How I Made My First $100k at 20 Years Old

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hey what is going on you guys and welcome back to the channel in today's video I'm gonna be sharing with you guys how I made my first $100,000 at the age of 20 now before I get started with this video I just want to say if you're a new subscriber welcome to the channel one of my subscribers actually sent me this sweet mug here a little while back shout out to my boy mark and on this channel we normally talk about credit cards that's probably how most you guys have found me but I feel like it's good to do these story time videos especially on the weekends when I don't feel like making credit card videos so I'm gonna share with you guys exactly what I did to get to where I am right now and in no way am i successful or consider myself on that level of success that I'm striving to be on but I have definitely come a very far and long way from where I began I actually had no intentions of ever becoming an entrepreneur or a youtuber or someone who just owns multiple businesses I actually was on the route of becoming a police officer when I first started everything and that was actually my goals when I was in high school but a lot of things change and they changed very very quickly within the span of a couple years so I am 22 years old right now I started all this at about like 19 to 20 years old so in this video I'm gonna share with you guys five actionable steps you guys can take if you're striving to be an entrepreneur right now you might be thinking is it even possible to make money is it even possible to be successful online where do I even start these are a lot of questions that I had initially in the beginning so I want to share with you guys exactly what you guys can do the type of mindset you guys need to have just so you guys can be successful now on top of that I'm just gonna be sharing with you guys a little bit more about myself my experience with school just the type of person I was growing up and the financial instability that my family faced while growing up in the United States yeah so if you guys don't know me my name is Brian and I actually grew up in the United States I grew up in the DMV area the District of Columbia Maryland Virginia and I was born in Maryland and I just I was your traditional little Asian boy you know I went to school I played the clarinet I was a pretty smart kid in elementary school I was always in GT programs I was always in the magnet programs but growing up towards middle school in high school I started really struggling with school and it wasn't because school was any harder than a lot of people think it was it was actually because I just had no interest in school at during those times I really got heavily into sports and during high school I ended up playing football I played rugby and I played rugby pretty intensively that's all I thought about every day and night I would watch highlight videos all the time and put in a lot of hard work we went to Nationals we went to state I was the all-star player for Maryland for about two to three years and after that I got a couple Division one scholarships to play rugby now don't think that's pretty crazy because it's not and in the United States rugby is not really developed at all so even if you get like a d1 scholarship most time it's not even worth it just because the level of competition in the United States is so small especially compared to New Zealand England Australia just a lot of the other countries out there who are more focused on rugby so that happened and I actually turned down all those d1 scholarships because they did not cover my school enough that I wanted and plus I understood the risks of rugby and trying to balance out school and on top of that it's not something I wanted to do so growing up you guys I struggled a lot financially my parents took a big hit during the 2008 recession and when that happened a lot of things went downhill we always struggled financially and even during like to those tournaments like Nationals and States you always had to pay for your hotel and the transportation and the cost of just being on the team and even those expenses were just tough on my family to afford and I couldn't even work because I was like 16 17 and by the time I was 18 when I could get a job it was you know you're already out of high school so I realized there were a lot of instabilities in my life at a young age and I understood just how much of a role that money played and not being able to eat out when you want not being able to get the clothes you need or just not being able to take the trips with friends that you want to just because you don't have that financial capability so I learned at a young age just how important money was and just how to save money if I'm frugal now it's not because of like it is my mindset but a lot of that just comes from my childhood experience I actually ended up going to Community College and the reason why I chose Community College was because since my family wasn't making a lot of money we got approved for something called the Pell grant and on top of that we got financed aid from FAFSA and that actually allowed me to go to school completely for free I didn't have to pay a dime but I still took out student loans and the reason why I did was because I own the low-key kind of just use that to fund any other things that I needed so a lot of people I know actually do this I know you're not really supposed to but people who get their school covered will still take out student loans and they'll actually fund whatever they need maybe textbooks or maybe like a new computer or sometimes we will buy new clothes with it honestly or some people will buy food with it some people do you know whatever you want with that money because I was working a job during that time and I used to work with kids who had disabilities I used to work with kids who had autism the thing is that job didn't really pay too well and I only worked two to three days a week so my paycheck was about two hundred dollars every two weeks it was really nothing so one of the things about that job though it was a good job it was a job where I would feel so much gratitude and if you guys don't know what autism is or if you've never heard of it before autism is just like an umbrella spectrum so autism is really it can be from anyone who is like a complete zombie where they can't function they can't eat they can't do anything by themselves they can't talk they're nonverbal to someone who is