Building YOUR Apps!!

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all right so welcome back and today what we're gonna do is something that I'm super excited about it's something that I've been wanting to do for a while now and that is that I will be building your apps so I did a community post here on YouTube a few weeks ago or it might even have been a month ago now where I asked you guys to send in your app ideas for me to build and first of all I just want to say thank you for sending that in because I got blown away by the amount of emails that I got sent to me and the amount of ideas that I got so really thank you for that and I also want to say that in case I don't get to your idea in this video I will probably make this into a series so hopefully I can get to your idea in the future and also my idea here is just to help you get started on your app I can't really build your entire app out for you because I want to try to get through as many apps and ideas as I can in this video so what I'm gonna do instead is I'm gonna try to figure out what the main screen of your app is based on your description and then I'm gonna build that out and then what I'm gonna do is I'm going to create github repositories for each of these apps and leave the links to those in the description of this video so that you can then go and download that and continue to work on these apps on your own so that's pretty much what we're gonna do today so I want to say again thank you for sending your ideas in and now let's get started [Music] all right so this is the first app that we're gonna start building today this guy Ahmed Raja and I'm not sure how to pronounce your name exactly but he sent in this idea that I thought was really great and it's I wouldn't just read it out loud and then we'll get into try to trying to figure out what are the different components that would be for the homescreen and then we'll build that out as a high schooler going into senior year I was thinking about making an app like uber but instead of it being for drivers or food I want it to be for technical repair services for example if someone wants an electrician to come repair their stuff they can go to the app search for electrical or electrician and then the electrician gets notified and accepts the repair requests from there the two parties will go through and book a time for the service to be done and to confirm that the job was completed and the electrician can leave the customer will give the technician a randomly generated code which puts the money transaction through other than electrical I was thinking repair services could include computer help furniture assembly plumbing work and much more I know this is a large project but if you could do even some of it that would be great for example if you could make the maps and/or search part to get me started I'll take it from there and continue developing this idea all right so we'll start with is to try to fish out the different requirements for the app and then we'll see kind of where we go from there and what we're gonna do says he mentioned the uber app we're just gonna start by going to Google and then seeing if we can find a design of the uber app because I don't remember what that looks like and then we'll kind of look at that and try to make something similar to that [Music] all right so I'm thinking something like this where I haven't decided on the colors or anything like that this is just a very rough draft of what the app might look like so essentially behind here there would be a map where you have like certain locations of different technicians essentially that are available right now and then you have a scroll view or something down here with little cards showing the different people that are in your area right now so like so you would see okay John Doe hey some electrician and right now his status is available so if you're looking for an electrician then you can just press this guy and you'll get to that profile and then you can see the reviews of that electrician as well and that would just be a long list of all the people that are signed up to the service and then up here you can also type in and like search for the type of service that you're looking for it's very similar to this Hoover design that is kind of what I based this design on looks pretty boring right now but we're gonna try to make it a little bit more interesting once we build it out to in flutter so we're gonna start straight away and we're gonna open up a new flutter project used my command that I created in one of my videos in case you haven't seen that it's called automating my projects with Python I think and I just type in create and Student Services and then that just takes care of everything it creates the folders in the right directories and then it adds a repository to github and then it pushes the first commit so that that is all taken care of I don't need to think about any of that anymore and what we'll do then now we're in the right directory what we're going to do is we're going to create another directory in here and we're going to call that ah we're going to go into the app and then we're going to do Lutzer create as you don't services and this will create the flutter project for us alright so this is what the app looks like right now this is the starter project that we get when we open a new flutter project what we're gonna do now is we're gonna create the first screen [Music] all right so now I've finally been able to actually have a map on the screen which took a long time to actually do but now we have it so that that works at least so that's good now we're gonna add the cards and the search functionality and then this app or this screen is designed and ready to go so we're gonna start with designing the cards yeah so that's the next thing all right so now what we're gonna do to kind of continue this is we're gonna create a new folder and we're gonna create we're gonna call that models and then within this folder we're gonna create a new file called Technician don't Dart and in here we'll create a new class for our technicians alright so this is our technician now we have a name a phone number address the rate so how much do they charge the status so are they available or are they away or whatever and then we have the rating so how highly as this technician been rated and then we have the profile picture which is what we're gonna show here on this little card also we need occupation [Music] all right so that those are the things that we need now we can get those things and then display them on each card essentially so this is what we ended up with so we've got the first screen essentially done there's some things that of course I haven't implemented like for instance actual locations of these people but that is something that's going to be like integrated with the backend and really in order to make this somewhat to doable I have to limit the amount of stuff that I actually do to be able to get a couple of these apps done in one video you can search here for technicians near you that doesn't do anything right now but that is one of the features that will