How I Passed AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner in 1 Week

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hi my name is Jose and I'm making this very brief video to share with you my personal experience with preparing for and taking the AWS certified cloud practitioner exam I was able to study for about one week prior to sitting for the exam and I passed on my first attempt I hope that me sharing my personal experience that will give you the confidence and encouragement that you need to no longer delay taking the exam to give you guys a little bit of background about myself I do have two other IT certifications I have the CompTIA security plus and I also have the IFC squared cissp or certified information systems security professional so although I did not have any hands-on experience with AWS prior to preparing for this exam I do have a decent understanding of technology as a whole at the time of this recording the exam cost $100 there are 65 questions and you have 90 minutes to complete it you are able to flag questions and go back to them prior to submitting your final answers I probably flagged about ten of them myself just to go through and make sure I was confident in the answer that I was providing the exam was pretty straightforward some of the questions had a little bit more information that was needed for me to provide an answer but I feel like that's pretty standard with most exams so you really just need to take your time and try to drill down on what they're asking and answer the question without taking too many variables into consideration with providing your answer it's it's really just there to confuse you and now to get into what I did put to prepare for the exam my biggest resource was the Linux Academy I signed up for a one week free trial seven days that was the motivation for making sure I completed it within one week during the time of me preparing the government was shut down so I was at home anyways so I really want to give myself a challenge plus I want to save some money and I wanted to see if I could make the most of my time when I was furloughed I want to look back on it and feel like I got something accomplished versus looking back and resentment or being bitter about being at home without their so I'll date would accomplish my goal other than the Linux Academy training I also signed up for AWS free tier the Linux Academy training had a lot of hands-on like walkthrough simulations so I would have both my monitors up I'd go through the simulations and that really is what I feel allowed me to get the most confidence in understanding AWS so I went through the AWS excuse me I went through the Linux Academy training twice and the first time its entirety just going through the motions the second time I really tried to drill down on the information that I was having the most difficulty with in addition to Linux Academy I also went through all seven of the AWS introduction white papers they were very helpful I was just when I wasn't at the computer I'll just take my Kindle read through the white papers and if I had any questions or if I needed a deep more deeper understanding or I needed it explained to me from a different perspective I would hop on YouTube do a search for something like AWS s3 glacier just to make sure that I'm understanding it properly in addition to the Linux Academy the AWS white papers in YouTube I also read the AWS frequently asked questions there's a lot of information on there that will allow you to understand AWS as a whole a little bit better than just by going through the white papers the last thing I use to prepare for the exam was the free digital training that AWS offers on their training website that's probably about four and a half hours it was not the most exciting material I struggled to get through it but I want to make sure I touched through all the modules that they offered since it is their exam I thought it would make the most sense to use their material I did not receive read any AWS books there is one that I saw online it was a little bit old so AWS is a cloud platform so the information the services they offer it's constantly changing so I felt like the AWS white papers and the frequently asked questions will probably be more reliable for preparing for the exam than a book that was published a few years back on the exam itself you really need to know the major services s3 including the different classes of s3 you should have a decent understanding of the five pillars of the AWS well architected framework ec2 the major applications RDS the difference between RDS and the difference between DynamoDB the difference between cloud trail and cloud watch VPC of course edge locations availability zones regions what's the difference between all of them are you should know what are the different options available to companies to get there or organizations to get their data from their infrastructure to Amazon Web Services so you should know about snowball you should know about snowmobile server lists that I had a few questions about server server list so make sure you have understanding of lambda auto scaling which services auto scaling is available for another big thing was pricing understanding the different pricing structures that AWS offers understand how to go through the TCO or total cost of ownership calculator that was big besides that just pretty much everything that the objectives are outlined the AWS offers mentions just do your best to have a decent understanding of all of it you do not need to know every single service but if you can understand what each service is for and then be able to go in-depth regarding the primary services the desk probably that's really all you need to pass the exam now since I passed the exam I was not taking it to get a new job so I did not try to search I did not try to publish my resume out there so I don't know what feedback I will get from the certification exam itself but the other benefits that I did receive whereas access to the AWS certified store they have stuff on there like keychains I think a coffee mug you get swag the different level or certification you have the more options that are available to you I also received a AWS practice exam voucher to use from our next certification which will be the certified solutions architect associate and I also received a 50% off my next exam so I'm definitely gonna apply that to the architect associate exam and you also qualify for access to the AWS lounge that's available at reinvent this will be my first year going to reinvent so I'm not sure if they'll still be offering it but I mean why not it was a hundred dollars and plus it got my feet wet with AWS as a whole so I figured to be really good starting point for me to take this exam
Channel: Steep Technologies
Views: 122,268
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: AWS, certified cloud practitioner, amazon web services, CCP, cloud, exam prep
Id: DkE4lKNC7uw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 11sec (431 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 24 2019
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