How I Completely Changed The Ride Of My Cheap Mercedes!

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hey everyone monkey wrench Mike we are back with another video on Yep this is it right here this is one of the most popular vehicles on the channel yeah this is the mid99s Mercedes wagon you are starting to get a little bothersome animals okay I got the duck there I got the dog there and I got one super duper squeaky car so what's in the box right here is going to fix this we are also hopefully going to address engine mounts and whatever else I can find that is wrong with this car so without further Ado play the intro and we're going to get these beautiful hands just really really dirty that is a backbone to something that got dragged in here and eaten please be dead please be dead oh I smashed his brain yeah we got rain hunt for the second vehicle has taken us [Music] to what are you going to say it's just too much for me to screw out what do you think about this car mike Mikey likes you like it Mikey likes I'm in the car well we had the front wheel removed we have the new lower control arm right there we have the old one still attached I have marked these little concentric Rings right here we're focusing on the wrong thing right there but anyway this is when you go for an alignment this is how they kind of align your wheels there's one on each side okay so basically what I'm going to try to do is just replace the control arm and leave all of this attached I saw it on a video on YouTube so it's got to be possible I can only get one of my strut compressors in here and it's the wrong kind anyway we're going to be very careful we're going to take those two bolts out we got the one bolt that is right here that has to come out we'll support it with my other Jack right there and then hopefully hopefully hopefully we can get her loose it doesn't take a whole lot of tools a couple of 22s and an 18 and a 19 I think and then it should just drop out hopefully if I have the spring compressed enough but let's see what happens all right this is where I sprayed that silicone to stop the squeaking it lasted about a week um and then the squeaking came back okay so let's see how bad the original is and how nice the new one shall be yeah you just had to get a word in didn't you after about 2 hours Lola's even given up we got it out okay and let me just tell you if you don't have the right tools you don't have the right spring compressor just don't even do it don't even attempt it because it's going to screw you up this is the old look at that it there's nothing left this is the new I can't even get it to move right there so that's good These are nice and tight this is good this is the reason it was so hard to get these bolts out okay they had just literally almost rusted in place so we'll clean this off we got some nice lubricant we're going to put this in here like this well actually it goes like this we will align our marks so the steering is correct we'll get it all installed so it's just kind of backwards the reverse of what I've done but this if you seriously if you don't have the right spring compressor don't even try it because this was way way too scary way too involved and way too overdue that's a hot mess right there well it has been another 3 or 4 days and I got to tell you this is going to solve all of our problems when it comes to compressing a spring these Harbor Freight jobs are terrifying they are so scary and it's not the right tool for the job cuz all sorts of things get in the way basically these kind of Click onto here you TI tighten it up and it compresses the spring when the spring is already partially compressed you can't even get these in there so it's out with the old and hopefully my new Chinese tools also terrifying uh is going to work basically this fits inside and thank you Lola for that appreciate that uh it compresses it from the inside so it goes something like this and then something like this you want 1 2 3 4 5 six seven in between the two this goes up in the middle of it and you tighten it up and it compresses the spring then you supposedly will have access to everything you need to have access to if that makes sense so yeah this is going to be fun let me get this all set up and then we will woo yeah that's that's terrifying here we go that's how it fits this is scary hopefully that's enough so we got to make sure this goes in the groove right down here and then we just kind of button it up okay okay there we go with that and this guy we'll sit right there you come up to hold everything in place okay now let's see if we can do this I may have to tighten it up some more dag nabit yes okay that's fantastic now oh my gosh let's get the red thread locker lock everything up lower it all it's going to be perfect all I can say is thank God she's in okay everything looks good from here it's lovely when your little discs get caught in the springs okay there's not a lot of room and you can't you know in the video they show you it just slides up where there's more room pop it right out no problem that's not real life my friends it is not real life so anyway we got her going that's good we'll get the wheel back on and then after about a week of work we're going to move on and do um what's next oh yeah engine mounts as far as motor mounts there's the new one this came out of the box um it does say melee Germany and then it says made in China so I don't know and this F looks very suspicious so we'll just see I got two of them one for each side so it's now made in China for Germany I guess maybe or this is the