then be implemented that will be like searching for the location of the people that are around you and then we have down here we have a list of all the people that are in your area and we have the status of them so this one is available right now and the rating is four out of five stars and I just created the same technician over and over again to kind of get a little bit of a display of what this will might look like in the end and I'm pretty happy with this design I hope you are happy as well the person who sent this in what was your name again let's have a look so Achmed or Ahmed I'm not sure Roger I hope you're happy with this little design the idea is just to get get you kind of started get you going so I hope this game it kind of gets you going and I'll like I said leave links to the github repository for all of these apps in the description of this video so that you can just clone that and keep going keep working on what I've already gotten you started on and now we'll move on to the next app but I thinking we're gonna save that for tomorrow because right now I just need to eat something cause I haven't eaten since like 9:00 and it's 3 p.m. right now so I'm gonna eat and then I'm gonna get back into it tomorrow and film the next app that we're gonna build so yeah well I'll see you tomorrow alright so it's day 2 and it's time for the second app of this video and before I get started I just want to say thank you to everyone who voted for a name for my newsletter and it's gonna be called what most people voted for which is clean code Friday and in case you haven't heard of it I just want to mention it quickly it's gonna be a short email that I'll send out every Friday containing a few bullet points regarding like the most interesting things I've found this week and that's gonna be things like podcast episodes I'm listening to or books um reading articles I've read productivity tips coding tips and tricks and really anything that I think you might enjoy and in case you want to sign up to this I will leave a link to that in the description of this video and also this is entirely inspired by Tim Ferriss as five bullet Friday so in case you see some similarities you probably should see some similarities because that is what I got my inspiration from but I hope you'll sign up and I also want to say thank you to everyone who has signed up I'm blown away again about how many people signed up to this already so yeah I just want to say thank you and let's get started with the second app all right so same as before we're gonna get start by just reading out the email and then we're gonna go through it and try to figure out what are the requirements and then try to come up with a design for it the app ID I have is one that would advertise jobs unemployment is an issue where I'm from and information and the lack thereof is one of the challenges I'm hoping this app can or will address the idea of the app is that it's free and will have job listings that I or someone can post many jobs yes do get advertised in the papers but not many people here can afford to purchase the papers daily this is the gap that I'm hoping the Apple bridge most people do have smartphones but dollar prices are pretty high but hopefully they'll reduce in the future and the app will then shortly have its pace alright so this is pretty simple it's gonna be an app where people can post different jobs and where you can then go to look for jobs essentially the guys said this in was mark cat wire or I'm not sure how to pronounce your name either but I think it's like cat wire or something so what we're gonna start with is just designing the first screen and I think I'm thinking that it's gonna be something where we have a list of all the jobs that are available right now and before we start we're gonna go and actually go to Pinterest and try to find colors that I like and a design that I like [Music] so on this page the first page but I want to be able to see is I wanna be able to see in different job categories and then I want to be able to also see different job listings so what I kind of think it would be cool is if it's like if you get the top listings or recently posted listings or something like that that you can just scroll through and no matter what the category of the job is so you kind of have that section where you can scroll through recently posted jobs and then you have a section below that that's going to be like where you can select specific categories and then within that you can search for those within those categories so this is going to be the screen essentially I'm going to build it out something similar in Adobe XD so a lot of people ask me why what software I use and I use Evernote for my note-taking and then Adobe XD for the app design all right well let's start [Music] all right so I think this is the design for now right now this doesn't look that good I haven't really finished assigning these cards but I think this is good enough to kind of get it to get a start so we're gonna build this out pretty quickly I think [Music] alright so now we've got the first part done and I'm pretty happy with the way that this actually turned out this I think this looks really good so what we get is this screen I did pretty much copy exactly what the design on Pinterest was for the color on the back here and it says find your new job and then you get a list here of all the jobs that are or the most recent job posts right now it's just a list of the same exact job post because I couldn't be bothered going through and like adding logos for other companies and then adding the details for the other companies so I just made a for loop that just creates the same company over and over again but I think it's enough because it kind of illustrates the point the next thing is gonna be to go through and create this stuff for all the job categories I think that should be pretty quick so let's just start building that straightaway [Music] I think this is pretty much it for this build or for this app so what we've got right now I'm pretty happy with this this actually looks really good it looks pretty clean and kind of get that gives you the feeling that I was going for when I was doing this so this is the page essentially you get here and you see a list of the recent jobs then the idea would be that you'd click these cards and then you'd get to a full page where you can see all the details of that job and then you can also apply through that page and then we have something else here where we have a list of all the different job categories and these are just the jobs that I kind of are their overarching categories that I came up with on the spot there are probably a few that I missed but these are kind of covers some of them at least and if you would do this when you turn this into a real app you would have to of course go through and like check that you actually have all the different categories within your app alright so that is the second app built and I hope you're pretty happy with it mark cat wire again I'm not sure how to pronounce your name but I hope you're happy with it mark and like I said on the previous one I