How I LOST $138,538 On This Lamborghini Aventador!! - Learn From My Mistake! (VIDEO #74)

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guys sometimes you have rolls-royce but you don't have money to fill out the gas we have to do a russian way how about it lamborghini aventador in los angeles and i'm flying down check it out 130 8 000 538 right here today's craziest day in my life don't ever buy from los angeles los angeles pizza okay guys we buy and we try to buy lamborghini aventador 114 115 i did 117 1 120. 134 please please no 133 actually please please please please please please please please oh please don't bond us guys this is the money this is the money i think that's a lot but it's okay you know it's okay please please please sold an approval sold on approval i'm so excited reason why i bought this car i have headlight i have bumper i have a fender let me show you um first of all this is a are more expensive roads and another thing this car only dasher back cheap cheap engine somebody installed their springs novitex springs 27 000 miles yeah that's a lot and whole front looks scary but i hope it's not that bad i'm gonna check it out closely i need more mostly i need hood windshield you know so we'll see what happens what's up guys welcome back to real life exotic and today we just bought this rolls royce ghost 2011 super dirty and super cheap i think it's cheap okay let me show you something okay guys this rolls has played it's mean i can drive it 2020 but this is damage the rear water panel and the rear trunk it's fixable because trunk i check ebay it's four thousand just before the trunk you turn so even the daylight is uh no damage here taillights looks yeah it's good and really reinforced mission and uh the front bumper we have front bumper on our rear bumper it's in the truck in the trunk i'm going to show you a little bit later about this damage we're going to try to put it in today and drive around so let me show you a little bit about this car this car has a rear tv yeah tvs and um i mean it's super dirty we have to clean up everywhere this car has 41 000 miles um colorbacks is not deployed panorama roof i don't know if all of them has this or not but the front is good let me show you the front is perfect but you know maybe some rush chips and stuff but i have to clean up the car because cars sitting in the action and uh in action it's super dirty everywhere you know usually the car from action is dirty let me open foot for you v12 engine twin turbo looks pretty clean i mean it looks looks clean over one touch it here so i'm just gonna spray and pressure wash i like i like it you know i love it very comfortable so we're gonna fill out the gas right now and make a car wash and then put in the bumper stay tuned it's pretty empty i don't know if it's gonna be uh if it's gonna be enough to fill out or not let's make it happen dude nope nope that's it that's it oh my goodness guys we don't have a gas can you please give some change for gas please okay let's go get maybe we have in the shop oh my goodness dude i told you you have to fill out first and you said no let's go ride guys sometimes you have rolls-royce but you don't have money to fill out the gas you know this is life you know like i'm gonna fill out right now i have another five dollars i'm gonna get some coffee that's it this is life i love it guys i hope we're gonna make it to the station you know like we're not gonna turn it on ac because when you turn around the seats eat a lot of gas so so we're gonna drive slowly because i don't wanna push it because car is too heavy man it drives so beautiful i love it man very comfortable tired air pressure we need to flush the tire okay level okay that's all no i love this car i love goodbye beautiful guys you're never gonna see it rolls-royce crazy dirty without real bumper just driving on the street it's probably only russians for ukrainian and empty feel empty thing wow it's pretty powerful i have to check it out how many horsepower this car has look when we left from from my shop it show 24 miles right now with the range 12 miles it's got to eat crazy guys don't buy rolls-royce it's not um it's not worth it guys if anybody interested we can tell that us is this wrong clean salvage people thinking you know drug dealers show up dirty rolls royce without bumper okay 72 and 87 cents full thing let's go i pay for this car 65 600 on this moment no 66 000 65 000 678 we just put in cash and guys this car like looks from on this outside this is like 200 300 300 000 car you know and you're driving you only pay like 66 grand you know plus uh fix the bumper reinforcement it's another three grand plus minus total total is gonna be plus tax you have to pay tax like from 65 grand tax like 5k tax so you're gonna drive rolls royce 70 to 73 000 completely done but only salvage title but you're not driving with this ticket it's a salvage you know nobody know it's a salvage because it's a clean salvage you know so alright okay guys we just watched the car we have to a little better a little bit because it's been so dirty outside you cannot see it and i find it a couple of spots i'm gonna do that shop temporary i don't know what is that oh wow this is there i can clean up this this one i can clean up okay i don't have to it's okay let's go back right here i think this is from the rock from the rocks you know and let's check the other side oh other side this is good i think it's clear but yeah it's clear but okay that's all let's check it it's out oh yeah right here this is like girls makeup chick looks good this one i can clean up this one i'm gonna buffer up a little bit because it's not the paint wow it's much better after we watch the car much better okay guys i'm gonna try to put in this bumper temporary this is the original bumper um i'm gonna try to install it so temperature two details uh guys we just tried to make it look good look good car you know one second oh okay guys we have to do a russian way temporary we're gonna put it in there's some okay so i'm gonna make a holes over here and this is temporary okay there you go guys this is salvage rolls royce so couple screws it's gonna hold it air bumper it's not a big deal okay looks good looks like stuck let's go to other side i wanna lose the bumper it's called handmade the reason why i'm doing this because missing brackets over here i'm missing the rear reinforcement and i cannot tie the bumper but i want to drive today you know this is a rule threes so this bumper is anyway garbage okay one second let me clean up a little bit bumper oh and i have to do something under on the underneath one second let me try to clean up a little bit now i have to use acid on one side uh man okay maybe gasoline is better hmm it's good i need more can you give me more okay guys this take me about two hours you know three hours watch the car install the bumper install the bumper and make car run and drive you know like fill out and stuff so no this car doesn't have any warning lights and you can this is this drivable rolls-royce