considered to having Asperger's someone who's like a little bit more weird a little bit more socially weird but they can complete anything so if you guys have seen movies like Rain Man or something where you're really good at a specific task or you're really stoned into one thing that can be considered autism so I actually worked that job for about three to four years and I saw the whole spectrum I used to work with a kid who was that zombie who literally couldn't do anything he was nonverbal he would drool everywhere if you said anything or if you made like too loud of a noise and he would literally just claw you and I've worked with kids who are incredibly incredibly smart so that job was really a feel-good job it opened my eyes to the perspective of this entire world and I feel like if I never worked a job like that I would not be the person I am today just because it made me feel so much gratitude during those times just working with those families helping those families out and you realize until you know someone with autism in your life whether it's a family member or a close friend you're never going to understand anything like that and the disability community it's just a huge huge thing so if anyone asks me like what is the first job I should work I always recommend like working with someone who has less working with people who are less fortunate than you that's what I recommend I work I recommend working with people who have special needs or people at a retirement home you might not make that much money but the amount of lessons you make just supersedes any type of monetary value that you're gonna make so that's what I did I didn't make that much money and during that time I was still going to school and one of the things I realized was my family is still struggling even while I was in college and one of the worst feelings I had personally was the fact that I couldn't help out my parents during that time and that's all I wanted to do my parents emigrated to Korea when they're like 20-something years old right before they got married I was born in the US and you know they've lived a tough life when you come to the u.s. you can't speak English and you build yourself this foundation in this home and this this family without even knowing you know the right language it's a tough life you have to live you you have to face discrimination I faced a lot of discrimination growing up especially the area I lived in sometimes I wish like why am I like Asian like why am i Korean why can't why couldn't I have been born white then I feel like I would have been more accepted that's like really how I felt growing up so I was always like you know the outcast to say I always felt like I was very different from people and even in school and in classes I just hated conforming to regular things I hated sitting in class I hated just listening to the teacher and thinking like you have to abide by these rules and you know you have to go to school you have to go to college and then you have to work a nine-to-five job and then you die if I did that I feel like I just my life would have been so empty so this kind of leads into one of the first points and I want to just get straight into the actionable steps I took because I know a lot of people are here more for that instead of my own life story but after living that type of lifestyle and being in community college and then working with those kids and then still seeing my parents struggle I realized I wanted to help them out in any way I could what are some cytosis what are some ways I can work for myself I don't want to be you know I don't want to work a nine-to-five I love freedom I love going out I love fishing I love being able to do things when I want to do it but I also want to make at the same time so I remember like so vividly to this day cuz I had goosebumps when I first figured this out just went on YouTube when I typed in how to make money online and I actually watched this guy named Mike Bastille one of his older videos and he was just like flipping couches and sofas on eBay and like drop shipping them from Walmart to different customers and making a profit margin off of that and that really planted the seed that moment right there planted the seed for me and once I and focus on something if I want to get good good at something I get good at it it doesn't matter what it is whether it's sports whether it's like a on a social dynamic where I want to be like a good speaker or I want to help other people out I'm gonna get good at it if my focus is there that's one of the issues I had with school I didn't I didn't care at all about school but there were some classes like psychology or sociology that I was very very interested in and I did so well in those classes without ever studying or trying when I first learned about online business and entrepreneurship I just got so excited because I was like oh my gosh I can make money online I can actually be financially free for the first time in my life after 20 years old and actually help out my parents and actually be able to do what I want not have to eat out only once or twice a week because I have no money I could do what I wanted and that's where it all started so the business model I started with was initially drop shipping the top three that I had if you guys want to take notes or anything there's three main business models there's affiliate marketing there's drop shipping and then there's Amazon FBA all of these are kind of intertwined it just depends on the angle that you're going with and the type of model that you go with drop shipping the benefit is that you hold no inventory you don't have to worry about buying things upfront but one of the downsides about drop shipping is there's a lot of competition and there's a lot of people in this that are gonna come after you that are they're gonna try to make you fail and drop shipping in my opinion is not a long-term business it's not a very scalable business I feel like it's a good business where you can learn all the fundamentals about starting your own business and the reason why I say that is because you wear many different hats when you're getting into dropshipping you learn customer service you learn how to market you learn website development you learn final development you learn email marketing you have to learn all these four things if you want to actually have a successful drop shipping store so one day I could be a customer support agent and the next day I could be the funnel developer and the next day I could be a web designer