original and then they just filled it with oil who knows as far as the old one goes you get a 17 on top a 17 down below there's a little 10 holding this uh heat shield on I kind of leave that loose sometimes um and you raise the engine from below and it just comes out like this okay the only thing you have to worry about you have a little tab right there see that part that sticks up it goes through the heat shield and that tells you which way everything is fine um this one it doesn't look bad at all there's just nothing on it there's no melee there's no made in China there's nothing so anyway on with the new out with the old maybe it just lost the oil who knows can't be any worse than it is so we'll get the new one installed right here and then we'll do the other side which is a little more difficult I did remove as you can tell the uh fan here we go there it is there it is get the little Notch the little Notch kind of goes through there and we'll get it all buttoned up um yeah we removed the Box this side is going to be much more fun but I just wanted to show you that's where that's why I love a strait six you get so much room to work on things we did it absolutely Yep this old girl has a lot of life left in her now don't be too alarmed the wheel is kind of cockeyed and everything because she just hasn't settled we got the new control arm on we have the left and the right this way left and right engine mounts ready to go and I'm going to take a new camera along for our test drive this is the insta 360 it's not sponsored this is all Bird poo I got bombed this morning um and it looks horrible but I don't want to was it cuz I'm too lazy right now but we're going to see how this does with some driving uh footage so I think that's recording and we're just going to get in turn the key take her for a spin and see how she drives it's got to be better I mean it really has to be so much better it can't be worse all right hopefully she's going to start first turn of the key yes ma'am all right I'm sorry you don't get to go with me this time you got to stay here sorry okay we also have Lola locked inside the house um let's just hope the wheel doesn't fall off I think if we can get by the day without that happening that's going to be really nice okay I think it's going to work let's lock the G the duck inside and then we'll continue window was down to listen for weird sounds and I can tell already the engine mounts even though they looked about the same height they were just a sco is a good word taller and I can feel the difference already I really can so let's just kind of take a cruise around the neighborhood I don't hear any squeaking or squawking or anything this old girl she wants to live she really does and just the way things are coming together wood included she's marvelous she really does look good let's kind of go this way I'm just not happy with the exhaust right now I thought I got it I tightened up the exhaust uh connectors to the exhaust pipe the exhaust manifold as tight as can be but it still feels like there's a little bit of a leak feels like sounds like it sounds like there's a bit of a leak okay okay so what comes next that right there the uh three two to three flare I think is what it is I have a new spring for that so that will be I think the next video in the series on the Wonder wagon um and then what do I do with the car you know I have two I have the other one that um we just started the process on getting the title for because the guy I bought it for from was just selling it for parts and he did not um give me a bill of sale or anything and then he was going to hopefully you know work on getting the title and then he kind of dissed me and forgot about me which is okay you hear the brakes that doesn't sound good maybe they're just going to wear off some more I mean I had the car in the back of the house for 3 weeks maybe so there is some rust on the calipers but back to the subject at hand um we're working on the title on the uh Rat wagon um this one what do I do with it do I keep it do I sell it is there a market I've seen unfortunately two or three of these things in Oklahoma Facebook Marketplace but they're all in really terrible condition this is much better much nicer this one runs and drives which is better better than some of the other ones but let me know what you think I should do with it I love it I mean it's a beautiful beautiful vehicle I just happen to have two of them and the other one is actually in better condition so yeah I think that's going to wrap it up folks so thank you very much for watching we are back with another video very very soon until then have a great day keep wrenching with those kids if you have kids that are interested in cars please please please start working with them show them how to change the tire change the oil and then um keep going from there all right have a good one we'll see you again bye-bye
Channel: Monkey Wrench Mike
Views: 15,628
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 1995 mercedes e320 wagon, mercedes s124 wagon, mercedes e320 control arm replacement, mercedes w124 control arm replacement, mercedes s124 control arm replacement, mercedes w124 enging mount replacement, mercedes s124 engine mount, mercedes e320 engine mount replacement, monkey wrench mike, auto auction rebuilds, waldo's world, legit street cars, samcrac, tavarish, hoovie's garage, car wizard
Id: C53Pfuy6VWE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 38sec (878 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 19 2024
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