HOW I DESIGN CUSTOM LOGOS (Procreate Tutorial)

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if you want to see how I created this custom logo then keep on watching [Music] hello everyone and welcome back to my channel if you are new here thank you so much for coming welcome to an episode of wine and design where we sip on wine or your favorite beverage we talk about graphic design and hang out every single Wednesday and Sunday so I really hope you guys stick around today's video is going to be so fun because I'm bringing back the design with me videos I have missed those so much I know I used to do them all the time and that's really how I started wine InDesign I always wanted it to be behind the scenes of me working on my graphic design client projects and kind of just utilizing that time to check in and really explain why I'm designing what I'm designing so I'm very excited to bring it back I have missed just designing with you and being super creative and today's video is going to be so fun because this is actually a client that is like super idea deal for me this is like my kind of dream client to be honest they are the sweetest couple and they are starting a really cool kind of Elixir drink company where they actually took Cacao from India they went to India and they studied cacao pods and figured out really their passion behind it and now they're creating these amazing drinks that help you with energy and overall Wellness so totally up my alley and I'm so excited to kind of get fun with it and make some really cool illustrations and add some character to the brand so I cannot wait to show you guys that and kind of walk through that creative process so really hope you guys go and grab your favorite beverage today I'm drinking a white wine and I think it was chardonnay from Italy I cannot remember I got it from Trader Joe's it's amazing it's from Italy and it tastes super refreshing even though it's like really cold outside it's almost like fall already so um drinking that and I hope you guys go grab whatever you want to drink that way we can just sit down hang out and create together so let's hop in to the very initial stage of the process which is me actually just drawing out my initial ideas of what I was picturing for the logo and this part of the process is not perfect I kind of just brain dumb my ideas and never show anyone else these drawings so special little treat for you all because to get to see them but let's hop into the video when it comes to creating a logo there's so much more that goes into it it's not just a logo and this is something I used to provide my clients I used to just do a logo and while I think sometimes that can work I really kind of came to the conclusion that for myself and my clients I prefer to have a full branding experience and really diving into the passion behind the brand so that I not only feel excited about it but that I can really have a beautiful presentation of exactly how the brand should look everywhere and on everything so I actually bring the whole branding together by starting off with the inspiration which is the mood board and really just coming up with the textures behind the brand the colors behind the brand and the overall inspiration so that's my very initial step I'll include the mood board and inspiration for this brand right here so you guys can take a look I'm sorry if you hear anything in the background that's my cat Leo he is um probably going to get the Zoomies in a second but um so I always start with the inspiration and then I dive into the values behind the brand sometimes I'll do the values before the mood board but typically I just jump into whatever I feel most inspired to do so the values for this brand were listed right here and then I also like to come up with that mission statement so that we really understand the goals behind what exactly we're doing and why we're doing it so I really really prefer to bring the whole logo together with all of those pieces of the brand and having that strategy behind it so that I'm not just blindly jumping into a logo and not really understanding how this is going to look on everything like how they're going to really present their Instagram how they're really going to present their Tick Tock or whatever it is and the voice behind the brand so I really have found that all those pieces help me create a beautiful logo so now when it comes to the logo design so after we've approved the mood board the values and all that looks good and I'm on the right track then I like to like I mentioned before brain dump all of my ideas so when it I'll go on Pinterest and kind of get some inspiration I'll go maybe on Instagram and get some inspiration but for the most part this stage of the process is coming straight from the brain and so I called it a brain dub because I really just want to pour out everything I've kind of pictured for this brand and for this brand in particular I keep on picturing a really cool like cacao pod with the writing in the middle of it I just think that would bring some character to the brand and be really really fun for them so these sketches were really rough but something I just wanted to kind of throw out there so that if I hit a roadblock or if I'm like staring at my computer not sure what to design next at least I'll have some ideas to back up on and look back at so I did that but I also am providing for this client custom illustrations that's part of the package that they wanted um they really like some of my drawings so I was like I can definitely include that for you guys so the custom illustrations are going to be used throughout their website