will leave a link to this github repository in the description of this video so that you can just go and download that clone it and start working on it on your own and now it's again been about three hours for this build so we only have one more left but we're gonna do that tomorrow so it's gonna be a three day long thing so that is me done for today and now I'm just gonna rest for a bit and then probably work on some other things and then we'll get back to it tomorrow and finish off the third app this is turning out to be a lot bigger of a project than I thought it was gonna be and it's taken a lot longer but it's a lot of fun and this is the stuff that I really like to do is to get ideas for apps or come up with an idea for an app then just find a design for it and then build out that design so it is one of those things that I really like to do but now I'm gonna rest and then we'll be back tomorrow all right so today is day three on this enormous quest that I've embarked upon and today we're gonna do the third and last app we're gonna get that built and we're just gonna get straight into it because I just want to get started right now all right so this is the last app that we're gonna build in this video and this was sent in by so hi Eve cannon again another difficult name to pronounce for me at least but I hope you know who you are and we're just gonna go ahead read out what he sent us and also he sent a link to a website that he has which is the website that he essentially wants to create an app for so this is something that I will use as my inspiration when it comes to kind of the color scheme and the design of and feel of the app I guess all right so let's read it out the goal is that this is a web app I have a full-on web site that I made and I post a blog a week on it it's called mining chamber com if you look at it you'll get a lot of reference it will be exactly like the app and also the goal will be so people can get access to blogs and the lottery system and maybe some mining by using advertisements and pay the users their cut alright so that is kind of what he wants it's not super detailed but the thing is that I looked at his website and I thought that the website looks good and it has some good potential for an app so we're gonna start by looking at the website and trying to figure out kind of what we need for this app [Music] all right so this is kind of what I've come up with so far it's not the final design but it's it's a start at least and what I'm thinking is that if I press this then this thing should like go down and then a new one will pop up that's specific to that page but right now we're gonna start building this out and then we're gonna see kind of what that ends up looking like and then we'll do some more specific design work regarding like what what the final product is gonna look like all right so here we go this is what we ended up with this is what it looks like you can press the different buttons here and then you'll get to the different tabs I haven't added anything for any other tabs because we're just building one screen today but this is essentially the Home tab and this way you get the crypto library or the blog posts essentially so then you get a long list here of blog posts all the posts that have been posted and right now similar to the other apps that are built in this video it's just a bunch of the same exact post and then you can press read more and then you'd get to the actual article and then you could read that article I want to see if I can find something where I can set the color of the shadow to be something else and then I think we're pretty much done [Music] okay all right so I think I think I'm happy with what we've got now I added a little bit of a shadow here or like gradient to it and that just kind of makes the buttons here show a little bit better and it also kind of gives a little bit of another element I guess to to this app but with that I'm gonna say I'm pretty much happy with that so we're gonna again commit it to github all right so so high Ybor whatever your name was however you pronounce it so hope this ended up looking something like what you wanted it to look like and I feel like I say this all the time with all the apps that I build but I'm pretty happy with the design of this one I'm happy with the outcome and I mean there are some things that maybe given a little bit more time I could have refined or perfected but I'm pretty happy with this so far all right so that's the first video in this series done and I really enjoyed it it was a lot more work than I thought it was gonna be I kind of knew that it was gonna be a bit of work but I didn't really think about it too much I didn't realize that it takes quite a while even to just build out one screen for one app but I did really enjoy it and I hope that the ones that sent out these ideas that you guys actually liked the designs that I ended up making and that I hopefully got you started on your app and like I said I've said several times you can go to the description and just clone this and start building on your own the idea with this video is like I said at the start just to kind of get you started I'm not going to be able to build out an entire app in just one video and what I wanted to do also is kind of try to build out a couple apps so that it so that I can get through as many people as possible because I got a lot of emails on different app ideas so I also have a couple ones starred in my inbox so in case your app was not built in this video hopefully I can build it in a future video and also if you missed it last time you didn't send me an idea you can still send it to me at Cal builds your app at and I'll keep checking this email to see whether I get new ideas and I'll keep like making a long long list of ideas for apps to build in these videos so hopefully if you send me one of your ideas I can build that in a future video and lastly I just have one small request and that is that you give this video a like in case that you enjoyed it because I found out that that really helps the YouTube algorithm and that helps my video do even better and I put a lot of effort and thought into this video so I really want it to do well so if you can do that I'd really appreciate it but that's it for this one I hope you enjoyed it and I hope I'll see you in the next one [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Kalle Hallden
Views: 944,481
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Editing YOUR Photos!!, Peter McKinnon, devon crawford, Hardest Computer Science Course Explained | Angel of Death UoG, one day build adam savage, kalle hallden, kalle hålldén, flutter, python projects, learn python, python automation, flutter app example, python automation scripts examples, automation python scripts, flutter app design, automation python, how to build an app using flutter, flutter ui design, flutter tutorial, one day flutter build, ecommerce app flutter
Id: 9X_y8FJCNb0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 12sec (1512 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 04 2019
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