How I organize my laptop | apps & extensions for productivity

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welcome to a tour of my laptop so we're gonna  get right into it no intro today you might think   that the first thing i'm going to show you is my  desktop and how that's organized the thing is i   don't really ever see my desktop because i feel  like there are 700 different screens and apps   covering it up and so instead of having any cute  setup here that i can show off to you it is a mess   it's just a dumping ground um i do have one of  the mac default wallpapers selected which is cute   on the rare occasion that i managed to actually  uncover my desktop and see what is on here   really the first thing that i wanted to show you  was my web browser because that is where i spend   most of my time on my computer i do use google  chrome i don't know maybe safari is a good   alternative i just have literally no desire  to try it because google chrome is fantastic   as is gmail and google drive and basically  google owns all of my personal data and i   guess i'm okay with that i feel like i should  turn so that you can see my face a little more so one of the nice things that you can do in  google chrome is you can set up the tabs that   open on startup so every time that you launch  google chrome what websites automatically open   so for me that is teux deux which is my to-do list  app and idenati so idenaty is actually the sponsor   of today's video um so basically instead of being  overwhelmed and distracted by the entirety of the   internet like when you just open up a new tab  and you have this address bar that can take you   literally anywhere okay i don't have anything  embarrassing in the search history that's good   instead of being overwhelmed by the internet  with idenati you create tiles and you basically   declutter the internet so of course i'm a fan  of that so you can either search for your tiles   or you can organize them by category so the  categories that i have are affiliate because i   always forget the websites that i have to go to to  check how my affiliate links are doing so i just   collected them all here i have a finances  tab for all the money stuff um this is really   helpful because there were certain websites  that i could never remember how to get to   and then i have messaging personal school shopping  social media and work that one has a lot of stuff   idenati also keeps track of your passwords so  when you click on a tile it automatically copies   the password to your clipboard and then you just  go okay so my stuff fills in but if it weren't   in there you could copy in the password right  from the clipboard and just sign in very easily   because the idea is to just have this one tab open  rather than having the millions of tabs open that   most of us are used to you can even integrate  um your google calendar into the sidebar here so   there's not really anything on the calendar for  today but tomorrow is more interesting tomorrow   i'm leaving for new york and so you can see the  meetings and the events and appointments that you   have coming up you can also make notes and lists  so for example you might make your to-do list for   the day right in idenati so i really like using  this because it simplifies a lot of my routines   so for example if i'm sitting down to review my  budget and look at my finances and do all the   adulting things i have everything i need in one  place and i don't need to keep track of in my   head which websites i need to visit so you can use  the link in the description to give idenati a try   and we are going to move on to the next section of  this tour i do have a few chrome extensions that i   use so i shall now tell you about each of those  honey you've probably seen youtube ads for it   before it finds you coupon codes for the websites  that you're shopping on and in my experience works   pretty well loom is a tool that allows you to  create screen recordings and the cool part is   that it also records using the camera on the front  of your computer and it records just like a little   circle with your face in it pause is a fantastic  extension let me show you how that works any time   that you visit a distracting website so i think  that includes all social media websites but also   some news websites because i think reading the  news can also become a little bit of a rabbit hole   so anytime you visit those websites it makes you  wait i think five seconds before you can actually   continue on to the website there is an option  if you wait like two extra seconds or something   to actually click don't pause this website for 24  hours but it's surprisingly effective like even   though you literally only have to wait two seconds  a lot of the times i just give up on waiting and i   just go with this first option the pinterest save  button just lets you save any image that you find   on the internet to a pinterest board video speed  controller i think i downloaded this to speed up   kdramas because sometimes i get very frustrated  with the slow pacing i remember when i watched   startup for some reason i was very frustrated  with the pacing of that one so the entire thing   i watched at 1.25 if not 1.5 speed and you still  get the storyline it's still you still get the   whole experience teleparty is for watching netflix  with other people um block the youtube feed does   exactly what it says it does so as you can see  when i open up youtube i don't really have any   sort of home feed this is fantastic it makes a  really big difference so all you have access to is   the channels that you're subscribed to basically  and then just the search bar okay what is left   history by date i think i downloaded that because  when you look at your history on chrome you have   to scroll all the way back so like if you want  to see a website that you visited a week ago   you would have to scroll through your entire  history for the past seven days i don't remember   why i needed to find something so specific but i  really needed to so i got this extension and it   works great okay so that's my web browser let's  look at the stuff that i have in my dock uh so   first of all i have finder spotify quicktime just  the basics i rarely use spotify on my computer   if i do it's probably to listen to white noise  quicktime player the reason i have that in my   dock is because that's what i use to record screen  recordings as i'm actually doing right now wow   wow uh final cut pro is where all of the video  editing magic happens i actually have