potentially used on their kind of food truck things so the illustrations are going to be used as branding elements everywhere but I think that they could also be used on the logo so I wanted to start that in the very beginning so that I can have these elements to play around with [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] so I always use procreate on my iPad procreate is an amazing app it does cost money it's very affordable though and the apple pencil has been game changer for me to really get like that super responsive lines and beautiful drawings so I like to just kind of go for it and sometimes I'll have to trace like original image of images of like a tree or cacao pot or whatever it is I'm drawing but for this one I felt really comfortable doing it freehand so I just went for it and I can always change these colors later to their colors and their brand palette but I figured just to start I don't like to waste time and think about it I just want to begin foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] so I was creating that awesome kind of illustration of the cacao pod in all the different forms so I can play around with that in the logo um so once I have those illustrations done I am then going to bring them into illustrator as PNG images but they're not vectorized yet so I'm going to actually image Trace them and from there we will actually get a vectorized piece of art which is pretty awesome sometimes though that I won't be able to change the colors very easily if there's a lot of like lines and stuff but for this one such it's a very simple drawing this should be very easy to change the colors but sometimes I will need to bring it into Photoshop and do like a paint bucket kind of thing or edit directly on procreate but I like to just do black and white logo because it traces it the cleanest in my opinion and the most like it just looks like the most accurate compared to what I've drawn so once I have that vectorized image then I just start creating logo the next step for me is to usually typically look for the fonts because that's one of the most important parts of the logo and I sometimes will manipulate the fonts and play around with that but I'm just going to let the video go as I search for those fonts [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] so if you're wondering how many initial Concepts I said my client honestly I give them a range of numbers because with some clients I have millions of ideas and I never want to limit myself to whatever how many ever Concepts I told them so I always give them a range of number from four to six initial Concepts and if I create four that's great if I create six that's amazing if I create 10 that's that's over achieving so I always like to give them a range of numbers that way I'm not like I said constrained to a specific number of Concepts so for this client I have a feeling it'll be closer to the six concept amount because I'm just so inspired by this brand and I feel just really connected to it so I'm just gonna start creating um just let the screen go show you guys what I design and how I'm designing it and then I will check in with you in a little bit how [Music] long [Music] you dwell somewhere somewhere I know [Music] is coming in it's true it left something something [Music] [Music] to you [Music] [Music] don't know [Applause] [Music] [Music] the Sun's shining shines [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] do you still know [Music] s tell me [Applause] foreign [Music] guys as always I have not finished my wine but we will definitely finish that tonight but I really just wanted to thank you guys so much for sticking around and watching me create these logos I'm so excited to send these to the client if you guys want to see the whole process of me then editing the logos changing whatever it is that they want to see changed let me know I can totally film that process um I definitely would love to do that with you guys but I'm so excited this was such a fun just brand to create and I feel so honored to be able to create this with them and I'm so excited that I was able to share that with you too but let me know what you guys think let me know which concept was your favorite if you liked any of them and um I cannot wait to see you guys in more videos If you enjoyed this video I would appreciate it so much if you gave it a thumbs up and subscribe down below and I always want to mention that my courses are always open for enrollment I don't really have that like limited enrollment time so if you ever want to join my courses they will always be linked down below and I also am going to have more free trainings there's a free training available down there too if you want to check that out and learn a little bit more um definitely do so because I just cannot wait to connect with you more but thank you so so much for watching this video I really hope you guys enjoyed and Happy fall I hope you guys have a good rest of your week and I will see you guys in my next video blinds how to reach for the city lights [Music]
Channel: Megan Weeks
Views: 46,153
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: graphic designer, work vlog, day in the life as a designer, designer job, tips to be a good graphic designer, desginer, graphicdesign, graphic design job, graphic design career, graphic design, cold call, graphic design cold call, graphic design clients, real client call, graphic design course, graphic design tutorials
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 6sec (1146 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 21 2022
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