How I Legally Became My Parents Favourite Child

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[RISING DRAMATIC MUSIC] [DRAMATIC GUNSHOT] I have a sister called Tali. She's a couple years older than me, but we are incredibly close and have been our whole lives. TALI: Alright, me darlings! She also seems to be a 19th century pickpocket. Also, can you tell I've just found loads more home movies? [MAX SINGS] That's what it sounds like when YouTubers make music. One thing that we've constantly argued and fought  about is: who is the favourite child/sibling? Now I'm sure that siblings all over have this argument, but I feel like in our family, it's a rather contentious topic. Seeing as this debate has been going  on for years, I thought this week, I would finally prove, to my sister, Tali Fosh,  that I, Max Fosh, am the favourite child/sibling. [WHOOSH] So, first up, for this to be taken seriously,  I felt like it needed to be multi-layered. It needed to be a brand. And so every good brand, needs a logo. The logo makes someone buy into something. I feel like I want it to be minimalist. I want it to be futuristic, edgy, lines. This isn't something that's just gonna- This isn't a fad, I'm gonna be the better sibling for the rest of our respective lives, so... So this logo needs to stand the test of time. "Max: The Better Sibling." That's good. And in the space of one jump cut, wow! The logo is done. Good logo. Next, I want a business card. A business card is essentially all the information that you want somebody to know about you, but just on a tiny piece of card. "Hi, Max Fosh, better sibling." So, I mocked up a business card for myself,  and then a business card for my sister. "Hi, I'm Tali, my brother is better  than me in every single way possible." Thirdly, I then did what every new startup does, and made sure that I had a real good "online presence". "Max - The Better Sibling." Category. Siblings? It's a local service. Right, create page. I then put some money behind it, and  got the word out there - outta there. Promote: all ages. Just the United States. Potential reach, a 190,000,000 people. I set the Facebook ad solely in America,  because Americans will believe any Facebook ad. Satire. Submitting your ad. [FINGER CLICKS] Done. Fourthly, I then ordered a huge three-metre by four-metre banner, that I was gonna put in her garden. And finally, I wanted to do something  that- that actually meant something. One thing I really want to do, is get my parents to sign a contract, make it like really legally binding. But I don't know how to make it legally binding. Do I know any lawyers? Just gonna call on a friend of mine. [DIAL TONE] Hello mate, how you doing? I'm very very well. Quick legal question for you. I want to prove to my sister  that I'm the superior sibling, and I had an idea where I could make it legally binding, by getting my parents to sign a contract. From a legal point of view,  like, is that possible? Would you be able to get something  over to me that very, very quickly,   very basic, that would put that in writing? Amazing. Alright, let's get a contract signed. [WHOOSH] Few days later, a contract sat before me. Now all I needed to do, was get my parents to sign it. What I have here is a technically  legally binding document that states: "to forever refer to Max as  the favourite sibling/child"; "will charge a flat fee of £1 for the services" - brackets, "the payment". Well, mum and dad, although you may  no longer speak, and are divorced,   maybe the fact that you both agree that I'm  the favourite child can bring you together. Now the great thing about working in YouTube is that my parents don't really understand what's going on. So, if I call them up and say, "hey, can you sign something for YouTube", they'll just be like, "yeah". Hiya, you alright? Classic mum! And what time are you gonna be in? Oh great! OK. Cool. I'm also gonna be bringing something that I need you to sign. To sign something very quickly,  just something to do with YouTube. Right, just got to be signed now. Mum was up first. MAX: I need you to sign... need you to sign that. MAX VOICEOVER: And a £1 pre-payment. Thank you very much! Mum: signed, sealed, delivered. I've now got to get dad. This one's gonna be a slightly harder sell to dad. MAX: That's just your witness. DAD: You've got to sign there. Come on! Yes! Hold on. Boom, I am now legally [MAX LAUGHS] I'm now legally the favourite child. That was easy. Much easier than I thought. I thought they'd put up a fight. By the time I'd got the contract, that that was all signed, all my other paraphernalia had arrived. The business cards have arrived. Let's have a look. I've got fifty of these bad boys. I'll be carrying these on my person at all times. So if you see me floating around, on the street in London, you are now entitled to get your very own  'Max is the better sibling' business card. Not only do the business cards look great, I had also left the Facebook ad to do its thing, the banner had been collected  and that also was amazing. I was having some trouble with stickers. Now, initially my plan was to put stickers all over my  sister's pride and joy, her bright pink Beetle. But I came across a problem. I went out to my stallion, my car, to try it and... they don't come off, the stickers? So this left my only option, was to put  blue tack on the back of stickers, which I would then stick to her car, without any marks. And then, with all of that ready, the only thing left to do was, to surprise her. [WHOOSH] [MAX LAUGHS] [MAX LAUGHS] [TALI LAUGHS] [TALI LAUGHS] SPONGEBOB NARRATOR VOICE: Two days later. [MAX LAUGHS] [TALI LAUGHS] MAX: Put here. TALI: What is it? [TALI LAUGHS] [TALI LAUGHS, MAX JOINS IN] The answer to this 25-year-old question is clear. It's clear to Priscilla Tibbetts in the United States. It's clear to our own mother and father and now,   it's clear to every single passenger  that flies into London Heathrow. Sure, Tali has strengths, she works hard, is compassionate, and is occasionally funny, but there's one thing she isn't, she isn't the favourite child, or the better sibling, because that title belongs to me, Max Fosh. [WHOOSH, PEN SCRATCHING] [WHOOSH]
Channel: Max Fosh
Views: 2,488,836
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Id: izc5vanVIaY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 39sec (639 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 05 2020
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