that's learning how to code that's why I really recommend drop shipping for anyone who's trying to start a business because you can take four years of school but you could learn more in like two months of just learning how to drop ship and investing your own money in that business model then you would that you would ever get from school now drop shipping was pretty funny because I would have times where I'm talking to a customer on the phone and they're like hey I like I don't like the quality of the side and let me talk to your manager and you know because it's a one-man army there's times where I put the phone down and I say mmm yeah I'll get you on the manager hold on one sec I learned a lot from drop shipping I did I hired my first two three virtual assistants from that and at the age of 20 when you're like the boss of other people too and you're scaling this business and you're working all these things and you're understanding the marketing psychology of customers and the reason why people actually buy things and you're getting two hundred to five hundred dollar orders on some days that completely changed the game for me that's why I recommend drop shipping as the starting business model now I did mention earlier that there were two more affiliate marketing and then on top of that Amazon FBA I did try both of them at the same time the thing about affiliate marketing is that if you're trying to do this without using ad spend it's gonna be a long journey because you need a ring organically for SEO keywords or you need to have an audience in some way or another now you could have a large following on Instagram but for even people to do that it takes a while to build now for my own businesses I built Instagram accounts for up to 20 to 30,000 followers within a year all organically but I realized how hard it could be to do that even on a personal brand while still not getting shadow banned by Instagram while still trying to do it as organic as you can and I realized that affiliate marketing we just take way too much time so what I did was I actually blended all the business models together a lot of people didn't think about that I really utilized a lot of things when I started my business Instagram story ads were nothing when I was 20 years old nobody even thought about it the clicks are so cheap I was literally getting purchased conversions for thirty three so I actually turned my drop shipping label brand into a private label brand I bought a bunch of inventory and if you guys watch some my older videos I actually did vlogs in my basement where I'm like packaging things and doing that it was it was a while ago and that's when the same time actually this YouTube channel actually all started up so I did that I combine that with Amazon FBA FBA is basically where you buy something from someone you put it into an Amazon warehouse and whenever someone buys it off Amazon you just collect the profit margins in between that so say I had this plastic mug right here this plastic cup and I want to sell this and I want to make money if I can find a supplier from China that can sell this for a dollar I'll sell this on my Amazon listing for five dollars but one of the issues with Amazon that I ran into with multiple items was the fact that Chinese people and manufacturers are getting extremely extremely smart now this isn't accounting for any of the tariffs or anything going on politically but back then when I first started if you saw front page first page listeners making six figures a month just passively from an Amazon FBA listing people in China would see that too and because we are the middleman technically we are actually talking to the manufacturer and putting in Amazon people in China realize why do we need to even work with people like them why don't we double our margins and go straight into the US and that's what they did so if you guys go on Amazon now you'll see a lot of fake reviews and you'll see a lot of broken English on different type of items and it'll be the cheapest items because they realized as long as they get their photos right they add just a little bit of emojis in their product description and they find a hot selling item and they can get an initial wave of buyers and some reviews those people in China are becoming millionaires millionaires they're making so much money so our government is understanding all this that's part of the reason why the tariffs are going on - just because the influx of the Chinese market coming into the US it was just that that's part of the reason a lot of things are political - and if you guys know me you know I really don't engage myself in any type of politics I really try to stay away from all of that it's just a waste of energy for me I don't watch TV I don't watch anything I just immerse myself in my own self-improvement habits that's what I recommend to you guys as well - but those are the things I did I'm not gonna go in depth on dropshipping I'm not going to be talking about Facebook ads what you need to do but just know that because I learned so much from drop shipping I was able to actually start my own digital marketing agency and that allowed me to help other businesses that were successful and helping them out so because if you learn how to drop ship you're good marketer that's what you are that's it you're just marketing for different suppliers that don't know how to market for themselves you're building a website your drop shipping you are marketing that's that's all you're doing so once I learned how to market I realized I could apply that to different businesses that's when I started the digital marketing agency and it helped other huge huge companies and I think that's the most scalable business especially if you have a good customer relationship established so if you have that done and you're able to get clients on a consistent basis that's very very scalable because these clients can pay you anywhere from five thousand to ten thousand dollars a month and if you get five of them or even ten of them that's fifty to a hundred thousand a month right there and that's really how you can hit seven figures very easily yes there's a lot of headaches involved yes there's a lot of work involved it's not as easy as it seems but after all the business models that I have tried digital marketing has been the most stress-free especially if you have a couple virtual assistants on your side and you get a very good co-founder if you have different players that that you know are good at what they're doing and you know how