HOW I Photograph SEASCAPES (POV) 16-35mm Landscape Photography

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[Music] hello friends welcome to another landscape photography vlog in this episode i show you how i capture wide-angle seascape photography at a local beach we shoot some different images at sunset some abstract textures and even some twilight and night images of the golden gate bridge and this is all pov style so you can see how i'm managing the camera and composing the shots so as i was walking down this path i realized maybe a good opportunity to shoot the golden gate bridge from a distance and a higher elevation because the lighting was really beautiful so i decided to take a quick pit stop for the beach right now i have the uh nikon d850 that's what we're going to be using and i've got a variety of lenses i've got three with me that 70 to 200 50 millimeter 1.8 and then this guy which is the 16 to 35 and i'd imagine most of the shooting today is going to be with the 16 to 35 but you know i like to have the telephoto with me just in case so while i was composing the shot i was kind of playing around a little bit with the positioning of the bridge and uh then i tried a vertical shot but unfortunately the vertical just wasn't working quite as well as the horizontal compositions and then i shot this image right here and i actually really like the way this one came out with the kind of darker stormy blue clouds up top and the nice warm dappled light across the landscape i also really like how you can see a little figure out there in the distance so after shooting that composition i decided it may be good to get just a little bit closer to the bridge so i decided to switch to my 50 millimeter lens i actually don't have a 24 to 70 or 24 to 105 so the 50 millimeter just kind of works in that perfect range in between 35 and 70 for me i actually liked the way this 50 millimeter image came out um there's some darker clouds up top you're a little closer to the bridge and you can see two people down at the shore which added nice scale well that was a fun pit stop but you know i've shot quite a few images from that viewpoint at night and i even got this crazy sunset over there time lapse of it and a photo of it i'll put it up on the screen so you can see that was probably one of the best sunsets i've ever seen in san francisco to be honest with you you know that that may actually be the best sunset i've ever seen in san francisco yeah it was one of those moments where you're just standing there watching the view you know some nice light on the clouds and then all of a sudden everything just blows up with just crazy vivid colors and your jaw's just on the floor hello pretty good pretty good good to see you dude i'm always watching the videos oh thanks man hello friends it's me every night dude oh really yeah oh that's awesome i did the same thing i gotta i got a gopro on right now so i did the same thing up the hill i was like hello yeah i was gonna say that that's your typical spot in the cypress trees yeah yeah that's awesome dude oh cool what's your name adam adam nice to meet you james nice to meet you yeah cool awesome man i'm gonna rush you down there it was nice meeting you guys good luck hope you get some great stuff always fun meeting people who watch the channel and uh yeah shout out to you guys hope you got some great stuff that night so as i got down to the beach i realized there was some really beautiful receding tides and so i wanted to shoot a few abstract images i stayed pretty mobile just shooting handheld with the 16 to 35 as you can see i've got my tripod just kind of off to the side a little bit awkwardly i love the different patterns you can capture in the sand so i played around with this first composition which i thought was pretty interesting and then i switched it up a little bit and tried to make the patterns look a little bit more like little kind of flames running through the scene a little bit wider and i actually spent a little bit of time here looking around the sand just for different patterns and shapes i didn't want to just shoot that one and then move on to something completely different i was pretty into shooting these patterns and this one actually ended up being my favorite right here i loved the patterns here and the shapes and the symmetry in this photo it was just a lot of fun to play with all right i like these three rocks maybe try that see it feels so center right now so i want to try and find a nice it'd be nice to include this rock formation on this side but i think i would need to do multiple exposures maybe do a panorama here because i've got the 16 i should have the 14 to 24 with me but i didn't bring it so i think we'll try we'll try this do a shot down here for the water and kind of do a panorama stitch now maybe we should start out with the sky first switch over to uh i'm gonna do a low iso f16 kind of want to get some of those clouds in there and switch over here just make sure we're good point the camera down i'm gonna wait for the wave to come in this is so much more calming than last night last night i was in the water and uh the water was coming up almost waist deep and i was getting a little nervous come on there we go all right click some exposures here and click a few while the wave is receding back into the ocean nice let's go back to vertical see if oh you know what yeah we can get this all in one shot oh you know what i've got a water spot on the lens all right so uh i've got this guy a little rocket blower i'm sure you've if you watch these videos you've heard me talk about this thing before but it is amazing for getting off water droplets and spots i find that when you use like a towel sometimes it just ends up smudging the lens whereas this guy just really gets everything off of there so you know when i'm doing these shots and i'm looking for the right kind of wave pattern i mean there's a few things i'm looking for but i really just want that smooth flow and i want to make sure that whatever the flow is doing it's it's accentuating the composition and allowing your eye to travel through the frame rather than out of the frame so you know i want i don't want the wave to just be pulling that way i want to get it in a position where it's swirling around the rock and there's a clear shot into the uh the sea stack back there i like this little this little uh pattern in here i don't know if we can get it but it would make for a really interesting composition i think all right we got a wave coming in there we go nice i love these little receding patterns see how that looks i wasn't prepared for that i'll probably take a few more shots of this and i don't know maybe we'll wait for the bridge lights to turn on and see if we can get a nice classic shot of the golden gate bridge oh i like that that looks cool that's actually really nice grab some quick shots of this while the light is still nice right here this will be perfect there we go nice little waterfalls pouring over these rocks and then let's get it receding the texture in the sky looks really pretty and kind of hoping it's going to stick around for at least a few minutes while the ambient light drops and the bridge lights shine a little bit brighter it's a really nice time to shoot the golden gate bridge during twilight my favorite part about shooting these seascapes is you know you're super cold you're in the water your legs are freezing and then you get back home and take a really warm shower and then you're you know put on some pjs pull up white room load in the photos grab a beer or your preferred alcoholic beverage and not a bad evening right i actually really like the way that the way the rocks make this kind of nice triangle shape into the bridge if i can get the right composition on it the only thing is the bridge is a little small in the distance i may need to zoom in there now let's try a one second exposure here ah here we go let's see how that looks oh i'm liking that let's get a little closer zoom in there all right i can work with this kind of zooming in so that we can get the bridge a little closer and i just want to get the shoreline with the wave action a little bit of the reflections in there that is not a bad frame right there i am getting overconfident anytime i'm overconfident that's when i don't get the shot the lighting right now is gorgeous i just love the way the golden gate bridge reflects down onto the wet sands beautiful reflections and in the water too i honestly couldn't have asked for better conditions for this video and it was fun to have a variety of different things to shoot i'd love to hear from you which one of these images is your favorite did you enjoy the abstract sand patterns maybe the first images i shot from the cliff of the golden gate bridge sunset or the golden gate bridge at night please let me know in the comments below as always i really appreciate you watching the video please hit the thumbs up button helps me out a lot and subscribe to the channel if you haven't already and yeah i'll catch you in the next one you
Channel: Michael Shainblum
Views: 35,742
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: landscape photography, seascape photography, san francisco, photography
Id: ylDIlTlWXdw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 22sec (802 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 07 2021
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