a 30 minute   video that is just a complete guide a tutorial to  how i edit in final cut pro i made it like a year   ago so some of the information might have changed  but i cover everything i think from how i organize   files to how i make the initial edits to color  grading designing graphics effects that i apply   everything day one is a lovely little journaling  app so i have the app on my phone but i usually   type my entries out on my computer because i can  type a lot faster on a keyboard than on my phone   um so usually each evening what i do is i go  new from template and i have this daily evening   template that includes um a title three wins from  that day and then three things i was grateful for   and then once i finish it on my computer it  syncs very quickly to my phone so i just pick   up my phone and i add a couple of photos from the  day photoshop is the app that i use for designing   thumbnails designing graphics uh doing the little  hand-drawn illustrations for my videos ical is my   preferred calendar app so i do use google calendar  because google calendar is nice for inviting   people to events that that's what i will give it  otherwise i hate the design of google calendar   i think ical is absolutely beautiful and simple  and fantastic so my google calendar and my ical   are synced any edit that i make to each of them  shows up on both of them so generally throughout   the day to check my calendar i'm always using ical  notion is what me and my assistant use to stay   organized with the content calendar i really don't  want to show you too much of this but basically   the content calendar is divided into separate  pages where if i click on instagram i can see just   the content that is going up on instagram we have  pages for different projects we have pages for   content ideas there's a knowledge base with all  sorts of tutorials for how to do all the bliss   bean related work i am planning on doing a full  notion tour so that is just a little taste for   you right now here we have slack i don't use slack  all that much and also this won't be very helpful   because literally everything will be blurred out  but i did start using slack recently because the   influencer agency something that i started working  with recently they use that for communication so   i want to make sure that i have easy access to it  the notes app i absolutely love the notes app so   i used to do a lot of stuff in google drive but  now i'm finding it easier to keep everything in   apple notes so in apple notes i have a folder  for an archive so for example i have um   my 2021 mid-year review in here i have a folder  that is for anything that i'm working on currently   so for the time being that is just my new york  city packing list which i will be using literally   this evening because i am leaving literally at  1 am i have some old book notes that i still   need to move into obsidian and i will do that  eventually some old dream journal entries that   i want to transfer into day one also eventually  i just haven't gotten around to it personal has a   bunch of different lists like um things to do with  friends movies and shows that i want to watch gift   ideas etc planning has all of my little different  routines morning routine bedtime weekly planning   midweek planning monthly planning things i want  to do someday lots lots and lots of that stuff   i probably have a video for almost every routine  in here if you're interested in that and then just   two recipes in here the last thing i have in  my doc is apple sticky so i love using post-it   notes in real life and apple stickies is like the  digital version of that it's just as simple as you   can get when it comes to note-taking apps it just  creates these sticky notes that you can then move   around your desktop so the ones that i have at  the moment are a brain dump and i actually just   cleared this so that is why it is nice and empty  i have one for stuff that just popped into my head   that i want to share on social media so that i  am not tempted to immediately go on instagram   or twitter or whatever uh this is a little list  of things that i do whenever i am promoting a   new video and then sometimes i just need a place  to write something in the moment so for example   uh i recently recorded a podcast episode and i  needed to think of my three takeaways there aren't   that many different settings you can make them  different colors um you can make them let's see   you can make them translucent if that floats  your boat but i feel like it's a little bit   hard to read finally let's talk about my folder  organization so as i said i don't really use my   desktop my desktop is just a dumping ground  for screen recordings and screenshots that i   try to clear out once a week uh downloads folder  is the same thing and i actually don't use the   documents folder that much either because most of  my documents are organized onto my hard drive so i   think most of the folders that i have in here  are folders that are just like automatically   created by adobe so these are folders that  i'm afraid to delete because i'm pretty sure   they are critical to the functioning of these  softwares so most of my files are on these   external drives that i have so this one that i  am plugging in now is the samsung portable uh   how much is it i think it's yeah 500 gigabyte ssd  solid state drive so i use this for any temporary   projects and my naming convention is generally the  platform the date in the format year month day and   then just the title of the video or the podcast or  whatever it was so for example i have youtube 2021   june 11 speaking in spanish for a day and you know  exactly what that is um and then when i sort by   name which i always sort my folders by name all  of the youtube videos will be grouped together   um then they'll be sorted by date and then you  can very easily reference the name of the video so   it's very nice and organized these folders up  here are to help me organize anything that does   not really belong to a specific project so when  i import stuff from an sd card i will usually   dump all of the unedited photos in here and then  once they're edited they get exported to here   if i have video clips that i shot specifically  for a video that will be way in the future and   i'm not currently working on it at all but i  need to organize it i'll put it in this folder   and then any videos that just belong somewhere  else but for the time being they just need to be   gathered somewhere i put them in the video dump  now the