How I Make Vodka with Bakers Yeast Pt.1 The Wash

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[Music] hi there welcome to part one of a two-part series of making drug with baker's yeast and part 1 is going to be dealing with putting together the wash pad 2 will be the distillation of the wash so let's get into this these are the basic ingredients that you're going to need to make yourself a reasonably good sugar wash a simple wash that you use for distillation of ethyl alcohol you've got your sugar and in this case here I've got 5 kilos of sugar I happen to know that 4 kilos of sugar will give me an 8 percent alcohol by volume end product but I want to try and bump that up 10 percent so I'm going to put 5 kilos of sugar in now when you add more sugar yes you can get it up to 10% out the heart by volume but it starts to slow down it's distillation process will start off fast and I'll get slower and slower and slower so that means to get that extra a little bit of alcohol is the expectant of another day or two in the distillation process but keep in mind to also you don't want to go over 10 percent alcohol by volume because when let's say for example we put twice as much sugar in as I have here no you don't actually double the amount of alcohol by volume because we're using baker's yeast you're going to reach around about 10% max and then the alcohol will actually kill or stop the baker's yeast from working so it's important to keep it at a maximum rate about 10% alcohol by volume other ingredients we have sanitizer we have this particular sanitizers phosphoric sanitizer you use this in here in your in your distillation bin a little drop and some water and it bubbles up that sanitizers it then we can either just pour it out I give it a little bit of a rinse as well but I also use it in this spray bottle and diluted form so I can spray the equipment that I use to actually make the wash it's important to have that you want to keep the whole thing reasonably sanitized because it's just like a big petri dish you don't any bacteria getting in there because it's going to grow in the yeast environment I this is an airlock this is very handy it keeps you out foreign bodies because you put this in the top of the bottle of the distillation container and it keeps as I said the the foreign bodies out very important diammonium phosphate that this is quite interesting when I first got into making my own alcohol I was using turbo yeast yes that serves a purpose you need to do a bit of carbon cleaning and carbon filtering to get the turbo used about that palatable condition but I used to then start experimenting with baker's yeast and I thought well I do need to have a yeast museum so let's just put yeast sugar and water together that's going to for Fleming's face very quickly so I went to the internet and I found baker's yeast I found yeast new to it this cost me three dollars fifty tiny little things about 50 grams tiny three dollars fifty and that's what I was using to actually give my yeast a little bit of nutrient I did some research and found out that a lot of the winemakers and the beer makers on a professional level they use a thing called DAP diammonium phosphate which is this stuff here so I did some further research and I found out that I can actually buy this for seven dollars a kilo this is a yeast nutrient so when I put the link in the description below but very very good we only need a teaspoon full of this per 25 liters so very good it's going to give you quite a vigorous start to your baker's yeast other things we have here citric acid this is very useful we use it in the distillation or in the the wash here that to lower the pH level now I happen to know out my pH level here in this house is actually around about six or seven ideally you want about four or five and you assess that by using either a simple pH litmus paper or you can get a special pH filter kit and test that yourself it's cheaper on the internet around about 50 cents for that but make it run about 4 or 5 pH level and they used basically a teaspoonful or citric acid to do that another actual great use for this is using it to clean out your column and I've got a separate video it shows you how to do that so feel free to look at it another thing here magnesium sulfate or Epsom sauce very very interesting product we use that to soften the water and the softener water basically if it's hard water you need to have an awful lot an old estate for example again you need to put in some magnesium sulfate to soften the water to make it easier for the whole thing to work put a pinch of that in only a tiny little pinch or see me do it later on that's all you need of that yeast baker's yeast this is a simple baker's yeast from the local food store and it's very affordable about 40 or 50 of that so it's very affordable and I'll be using a half cup in this wash and this is actually just a container to actually activate the yeast so later on I'll put some warm water so the sugar and yeast in there and wait for it to start growing before I add it to them to the distillation check on the moment up very important because what you want to do is you want to regulate the temperature of the water going into the barrel here because when you have the finished product up here your water you want to be no hotter than 30 32 degrees any hotter it's going to destroy or kill the yeast or any colder and the yeast will remain gluant so you want about 32 degrees 32 degrees we have from an incredible interesting tool here that this is going to allow you to monitor the strength of what you're doing bases are specific gravity is a hydrometer and you can actually measure the density of this when you are growing member here before I said I want to have 10% alcohol by volume well I worked it out five new four kilos of sugar gives me 1060 specific gravity and that's eight alcohol by volume I want to get 10% alcohol by volume that's 1075 specific gravity and that relates to about five kilos so you can do the math it's important to use that so you don't want to if you're doing a Baker's you brew you don't want to have it any stronger than 1075 that's 10% alcohol by volume and it shows you it on here what that is so I'm very interesting tool and a hydrometer most necessary for that to happen let's start putting this all together now all right I've already got some water inside the barrel here it should be remember 30 32 degrees and double-check that to make sure actually ounce not the walk bit woman there but we've got that up to thirty two point five at that 33 degrees basically it's um a good temperature to have that so we can start putting the sugar ring and that's going to get the whole ball game going so you start the whole thing going for all your sugar in really putting five kilos in remember I'll give reference to where we actually got this recipe from and as a fella by the name of whiner it's appropriate name for a guy would he actually is a contributor to a forum I called the home distillers forum and he put a recipe together and it's called the winos plain old sugar wash and the recipe for his version is I actually put the link in the description below but the interesting point about it is that I've been doing exactly the same with his recipe now his recipe calls for only four kilos of sugar I'm using five acts they only pick different back part more well I'll give you reference you can have a look at that and dissipate worth while actually having a look at that for them very interesting for finding out