you can drive safety no problem just small damage i mean to do we did temporary but to do originally we have to replace the bumper we have to install the reinforcement that we have to pull out this is metal i think it's metal yes we have to pull out this thing and this thing and the body filler and install the tail light and i mean paint it and install that daylight so with the temporary just to show you guys what how to like you can make a salvage car fast and cheap so stay tuned and please like and subscribe thank you guys how about it lamborghini aventador in los angeles and i'm flying down and check it out and i barely make it what time is it right 6 55 my flight at seven so i just won i drive i speed but i make it finally now i can a little bit relax okay stay tuned we're gonna see it's very soon the lamba so guys i have some snacks and water no coffee no drinks nothing i'm in l.a los angeles and i'm gonna get uh the rental car and after that i'm going to uh buy some charger battery charger for the aventador and gonna go into the action to check it out the lamborghini aventador so stay tuned okay guys i just came to enterprise to take rental car and after that i'm going to cooper guys all of them they booked i'm in los angeles by myself i don't have a car walk around the streets looking for the rental so i'm gonna call last company and ask if they have it if not i'm gonna get uber but uber is gonna be more much more expensive enterprise they give me the car only for four days i'm here i'm here till 6 00 pm you know i didn't even know where to walk day okay guys i just came to the cool part finally i got car and i came to the cooper uh i'm gonna pay for the car and i wanna check it out and my tow guy he's on the way to pick it up so hey guys i have to wait like one hour you have to like sign up in the corporate and wait one hour to make a payment crazy i bring them big check and they said wait one hour so that's my breakfast 11 o'clock and this is my breakfast i'm kind of excited i just bought it the charger for the car i'm gonna try to jump start make sure this engine is good because i bought it another lamborghini aventador and got problem with engine so i hope this one is good stay tuned guys i'm waiting by the cool part already two hours and still they didn't call me two hours i'm sitting here right now it's like rules is bad you know when you buy a car you have to came to the door use the scanner scan it and wait uh like two hours three hours you know like to make a payment plus pick it up is different different appointment it's crazy hard i have uh my flight back in uh four hours so i have time hey guys i just paid for the car uh 138 000 538 right here so i'm going to pick it up this is supposed to be pull out right now i'm kind of excited and kind of skated you know because who knows what happened you know sometimes like last aventador i'm not happy but let's check it out what happened with darwin okay this is the truck waiting for the car and he's gonna bring it in the lambo right here looks sick guys we're gonna put it over here temporary and we're gonna double check if everything okay this is not yeah it's good it's good if it's nothing wrong and leave everything like on the description guys looks like uh looks good i mean for now looks good you know i'm gonna check deeper guys all the time when you buy cars mostly from los angeles check it out deeper you know i mean here everything looks clean i see somebody touched there over here it's bald somebody took it off the boat so i hope it's nothing serious it's like it's here guys brakes looks good brake calipers it's good things they are really really expensive and the guy is very careful okay guys i'm trying to start the car but for some reason doesn't move the engine doesn't turn i'm a little bit upset but i'm gonna talk to manager right now one second i'm gonna talk to manager because the car is scratched inside and and uh ignition doesn't turn on nothing okay guys we find it a lot of problems they see it rip it didn't be no action somebody put in parts inside a little bit you know it's aventador it's lamborghini you know i say i'm on a cooper manager waiting to talk to another manager and they're gonna decide what to do because the car not uh on the description completely different car i mean same car but different um different uh like uh broken seat key doesn't work a lot of stuff doesn't work you know so i'm kind of upset but we'll see what happens because i have to drive back to sacramento fly down to sacramento so back to you soon this craziest day in my life you're not you're not gonna believe it i'm working with the charger at airport and i cannot fly with this jumper i just bought it and uh car i didn't pick it up the car because car is worse condition you know i show you the on the video it's like mickey mouse and don't ever buy from los angeles uh ferrari lamborghini any cars los angeles is so cooper they talk about copper they're really bad so don't buy any cars so i think i'm gonna give somebody this jumper right now outside just gift i pay like 186 bucks but i'm just gonna give somebody i don't care i'm tired of everything so i'm gonna find out somebody cool and just give it to them maybe two cops he's not there i just want to go home from today guys sometimes people think oh business is easy it's easy you make money easy no it's not easy like today i can lose like thirteen thousand eight hundred i bought a car for 13 for 133 000 plus fees it's like 88 total paid 138 so um right now like i i'm trying to fight because they do fraud it's they like cars mickey mouse like worst car ever i saw in my life like everything missing everything broken so i bought it this jumper and i'm walking with this jumper in the airport and they said you cannot go there you cannot take it with me you know i cannot take it with me so i'm waiting the cop can come over and i i'm just gonna give it to him gift you know what i tried to give it to them they said no you they can they cannot take it but they're gonna keep it for me for one week but thanks to these girls okay guys time time to go home i relax a little bit i drink a little bit coffee feel much better than two hours before so let's go home and relax and monday i'm gonna figure out with this problem you're the best okay guys finally i'm almost home so i'm gonna get take a rest and relax a little bit and tomorrow i'm gonna start new day without any problems you know thanks for watching uh and finally i'm going home some rest and um work again uh so stay tuned thank you so much i just bought at the porch um 911 2005. they cut it off everything stupid this is oil engine oil i'm stuck you
Channel: Real Life Exotics
Views: 252,908
Rating: 4.7719626 out of 5
Keywords: lambo, white lambo, lamborghini aventador, lambo aventador, real life exotics white lambo, copart scam, lambo rebuild
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 43sec (1843 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 28 2020
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