How I Nearly Tripled The Amount Of Goals I Scored

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how I tripled the amount of goals I scored playing in the exact same team in the exact same league if I take you back to the last game of last season I started on the bench and it's the first time that I didn't start all season I've been struggling for quite a few weeks leading up to the game and of course like any football I was GED to be on the bench I came on at halftime didn't really do much and that was at the end of the season like I said as footballers we hit it being on the bench we just want to play and get minutes so for the next few months I made sure I wasn't on the bench for the start of the new season and I was determined starting games and scoring goals so today I'm going to give you a few tips on how I did this as well as a few mistakes that I made to the first and most valuable thing that I did was I worked on my conference and this is a very cliche thing especially in football and a lot of us often wonder how we can actually improve our confidence for me there was only one way that I knew I could do this and this was going into each game knowing I prepared the best that I could have during the week I used to do team training once a week during the week and nothing else until a match on a weekend why would I go into the game with any confidence and this is all I've done all week knowing that you were doing everything you can makes you so much more confident CU your mind can be at ease you know you've done your best confidence is important for every position on the pitch and football but I think especially as a striker confidence is need to start scoring goals because of this I knew it was something I had to work on and I made it a priority through the pre-season point two has some more specific advice and it's to act like goal scorer of course this isn't in your general life it's in your training and on the pitch it's a huge change I realized that I had to make or I wanted to score more goals for a long time when I was playing as a forward I'd like to drop deep and get involved with the player but getting involved in the player higher up the pitch will actually win your team of the game and score your goals we all see hurry Kane dropping deep and scoring goals but this is one of the best strikers in the world who's mastered it I'm sure that you could do this too but I also think that if you stayed High would score more goals and this is what I'd found I also found that how I trained had to change as a striker I was doing shooting practice M once a week I realized that I should be practicing my shooting a lot more often than this and when I started doing shooting practice three or four times a week I became a lot more confident again and it made it more natural and I matched it if you want to score more goals you have to practice scoring more goals really obvious and really simple but for a long time something I neglected I wish I hadn't Point number three is another thing that I neglected for a long long time and it's movement when we watch the professional game in the Premier League we see that a lot of the goals aren't spectacular and usually the quite simples more I analyze the goals that we were scoring I realized that there four or five movements before eventually scoring the goal when you start replicating this yourself you'll notice the difference it makes as you can drag Defenders wherever you'd like Ronaldo is probably the best in the world at this especially since he started playing number nine for a lot of his goals he's dragged the defender three or for different ways before scoring his goal these movements aren't hard or complicated they're just sharp little dots that the defender away for example it's run to the back post or run to the front post and scoring or vice versa really simple but it'll make a huge difference in the amount of goals you score we all see and talk about movement but for some reason a lot of us don't implement it for a long time this was me the fourth and final point is to make it difficult for the goalkeeper the Watkins goal versus Netherlands is a perfect example of this he turns and shoots so quick keeper has no time to set himself and it's past him before he can react goalkeepers like to be set and ready for shots don't like having to make a save when they're not ready taking a shot through a defender's legs or taking a shot without beating a Defender could make it so much more difficult for them using a Defender to Cur the ball around and score can make it really difficult for the goalkeeper it makes him hard for him to see where the shots going and you will probably see the ball lit the more of these shots you take naturally the more goals you'll score and you'll notice a pattern for which shots are hardest for goalkeepers to deal with now are my four tips to hopefully help you score some goals I hope you learn from the mistakes that I made and if you want to improve as a footballer then check the video in the top right thank you for watching
Channel: Kayden Robinson
Views: 278
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Id: vUiBter4Cdo
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Length: 4min 14sec (254 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 13 2024
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