How I Destroyed the Leaning Tower of Pisa (IT) - Blender Non Tutorial

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thank you here is how I destroyed the iconic cleaning Tower of Pisa in Italy I started by making camera tracking on some Drone footage that I purchased online then I selected a bunch of points in the floor and I was able to reveal the geometry using 3D markers to mesh function this is actually a mesh composed of just vertices where you start filling these points you are able to have a very nice starting point for rebuilding the environment following the same concept I also revealed a very rough shape of the church which I am gonna use just as a shadow catcher eventually a holdout but for sure I'm gonna use it as a collider for the particles and the dirty bodies after that I extended the boundaries of this floor by simply stood in some edges now I needed a Clean Plate a version of the footage without the tower so I combined together some tester painting together with some actual 3D geometries that I placed in strategic places in the floor and all of this setup combined together seen from the camera basically is completely hiding the tower finally I got my Clean Plate footage I described this process more in detail in step by step in this tutorial that you can find in my patreon after that I needed a 3D model of the pizza Tower so I took the model from Google mash and I imported that in blender the process for making this possible is very confusing and full of problems I made this as simple as possible for you in this other tutorial that you can watch in my pattern as well after that I isolated the tower from the rest of the geometry that I don't need and I simply replace that in the right place scaling and rotating until it was happy now since this was supposed to be for distraction purpose I needed to rematch the geometry because it was a complete mess the rematch didn't really work so I ended up simply deleting the rematch modifier and I just accepted to have a completely messed up Geometry now looking at sound references online I noticed some internal stairs and structure that was pretty interesting and I decided to do the same because why not let's add more geometry to this already messed up object so I built some internal walls in some stairs I also remade the texture from scratches because I didn't really like the texture coming from Google Maps so I combined together a bunch of noise texture and when I was happy with that I'm wrapping the faces and hitting the big button in Cycles so that I can replace all of this node setup with one single image tester which is necessary if you are going for distraction on top of that I also tested painted some additional elements like the door and other stuff at the end I was pretty happy with that it's more than enough for what I need also because this is supposed to be seen from very far friendly reminder you should never try to fracture an object with this huge amount of vertices this is literally hike but just recently I figured out a new workflow that lets me to fracture even the most messed up geometry in the world you can find the tutorial explaining all of this in my pattern as well so I'm not scared anymore even if I have a very messed up Geometry it just requires a little bit of patience because of the slow fracturing process I separated the base from the rest of the Tower and finally it was time to jump into the core part of the distraction process RBD lab air on 4 blender you can find this add-on on blender market I'll leave you the link in the description actually if you are interested so I started scattering a bunch of points and for this time I wanted to really exceed all my previews as experiments in blender by going literally high with the amount of Max chunks I decided to go with 1500 broken chunks which is pretty high with this completely messed up Geometry it requires a lot of waiting times when you hit the fracture button after that as expected by following my new technique for fracturing I was able to get currently my fractured tower now in every lab errand you can basically switch at any time from the low poly versions of All These Broken chunks to the high poly versions the high poly versions they look better they have a lot of additional details in the cracks and stuff the low poly version instead are suitable for fizzy simulation and for speeding up the viewport performance so potentially I would work always just showing the low poly version the high poly are going to be there just invisible they are going to show up only when you render the scene this is a very cool function now it was finally time to jump into the physics part and so I simply activated the rigid bodies first thing to do when you activate the rigid bodies is to check if your energy bodies explode or just fall down in this case they work correctly if they explode you just have to clean up the geometry of the rich buddies resetting the origin in the center as well after that I selected a few chunks in the base and I set them as Ridge bodies passive so that they are not going to move and I can have a little bit of irregular pattern at the base now it was finally time to jump into the constraint panel because I wanted to connect all of these rigid bodies together and especially my favorite way of using constraints is by having clusters clusters is one of the functions that I was waiting since a very long time and is there now in RBD lab Erin basically you can generate big broken parts of your object these broken parts are gonna fall on their own and when they hit the ground they are gonna shatter in smaller parts which will give me a much more realistic result in the distractions simulation first test with the physics and it looks already pretty cool here is my final constraint setups the red lines are basically the strong constraints I usually like to use a very low strength for the inter-clusters blue constraints and instead the red constraints are going to have a much higher strand so that basically you're going to see the tower breaking first in big chunks and later they are going to shatter more in smaller and smaller parts also all this way of visualizing the constraints in RBD lab add-on is amazing at this point I wanted to have some extra fun by playing a little bit with the activators function basically where this