to leverage that then that money is a lot easier it's a lot stress-free than drop shipping I'll give you guys four actionable tips right now pretty long video so thank you guys if you're still with me for actionable tips you guys can take if you guys are interested at all in just starting your journey you may not have made any money you may have not even thought about starting your own business but listen to me right here I had nothing I went to Community College I never knew what entrepreneurship was I thought it was a freakin French baguette or something I didn't know what a business was either but I learned everything online because I had a drive I had goals that I wanted to hit my goals right now it's a help on my parents my parents work extremely hard my goal is that I want to take them out on a vacation I want to be able to take them to Korea whenever I want that's why I focus so much actually on getting credit cards and a lot of points and people ask me Brian why are you saving eight hundred thousand points how come you never use your points I never use my points because I want to spend that on people I care about like my parents like my Grandpere people that did not grow up with much I'm saving that for them I don't want to use that myself especially if I'm making money on my own I don't need to use my points but this goes back to the first thing you guys need to do and you establish your goals and you're why a really good book that I'm gonna recommend you guys is just starting with your why if you understand your purpose everything else kind of flows easier and this really goes to like Law of Attraction type stuff I'm not gonna dig deep into that but I do believe in it you need to understand your why your a goal because if you have no goals if you don't want anything you're not gonna get anything done for me I want to help out my parents I want to create financial stability just because I know what not having money is like so those are really my goals on top of that I have a lot more smaller goals and different goals that I'll share just future videos once you establish your goals and your why a lot of things happen a lot easier but you still need to feed your mind the right content if you consume a lot of junk if you if you have all these weeds in your head think about like a growing garden you you're letting those weeds just grow a lot of stupid thing watching like jersey shore and just things that don't help you out then that's what's gonna happen you need a you need to put a lot of healthy things into your mind I was never a big reader because school traumatized me for that Shakespeare ruined my essence of reading and I never wanted to read again so I actually started out with audiobooks if you guys are interested at all in any audiobooks I'll try to find an audible like referral link I know people do that I don't have anything set up like that but I'll look for one down below so I recommend listening to audiobooks my commute to work used to be a very long can be like 40 minutes to an hour just to get to work just one way so I was in the car for two hours in those two hours you need to consume a lot of good stuff I feel like that's the most perfect opportunity because you're driving you're already distracted a little by that and you just listen to good content so what I personally did was I listened to a lot of good audiobooks they can grow rich Bing Grow Rich is my personal favorite one the wealthy gardener really good one Rich Dad Poor Dad that's another good book it's a guy who has two dads and no they're not gay even though there's nothing wrong with being gay it's just he had one guy who worked like a corporate life a poor dad and then the other guy who was rich because he worked a business and then you just learned like basic business principles as well from that I listen to a lot of audiobooks and I into journaling pretty well too so that just reinforces the idea that we're very visual people and you should have all your goals down on a piece of notebook or a journal and I actually like in some of my videos you guys will see on that side of my room I have like the the freaking kiya Stinger taped up there I have a picture of someone else's bank account up there how much I want because every day I want to look at it and I want to visualize it I want to feel the feeling of it and that's exactly what I did last year which got me to here where I am now so every year I'm trying to upgrade my goals and that's what I did the next step after that listening to audiobooks journaling I'm gonna say watch youtube videos YouTube has opened up this entire platform and community of like entrepreneurs where you can relate to people you can ask some questions down below and you can connect with other people that will inspire you and motivate you to keep pushing on further all I did back in the day was listen to audiobooks journaled and watch YouTube videos and I took a lot of action you know action is a very important thing but the YouTube videos helped me a lot just because I was able to look up to someone someone that did it someone that's young maybe and someone that I wish I wanted to be you just need to have that and a lot of people aren't that hopeful but if you're able to see someone successful that actually started with nothing it just it gives you so much hope you guys you have no idea and that hope goes a long way we're gonna skip so I had a whole list of what I wanted to share with you guys but I didn't realize this video is gonna be half an hour long so I'm not gonna share with you guys exactly all that I'll just save it for another video but you guys need to understand that you need to fail a lot you guys may just see my success or the youtube subscribers or the comments or people like O'Brien like this and that but I actually failed so many times this isn't my first youtube channel this isn't my first business this isn't the first time I've had clients I've had clients reject me I've had businesses fail I've lost so much money maybe more than I've made money but at the end of the day you guys need to realize like all this is supposed to supplement you towards your end goal okay it doesn't matter if you're 40 or 50 years old right now that's just an excuse to if you're if you think you're too old for any of this that's just another excuse you need to aim to fail I actually don't aim to succeed I know it sounds crazy but I actually aim to fail so think about if you're if you're in your prime you're single you're going out you out to the clubs a lot of people