How I Got a Job at Google as a Software Engineer (without a Computer Science Degree!)

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👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/xyz4d 📅︎︎ Nov 13 2017 🗫︎ replies
[Music] so I worked at Google in Montreux as a software developer / software engineer for a little over a year but my major and my university wasn't computer science or Computer Engineering it was statistics so how was I able to get this job without a computer science degree I'm going to explain the process I personally used step by step so here I present the six steps I personally used for getting a job at Google as a software engineer step one I took a few programming courses during my summer break and that gave me enough technical basis to start learning on my own after that these courses were on programming basics and data structures and algorithms and they were taught using Java step 2 I worked on a few personal projects first of all I used the website called project Euler to work on my programming fundamentals then my first real personal project after that was going to be like the reddit of Japan because nothing like ready existed in Japan at the time so I built a simple prototype using a language called Ruby and it worked but in the end I was actually too afraid to release it maybe I was too shy but still I enjoyed the process a lot and I enjoyed learning a new programming language on my own too step 3 thanks to my personal project I eventually landed my first technical internship it was at a tiny tiny start-up in Tokyo and it was as a software engineering intern I think I was able to get that job partly because I had demonstrated without reddit in Japan project that I was able to build stuff with Ruby and something called Ruby on Rails and step forth again more experience in the tech industry with a few more internships this time actually at Microsoft these internships were in something called data science and product management as I explained in a previous video I was able to get these internships thanks to the combination of my statistics background my first technical internship as a software engineer and a few more personal project I worked on after the one I mentioned earlier Step five I prepared myself for software engineering interviews I used resources like cracking the coding interview and lead code I'm going to put links to those resources below in case you're interested but I found that the most helpful thing I did by far for preparing for software engineer interviews was doing mock interviews with my friends practicing with my friends was a really good practice for me so I'd be less nervous in the actual interview and actually when I gave mock interviews to my friends as if I'm the interviewer that was really helpful to giving a mock interview to my friends helped me understand what it feels like to be in the interviewers shoes and I think it's really really important and this is a point that's often overlooked the reason why it's so important is because at the end of the day your job interview whether it's technical or non-technical it's just a form of a communication and just like in any other form of communication it's crucial that you understand the other person's perspective in this case the interviewers perspective not just yours and step 6 I applied and actually I kept applying as I mentioned in a previous video I applied to Google at least five times over the course of two years or so and in the end I had five separate interviews for five different positions at Google and I got rejected the first four times so I only got through the last one but the first four interviews I did they're never gonna be on my resume so nobody really cares that I failed four times at this point all right those are the six steps but there is something else I want to tell you whether you're applying for a job trying to start a business or looking for a girlfriend or boyfriend when you go for something you really want this whole process can be really hard and it's actually really discouraging for most people so it's almost inevitable for you to keep getting rejected by your potential employers or by your potential girlfriends or boyfriends and if you're trying to start a business it's also very common for your business idea is to keep failing one after another but at the end of the day nobody cares about the things that didn't work out none of those rejections are not gonna be on your resume so nobody will care about them the only thing that matters is what you get in the end so if you're in the process like that right now if you're going for something you really want maybe it's hard maybe you get discouraged sometimes but keep going because eventually you get there if you don't give up okay that's all I have for this video if you want more videos like this like this video and subscribe for more and if you have any requests about what kind of videos I should make in the future let me know in the comment section below as well and I'll see you in the next video
Channel: CS Dojo
Views: 1,358,631
Rating: 4.9583054 out of 5
Keywords: how to get a job at google, how to work at google, are you smart enough to work at google, how to get a job at microsoft, how to get a job at facebook, how to get a job at amazon, how to get a job at palantir, how I got an internship at google, how I got my job at buzzfeed
Id: UPO-9iMjBpc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 5sec (305 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 01 2017
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