22 WAYS to customize your macbook (organization + customization tips and tricks)

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i really don't want to say what i'm about to say because i've started the past few videos with this same line but i am really excited for today's video i just love anything to do with customization and personalization like i was that kid in middle school in high school who would fully decorate their lockers and fully deck out their planners and binders and notebooks hashtag embrace the present to me this is kind of like the digital equivalent to that i literally haven't done anything to it i was saving it for this video because i did upgrade to the 2021 macbook pro i did a whole unboxing video which i will link below for you guys haven't seen it yet so this is what we're starting with we have a lot of work to do so actually the only thing i've done so far are download some apps so all my adobe apps lightroom photoshop final cut pro google chrome and vlc the first thing we're going to do is change our wallpaper because i don't want to say she's not the cutest she's just not my vibe you know we want something a little more bright a little more vibrant so let's go to system preferences then desktop and screensaver um okay so i am quite i don't want to say crazy i'm quite particular when it comes to my wallpaper like in our last customization video i literally photoshopped my own wallpaper because there just wasn't any that i was a fan of although i didn't do that this time around i did purchase a bunch of wallpapers it's the first time i've ever spent money on a on a digital image and i don't know how i feel about that but let me show you the wallpapers because they are kind of cute so the wallpapers are still in my downloads folder but here it is this is what i bought it's like this set of like aura lights wallpapers like the auralites design i don't even know that's the right term but this type of design is super in trend right now and i actually really like it which is why i obviously spent six dollars on this set of wallpapers so i really hope it looks good so that my six dollars don't go to waste anyways let's move them to the pictures folder so they show up in system preferences and as you can see there is no pictures folder on the sidebar so what you want to do first is click finder on top and then tick the boxes of what you want to have quick access to in the sidebar so pictures music movies okay now we can go back to system preferences go to folders and ta-da here they are okay so moment of truth let's try them out okay starting with this pink one i'm gonna be honest it kind of reminds me of like a certain body part i don't know why i think it's just all the different shades of pink i think it's safe to say that i'm not gonna use this one so let's move on okay this blue one i don't know it gives me like windows vibes you know i i don't love it okay this yellow one this is not looking good this yellow one this one's actually not too bad but it kind of gives me pimple vibes like it literally looks like a pimple on the skin i'm coming to the realization that i may have just wasted six dollars okay this green one surprisingly i don't hate it like i genuinely thought i was gonna hate the green one out of everything but out of all the ones you've seen so far this one's not looking too bad okay this is the classic one this is super cute i actually really do like this i think she's the best so far for sure and then this dark one she's cute but not not my vibe i definitely like the light purple the best so i think we're gonna stick with this yeah we're gonna stick with this for now but i'm for sure gonna look for another one because i don't know i just really wanna be like obsessed with my wallpaper you know like i'm crazy about wallpapers let's move on to screen savers because i bought a wallpaper and screensaver set like packed so i basically have all of the designs i showed you but in screensaver form this is the one that was trending on tiktok by the way it is for free but just this color if you want the other colors you're gonna have to purchase it okay dusk is cute i like it i like it as a screen saver i like that it's dark because you know you don't want a screensaver that's too bright you know because usually it's just in the background so we'll stick to this and i'll just change it to five minutes now we're going to make our folders and i'm just going to make the same six folders that i had in my last macbook because i really like the organization system that i had so one for recent which is basically like my dump folder so if i screenshot anything or download anything i just dump it all in that folder instead of having it scattered all over my desktop watch which is where i put all my recently downloaded movies or tv shows then school for papers readings and books instagram for my photos youtube for all things youtube and editing for the footage that i am currently editing then i will just move them all to the right because i like having all my folders on the right side of my desktop and then one of my favorite things to do is change the icon of my folders and i'm very extra when it comes to my folder icons so much so that i actually make my own but i'm going to show you just a super quick demo of how i made them in case you also are crazy and you want to make your own so first i downloaded an icon online and it's better if it's already a png just makes it all easier then i drag that image to photoshop create a new fill layer and i want my icons to be white so i make a white layer click create clipping mask save it as a png and that is it now to actually change the icon of the folders just right click the folder click get info and then open the image command a to select all command c to copy and then click this folder icon here command v to paste and voila that's how you change it it's super easy now i'm just gonna do it for all my other folders omg i actually really like how this looks it's my first time ever having white icons actually i think in my last macbook it was also white but it wasn't circular i actually super love how it's circular and white i think it just looks super neat i'm obsessed with it okay so now we're gonna customize this dock so let's go to system preferences dock and menu bar i'm okay with the size and position on screen tbh people who don't have their docs at the bottom of their screen scare me oh we are going to tick magnification because i love when the apps do the wave when you hover over them i don't know i just really like it i'll just decrease the magnification intensity a little bit now let us clean up the stock because there are way too many apps so i'm just gonna start removing apps that i don't want on the dock and we're just gonna speed through this because i don't think that you want to listen to me explain why i'm keeping or removing each app personally i like keeping only my essential apps on the dock so apps that i use at least once a week and i do this so that one it doesn't look cluttered and two so that it's easier and quicker for me to find the apps that i actually do use and the way that i arrange it is i keep my super most used apps like apps that i use daily on the middle right of my screen because i'm