CompTIA Linux+ Cert. Pass or Fail

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was cr oh wait this ain't that show today i'm talking about linux specifically the comptia linux plus certification exam now i've been preparing for this steadily for a little over six months you know um i initially was going to take the exam back in november but you know due to everything going on it got pushed back the places i was going to take it at they canceled so i had to reschedule probably about two times and so today i finally got to take it um i went in i was i went in super confident i'm like i'm about to get a perfect score on this exam i got this because when i first started six months ago first i went through the the linkedin courses these are these were free so i took advantage of that and i still felt a bit uh i'm not really quite grasping it but hey i'm gonna take the test and [Music] you know if i don't pass it i'll you know go from there and see what i need to work on so when i went to purchase the exam they have a bundle package where you get um let's see you get the linux plus study guide through skill pipe so i was like that's a pretty penny but i don't want to take any chances all right screw it i'll get it and so then once i started going through that study guide i was like whoa i missed a whole lot of different stuff through the linkedin training so like i started grasping the concepts a lot better maybe because like my learning style is through reading rather than videos i can't watch videos to learn but i um capitalize with reading so i'll go into that book from front of front to finish um it really helped me retain and grasp the information and really know what i was doing so i they gave you uh the book also came with practice examinations they had performance-based questions and the multiple choice so i was going through those religiously i felt super confident i'm like i'm about to knock this out first try no sweat start the exam and off the top it's just like man this is this is not as easy as i thought it would be i was getting kind of worried but you know i stuck with it first time go your boy pass first time with the seven 752 so hey that's a pass the minimum score you need is a 720 i got the 752 so i'm good to go um it was a pretty uh stressful session i used you get 90 minutes to take the exam i completed it with under two minutes remaining and when i when i finished the exam i had one performance-based question that i had did not even like start on whatsoever so i had to i had what like six or seven minutes i had to go back to that performance based question and finally figure that out i think finally figured that out would um push me up well past the 720. but um it was a very challenging exam i highly recommend um getting the the skill pipe study guide i highly recommend utilizing the linux i mean the linkedin learning tools and i highly recommend you using other resources watch some youtube videos absorb everything because this exam they're gonna throw some they're gonna throw some stuff at you that you thought you thought you like covered everything and retained some stuff but they're gonna hit you with stuff that if you didn't use a lot of resources you probably did not come across the type of questions but hey so what's up next for me i'm gonna go ahead and prepare for the network plus i want to get a better stronger foundation with networking and then continue on from there so i might also start posting uh some study techniques for the linux plus i can't you know i can't go over the questions that they ask or the type but we can just go through some studying techniques but yeah thanks for checking out the video go ahead i never thought i was to be the one to say this after watching a lot of youtube videos but go ahead smash that like button and subscribe to get your issue alright thanks for checking it out
Channel: Mars H
Views: 944
Rating: 4.9148936 out of 5
Id: UnPsC4X6v9I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 34sec (334 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 04 2021
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