Cube are gonna intersect their body they are going to activate some specific function in particular in this case whenever this cube is going to assert the rigid bodies it's gonna melt down all the constraints intersecting this Cube as a result I got exactly the simulation that I was having in mind with the tower starting to collapse from the base all the Tower falling down in just one piece and then destroying when it hits the floor when the physics look okay usually I make a big of the Dynamics and I export a render from the viewport viewport render animation which is very fast usually takes just some seconds the priority is just to check that the speed of the simulation is okay it is too fast or too slow now is the time to adjust it so it was okay but I decided to delete this bake because simply the stupid Tower was keeping going in the wrong direction was hitting the church and this was creating extra problems that I didn't want to face to fix this I added a couple of forces that can basically push the tower in the direction that I want it and this basically fixed the problem for me now I baked again all the physics because I was happy and was time to add that extra level of detail with particles I always literally boost the amount of particles because they don't really charge your computer like Rich bodies and especially everyday on has made an amazing job in managing the particle systems basically it calculates automatically the speed and the distance between all the broken chunks and it multiple applies those values combining them together with the emission of the particles now the first thing I notice is that all my particles were exploding in the air the reason is simple is because I have two forces to fix that I just went into the particles options in RBD lab iron and I decreased the force influence to Zero by doing this the forces are gonna just push the bodies out of the tower but not the particles I also activated the Collision for all the environment objects like the church and the houses and the floor so that they are going to interact with the particles as well now here is a common problem with the particles basically I call this the popcorn effect you can see these little particles literally going in the air in the moment of the collapse this is a common problem when using object velocity option in the particle systems and just recently the guys of RBD lab has found an amazing fix that is very simple you just need to increase the subframes to just one and update and basically this tricks is the problem for you and with something that was very annoying for a very long time so that's a life savior solution at this point it's not convenient that every single broken chunk will emit particles for real just some of them in particular in RBD lab Anon there is this very useful selection tool that is based on the size of the chunks you just tweak this number until you are happy with the selection and then you go in the mute option and this will turn off all the particle systems only in these selected chunks this has a huge impact in the viewport performance and also in the speed of the render and especially in the realism of your simulation now I can tweak the particles forever but I decided that I want to jump into the smoke part I exported to alembic from blender to ambergen so I exported one single alembic for the environment which is going to be a collider for the smoke and another alembic for just the collapsing part of the Tower so the tower is going to be the emitter of the smoke and the environment instead is just going to interact with collisions it was just a big pleasure to work in Ambridge and simply because it works in real time if you know what I'm speaking about the smoke simulation part it was always a nightmare back in the days until ambrogen arrived simply because in all software this smoke simulation and similar are extremely slow instead in aperture now everything is growing so fast and has become the most fun part of the process I can spend days having fun tweaking all the options however once I was happy with my Xbox simulation I exported that VDB sequence and I imported that in blender back to blender I simply had to realign the position of my GDP sequence closer to the Tower and finally everything was working very well together after some tweaking in the Shader for the smoke with the density and the color I also realized that there was simply too much smoke in the Tower Zone and basically the tower was not visible and so I decided instead to create this system in blender directly in the Shader for which basically where there is this empty the smoke density is zero and it works pretty fine now it was time to add an additional level of details production create is the best way to go basically it's a website in which you can download a bunch of stock elements in video formats that you can easily Import in blender using the import images as plain add-ons that comes by default with blender all these additional elements are not going to charge your computer because they are just flat planes with a video testers that easily increase the level of realism and detail on your simulation so I imported a bunch of ground cracks in parts and similar until I was happy with the result and finally it was time to export everything and jump into the compositing part color matching and color correction and also some additional problem with the masking of some walking people and after a bit of compositing this is the final result foreign thank you very much for watching consider joining my patreon which you can get more frequently posted tutorials and assets and original projects sometimes I'll see you in the next one [Music]
Channel: Raffo VFX
Views: 96,788
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blender, vfx, tutorial, destruction, simulation, phisycs, 3d, embergen, rbdlab, blenderdestruction, ianhubert, blenderguru, cgmatter, titan, titanimplosion, ai, cgi, vfxbreakdown, breakdown, pisa, tower, pisatower, leaningtowerofpisa, torrepisa, torredipisa, italy, italia, nvidia, geometrynodes, beginner, blenderbeginner, howto, tracking, cameratracking, setextension
Id: Yq2t3bUL32E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 17sec (677 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 18 2023
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