some of the little secrets about doing stuff and I found a lot I could learn a lot from it so anyway the sugars in now time to put the other ingredients in I've got the epson salts I only want a small pinch of that remember so it's just a pinch that's it softens the water a bit we've got the citric acid for lowering the pH so one teaspoon of that that's fine that then got DAP diammonium phosphate pull over how useful this is actually an ax the base of the up the yeast and it actually helps it to go quite vigorously from a very early stage so you've got one teaspoon to diammonium phosphate in that as well now all we do is simply stir the whole thing up and we keep on stirring until it's pretty well mixed so um I'll cut that too this when I've actually had it all dissolved and I've actually filled it up with all the water necessary and I've got the years ready well we're back I've got the container filled with sufficient water for the the distillation take place I've got the next stage ready here this is basically where we're going to put together the yeast and some sugar to activate the yeast and then put it into this container I've also got my pH litmus paper to test the pH level prior to it just to verify that is in the the range that I want which is going to be four to five so first thing we do well this is uses activating I'll finish stirring the bucket to make sure all the sugars dissolved I'll put a bit more sugar into this bowl here and this charge this is just to activate the yeast with other surfaces just to give the yeast some food so it can start bubbling a start going and when it's activated then we put it in here all right so we've got a half cup measure I'm just pouring in my baker's yeast doesn't need to be exact but now close enough is good enough there's a half a cup of baker's yeast there and now I'm going to actually just start mixing it in the jugs I have here mixes slowly make sure the yeast is actually at room temperature too high store it in the fridge normally so if you're going to use it make sure it's at room temperature before you start mixing it and it's going to help it activate a lot faster I think we'll cut back to this when I'm getting closer tools having all the easy all the last bit of yeast is going in now and it's pretty well mixed if you don't mix this as you pour the yeast in since you've got half a cup it's going to completely clogged up everything and you don't be able to get a good mixture in there so I've got 1/2 a cup of yeast in there and it's a happy little Vegemite it's a nice even consistency there which is good so now that's perfect nice even as evenly mate and I'm going to use this again to actually help disperse it in the top of the barrel now while this is actually activating it'll start increasing in size you'll see this as time goes by and when we come back I'll have another camera and I'll take a shot from the side on this so you can see how active this yeast is so right now while I'm waiting for this to actually activate I'm going to finish stirring my sugar wash to make sure all the sugar and the other ingredients are dissolved getting close to the top of the complainer there see so what I'll do now is I'll finish off my preparations to make sure everything else is ready final step I'll check the pH level and give it a second look - that's good a pH level roughly round about five which is really is realistically it's where I want it ok so that's fine that's ready we're now got a very active yeast container here and it's going to be time to actually start adding a yeast to the sugar watch the final stages of preparation all right so that's very good as happy as its activated and it's going to do a wonderful job so now all we do if we start pouring it in to the sugar wash and you've got a rich farm which is going to be on the top so what we need to do now is to sort of get that foam mixed in with the rest of the wash and side there so just scrape as much out of the container as you possibly can so it's good what I'll do while I'm doing this I'll take a phone or film this as well so at least you can see what's happening so you can see here there's a rich foam and you can sort of see that some of the liquid down there see it's mixing with it so the idea is step one mix the foam in with a fluid and step two after you've done that use this plastic spoon to mix it from the bottom up so that's going to give you your preparation necessary for this to happen so that's pretty good I'm quite happy with that at the moment so it's finished don't need that again the stirring spoon stir it up until you're completely happy that leaving consistency all the way through I'm happy with that so now we have got this baby nearly ready for the final stage this is where you put a bed for awhile okay so we've got the lid we're going to put that lid on make sure it's nice and tightly put on sites airtight and speaking of airtight that's an air lock that we're going to use here excuse me while I go out of frame just put some water in all right so we've got the air lock in place we've got the air lock now we're going to put in place now the waiting game comes upon us it's about 30 32 degrees and then we want to try and maintain that at 30 32 degrees so when I put it to bed later on in the laundry I'm going to have a strap around it and that's going to help keep that heat there if you put the strap up higher it maintains a lower heat but down lower it maintains a high heat so you learn this as time goes by so I'm going to cut for now I'm going to come back at probably about half an hour's time when this starts to bubble and I'll see if I can capture that for you it's just about 35 minutes past when I actually finish this putting this barrel together and it's just that a bubbling let's just see if I can catch it hey now she blows that the alcohol in that there barrel there be you'll notice that I've also got a heater strip down here now this heater strip is going to help to keep it nice and warm on these cold wintry nights I'm also just picked up some thermometer strips now these thermometer strips are very handy now you can use your digital tomato or time but as a quick glance these longer strips are gonna be able to help you to keep it in the right temperature well when I'm in between 30 and 32 degrees for the overall temperature of this as it goes along so now I'm going to put it to bed in the laundry and in about three maybe four days time it's probably going to be stopped bubbling completely it starts bubbling fast it'll get faster than this but then it will get slower and slower and slower and slower so that's three or four days time it'll be time to think about now racking it basically cycling off all of the liquid leaving the settlement behind and then putting in something to help separate it even further until we end up the clear liquid yeah so there we go part two the distilling that's coming up [Music]
Channel: Paul Jacobs
Views: 164,769
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Making Vodka, Moonshine, Distill, Bakers Yeast, The Wash, How to make Vodka, How to make ethanol, How to make moonshine, Make vodka with Bakers Yeast, Bakers yeast moonshine, How to make alcohol, Use Bakers Yeast for Moonshine, Popcorn Sutton, Moonshine 101, Sugar Wash, Moonshine Recipe, This is the last dam run of likker I'll ever make
Id: 2Dti5JqA_tY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 24sec (1044 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 14 2017
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