NYU Film Application Yourselfie 2024 (ACCEPTED)

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I have to do this whole thing over again because my mic wasn't working and I didn't get any audio in on my other recording so let's do this one more time hi my name is Yi Hong and this is what makes uni unique my life started in the cold suburbs of Minnesota as a girl who was always on her own wling I was a very imaginative kid exploring every nook and cranny of the world or at that time boxes my curiosity sticks with me to this day and I've grown to be a person that tries any anything and everything I can get my hands on but nowadays you can always catch me crafting something blending unique outfits painting and video editing are three of my favorite pastimes because completing a project is hands down one of the most rewarding feelings you take different clothing different colors different videos to Showcase a story through each individual piece it's like speaking without words and showing my personality through all these different mediums is my second language so now you know I love to tell stories but but you don't know that I have a really bad memory and why does that matter well because I was sure that I'd forget things if I didn't write stuff down as soon as I got my hands on a device I started filming drawing writing doing everything I could to document my thoughts before they eventually just left my mind this hobby turned into a passion and my passion to create leads me to where I am today pursuing a career in film because film is about harmonizing every element of art there is Aesthetics music writing and showing a story just like this it's creating something memorable even if sometimes it's only memorable for me and that's what I love most creating lasting memories that even I will never forget and I really hope to make those memories on and off the camera at NYU I forgot I was going to say oh I'm done I'm done I'm done I'm done I'm done
Channel: yuemii
Views: 27,526
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: m3CblT35LSQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 1min 58sec (118 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 15 2024
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