have this mindset where they need to pick up three or five girls I have the mindset where I need to get rejected by five girls because for every like one girl I get rejected I know I'll probably get five yeses I look forward to rejection rejection is one of my favorite things I look forward to failing but the thing is if I gave it my all and I failed then I know I have no regrets so learn to fail okay learn to fail but also learn to recover after you fail that's really where a lot of the greatest things have happened for me when my youtube channel failed I started this one this one grow when my first business failed I started another one that grew up I failed so many times you guys I'll just do a video I'll title it like all the times I failed and I'll go over it cuz all the times are in these journals are there times where I just sat on the floor and I just cried for hours it's just I feel like for every entrepreneur I know for anyone who's like remotely successful or consider themself successful they've had those moments even they've hit rock bottom or what they think is rock bottom but every time after that when you're when you hit rock bottom you just propel forward okay so that is my video this is gonna be a super long video if you guys have stuck with me so far please throw a comment down below I feel like the audience retention rate on this video is gonna be like 30 to 40 percent this is gonna be a long video who hopefully the algorithm helps your boy out just a little bit but even if it doesn't even if I only get 500 views on this video I hope I can actually impact those 500 people that's just enough for me right there so here are some call to actions that you guys need to hear about so here are some call to actions just to wrap up this video if you guys have not yet followed me on Instagram make sure you guys do because if I come out with any type of program course or like private like podcasts or anything the first place that's gonna go is actually on my Instagram I'm more active on my Instagram and if I don't post anything means I'm just working I'm just working my ass so follow me on Instagram if you guys want so the number two thing on top of following me on instagram is actually to learn more about credit you guys I wish I learned everything about credit before I started my business because I was leveraging SBA loans and I was leveraging like Shopify capital loans and PayPal loans just trying to buy more inventory and scaling and if I knew that I could get zero percent APR on on just some business cards that would not affect my personal credit I not would have met not only would have made money I would have saved myself so much money because some of those interest rates on those small business loan packages can be up anywhere from like 10 to 12 percent when you can literally get 4 0 % so don't damage your personal score you guys if you're looking to start your own business start by just building your credit first get your Chase Sapphire Preferred cards get your chase trifecta card set up but then get into your business cards and have them all ready if you're ready to start your business you want to be able to leverage your business cards because if you do take a hit if you're not able to be successful with it you don't want to face any repercussions of having a bad credit score you don't want to put it on your personal cards this is exactly what these small business credit cards are meant for it's meant for people starting up their business it's meant to help you guys out and it's meant to be there to support you when you're first starting out your journey because we all understand how hard it is so I'll be making more videos on just business credit just exactly what I did to get them I'll make more updated video just sooo I can walk you guys through that whole process but on top of that you guys one last thing damn it's a long video my memory card is full you need to obsess I feel like that's one of the things I did i obsessed a lot just on trying to be successful if you kinda sorta want it if you like think like oh maybe I'll start a business or maybe I want to be rich then those are the people that I see just not ended and that they just don't end up getting it but the ones that want it really bad the ones where they don't even have to say but I can literally feel their energy and and how bad they want it those are the ones that I'm seeing being very successful so obsess over what you want everyone has goals some people just want to travel the whole world some people just want to not work in an office and some people just want to have enough money to be able to eat out when they want it regardless of what your goals are you need to obsess over it and you need to understand that it's okay to fail and you just need to take action that's it so whew that is a long video hopefully I can get this uploaded today it's on a Sunday very long video but I really hope this helped someone out there if it did like I said drop a like first of all if this video helped you guys out drop a like and just let me know down below in the comments and share this with anyone who needs to see this we all start with nothing you guys everyone has started with nothing even the greats have started with nothing this you got well you guys can't see my bookshelf I have all my books and what I've noticed what a trend just from everyone I'm not seeing no Mark Cuban Tony Robbins all these guys started with nothing some of these guys were living in their cars Mark Zuckerberg like actually this man this man went to Harvard but you guys get my point we all start from somewhere I know you guys can do it if a dummy like me can do it you guys can definitely do it too I hope you guys enjoy this video Brian Jones gonna peace out see me date the husband whenever it's more
Channel: Brian Jung
Views: 161,805
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Brian Jung, Credit Cards, How I made my first 100k at 20 years old, e-commerce, dropshipping, 100k story, how to make 100000 online, young entrepreneur, korean american, my story, story time, which business model is the best, affiliate marketing, drop shipping success story, private label brand, amazon fba, digital marketing agency, SMMA, SMMA Success story, entrepreneur success story, how to make money online, online success story, online business
Id: sCyuMoK27Bk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 41sec (1661 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 16 2019
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