How I Learned Python So Fast

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[Music] all right so about a week ago now or so I asked you guys to give me some questions that I could answer in a video and that's what I'm gonna try to do in this video and I'm gonna pick the top three favorite ones that I want to answer and that most people wanted me to answer as well and I'm gonna try to answer them and the first one is how did I learn Python so fast so let's start with that one [Music] [Applause] all right so we got one I don't think it's big enough for me to actually take it up but this is like this which is what which is really cool but I'm gonna let him back in because I don't think he's big enough but I've never caught a fish that fast so that's pretty crazy [Music] all right so let's get started with some of these questions usually I script my videos so I write out what I'm gonna say and that's because I tend to kind of go off on tangents that aren't super relevant so in order to kind of avoid that I tend to script my videos to make them make more sense but I wanted to try to not do that in this video just to make it a little bit easier for myself all right so let's get started with the first question which is please tell us your journey of learning Python how you learn Python his name is Rishi Mishra I think not sure how to pronounce your name but I think that the perception is that I know Python because I've been able to code different things in Python but the truth is that I don't actually know Python that well the reason that I'm able to do these videos where I do these automations and all these different things that I've done in Python is just from basically understanding the basic concepts of programming so object-oriented programming if you learn the basics of that it doesn't really matter what language you've learnt that in you'll be able to apply that to any language and you'll be able to do pretty much anything that you want in any language that you want to there's going to be specific things that's that you'll need to learn for the different languages but for the kind of stuff that I've done I haven't really run into anything that's limited me because I've learned object oriented programming first in Java so that's kind of how I did it I learned object-oriented programming from this book that I've mentioned a million times probably on this channel that's called Java head first and in that book I learned object-oriented programming and how that works and just how programming works in general and I would really recommend it again if you haven't learned any of this then I would recommend like going to that book and checking that out it is in Java so the first language that I learned was Java and then I basically everything that I've done since that has been based on the knowledge that I got from that book some stuff I've learned since then of course but most of what I do from a day-to-day basis is gonna be based on that book pretty much so that's what I would suggest doing is not focusing on the language that you're gonna learn but just learn object oriented programming in whatever language you find that you want to learn it in and then once you've learned that you're gonna be able to apply those concepts to anything that you do with any language that you use though that's kind of how I I went about it so I wouldn't say that I know Python at all I just know object-oriented programming and Python is an object-oriented language so I can use Python same with any other language like darts or Java or yeah any of those languages I don't actually know them at all I just basically know object-oriented programming I know Java the best I would say and then I can just apply those concepts to any language that I use once you know that you can apply it to any language that you use so that's what I would suggest learning object-oriented programming first and then going into whatever language that you want to learn it in and the java head first book that was actually the book that was suggested by my university for the first programming course that we had in my software engineering program so that is a really good book and that's the book that they suggested to use so I really cannot recommend that book enough it's really good and it teaches everything really well and really like the explanations are really well thought through and like they break it down in a really good way to make you understand it really well at least for me and if you want specific tips for like how to learn Python I would suggest is googling Python tutorial and then I think one of those search results will be I think it's like Doc's and it's a tutorial Python tutorial by Python it's like the official Python website I look through that and seems like it's a really long tutorial with lots of different chapters and things and if you go through that then you're definitely gonna know how to program in Python so that would be my suggestion if you want to go into specifically Python but I'm saying that with the disclaimer that I haven't actually done that myself so I don't know what that tutorial is going to be like but I would suggest that I would think that that's probably the best way to do it so that's my suggestions for how to learn Python and how I learned Python alright so it's pretty windy but let's go all right so I don't know if you can hear this but what we're gonna try to catch is sea trout I think or Atlantic salmon not sure what it's called in English in Swedish is called re this is what I've been doing for the past like two months I think basically every time I have the chance I go out here and I try to catch some sea trials so we'll see if we can catch some today hopefully we can it's pretty damn windy so I don't know if I fished in these sort of conditions before so I think it's like 13 meters per second or something in the wind and the gusts I think I don't know what how fast they are but pretty spicy anyway let's try it and the next question that I wanted to answer is from Abhishek Gowtham maybe not sure how to pronounce it he asks among the things that you do which one provides you with a stable income source and to be honest right now it's just YouTube that's all that I do that provides me an income right now I've done some freelancing in the past but right now I'm just doing YouTube because that's what I find most fun it's really the perfect opportunity for me because I'm the kind of person that likes to dive into certain things and then I can tire of that thing and I want to move on to something else so for instance like last week's video where I did game development where I built a game that's kind of perfect in YouTube because I can just find something that I'm interested in that I feel like doing at the moment and then I can dive headfirst into that and do that all in for like a month or so and then make a couple videos on that topic and then if I don't feel like doing that anymore then I can just switch to something else or if something else comes up that I'm getting getting more interested in that I can switch over to that thing and I can do that all in so that's kind of what I really like about doing YouTube and that's why I've also tried to avoid freelancing and like I said I've done freelancing in the past but it's not something that I feel like doing right now because it kind of becomes that you work for someone else and I don't feel like doing that and I don't have to do that right now because of the fact that I'm really lucky with YouTube and all of you guys that are following me that means that I'm actually getting a pretty decent income from YouTube and that's gonna be like that's pretty much my dream just to be able to do these things that I do where I can dive into an automation that I want to do or I can start building an app or a game or whatever I want to do really and then I can make videos on that and hopefully you guys like some of the