right-handed so my hand just naturally gravitates towards the right area of the screen there you go look at that it looks so much neater now let's customize the widgets and i'm so excited this is the first time that i actually have widgets on my macbook so here are the widgets honestly i have no idea what i want my widget section to look like but for now i'll just you know i'll play around with it and i might go back to this later but this is what it looks like right now you know not super obsessed with it we have the calendars to-do lists and then the weather aria from the future here i do in fact go back to this whole widget section and fill it with even cuter widgets i just had to do more research and more experimentations but i'll show you guys later so stay tuned for that let's go to general because there's a bunch of stuff to customize here i love doing this okay so for appearance we will put it at auto which just allows it to automatically transition to night mode at night time which i love and then for accent color pink of course it just changes the colors of the buttons so cute and then highlight color is also pink look at how cute when you highlight obsessed then i am pretty okay with everything else oh let's go back to doc and menu bar because i forgot to do something i want to get rid of the recent applications on my dock aka this green app here so we're just gonna go to dock and menu bar and untick show recent applications in dock okay then in this same section we can scroll down to battery and i'm just gonna tick show percentage because i like seeing the specific percentage of how much battery i have left and then scroll down to clock and i will also take display the time with seconds because i actually find that having the seconds on is like insanely helpful especially if you're like me and you wait for lunches you know like if a new makeup product is launching same goes with enlisting for classes oh my gosh like you need the second so that you know exactly when to enter the website so you don't you know get left behind we're gonna go back and then go to notifications and sound and i'm literally just gonna turn off all the notifications i just really get annoyed when i get notifications on my macbook like i don't know what it is except for final cut pro and imovie because they just notify you when your video is exported which is really helpful okay then go back and click battery and just to save battery we are going to decrease the turn display off after make that 15 minutes then turn on low power mode oh and i also wanna remove this recently downloaded section on my dock just to really clean the dock up so we're just gonna right click options and click remove from top hello it is raya from the semi-future here it's been i'd say like an hour or two or three so i took a few hours just to like experiment and download some things and we're back and i'm actually super excited to show you what i've discovered so far so i played around a lot with wallpapers widgets and just like extra desktop customizations i'm so excited first of all the wallpaper um i i hate that i'm saying this because i literally spent six dollars six dollars on wallpapers and um i just don't love it okay so i went back to my old ways and i did indeed photoshop several new wallpapers because i'm crazy like that okay here they are it's basically the same wallpaper just different color combinations so we're just gonna try them all out this first one cute i actually really love this but i don't know i feel like it's a little bit too pastely for me this was my quirky side showing i was like i want i want to make like a really quirky retro color combo uh i don't know and then i did another one which is very similar just check out the blue we have this one which i think is really cute but it gives me like middle school vibes i don't know why this one which i actually really like it is a little like middle school pastely but i still like it and then we have this pink one which i also super love i think it's definitely a tie between this one and this pink one we have this green one which i also really like but just my vibe right now is more pink and then we have this brown one which surprisingly this is definitely like my bottom three for now i think we're gonna do this blue one this pink and blue one now for extra desktop customization i downloaded this app called flip clock and it's super cool you can do quite a bit with it so let's just go to settings here there are three designs there's a flip clock which is what i'm using right now you can customize the text color and the background color i just picked this one to match my desktop wallpaper can also be a digital clock we also have the dial clock which is also cute actually but yeah super cute i am obsessed with it now for widgets i downloaded two new apps for the widgets oh i deleted everything else by the way and just left the calendar because i do want that there but i downloaded color widgets i'll just add this i'll add another one and then i downloaded smart tasks and i'll just do medium ones i already fully experimented with this guys so i know exactly what i'm doing i'm just like trying to walk you through it but i definitely already pre-planned this so i'm gonna walk you through each of the apps so for smart tasks basically it's a to-do list but it allows you to customize the color which is why i really like it here here are all the colors you can do and i picked this one because it matches my background almost perfectly i'm very impressed you can actually change what list you display so here we have youtube which are for all my youtube tasks and then this bottom one i'm gonna change it to be my school tasks and the next app is color widgets look you can customize it it can be the time it can be the calendar it can be just a photo it can be a clock and you can customize the background color the text color the font i'm gonna keep one as a calendar because i really like that and then the other one i'm going to make it a clock there and that is essentially it those are my widgets oh my gosh it literally looks so cute i love it i'm obsessed with how it looks so yeah that is it for today's video i hope that you guys enjoyed this video and we're able to i don't know like get inspired to design and customize and personalize your own macbooks i am definitely tired it's been quite a long day but i definitely enjoyed this whole process and i hope you did too so yeah i'll see you in the next video bye girl [Music] you
Channel: Raya Maurelle
Views: 1,450,264
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: macbook, macbook pro, macbook pro 2021, how to customize your macbook pro dock, how to organize your macbook for school, macbook organization + customization, how to customize macbook, how to organize macbook, macbook wallpaper, aesthetic wallpaper, macbook widgets, widgets, aesthetic macbook widgets, widgets for college, macbook tips and tricks, change macbook folder icon, macbook customization, pinterest wallpaper, folder icons, what to do on a new macbook, macbook tips
Id: Aoy6SCkkrcE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 37sec (877 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 14 2022
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