hard drive that i use this is an uh easy   store four terabyte external hard drive once i'm  done with the project i move it off the samsung   drive onto the external hard drive for permanent  storage so the folders that are by far the most   bloated on here are the blogging and  the other footage so the blogging folder   is organized by every single month basically  that i've been using this organization system   let us click on an example month so for example  if we go to february 2021 i see all of the podcast   episodes i did that month all of the videos all  the graphics that i designed for newsletters and   all of all one photo that i edited for instagram  so if i open up the folder for a specific video   what you'll see is all the graphics that  i designed have a zero in front of them so   that they're really easy to access as i said i  sort everything by name and so anytime i put a   zero in front of a file name it will always show  up at the beginning of the folder and then after   that is all of the b-roll that i decided might be  useful for future videos and i just named it with   different keywords so that i'd be able to find  it in the future and then the other big folder   that i mentioned is for other footage so the  way that i used to use this folder as you can   see down here is i would just make a folder for  a specific event that happened now because i'm   really trying to record more of my daily life  i make a folder for every single month and in   that folder i put all the footage that i captured  with my phone with my little canon camera whatever   just footage that is of my life that wasn't filmed  for a specific youtube video here again i name   everything with keywords so that in the future i  can find it a lot more easily let's say i remember   that i watched a solar eclipse all i have to do  is just go to my hard drive i would probably go   into this folder and search solar eclipse it does  take a lot of effort i'm not gonna lie it's pretty   tedious to go through everything watch enough  of it to figure out what's going on in the clip   and so this is something that i try to do every  week but lately i've been slacking a little bit   however i do think the effort is worth  it because it makes editing future videos   so much easier and so much more fun because as  long as you have an idea in your head of what   sort of clip you're looking for you just type in a  keyword and then you discover all of this footage   that you might have forgotten about and i don't  know maybe i'm just a file organization nerd but i   think that is pretty freaking cool i would say the  last important folder that i have is for video and   design projects so this is stuff that i've done  freelance or personal projects as i mentioned i do   try to go through my footage and apply keywords  to it and everything clear my desktop clear my   downloads folder etc every week however that's  been happening more like once a month lately   but when i do keep up with it it is so so nice to  just have everything in the place that it belongs   it's also very important when you have  multiple hard drives and very important files   to have a consistent system for backing things  up so i showed you that the projects from   this temporary uh solid state drive get backed  up to this permanent external hard drive   however i also have another external hard drive  that is just a backup of this one and i need to   make sure that also happens on a regular basis  because if i were to lose everything in here that   would be tragic let's just say that the last thing  to show you in terms of file organization is that   recently um two months ago i started working with  my assistant and so we set up an icloud folder to   share all the stuff that she needs access to the  really nice thing was that i was already super   organized with all of my files and so i didn't  have to do that much in order to set it up in   a way that made sense to her all i had to do for  the most part was just share those files with her   and the way that we decided to do that because  we both use apple computers was just to use an   icloud folder so i don't remember which storage  plan i ended up purchasing i think it's like a   couple hundred gigabytes but it's been working  pretty nicely so far first of all i have tons   of b-roll footage on my hard drive but what i've  been doing for her is pulling the best footage and   compiling it in this footage library that she  has access to whenever she's editing a video   so the only annoying thing about this is that it  doesn't show the preview of the video if it's not   like downloaded to your computer so if anyone has  tips for working with icloud folders i would very   much appreciate that but for the time being it  does look like icloud is a pretty good solution   the resources folder i'm super proud of this  because this is so well organized um this has   everything all the worksheets that i've designed  and the graphics for those worksheets um when one   of us is editing a video for example there is  stuff for the sound the visuals um for example   you might go into the overlays and then you'd have  access to all these overlays that we sometimes use   it is just it's a pleasure to use if i may  toot my own horn and then finally once again   we just have a project folder for every piece of  content that she's involved in i didn't think i   had that much to talk about because i thought my  organization system was not that special but once   you get into the web browser the extensions  the apps the software the file organization   it's a lot but it really goes a long way to  making your work processes more streamlined and   more efficient so i highly recommend figuring out  an organization system um i think a great example   of why this comes in handy is that when i started  working with my assistant everything was already   organized for her and it was very easy for me to  just show her how to use the organization systems   that i had already set up and been using for years  so yeah please organize your files in a consistent   way because your future self will be very grateful  i hope you enjoyed this video please give it a   like and subscribe to my channel and turn on  notifications and i'll see you next week bye you
Channel: The Bliss Bean
Views: 55,467
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Id: 4ukKFxL9eWA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 54sec (1194 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 24 2021
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