videos that I make it seems like you do and that's kind of my dream right now is just to be able to continue to do this and to be able to dive into things that I find interesting at the moment and program different things yeah right now it's YouTube that's my stable income source alright so you can't really see me right now but it is 5:40 a.m. right now and we're gonna go down to the water and see if we can catch some fish it's a lot less windy today so hopefully there'll be some activity on the surface or we'll see something about chasing the lure but yeah let's go [Music] [Music] all right so no fish this morning but I saw one fish that was pretty large that was like chasing the lure but other than that it's been pretty dead it's been a really nice morning though because the sun's been sort of out and it hasn't been too windy either so that's been pretty good but now I'm just gonna go up and have some breakfast and then rest for a bit watch the office and then go back down for some like lunch time I'm thinking lunchtime fishing it's been a nice morning even if I didn't catch any fish all right so the next question that I wanted to answer is actually two to pretty similar questions one is from David which is what about software development has surprised you the most and then the other one is pretty much the same thing which aspect of IT programming do you like the most this one was asked by Kyle in gaming and the reason that they're both the same is that the thing that surprised me about programming is also the reason why or the aspect of programming that I really like and that is how creative it is because when I started it I kind of thought that it was just kind of brain-dead you just sitting in front of the computer and you write ones and zeros that's kind of what I thought and then you make the computer do stuff it seemed like something that I wasn't really interested in and I've also always been really interested in creative things like painting drawing making videos I've been making videos since I was like a child and that's that's one of the things that I I got really surprised about with programming is how creative it actually is once I've started getting into it I started realizing like how similar I've made the connection before between programming and building with Legos and that I think that it is really similar in the way that you kind of come up with this idea for something that you want to build and then you have to put all the pieces together and you have to figure out where to put every piece in order to make it into this structure that you want it to be and become in a sense and when I was a kid I would loved to play with Legos so that similarity between those two things is I think what I really like about programming you can come up with this idea for something that you want to build like I've done on this channel several times like an app I want to build or something that I want to automate and then you can just try to figure out how to code that in a way that makes that happen if that makes sense and there's so many different aspects of it that goes into it like if you want to build an app for instance you have to design the actual app which I really like to I like to because that kind of becomes a little bit of like drawing that sort of thing you design the the UI for the app and then the actual coding itself I just really like because there's so usually so many different ways to actually solve the problems that you run into with code so there's going to be like almost an infinite amount of ways to solve the different problems that you run into most of them are going to be super bad and some of them are going to be really good and the the creative aspect of it is trying to create a solution that's really like efficient and where you write the least amount of code possible and you still get the job done so that's something that I kind of I think a lot of people probably surprised by if someone would say that coding is really creative and yeah so that's one of the that's the thing that I like the most about programming and that's also what surprised me the most about programming [Music] [Music] all right so let's do a last question and this is the one that I think got the most likes on this post once you've learned some programming how do you start selling your skills as a student slash part-time worker or house light what was your journey up to where you are now so this question the reason why I didn't want to bring this up as like a main question is that I think I did a video like a while back that's called how to make money with code and in that video I pretty much explained my best tips for how to do what you're asking I think but shortly I'll give you some quick tips for how to do this and I think that the easiest way to do it or to get started with it it's just gonna be through like freelance websites so there's things like up work there's things like Fiverr those are usually a good way to kind of get started to get a feel for how it is to work for someone else and work with the different restrictions or requirements that a customer would come up with I've signed up to some of those like freelancer comm and off work calm but I haven't actually gotten any jobs or applied for any jobs there I may have may have applied for some jobs I don't know but I haven't gotten any jobs in here right so the feeling that I get is that people go to those sites that don't know how to code and they look for people that can code and do it really cheaply so they think that they can get like a Facebook app built for $500 or 50 bucks or something like that and that's not really possible so the price it seems to be pretty low in my opinion and that's kind of why I haven't really used it that much but it can be a good way for like a student someone that's quite young or something like that or just getting started to start with something like that to get some money some income from that and also to get started with like I said learning how to take the instructions from a customer and like making that into a product because usually that was like one of the big things in my software engineering course in University is like how do you take someone's requirements or what a customer asks of you and make it into what they actually want because usually what they're asking for and what they want are sometimes like quite different so kind of parsing what they're asking for and making that into what they actually want is a pretty difficult thing and that's something that you kind of have to practice so I think that that's how I would start out if I was a beginner or like just learning programming alright so that's it for this one I hope that you I gave some valuable information in some way or at least that you understand a little bit more of how my situation what my situation looks like or what my skill level is I hope you also enjoyed watching some of the footage from me from this last couple days of fishing as of filming this right now I only know that I got one fish so it will be interesting to see kind of how many I get but yeah that's it for this one I hope you enjoyed it and I hope we'll see in the next one [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Kalle Hallden
Views: 341,943
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: learn python in 10 minutes, learn python the hard way, learn python for beginners, learn python in one video, learn python by building 5 games, learn python for data science, learn python 3 the hard way, learn python fast, learn python in 5 minutes, python programming, programming, python course, python programming tutorial, how to learn python, python tutorial for beginners, learn python programming, python projects, how to learn programming
Id: FTkgFtjfnDI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 39sec (1119 seconds)
Published: Fri May 22 2020
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