HOW I Fooled Penn & Teller!!! (FULL EXPLANATION!)

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and the part of the show that doesn't matter nearly as much is the fact that you're foolish I cannot believe 20,000 of you guys subscribe thank you so much that makes me so happy and I'm a man of my word this video will be detailing exactly how I fooled Penn and Teller the secret is in this box okay this video has like 900 comments of your guesses of how I did this trick so I just want to reiterate the three most popular guesses that you guys have I've thought that how this works the three most popular guesses are the first one was just trying to be crazy everybody thinks it's done this way and it makes absolutely no sense you guys think that I took the peanut I look what he wrote on it and then in the Box I had a sharpie and I tried duplicating the peanut but the second one is it was a popular guest amongst magicians because I gave teller a bag of peanuts I wanted him to think that those peanuts maybe were special a lot of people think that there was a magnet in the lid of the box and there's a little magnet in every single peanut in that Ziploc and the third one is that I switched peanuts and then when I dropped it in the box that was a different peanut that was going in the box and I held it in my hand put in my pocket put in my mouth in the box all those three guesses are wrong okay so if you guys are ready to see how I fooled Penn & Teller if you want to see what's in this box liked this video and let's get right to it here is the secret [Music] this is how I fooled Penn and Teller what I did is I took a cloth and on it I printed hundreds of packing peanuts should we die we should do it with the video let's deal with the video mmm all right I'll exploit by the way thank you so much for all the help of that you did with this routine it really takes a team it takes it takes it an army to build a village not what is it that takes a small army no our mechanics morning to people to do a salad burn I want to give the cloth away the best funniest comment is gonna get the gimmick that I use to fool Penn & Teller I'll sign it for you I don't want it in my house I never want to do it again go I just want to give it to you then I'll ship Alex in the box with your boy what no refunds all right all right right here when I come on state this is cheap you see Pete packing peanuts go flying everywhere that's Keith that's wanted there we go when I do this with my hand and the peanuts go everywhere that is strategic I want him to see that it's a box filled with packing peanuts because that's not the case this box is not filled with packing peanuts here's the real secret the box actually opens on both sides the cloth we showed you is tacked inside the box halfway so half the box is filled with packing peanuts and if you flip the box you see the cloth printed with all those packages yes now the first kind of wheat the weird the weird thing is when I approach teller with that bag we wanted to kind of throw the bomb to normal bag and normal peanuts we kind of want to throw them off a little bit because why would I get them to come up and pick a peanut from the box or why would I scoop it with my hands and bring them it was just more theatrical and they know about the change baggage baggage there you guys know about change bags so it was kind of like to kind of throw them off a little bit so as I signing the peanut I'm going back on stage and mixing the boss with Damian was a Damian Fabian thank you thank you to do that's debuting by the way yeah by the way y'all great yeah you look great up there so here's the idea when I go back on stage and mix the box with Fabian to show them how to mix it what we're really doing is we're mixing the Bob and that I'm showing him like this like this like this and we end up turning the box and I send them to is to go sit down on the stool because when I open that box now there's gonna be a cloth with packing peanuts and I don't want him to see that so that was the first step to doing this flip the box over now walking back as I reunite the peanut it drops in now this is a shot here drops with all the other ones now it's just laying and there's a peanut laying on the cloth right now I'd close the box so fair - it's so fair because said and that's what a pen guest pen guest that I dropped in some sort of jar or container by the way I there's something I haven't mentioned and this is huge there was a 10% chance that this trip didn't work yeah that's good what I was afraid of as a professional magician who does this for a living I can't afford a trick to go wrong especially on national television when you have one chance there was a chance while we're mixing the box that the cloth got intact and he was mixing it very hard when I was like come on shake what your mama gave you yeah Sheikh he was shaking and we try so many different ways also you get the cloth nice and to be like still and to not move and to stay there yeah that's the second that another packing peanut worth going inside of that compartment or that thing there he gets it gets flooded and yeah so there was a 10% chance and I think that's what kind of foolin he's born it gets a glue as I'm opening the box because I don't want him to see that cloth so then we cover ourselves in glue the packing peanut is just there laying on the cloth the glue a lot of people have been talking about the glue they're like what was the point of the glue and somebody said it best when they're like dude it's misdirection theater no drama me covering funny it's super funny this money also in actually I ruined my suit yeah that's good enjoy I left it a Vegas in a bathtub yeah I did right I really did so there we go you guys have stuck around this long you've earned the best secret for my trick and this is it a lot of people like would you do with the cloth after [Music] this is exactly what I did in the box as you guys were counting I was stuffing this into my pants just like yes such a weirdness such a weird Methos in the box stuff and then I come out hand both gulp I chilled the box I took part they can see through the box I'll never guess it's a gimmick box and all along the club was inside your pants in my pants and that's a giveaway and that's the one one lucky subscriber uh you're disgusting and the rest is the rest is history and I'm gonna share something with you guys which is a little embarrassing in 2017 my youtube licks to get a hundred thousand subscribers then I cross it off 2018 the 2019 and then 2020 Joe Penna disgusting because of you guys today a hundred thousand subscribers thank you guys for sticking around thanks to you for being a person that you are Alex you don't forget to comment with the most likes will win the gimmick now I will wash it I'm gonna wash it guys down my pants but I'll wash it so here's a win the gimmick that I will Penn & Teller without cited for you I'll write whatever you want on it can I can I announce it here I'm gonna announce it here can we I think we can Alex got accepted to go on Penn & Teller Flula so excited in September and we're working on the act full-time that's what we're doing now working on his app and I'm gonna give you a little teaser what his act is gonna be that's all you guys are getting yeah stick around to see your progress mm-hmm okay showoff that's how I got circumcised yeah let's see the next video guys you see a magician do a magic trick they probably didn't think of it I did
Channel: Eric Leclerc
Views: 1,757,807
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: eric leclerc penn and teller, magic revealed, penn and teller masterclass, penn and teller fool us, eric leclerc, is eric leclerc married
Id: S4TTjsmSotU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 10sec (490 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 06 2020
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