How I Learned Python in 7 Days

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[Music] today is finally the day where we learn python i've been putting this off for about six years now mostly because i've never really had a practical reason to learn but something really embarrassing happened to me a few months ago when i was filming the video giving away money to strangers for solving coding problems i had someone who wanted to solve the problem that i was going to give them in python i told them to go for it thinking that i would still be able to read through their code but i got lost and i actually had to rely on my cameraman nick to explain the problem to me now this took such a huge hit on my fragile program rigo i told myself i would never let this happen again so to make sure that today we're officially diving in to python now the title says seven days but the reality is i'll only be able to scratch the surface in that time frame i can't really become good at anything in seven days in this coding realm as there are no shortcuts when learning how to code but the goal here is to see exactly how much i can learn in seven days this video more or less is going to demonstrate my process of learning a new programming language i'm going to take you step by step day by day of my process when it comes to learning a new programming language and hopefully you will be able to find something useful from this vid that you can apply to your own learning process each day is pretty much going to be a different step where i tackle something new and if you're brand new to coding each step will probably take you way longer than a day but just remember there's no rush when learning how to code so anyways let's see how far i can get in these next seven days let's start learning python the first step of learning a new programming language well you gotta be able to run the code on your machine so i downloaded python picked pycharm as my code editor ran my first hello world program and then i got to learning the basics [Music] all right so day one was a success i learned about variables strings arrays classes functions blah blah blah you know the common things that every programming language has i actually watched a mosh tutorial on 2x speed and kind of slightly followed along with that once you learn the basics of programming these concepts pretty much transfer over to every other language it's just a matter of understanding the syntax now the goal for day two is to really nail this syntax down into my brain focusing on some python specific coding problems and depending on how much i want to torture myself i may even dive into some elite code using python but we'll see where the day takes us i spent a few hours doing some python coding challenges on this website and i decided to skip the lead code problems alright so today is saturday which means i have the whole day to dedicate to learning python and as you can tell i'm pretty excited so again yesterday was working on some python specific coding questions to really nail down that syntax and to be honest uh the python syntax is super easy to pick up on especially if you're familiar with programming the syntax is very readable and very uh english like which is why i think python is such a popular language so anyways this is where i want to say my day one and day two may be your month one or month two especially if this is your very first time learning a programming language again think of each day in this learning process as a new step now for day three the next step in this learning process i'm actually going to be building something with python but before we do that first i got to give a huge shout out to my friends over at for sponsoring this video privacy is a free service that allows you to buy things online without having to use your real credit or debit card information each time you make a purchase online you're putting your real card information and bank details at risk across the internet with privacy you can keep this delicate information secure by creating a virtual car so you never have to worry about giving your real information to people you don't know online now have you ever wanted to sign up for a free trial but didn't want to put your real card information in because you were scared that you would forget to cancel it later down the road and be charged i know i have privacy you can generate a one-time card number sign up for that trial and cancel it as soon as the transaction has gone through so to get started with privacy head on over to kenny create an account link your virtual card to your checking account or debit card add a limit to that card download the web extension for google chrome and make your purchase using that extension and it's as easy as that so as the holiday season approaches and you start browsing for new programming gear for yourself or your friends make sure you keep privacy in mind and use my link kenny for a free five dollars when you sign up privacy is an awesome service i really appreciate them for sponsoring this video now let's get back to learning python so yeah i'm actually going to be building something with python today it's not going to be my own unique project idea but i'm going to be uh following a tutorial this next step in the learning process is the imitation phase where we follow along with tutorials and we learn from people more experienced than us a turtle racer my very first python program i've ever written thanks tech with tim but enough of this child's play it was time to get down to actual business all right so i didn't actually have all day to spend learning uh python yesterday because i did have to do a four-hour road trip outside of the city which is why i am outside not my regular place for filming videos but actually the lighting conditions are pretty spot-on even though i didn't have all day to spend learning python i did do what i said i was gonna do i dived into a tutorial and i learned a little bit from that but today day four it is time to put my big boy pants on oftentimes when learning a new programming language just learning that language isn't enough to get you a job you kind of have to learn multiple languages with it or a framework with it in the case with python there are multiple roads you can go down in terms of career paths you can get into ai you can get into machine learning or you could even get into web development i think for me it is more practical to use python for web development as that kind of already aligns with my current uh career trajectory so because of that today i'm going to dive into a popular framework known as django or django i don't know if the d silent which yeah is a popular framework for developing uh web applications using python that's what we're going to spend our time on today is diving into that framework and once i kind of get familiar with this framework i'm going to start working on my own real personal projects which is ultimately the end goal when learning a new programming language so the seven-day python learning experience is finally over i decided to stop giving daily updates because i got lazy so let me quickly fill you in day four i learned uh django i actually learned it was called django i dived into django and i followed a tutorial and made a cute little uh media player but i realized i was spending way too much time tweaking the css and htl templates and django for this media player it was distracting me from my ultimate goal which was to learn as much as i could about python in these seven days now for the fifth and final step of learning a new programming language it is to put all that knowledge together that you've gotten through tutorials and coding challenges and to build your own projects so that's what i did day five through seven i worked on my own personal projects with python now i want to get the full python experience whenever you hear python you often think of ai and automation so i decided to uh build a bot now this bot will automate applying to jobs for me now the bot is about 200 lines of code which i'm not going to go over and bore you with that code in this video if you want to check that out link in the description it's on my github basically this bot will scrape to linkedin for job postings and after i provide it with some input it will apply to those jobs for me let me show you so this bot uses a library called selenium which will allow me to interact with web pages as well scrape data from those web pages so once i launch the bot it will take me to my linkedin account it will navigate to the jobs page it will then prompt me with what jobs i want to search for let's say android developer and then one by one it will scrape each posting tell me the position of the posting the company and the location it will then ask me if i'm interested in the job if i say yes it will provide me with the details of the job and then ask me if i want to apply if i say yes again it will navigate me through the job application form had me fill out any necessary questions and once that is done it will submit the application and move on to the next job posting in this case the bot requires a lot of input from the user but it wouldn't be hard to automate most if not all of that input pretty useless sure but that's programming baby as programmers solve problems that don't actually exist so that marks the end of my seven day journey learning python again i still don't know about python or django but this uh definitely set the foundation for my python ability you could say because this video was a hands-on step-by-step process of me learning a new programming language let me quickly go over all the steps that i followed number one getting familiar with the basic syntax number two coding challenges to get even more familiar with the syntax number three following along with coding tutorials number four researching the frameworks or additional tools you need to learn to get a job django in my case and number five building my own project anyways folks that is going to wrap up the video i hope you enjoyed it if you have any questions make sure you drop them below like subscribe and i'll see you all in the next one [Music] you
Channel: Kenny Gunderman
Views: 8,619
Rating: 4.9042253 out of 5
Keywords: programming, python, learn python, software engineering, coding, learn programming, programmer, coder, code, django, software development, learn how to code, python in 7 days, kenny gunderman
Id: PbNkn_746sU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 34sec (634 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 06 2021
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