes you're going to be talking to HR it's not even the engineering manager or the team who is doing the exit interview for you do you think that people actually take your feedback and use it to improve the company I don't know I'm not part of HR but I wouldn't be entirely surprised if they just took that filed it away and put it in your personal records and just use that as leverage against you as your own personal history record I don't know if they actually integrate that into any of their internal feedback processes or to improve the company at all I don't know if they do but keep in mind that this isn't a family farewell party you don't have to be Terry either pardon you don't owe these people any explanation it's simply a business deal that has closed out and now both parties are moving on to future opportunities it's as simple as that the seventh and final tip for you is just about health insurance make sure you're quitting after say like the first of the month usually health insurance plans they'll continue your coverage through the end of the month in which you are employed so if you quit on like the 30th then you may be forced into buying Cobra health insurance right away Cobra by the way it's extremely expensive health insurance it's essentially like the same solid health insurance that companies have but you just gotta pay for that out of pocket individually it's just crazy prices there so overall just keep in mind that usually when you quit people are going to be asking you to stay maybe it will work on the extra month maybe an extra two months just kind of delay the process for you and you just need to really prioritize yourself I will say two weeks right that's about all you really need and don't let anybody else for you into thinking that you're more important than they're telling you that you're and you know you need to prioritize yourself the company they're gonna be doing just fine they're gonna be great actually one more thing if you enjoyed this video and you want to land the job intact check out Tec interview procom it's a new program created by DOMA and AI DOMA is an ex Facebook software engineer and he's landed numerous internships and jobs at like Microsoft LinkedIn and more we're going to be giving you some of our top tips about how you can land a job in tech how you can pass the technical coding interview it's gonna be a lot of fun and it's going to fast-track your career if you're looking to further improve your skills I also highly recommend you check out Skillshare Skillshare is an online learning community you can explore classes and everything from photography and creative writing to marketing productivity web development entrepreneurship and more their website is beautiful they've got tons of courses that are going to get you set up very reasonable pricing here Premium Membership gives you unlimited access to high-quality classes from experts working in their fields to help you gain new skills and live your best life one high quality class they have here is the JavaScript toolkit this one class will teach you to become a JavaScript expert with in-depth guides to new essential tools and techniques every developer should know because Skillshare sponsoring this video you'll get a two month free trial link in the description below so they'll do it for me let me know your best tips on how to leave a job if you liked the video give it a like and subscribe and we'll see you next time bye
Channel: TechLead
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Id: DG44f6AJ9AA
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Length: 10min 48sec (648 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 24 2019
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